Holding you closer than most

Chapter 1

"County Emergency! This is EMS Unit 201 en route with a single patient from a two-car, head-on road crash!" The EMS radio broadcasts. "The patient has not yet been identified. Female. Probably mid 20's. Briefly trapped in the vehicle until authorities arrived at the scene. Patient was conscious for brief minutes after the accident, and is now awake and agitated as we arrive to the ER."

The other end of the EMS radio typed information of the patient up, letting doctors and nurses know to rush outside and await their arrival. "What are the vitals?"

"Patient has slightly elevated blood pressure, facial cuts, concussion, and blood in both nostrils. Breathing seems fine, and lungs are clear. No obvious damage to the abdomen." The EMT's radio. "The patient has been strapped to a board as of three minutes ago, and put in a cervical collar to protect her spine from further injury. We have given her an oxygen mask and IV saline."

"Alright. How long until you will arrive?"

"We will be in the department in two minutes!"



The paramedics rushed the stretcher out of the ambulance, rolling it into the hospital in a hurry. "Quickly, she complains of pain in her neck, back and chest!" One of the paramedics call out, taking her blood pressure once again. "Her blood pressure's risen! But her neuro exam seems perfectly normal! There's no apparent injury on her neck or back!"

That stretcher is quickly accompanied by a doctor; he takes he chart, examine it and quickly making a decision as to where to send her after listening to her pulse. "Bring her into room 304. I hear few crackling sounds in her left lung. There's slight bruising on the chest but no signs of danger from the heart. But the pulse is strong. This needs to be tended to. And someone identify her and get her family on the phone!"

Nurses help the doctor, unstrapping her from the original stretcher, and lifting her onto a bed for treatment. The doctor is quickly gathering X-rays of her neck, spine, chest and abdomen. Nurses quickly tend to her bleeding from her nostrils and facial cuts as the doctor examines the X-rays.

"Ah shit." The doctor runs a hand frustratingly through his hair.

"What is it Sir?" One of the nurses ask.

"She had signs of traumatic aortic disruption."

A male nurse comes rushing in with the unidentified woman's information. "An Onodera. Age 24!" He rushes the information to the doctor, handing him the slip of identification.

"Have you contacted her family yet?"

"Hai! Her husband and children are in the lobby!" The nurse stands firmly in place, palms sweating and hands shaking from the rush. The doctor bits his lip furiously, scanning and deciding the best decision for the patient.

"Damn it. Her X-Rays show that she has small signs. But her body is showing no signs at all."

"Sir…should we send her to surgery!?" The nurses look at each other impatiently. This requires immediate treatment. But they aren't doctors. Her Medical history has to be reviewed for that kind of treatment. Antidotes. IV's. Morphine. Medicine. There's a chance. But it's slim. At this rate, their lucky that she's breathing.


The doctor sits contemplative. Her medical history states that she's alright with surgery. But her body isn't ready to be treated. With Aortic disruption, the only treatment IS surgery. But the question is whether or not to operate immediately. The answer all depends on what the other injuries the patient has suffered and if the aortic rupture is likely to worsen in the next hour.

"Give her a CT scan. Since it's too risky to move her body for a decent X-ray, I want CT scans stat!"

"But sir!" One of the nurses calls out, "Her body is already showing signs of high blood pressure, chest, back and neck pains though there is no real injury at all! Isn't that enough to send her to surgery!? She only has a 20% chance!"

The doctor quickly turned to the nurse, slamming his hand on the computer desk. "I know that! But her body is showing NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL! THAT IS WHY WE CAN'T!"

"But sir-!"

"DO IT! Or we really will lose her!"


An groaned in pain on the bed. Complaining about pain in her back and neck. Everything hurt. "Ritsu.. Ritsu.." She mumbled softly, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. "Ritsu.." Her throat felt as if it were being strangled together in a chokehold. Her oxygen was getting shorter and shorter. The smell of blood filled her nostrils; the taste seemed to linger and travel down the clear paths of her throat. She could taste it. She could smell it. She could feel it on her skin.

