A/N: Sorry about the long wait. I didn't really edit this. So, please excuse any and all errors.

Chapter 7: Georgia

Fitz leaned over and kissed Olivia's temple and she blushed as they patiently waited in line. They had decided to drive to Georgia just to spend some time with each other before the baby arrived. However, they hadn't factored in the frequent stops they would have to make for her for bathroom breaks and just to stretch her legs. But, they were making it work. They were currently standing at an ice cream vendor, getting ice cream.

"Here's your boring vanilla," Fitz said, passing her a cone of vanilla ice cream.

"Whatever. Just worry about your chocolate flavored toothpaste," she said referring to his mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"It does not taste like toothpaste," he protested with a laugh as the vendor gave him his cone.

"I'll take your word for it," she said, slipping her hand into his.

They continued to walk around the park, enjoying their ice cream, until Olivia caught herself gazing at her husband. She smiled, thinking about just how much she loved him. He looked at her and smiled, and she blushed, annoying her own self. She couldn't believe she had become one of those people. But, here she was. And, she was perfectly okay with it.


"I love you," she said.

He brought her hand he was holding up to his lips and kissed it. "Right back at ya."

She snatched her hand from his. "I'm over here professing my love for you, and all I get is a right back at ya? I take it back."

He laughed. "What? You can't take it back."

"I just did." She placed her hand on her stomach. "You see how your daddy is," she said to the baby.

He took her hand back in his. "You know I love you."

"Yeah. Yeah. Tell me anything."

"I tell you the truth."

"You're lucky you're cute," she said, she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"Okay. I think I've walked around enough," she said. "Let's get back on the road."

He drove for the rest of the day, stopping for bathroom breaks and to eat dinner. He was going to try to get a few more hours, until he looked over at his wife curled up in the passenger seat, sleeping, with the hood of her hoodie pulled over her head with her two little french braids sticking out. He couldn't understand why she was freezing in the car, but burning up when she was asleep at home. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. He decided that they had done enough traveling for the day. He wanted to get her to a bed where she could rest properly. He searched his GPS for a nice hotel nearby and called ahead to make reservations.

"Livvie," he gently nudged her to wake her up after he stopped.

She frowned as she opened her eyes. He could immediately tell that she was angry.

"I'm sorry," he said, and leaned in to kiss her. He knew that she preferred to be gently awakened with him softly kissing her. It was truly the only way he could wake her up without her being angry at him, especially now that she was pregnant. But, not being in a bed kind of threw him and he forgot.

She dodged his kiss and looked around. "Where are we?" She was angry and confused.

"Hotel," he told her.

"Why?" God, he needed a do over. She was so pissed, and a pregnant pissed Olivia was no fun.

"So, you can get some rest."


He reached out his hand and helped her out of the car. She stumbled and leaned on him.

"It looks like I'm taking advantage of a drunk lady," he said as grabbed her luggage.

"Just get us to our room so I can take a shower and go back to sleep."

He checked them in and got his angry, sleepy wife upstairs to their suite.

"I'm going to go back downstairs and get my luggage," he told her.

She threw her hand up at him, waving him off.

He chuckled to himself as he left out. After about ten minutes, she would be back to her normal, pleasant self. But, those first ten minutes of waking her up out of her sleep incorrectly were pure hell. When he got back from the car, she was changing the pillowcases to the satin ones she had brought with her.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Hi."


"I'm sorry I was so mean."

He smiled. "It's okay." He leaned over and kissed her.

"Do you love me?"

"You know I do." He smiled. "What do you want?"

She grinned. "McDonald's fries with ketchup."

"Liv, greasy food is going to make you sick," he reminded her.

"You think I don't know that," she snapped. "I'm sorry," she quickly apologized. "I know it's going to make me sick, but, I want it."

He smiled. "Okay. I'll be right back."

When he got back, she was sitting on the bed like a little kid waiting on her snack.

