In the aftermath of Ganondorf's death, Link and Zelda had watched Midna leave, and with heavy hearts, rode back to Hyrule Castle, determined to convince the people that at last, they were safe. The Castle was mostly destroyed, and over 300 people had lost their lives, but the people were gathered around the cracked statue of the Triforce in the town, and waited with fear as Link gave a speech, the first one he had ever given.

"People of Hyrule!" He started, the heart broken people looking to him with fear, desperation, and hope in their eyes. "You have been lied to. For the months prior, you thought you were safe, that you were the only ones here. That's just not true. Ganondorf came from a place far from here, from a realm of shadow and fire, and he came through another world, a Dark World, to get to ours. Hyrule is not alone. But that's okay. We are a strong people. Look at us!" He said, standing up straight. "We built a resistance! We fought against the beasts that attacked us, and here we are! We're survivors! We're going to bend around whatever is thrown at us, and we're going to overcome it. We're Hylian. Adapting is what we do best. Some of us did loose family members, and I cannot apologize enough for not being there to save them. I'm not a hero. I was raised on a farm, herding goats and making cheese, I'd used a sword maybe 5 times before all of this. Yet I picked it up, and didn't stop until I stopped Ganondorf. Hylians are able to adapt to any situation, so that's what we're going to do!" The people began to look at each other, with kind smiles. "The Goddesses' gift to us is hope! We can, we will, rebuild Hyrule! If I have to do it alone, I will do it alone, but I'm willing to bet that I'm not."One man stood on a box, to look at Link.

"I'm with you, hero." He said. Another man stood up, and a woman with her baby.

"We're with you, hero." One by one, they all said it, joining Link in his determination to rebuild life. "We're with you, hero!"

"That speech really rallied the people." Zelda said, sitting at the head of a long table in the Hylian Royal dining room, a feast being held for the council and the princess. Link sat at her side, much to the council's protest, slowly eating a meal that cost more than the entirety of Ordon. He cleared his throat.

"Just doing what I can. In my travels, I've learned that the people of Hyrule can overcome anything, if they have someone to follow." Zelda smiled fondly.

"Councilmen," she said, tapping on her glass. "I propose a toast to Link, the Hero of Hyrule, and the savior of life. His fight was what-" a council woman interrupted her.

"Your highness, Link was not the only hero, he had aid from you, who shot a fatal and well aimed arrow into Ganondorf." The other people of the table agreed, nodding. Zelda frowned.

"Link IS the hero. This council used to trust our people, and now, you fear them. Link saved us. He is no servant of evil." The council women attempted to respond, but Zelda stopped her. "I veto Link as Grand-master Captain of The Guard, effective immediately. No comment needed. Link, do you accept this position?" Link nodded, not facing any of the people at the table.

"Yes Princess."

In the coming months, Link helped each different town and province heal from the scars placed by Ganondorf's forces. His soldiers were posted outside of the houses of each of the provinces leaders, and the people took kindly to them. Castle Town was rebuilt in 14 months, and the people were happy with how life was now that Link was in charge of the inner workings of protection. Link was called to many different battles, never truly listening to Hylian fighting styles as he slowly took out the rest of the monsters. Zelda scolded him, but he continued using his unorthodox style to smite evil throughout the lands of Hyrule.

Link leaped behind a ledge, the Bokoblin's arrow narrowly missing him. He breathed hard, regretting going on this mission on his own. He notched an arrow, standing up, and letting it fly, the tip sinking deeply in the Bokoblin's neck. He ducked back down. There were supposed to only be 3 of them, yet here he was, facing 21 Bokoblins. He had been called for his Squad to go down and scare them out of town, but he said he could do it on his own, and after Zelda's hesitation, he went. Kakariko was crawling with the monsters, fires lit everywhere and everyone in shelter. Link arrived, and was instantly overwhelmed, ducking where he could to avoid damage. He peeked out, and saw a beast take an arrow to his knee, but not from Link. Renado stepped out from the Bomb Shop, his bow in hand. "Link, to your aid I will always come!" He said, shooting another arrow. Link smiled, leaping from his safety as he shot 3 arrows at once, taking down more monsters. They charged at him, as he shot them down as they came. Renado was staying still.

"Just like old times..." He said, as Link shot the last few Bokoblins down. Renado sat on the step.

"You always tire me boy, stop coming by!" He joked, letting his bow fall. Link chuckled, putting his bow away and looking at his leg, an arrow sticking from it. He cringed, and broke it off, a small trickle of blood dripping to it. He opened his mouth to speak, but he heard a shuffling and a growl, and stopped. Renado became still.

"Link, did you...?" Link nodded. He looked around, with no monsters in sight. He pulled his Hawkeye out, and looked around. He heard the growl again, and looked up, above the bomb shop was an archer, a bomb on his arrow. It whizzed at Link, the sizzling whistling through the air. He dodged, but the blast hit him, knocking him through the air as Rendado grabbed his bow, shooting the Bokoblin above him.

"I got him!" He said, as the body dropped, a bomb ignited.

"Renado, move!" Link called from the ground, as the Bokoblin's body landed hard on the roof.

"What? He's dead, I can'-"

The bomb busted, as the bomb shop beneath it ignited, exploding suddenly and powerfully as Link watched in horror, Renado's body being consumed by flames as the debris hit him in the head, knocking him out.

Link's eyes slowly opened, as he looked around himself. He was back in his room at the castle, a small room with a bed, a chair, and a closet. Beside him slept his second in command, Stark, a bear of a man, with a long, brown beard, who stood by Link's side in Hyrule's Battles. Link tried to move, but pain shot through his body. Stark stirred, looking at Link.

"Captain!" He said, standing up. Link cringed.

"Stark, what happened..?"

Hello everyone! As you'll notice, this chapter has been cleaned up and fixed, in celebration of the 1 year anniversary of this story, and the posting of the final chapter of the saga. Each chapter will be edited and revisited by yours truly, to make it not look so hideous, and to add some details here and there. Thank you for your continuous support!

-Darth Ganon