"Where's my baby.." An turned her head sideways, seeing unfamiliar faces of nurses and a doctor running around the room with tools and vitals to her care. Her voice felt hoarse. She could barely speak. It hurt. Everything hurt. "My baby.." Her voice strained itself, feeling as if she were only speaking with what blood in her throat didn't dry.

"Sir! Her CT Scan shows signs of torn aorta!"

Her eyes rolled around the room, hearing distinct voices all around. Words like doctor and surgery. Words that she had no interest in hearing. She wanted to see her stomach. Was her baby okay? She hadn't even told Ritsu she was pregnant yet. He would love her. He would try to love her more. She had to live! She had to live! For her children! For Ritsu! For her parents! She wouldn't give up that easily! She was going to live!

An could feel the bed she lay on begin to move steadily towards the exit. Three nurses pushed her towards unfamiliar double doors. Her eyes averted to the determined looks on their faces. But they were not the faces she wanted to see.

She wanted to see her husband's beautiful face. And her children's little pouts. Where were they? Did they not know she was here?

The faint sounds of nurses and doctors exchanging information slowly began to slip away. They spoke no words though their mouths moved, and her eyes began to feel very heavy. She had the urge to sleep, picturing the beautiful family she had with man that she loved and adored.


She slowly closed her heavy eyes, drifitng off into a word of darkness.

'i love you.'

Ritsu paced in the lobby, where his parents, along with An's, sat with his two children in the chairs. His heart was torn in pieces. It raced. It churned. It pumped. Why did this happen? What did they do wrong to deserve this? He's been here for three hours, waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

Was his wife alive? Was she breathing? Was she going to live!?

"Papa! I want mommy!" His daughter cried in his mother's arms, holding her white teddy bear tightly and frowning towards his turned back. "Papa!"

Ritsu rubbed his forehead, trying to get himself to calm down and face his 6 year old daughter. "Mitsu. Mommy's seeing the doctor right now. There's nothing Papa can do until she's better." His mother patted Mistu's light brown hair, as the little girl began to shed warm tears.

"But papa! Mommy said that she would make us something special tonight! Mommy said that she was gonna tell me and Akira-Nii a story!" She turned to her twin brother, pulling on his long sleeve shirt. "Tell Papa Akira-Nii! Tell Papa he has to get Mommy now!"

Her twin brother silently held his knees to his chest. "Mommy's sick Imouto-san. Let her go Mi-Mi's." His younger twin puffed out her pink cheeks, pouting and crying little tears.

"Onodera Ritsu?" A male nurse held a chart in his hands, searching around the room for anyone with the name. "Onodera Ritsu?" He called again. Ritsu quickly turned towards the direction of the nurse, heading there and seeking information.

"Yes that's me. How is she?" He asked urgently. This was it. Live or die. Alive or buried. The nurse's lips formed a thin line, his eyes bowed to the ground, hanging his head down low. Ritsu was growing impatient. He had to know. He had to know. "Tell me. Where is she? Can I see her? Please, let me see her!" He felt his cheeks rise up in heat, and eyes begin to blur.

The nurse shook his head slowly from side to side. "I'm sorry.."

The Onodera and Kohinata families wore nothing but black. Ritsu held his children's small, cold hands. His son stood firmly in place, never moving his eyes away from the casket before him. Ritsu could feel Akira occasionally squeeze his hand, but nothing more was shown from him. No tears. No pain. No sorrow. He was as he always was: Unreadable.

His daughter bawled into her white teddy bear, suddenly pulling her father towards the casket. "Papa! Why are they burying Mommy! Mommy said that she had a present for us! She said she was gonna always be here! Why are they burying her Papa!? Why!? Stop them! Stop them!" She tugged at Ritsu's arm, pulling and pulling it every which way.

Ritsu dug his teeth into his lip. "Mitsu.. Mommy is.."

"PAPA! DO SOMETHING!" Her cries shook the depths of his soul. Echoing and echoing. "SHE SAID SHE WAS GONNA COME HOME!"