She reached for the bag of McDonald's. He held up another bag and pulled out a plate and a bottle of ketchup. He poured the two boxes of French fries in the plate with a large side of ketchup.

"Thank you," she said as she excitedly took the plate from him.

He sat on the bed and watched as she ate the fries like they were the best thing in the world. He reached over to grab one, but she slapped his hand away. Just when he was about to fake being offended, she snuggled into him and fed him one.

"Thank you," she said, reaching up for a kiss.

"You're welcome," he said and kissed her lips.

He turned the television on and they mindlessly watched old Nickelodeon shows and snacked on fries until Olivia rushed in the bathroom to throw up the fries she had just ate. Fitz followed her into the bathroom and held her two braids back as her body continued to heave and expell everything she had ate that day. Once she was finished, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and got in the bed while Fitz showered.

After his shower, he got in bed and curled up next to her.

"How are you feeling?" He wanted to know.

"Like I shouldn't have ate those fries," she said with a light chuckle. "But better."

"Good." He placed his hands on her stomach. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too." She turned her head and kissed his lips. "Goodnight."

The next morning, they got up early, had breakfast and continued their trip. They were traveling along county roads, instead of the interstate because Fitz wanted to see the countryside.

"You're such a Yankee," Olivia teased.

"What? I didn't expect the tobacco crops to look like that. It just looked like a regular plant."

Olivia laughed. "Your amazement is so cute," she said as she continued to laugh.

Fitz turned the radio on. "Let's see if I can down out your laughter."

"I'm sorry," she said, taking his hand in hers. "I love you."

"Yeah. Yeah. Tell me anything."

She reached over the console and kissed his cheek.

He pulled over on the side of the road.

She sat up straight and looked around. "What's wrong?"

He smiled. "Nothing. Dance with me," he said as he turned the radio up.

"Here?" She exclaimed.

He got out and then opened her door. "Here is perfect. The sun is setting. This song is perfect. This is perfect. Dance with me."

She placed her hands on his and stepped out of the car. He wrapped his arms around her and they swayed to the music and sung to each other. It was just them on a country road with fields of wild flowers around them with the sun setting in the distance as they danced and sang to each other "The Nearness of You" by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, until they heard a cow moo.

"What the hell," Fitz exclaimed when they both looked up and saw a black cow walking towards them. "Isn't he supposed to be in a fence?"

"He has obviously gotten out."

"You think he will walk up to us?" Fitz asked excitedly.

Olivia squinted as she noticed the ring in the cow's nose. "That's a bull, and we should go, because he is obviously aggressive. He has a ring in his nose," Olivia said as she opened her own door. Fitz quickly made his way to the driver's side and they drove off.

"No more stops tonight," Olivia said. "Not until we get home."

"Yes ma'am," Fitz laughed.

After a couple more hours, they finally made it. Before she could even ring the doorbell, her mother flung the door open and hugged her tight.

"Hi mom," Olivia said as she hugged her back.

"Look at my baby," Carol exclaimed. "You finally look pregnant," she said as she touched a hand to her growing belly.

"I feel like I'm getting bigger everyday," she admitted.

"Hi Fitz," Carol said as she hugged him.

"Hey Punkin," Oliver said as he hugged her. "And, little Punkin," he said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Hey Daddy."

"Look at you waddling," Kasey said as she made her way inside.

"It's not a full waddle," Olivia said as she hugged Kasey and Tom.

"We weren't sure you were going to make it today," Edith said as she hugged Olivia and Fitz. She had taken a flight and made it there before Olivia and Fitz.

"Olivia demanded full speed ahead," Fitz said.

"After he almost got us killed by a bull," Olivia said.

"What?" Kasey exclaimed.

"Long story that we're not going to tell," Fitz said.

"Liv, are you tired, honey?" Carol asked.

"Definitely. Come on," she said, leading Fitz to the stairs. "We'll be right back."

Fitz grabbed their luggage and followed Olivia upstairs.

