A/N: I rated this T, because well, Alex is an assassin. Just think about that. Lately, I have had a reading slump, a writing slump, everything. To heck with it, I've been slumped in my seat at school. I am just slumped out. So, maybe something new would get me out of that mess. So, please tell me what you thought about this short intro and if I should continue. This is chapter 1, but it's like a little teaser.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alex or the series or any recurring characters. And fanfiction, this is the disclaimer for the whole story.

1 year earlier

Alex glared, angry as they set Ian's coffin into the ground. They just murdered him. Cold hearted murdered him. They told him how it happened. They hadn't tried to treat him like a baby. All Alex couldn't understand was why. Why would someone want to kill him? He got a bit snarky sometimes, but, what the heck? And who killed him?

Alex sighed. This wasn't him. All these emotions were clouding his personality. He couldn't it be here anymore. This was all too much.

Alex took one last look and sprinted off, taking off his blazer and tie in the process. "Alex!" Jack cried out. He ignored her, throwing his tie and blazer to the ground and ran out of the cemetery. He didn't look back as tears blinded him.

Alex was breathing hard by the time he slammed the front door and sat down on the couch, his head falling into hands. He wasn't crying anymore, but he was stilled being controlled by his emotions. Why did it have to be Ian? He had no more family left. He was alone in this world.

Alex's fair hair flew into his eyes as his head snapped forward, in time to hear the doorbell. Who was here? Alex was pretty sure that Jack hadn't followed him home. She wouldn't have rung the doorbell anyway.

He stood up slowly, treading softly to the door. Very slowly, he opened the door. Out on the porch, a young man no older than twenty two smiled at him. He had a black jacket with a scorpion on it. "Hello, Alex. Would you want to join me? All we'd have to door is fake your death if your interest the man said. Alex looked down. The man was handing him a gun. Alex narrowed his eyes and replied with a snarl.

A/N: So this was really short, but this was more of a little summary to set this story up.

Please, tell me what you thought and stay tuned to find out what Alex said.

Riderkitty out