The warm teardrops that fell from Ritsu's eyes were unseen, but everyone knew that they were there. The warmth of his son's hand soon faded, as he turned and headed closer towards the casket to place a flower. Ritsu held a hand over his eyes, forcing back small sobs of grief and frustration.


Her cries began to go unheard, for soon, Ritsu turned away from the burial of the casket, his back towards his wife. He clenched his free hand into a fist, holding it tightly so his knuckles turned white. With the other, he let go of his daughter's hand, picking her up and handing her to his mother.

"Ritsu.." His father tried to approach him with comfort, but instead, he left towards the black car waiting for him, leaving the burial to the rest of the family.

He couldn't bear to see what he hadn't loved.

6 months later:

"Mitsu! Get your shoes on please! Papa's gonna be late if you don't hurry!" Ritsu chased his daughter around her room, holding her pink buckled shoes in one hand and a hairbrush in the other. "Akira! Are you ready!?" He called out into the living room, hoping that at least someone was ready to go.

"Yes." His son gave a light, simple reply. Akira stood in the middle of the living room with his hands on the straps of his backpack. He laughed internally at the sight before him.

Ritsu took hold of Mitsu, trying to keep her still as she wiggled in his grasp and laughed at how he struggled to get her shoes on. "Mitsu! It's not funny anymore. Please hurry. Papa has an important meeting in ten minutes!"

Mitsu pouted, fidgeting in her father's grasp around her. "Papa! I don't wanna go! Don't make me go!" Ritsu smacked his tongue against his teeth, forcing her shoes to buckle and quickly running the brush through her hair. "SSSHH! Mitsu! You're gonna go." He searched for a hair tie in her messy room, then turning to Akira who stood in the doorway. "Did you eat your cereal?"

"Yes." His son stood, staring expressionless at his father struggling to find a hair tie. "Imouto-san, give Papa your hair tie. Don't be stupid." His twin sister whined and reluctantly gave her father her hair tie.

"Papa! Akira-Nii called me stupid!" She cried, stomping her foot and puffing out her cheeks. Ritsu let out a huff and turned to Akira.

"Akira, don't call her stupid." Ritsu put on her jacket, quickly zipping it up and putting a beanie on her head.

"I didn't call her stupid. I said don't be stupid." Akira and Ritsu's eyes met, both giving off the annoyed vibe.

"Akira, I don't care what you said, just don't say stupid."

"Why?" He asked, purposely trying to piss his father off as he threw Mitsu over his shoulder and rushed to her backpack.

"Tsk, Akira, please. Let's not do this right now okay? Please. I'm late." Ritsu turned off the light to the bedroom, taking the backpack over his shoulder, his wiggling and laughing daughter on the other and the hand of her twin to follow.

"But why?" Akira held his father's hand, waiting for a legit answer. Ritsu quickly closed the front door, locking it and leading them to the car. "Papa, answer me. why can't I say stupid?"

Ritsu swallowed a scream. He hated today already. "Akira, because I said so. Now get in the car." Ritsu opened the back doors, sitting and buckling Mitsu in, and waiting for her twin to follow. Akira crossed his arms, lifting an eyebrow at his dad.

"Not until you tell me why I can't say stupid." Ritsu grit his teeth, but took a deep breath knowing that this wasn't one of his meetings-this was his son. And he loved his son. (he didn't love meetings..) He bent down to his son's level, placing his hands on the smaller shoulders.

"Because stupid is a mean word. People get hurt when they hear it, that's why Papa says that you shouldn't say it." Emerald eyes emerald. Akira frowned a little, then nodded in understanding.


"Good!" Ritsu picked Akira up, and sat him in the car. "Now buckle up. I'm so late."

And he forgot.

School didn't start until 10am today. It was only 8:30. He had a meeting in five minutes, and there was no way he would just leave his kids at the school for an hour an a half. Literally, life really hated him.

"Damn it." He mumbled to himself, turning his blinker on and making a turn towards work. Akira stared out the window, while Mitsu played with her white bear on her lap.

"Ooo~ You just swore! Mommy always said that you gotta put ten bucks in the jar if you swear." Mitsu giggled, poking at her twin brother to agree with her. "Right Akira-Nii? Papa's in trouble now!" Akira blinked a few times, then turned to face his father with eager eyes.