"This is my room." Olivia opened the door to her old bedroom.

"Not what I was expecting at all," Fitz said, stepping into the room and eyeing the black and gold Egyptian theme.

"What were you expecting?"

"All Alabama stuff," he admitted.

She laughed and picked up the elephant wearing an Alabama jersey off the bed. "Just Big Al."

"Wow," he said, walking around the room. "This is so you, though," he said touching the black and gold curtains of the canopy.

They put the luggage up and made their way back downstairs and spent the rest of the night talking and eating, until Kasey and Tom left and everyone called it a night.

After showering, Olivia made her way to her parents' bedroom and softly knocked on the door.

Her father opened the door. "Hey Punkin."

"Hey daddy. Mama, you got a minute?"


"I'll go see what Fitz is up to," Oliver said.

"Can you have him bring me up a fan from the basement?" Olivia asked.

"Sure," Oliver said and left out.

"What's on your mind?" Carol asked and patted her lap.

Olivia smiled as she joined her mother on the bed, laying her head on her lap. "I'm going to have to stop doing this one day," she said, basking in the warmth and love of her mother's touch.


Olivia shrugged. "I'm about to be a mother."

"Mothers need mothers," Carol said as she rubbed her hand over her daughter's head. "Do you need to talk? Or do you just need Mama?"

"Little bit of both?" Olivia said. She turned, looked at her mother.

"I'm having a girl," she whispered with a hand on her belly.

"Really," her mother exclaimed. "My little girl is having a little girl?"

Olivia nodded. "And I'm scared," she confessed.

"Of what?"

"Messing up. Ruining her life."

"Honey, you're going to mess up. But, you're not going to ruin her life. And I know that hearing that you're going to mess up isn't easy for you, because you're a perfectionist. But, you're going to have to let go of that as a mother."

"How? How did you do it? Still do it?"

"Well, I wasn't a perfectionist," Carol said softly.

"But, you were the perfect mother."

"Honey, I wasn't perfect. You and I both know that."

"You were close enough."

She bent down and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I love that you think that. And, hearing you say it warms my heart," she said as she wiped away a tear.

"Don't cry, mom, because if you cry, then I'm going to cry, and we're just going to be a mess."

Carol smiled. "You're right. And, to answer your question, like most mothers, when I was pregnant, I told myself I was going to be the best mother I could be. I realized when I was pregnant that I was housing a little person. That I was your home. And, I thought about what that meant. Home is supposed the place where you're safe, loved, and nurtured. It's the place you can't wait to get to at the end of the day, because when you get there, you're free. Your guard is down, and you can finally just relax and be yourself. And, I wanted to be that for you. I didn't always get it right, but I tried."

"Wow," Olivia said as she took in her mother's words. "I never thought about that. And, you were...are all of those things for me. If I can just be as good of a mom as you, I'll be okay."

"Just be her home," Carol said. "And, everything else will fall into place. My little girl is having a little girl."

Fitz knocked on Edith's door.

"It's open."

"Hey," Fitz said as he stepped inside the room and turned on the light. "Were you sleeping?"

"Not yet."

"How are you enjoying your stay?" He wanted to know. She had gotten there a few days before them, and seemed to be right at home.

"It's great," Edith said. "These are the nicest people in the world. I feel like I've known Carol all of my life."

"She is pretty great."

"What's on your mind?" Edith asked as she sat up in bed.

Fitz grinned and sat beside her. "I just wanted to tell you that we're having a girl."

"Are you serious?" Edith exclaimed as she hugged him.

"Yeah. You're finally getting a little girl to dress up and play with."

"Oh my goodness. I can't wait."

"Any names picked out?" Edith wanted to know.

"Helena Grace," he said with the biggest smile. "Naming her after her grandmothers. Both of your middle names.

"You're giving her my name," Edith said, dabbing at her eyes. "Honey, you have no idea how happy this makes me," she said and hugged him again. "I couldn't have asked for a better son and daughter-in-law."

"And, we couldn't have asked for a better mother."

"You sleeping in here tonight?" Oliver joked when he saw Olivia was still lying in their bed.

She grinned. "No. I was waiting on you. I wanted to tell you that you're going to have a granddaughter."

He smiled brightly. "A girl? A little Olivia?"

She nodded. "You think you're ready for a granddaugter?"

"You bet I am." He kissed her cheek and placed a hand on her stomach. "I'm going to be the best grandfather ever."

"I know you are," Olivia said with a smile.

Olivia stretched and turned over to face Fitz. She gently caressed his cheek and watched him stir awake.

He smiled. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Hi handsome."


She ran a hand down his chest. "I never thought flannel could be so sexy."

He grinned. "I never thought I would need it in June."

"I'm sorry I'm always hot. But, thank you for being so understanding about it."

"Of course."

She leaned down and kissed him, a soft gentle kiss that soon became very passionate.

Fitz pulled back a little. "I'm sure everyone is awake."

"I can be quiet," she whispered against his lips.

He grinned. "Lies. My mother heard you all the way on the other side of the house."

"That's because you wouldn't let me be quiet."

"And, you think I would let you be quiet this time?"

She shrugged. "That time we were only dating. We're married now. What do you think they think we're in here doing?"

"Sleeping like normal people," he replied.

"Or having sex like a normal, married couple," she countered.


"Mmm-hmm." She nibbled on his ear. "And, I have a lock on my door that I can finally use." She moved her knee between his legs, feeling him harden against her. He gently pushed her leg away.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to discourage me?" She whispered.

"I'm not," he told her, but he wasn't very convincing.

She narrowed her eyes. "You're afraid of my dad."

"I'm not," he protested, but not enough to convince her.

"Honey, we're married."

"I know that Mrs. Grant."

"Then, act like it, Mr. Grant. Make love to your wife," she pushed.

"Do you think he's asleep?"

"No. My parents get up at the crack of dawn every morning. My mom is probably cooking breakfast, and my dad is either watching the news or outside doing something. He's not down the hall in their room, if that's what you're thinking."

"Outside, hunh?"

"Outside," she whispered and nibbled on his ear again. "Can't hear a thing."

She straddled him and slowly started unbuttoning his pajama shirt. She licked her lips as his chest and abs came into view. She would never get over how beautifully sculpted his body was. She rubbed her hands muscles before pushing the shirt from his body, spreading her fingers along the expanse of his shoulders. She guided her fingers down his abdomen until she reached his pajama pants. She pushed them from his body and looked up at him a naughty glint in her eyes.

"I can be quiet," she whispered as she wrapped her hand around him. "But, can you?"

She caressed his harden member in her slender hand and slowly began to stroke him up and down with a slow, teasing manner that awakened his whole body. He watched her with glassy eyes as she gradually increased the speed of her hand. He felt his body begin to jerk beneath her and he started moaning.

"Shh," she shushed him as she continued to pleasure and torture him.

"Liv," he breathed out, reaching a hand out towards her.

She pushed his hand out of the way and lowered her head, taking him in her mouth.

He moaned at the feeling of her warm, wet mouth enveloping him along with the pressure of her tongue on him.

He quickly pulled her up off of him.

"Fitz," she whined.

He laughed quietly. "We're not doing this today. I know you. You'll have me moaning and screaming up in here, knowing we're supposed to be quiet.

He sat up and kissed her, dragging his lips across hers, lazily kissing her and taking her breath away. She tangled her fingers in his hair and enjoyed the feel and taste of his lips against hers. He unhooked her bra and tossed it to the side. He pushed her panties from her hips. She lifted up a bit allowing him to push them to her knees. He moved his hand to her center and gently caressed her, adding just a little bit of pressure with the palm of his hand. She drew in a deep, shaky breath and he reclaimed her lips with his nibbling on them as he slowly moved his fingers through her slick folds.