"This isn't school." Akira looked at the sights they passed through the window, glancing back at his dad after a while.

"Well, You guys actually gotta come to work with me for a little bit." Ritsu laughed hysterically, scratching the nape of his neck and trying his best to smile for his kids.

"AAWWEEE! AGAIN!?" Mitsu complained, frowning and tossing her bear at her brother. "I don't wanna go!"

"Don't throw stuff at me." He fought, doing his own small pout and picking the bear up to hold away from his sister. Mitsu stared at him in horror, taking a deep breath and huffing at him.

"Give it back!" She pulled on his sleeve, as he took the bear and held it up in the air.






"Stop it." Ritsu glanced backwards, trying to take hold of the bear, but failed miserably when Akira pulled it too far. "Argh!"

"Papa!" Mitsu called again, beginning to sniffle up in tears. She hit her brother's arm, earning one back on her own. "Ow! Papa!? Give it back Nii-san!"

"Say your sorry!" Akira yelled, pushing his sister off of his arm, and blocking her small slaps and punches.

"No! You say you're sorry!" She cried.

"I asked you first!"

"I asked you second!"



"Give it back to her!"


"Give it Nii-san!"

"Damn it! Give it to me!" Ritsu reached out for the bear again, missing, and then quickly parking the car at their destination. The twins stiffened at the swearing, handing him the bear and looking down at the floor of the car.

Ritsu did an agitated grunt and unbuckled himself. "Unbuckle and get your stuff." They followed orders, unbuckling and putting on their backpacks. Ritsu turned off the car, putting the keys in his pocket and pulling out his phone. "Hey, get out of the car. We gotta go." He dialed a number, grabbing his bag and a few papers he had on the passenger seat.

Akira and Mitsu did as told, waiting for their father to lead them inside. "Papa can i-"

"No." He said firmly, taking her hand, and gesturing for Akira to follow.

The Company was full of staff running around and having numerous phone calls. Ritsu raced towards the elevator, still holding Mistu's hand with Akira on their tail. They entered the elevator quickly, and the children listening as Ritsu spoke on the phone.

"No-no. I said I DIDN'T want to do that. NO-…Yes, Yes…No. I don't wa- will you wait? I said- well…n-no.. yes! Yes.." Ritsu smacked his teeth, shaking his head with the unpleasant conversation he was having.

Akira stared up at his father for a moment, studying his enthusiasm and anger he didn't have before. Perhaps, it had to do with their mother's death. Ever since then, he noticed a change in his father. He didn't know what word to describe him as. But since that vague, blurred day, his father had a sudden change. He always took care of them to his best ability, yet, he always looked as if he was cold. Jaded, and perhaps bitter.

Akira himself couldn't even remember his mother's face much to be honest. He could remember her singing. Her cooking. Her laugh. But her face, it was like a blank portrait with only her long brown hair and gentle smile. And he didn't know why..

"Papa?" Akira tugged at his father's jacket, gaining his attention from below. Ritsu told the person on the line to hold on, and looked down at Akira in acknowledgement. "Are you gonna leave us in your office with Oba-san?"

Ritsu thought about it for a moment; he actually hadn't gotten that far ahead….

"Um, actually Oba-san isn't gonna be in town for a while. It's just gonna be you and Mitsu. I'll have someone watch over you guys okay?" Ritsu waited for Akira's nod in understanding to continue his phone call.

"But, you're gonna leave us with a stranger then?" He asked.

Ritsu sighed, "Akira, you and Mitsu met everyone here. These people work for Papa. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Mitsu frowned at her father who went back to talking/yelling on the phone, and then at her brother who had an expressionless face on once again.

The elevator opened, revealing many more bustling people passing by and yelling. It seemed that everyone in this place was in a hurry. Ritsu hung up the phone, stuffing it in his pocket and then rushed out of the opened access.