"Fitz please," she breathed.


"I want you inside me."

He positioned her on her hands and knees and entered her from behind. With long slow strokes he pumped in and out of her with his hands firmly gripping her hips.

"Harder," she whispered.

He deepened his stroke, giving her deep, hard thrusts, causing her to grab onto the headboard. He reached underneath her and grabbed her breasts that were bouncing with each thrust. She dropped her head to a pillow, muffling her moans. He moved his hand to her clit, stoking it as he continued to thrust deep inside her until they both came as quietly as they both could which wasn't all that quiet.

"Good morning," Fitz greeted Carol and Edith who were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Good morning."

"Liv up yet?" Carol asked.

"Yeah. She'll be down in a minute," Fitz said as he grabbed a plate and started filling it up with breakfast. By the time he had gotten his food and orange juice, Olivia made it downstairs.

"Good morning," she greeted her mother and mother-in-law.

"Good morning," they both greeted her.

"Daddy outside?"

"You know your daddy," Carol said.

Olivia looked at Fitz with a smirk as she sat down beside him.

"Don't forget we're going to Granny's later," Carol reminded her.

"I remembered. I'm ready to see everyone."

"Look at you," Carla exclaimed as she walked up to Olivia and hugged her. "Can I?" She asked.

When Olivia nodded her head in approval, she placed both of her hands on her belly. "What you got in there?"

"A girl," Olivia said with a smile.

"Really? Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Hey Liv. Hey Fitz," Catelyn ran up to them.

"Hey Catelyn." Olivia said. "You're going to have to hug my legs," she joked. "I don't think this baby girl is going to let me bend down," she said with a hand on her stomach.

"The baby's a girl?" Catelyn exclaimed, totally forgetting about the hug as she put her hand on Liv's stomach.

"Catelyn ask," Carla reprimanded her.

"Ask what?" Catelyn wanted to know as she looked up at her mother.

"It's okay," Olivia assured her with a chuckle. "Everyone's not going to ask. And, that's okay. We're all family."

"You're better than me," Carla said. "I was cussing these fools out left and right."

Olivia laughed. "Let me go speak to Granny and Granddad. I'm sure I'm already in trouble for not coming by when I got here last night."

"Yeah. You probably are," Carla agreed.

"Come on," Olivia reached back and grabbed Fitz's hand. "She thinks you're cute and charming, so she'll probably forget to fuss at me."

"Just using me for my good looks," Fitz teased as they made their way to the kitchen where her grandmother was.

"Hi Granny," Olivia greeted her.

"Hey Punkin," her grandmother hugged her. "How's my great granddaughter?" She asked as she placed a hand on Olivia's stomach.

"Mama told you? She's fine," Olivia said with a smile.

"How are you handsome?" She asked Fitz as she hugged him.

He grinned. "I'm doing fine," Fitz said. "Happy to see you again."

"Ooh, he's so charming," Granny crooned.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to bring you any flowers this time."

"That's alright. You brought my punkin home safely."

"You didn't happen to make a sweet potato pie, did you?" Fitz asked.

"I didn't know you wanted one. You should have called me, and I would have had one ready."

"You didn't make one," Olivia exclaimed.

"Junior," she called Harrison into the kitchen.

"What's up, Liv? Fitz," Harrison greeted them.

"I need you to go to the store and get me some sweet potatoes."

"I thought you weren't making the pie," Harrison said.

"I didn't know that Fitz wanted one."

Harrison's smile dropped. "What? I've been asking for one since I got here."

"You eat my pie all the time. Just go get my sweet potatoes."

"Yes ma'am," Harrison said and left.

"Where's granddaddy?" Olivia asked.


Olivia made her way outside where she found her grandfather outside, monitoring the grills even though he wasn't the one grilling. There were three grills set up. Her father was at one, with her uncle Harry and CJ at the other two. There was also a dominoes and spades game going on. Kasey was sitting in Tom's lap at the spade's table.