They headed down a busy hallway, following closely behind their dad and waiting for somewhere less draining. "Onodera-Sama!" A blonde haired woman with hazel eyes rushed towards his side and handed him papers. "The interview is here for 9am. Did you want to speak with him now?" She followed closely by his side, slightly pushing Akira further behind his father so that she could be there. Ritsu glanced back and forth at her, then ahead of him; subconsciously wandering his eyes to her tightly fitted shirt that surrounded her breasts.

"Uh.. W-What? What interview?" He asked, almost dragging Akira and Mitsu by the hands.

"The personal secretary assistant you put an application out for."

"W-what? I didn't-" 'Mother….' "Um….-Sure, make it quick. Bring them to my office. My meeting started almost ten minutes ago." The woman nodded, rushing back down the other end of the hall and leaving Ritsu to turn into his office and settle his children. "Okay, I'll try to be quick. I have something important to take care of and then I'll come and take you to school. Be good. No fighting. I don't wanna hear that you guys went wandering off into the manga section."

The twins nodded in unison, setting down their backpacks and laying down on the carpeted floor to play with the few toys they kept in there. Ritsu set down his bag, digging through it for some important papers he prayed he stuffed in there.

"Oh no, oh no. Don't tell me I left it." He mumbled to himself, not noticing the office door opening.

"Onodera-Sama," The woman from just seemingly seconds prior poked her head inside, waiting for the 'okay' to step in side.

"Shit, shit, shit." Ritsu tossed papers every which way, running a hand through his silky brown hair. Akira and Mitsu looked up at the woman they had come to dislike since their first meeting with her months ago. Ritsu turned to face the blonde woman in the doorway, racing towards her. "Ah! Akane-san! Can you do me a HUGE favor!?" Ritsu pleaded with puppy-dog emeralds, hands in a pleading form before her. She placed a hand on her hip, handing him a cup of coffee and tapping a finger on her chin.

"Well of course Onodera-Sama, but what do I get out of it?" Ritsu froze in place, thinking of what she could possibly want.

"Well, what do you want?" He asked, not noticing the taller figure behind her.

"Take me out to dinner. And I'll do whatever you want." She winked at him, making a small blush rise on his cheeks. Ritsu shook his head in agreement,

"yes! Sure! Just PLEASE get me the copies to the new proposal for the meeting." The woman, Akane, nodded, giving him a light pat on the shoulder and gesturing to the man behind her.

"Fine. Go to your meeting and I'll bring them to you. But first, this is Takano Masamune. He's the applicant for the position." Akane moved from the view of the taller figure, showing a man with dark raven hair, and intriguing amber eyes. Ritsu looked at him for a brief second, taking a big chug from his coffee and handing back to Akane.

"You're hired. First task, watch them." Ritsu brushed passed him, with Akane behind him, and giving a small wave to his kids. Takano stood frozen in the doorway. Watch kids?

"But Onodera-Sama I-"

"Bye guys! I'll be right back! Be good!" Ritsu turned to Takano, "Don't screw up."

A/N: Okay, so I'd like to thank NVCiel first and for most, for always helping stir ideas and make them into something so much more complex. Also, my sister/editor Fairygirl34. Lol. Hope you liked it and was worth reading. I'm sorry An-Chan! I like you but you just had to die in this one-Gomen~ xc

And FYI: In this story, Ritsu is CEO of Onodera publishing already. (still 25) And his twins are 6 years. Also, in this story, I'm doing something that widowers had to do back in the day-with was mourn. So he's gonna be in mourning for 6 months to a year. And if you don't know what that means, it means that he wears nothing but black for that period of time and only goes out for work. But in his case, I'm doing 6 months of mourning-which means by this time, he is ready to start dating, going to parties, and actually allowed to enjoy life to what he can. I did this mourning bit because I see his mother as old-class, this is something that they do in his family, so yea.

Anyone who favorites, follows or reviews, thank you. And anyone who even takes time to read it, thank you. It is encouraging to see that people can enjoy something that you created, you know? Anyways, have a nice day/evening (wherever you are) lol.

P.S. To those of you waiting for the drabbles and Memento Mori chapters to come out, It's coming soon. Sorry for it being so late. I'm lazy sometimes.