Some of the guys were playing a game of football. They stopped and came over to greet Olivia and Fitz.

"Fitz, you wanna play?" Ethan asked and tossed him the football.

"Yeah." He turned to Olivia. "Do you mind?"

"It's not like you wore those gym shorts just for me," she whispered as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Have fun." She wanted to smack his ass, but her grandfather was sitting right there, and she didn't think that would go over well.

"Hold up," Kasey stopped her when she turned to go back inside. "I'm coming with you," she said as she got up from Tom's lap.

"Hey, you're my good luck charm," Tom protested.

"You'll be fine," Kasey assured him and followed Olivia inside to the air conditioning.

"You know Granny is not going to run this air conditioner for about two weeks to make up for today," Kasey whispered to her.

Olivia laughed, because it was so true. At first, they used to think their grandparents didn't have the air conditioner on that often because they were just cold all of the time. They soon realized, however that they were just cheap.

"How long do you think Fitz is going to stay out there?" Kasey wondered.

"Probably until I pull him in. He'll never admit it, but he misses playing," Olivia said. "So, he was really looking forward to playing with the guys."

"Guess who's back," Harrison announced when he returned from the grocery store.

"No one cares," Kasey told him.

"You should. Since Fitz asked Granny for a sweet potato pie, she's making some. And, I have the sweet potatoes."

"Is his girlfriend here?" Olivia asked.

"Not yet."

"In or out," they heard Granny scold Desmond. "In or out. Pick one."

"But, dad told me to come get him a beer."

"Tell your father the same thing goes for him."

"Yes ma'am," Desmond agreed, happy to tell his father that he was also in trouble.

"The drinks are in the garage refrigerator," Whitley informed her son. "Open the outside door to the garage, so you won't have to come in or walk around to the front.

"Yes ma'am," he said and left back out.

"Where's Jason?" Olivia asked, realizing that she hadn't seen him yet.

"Tuscaloosa," Kasey told her.

"Are you serious?" Olivia laughed.

"Girl, I drove him there myself. If he had kept me up one more night, talking to Alicia, I was going to kill him."

"You mean they're actually talking and not texting," Hilary interjected.

"They like to hear each other's voices and breathing," Kasey said sarcastically.

"Oh, they're in love," Carla said.

"It's actually kind of cute," Kasey said.

"I can't believe Uncle Nate let him stay," Olivia said.

"Girl, he's with Marcus," Kasey told her. "Nate was pissed that he was even in the city."

Olivia laughed. "That's the Uncle Nate I know. So, where's Mackenzie?"

"In a back room, gossiping with Taylor," Carla told her.

"In other words, talking about boys," Olivia said, remembering their days of sneaking off to talk about nothing, but boys.

Catelyn came up to Olivia. "Where's Fitz," she wanted to know."

"Playing football," Olivia told her.

"But, I don't like football," Catelyn pouted. "Ooh, I know. We can be cheerleaders. Come on," she called to Cassandra. "Let's go be cheerleaders. I'll cheer for Fitz."

Carla laughed. "Liv, you better watch out."

"I am kinda worried," Olivia joked. "She's literally turning cartwheels for him."

"She'll be back inside as soon as Michael realizes what she's doing."

Sure enough within minutes, Catelyn came back inside, crying. "Mommy, daddy told me I had to come back inside."

"He didn't mean it," Carla said and wiped her tears away. "Come on," she said as she took her by the hand and led her back outside. Olivia and Kasey followed just to be nosey.

"Here you go Liv," Tom got up to give her his seat.

"Thank you," she said, sitting down.

"Hey Squirt," Trey called to Catelyn. "Wanna play?"

"Go ahead," Carla said when Catelyn looked at them.

"I told her to take her little fast butt inside," Michael said as Catelyn ran off.

"First of all," Carla began as she slid onto his lap. "She's not fast. She's five, and has a very normal crush. Secondly, I hate that word, fast, so don't call her that again. Third, she and Fitz are not about to have a torrid love affair. This crush will run its course."

"I don't like it," he grumbled.

"You'll survive."

"I guess."

Carla shook her head. "You're going to die when she actually starts dating."

"She's not ever going to date," he stated matter of factly.

Olivia looked over and saw Fitz teaching the girls how to throw a football. It was the cutest thing she had ever seen. And, her heart melted as she envisioned him doing the same with their little girl. And, she wondered if he would be like Michael, determined to keep their little girl as his little girl as long as possible.

"Shut it off," Olivia grumbled and pulled the cover over her head.

Fitz reached over and grabbed his phone, turning the alarm off. He looked at the time and the black sky and groaned. It was four o'clock in the morning. He was going fishing with his father-in-law. But, he didn't understand why they had to go so damn early. He quietly got ready when all he wanted to do was climb back in bed with Olivia. He looked at her silhouette illuminated by the moon outside and pulled the sheet from her body.

"What are you doing?" She whined, reaching for the sheet.

He smirked and kissed her until she kissed him back. Then, he caressed her hip, following his touch with kisses, gently nipping at it, catching her panties between his teeth.

"Fitz," she whispered.

He responded by pulling her panties down her legs.

"Fitz, I'm trying to sleep," she whined.

"Not anymore," he said as he kissed and sucked on her thighs, his fingers grazing across her lips, making her squirm.

"Fitz," she placed a hand on his head. "You know my father is up," she softly protested, attempting to convince herself to push him away.

"Now, who's afraid of your dad?" He teased.

"I'm not. It's just that it's early, and it's super quiet in here. And, I'm sleepy."

"Do you really want me to stop," he asked and then kissed along her slit. "If you really want me to, I will," he continued, each kiss adding more pressure and tongue.

She gasped and trembled. "You know I don't, but-"

"Unless you tell me to stop…" he whispered in that deep baritone voice of his. He brushed his tongue across her slit, sighing and moaning in pleasure as he tasted her. "Please don't tell me to stop." He looked up at her with hungry eyes.

She whimpered and grabbed the pillow, placing it over her mouth and bit down on it as Fitz gave her an early morning orgasm.

Afterwards, Olivia held his face in her hands and kissed him. "Why did you do that?" She whispered.

"Because I want you," he said and licked her lips. "I still do." He rocked his hips against hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Stop that. You're making me super horny. And, you know you have to go."

"I'm sure I have a little time."

"You don't," Olivia said, glancing at the clock.

"You sure?" He leaned in to kiss her again only to be interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Fitz? You ready?" Oliver called out.

"I'll be out in a minute," he said. "Sorry," he whispered to Olivia.

"I'll see you tonight," she said and gave him a quick kiss.

"Don't you mean this afternoon? Surely you won't be gone that long," he replied.

"I won't. But, you will."

"What? How long is your dad planning to fish?"

"Sun up to sundown."

"Is it too late to get out of it and spend the rest of the morning making love to you?"

"Yes. Besides, I'm going to be mad at you if you disappoint my dad by not going. He's really looking forward to it."

"I am, too," Fitz admitted. He got up and put on his boots. "I'll see you tonight," he said and kissed her goodbye.

When Fitz got downstairs, he found Oliver emerging from a closet with a rifle. His eyes widened. What the hell? He thought they were past the scare the new boyfriend thing, especially since he was now the husband. Also, he thought he liked him. He and Olivia were certain that he'd won Oliver over. Were they both wrong? Surely, Olivia would know if her father didn't like him.

"For the snakes," Oliver said, noticing the look of confusion on his face.


"I thought you said you've fished before."

"Yeah. In a boat," Fitz clarified.

"Well, we're going to be on a bank today," Oliver said, hitting him on the back. "And, there will be snakes."

Fitz looked at his father in law, wondering just what the hell he'd gotten himself into.

Olivia stood rigidly still for the final fitting of her dress. She had been sending in regular measurements of her growing midsection, but she felt like she was getting bigger with each passing day in every area, not just her abdomen.

"Relax," Emma, the seamstress told Olivia. "I'm not going to stick you. Besides, I want you to be able to move in this dress."

"Yeah. You can't dance stiff as a board," Kasey chimed in.

"I'm not dancing," Olivia declared.

"Um… there's a dance required for the whole wedding party. You're dancing."

"And, then I'm sitting down."

Kasey rolled her eyes.

"I'm just so tired, now," Olivia added.

"How's that going to work out when you go back to work," Kasey wanted to know.

"I don't know," Olivia replied honestly. "Before, it was okay. I would get tired if I was on my feet for too long. But, now, I'm sure I won't last an hour."

"Have you told Fitz?"
"No. And, I'm not going to. He's going to get extra protective, and it's only going to annoy me."

"I don't know, Liv. I don't think this is something you should keep from him."

"I'll be fine," she said, dismissively. "Besides, if I'm not, he'll know. He watches me, anyway."

"That's good he's checking on you. I'm sure he knows how stubborn and allergic to help you are."

"Actually, he just thinks I'm sexy while I'm working," Olivia said with a smile.

"Alright," Emma said. "That should do it. I'll have it delivered tomorrow."

"I'll try not to expand anymore between now and the wedding," Olivia joked.

"You can, it's perfectly fine," she assured Olivia. "The dress will expand with you."

"Let's go get something to eat," Kasey suggested once she got dressed.

"Let's go to Harvest," Olivia suggested. "I want some rojos, wildcat peppers, and fried brownie bites.

"You got it," Kasey said.

"You don't seem stressed at all," Olivia pointed out once they were seated and had their food. She loved the restaurant, but they were always so crowded, which meant service was usually slow. "That's good."

"Girl, for what I'm paying my wedding planner, I better not even think about being stressed."

"Well, she definitely seems worth the price.

"Oh hell," Kasey exclaimed in a hushed whisper.

"What?" Olivia wanted to know, following her gaze. "Oh my God," she whispered.

"Wow," he began. "Olivia Pope. I never thought I would see you again. Hi."

"Hello Quincy." She hadn't seen him since high school. She couldn't believe that he was there or how good he looked. She should have though. He was a handsome young man. But, grown man Quincy was something else entirely. She gazed at him, taking in his full appearance. He had filled out his six foot, four inch frame beautifully.

"It's so good to see you," he said, bending down to hug her.

"You too."

"Congratulations," he said, gesturing towards her protruding stomach.

"Thank you," she said, placing a hand there.

"Kasey," he turned to her. "It's good to see you again."

"Quincy," was Kasey's curt reply.

"Can I sit for a minute," he asked, gesturing to one of the empty chairs at the table.

"Sure," Olivia replied, even though Kasey was shaking her head no, and Olivia couldn't figure out why.

"Wow, you're just as beautiful as ever," he said, looking her over.

"Thank you."

"Her husband agrees," Kasey interjected.

"With good reason." He turned back to Olivia. "I saw you and your husband on TV. Congratulations on the new job."

"Thank you," Olivia said. "What about you? What are you doing?"

"Coaching the basketball team."

"And, they suck," Kasey added.

"We had a bad season," he said.

"Seasons," Kasey clarified.

"So, how long are you in town?" He wanted to know, ignoring Kasey.

"A week."

"We should get together for dinner."

"She's married," Kasey interjected again.

"I know that," Quincy said. "Everyone knows can bring your husband. After all, I've never had dinner with a superbowl champ."

"I'll think about it," Olivia said.

"We should go," Kasey said as she stood up.

"It was good seeing you again," Olivia said as she was dragged out by Kasey.

"Hopefully, we'll see each other for dinner," Quincy called after her.

"What's up with you?" Olivia asked Kasey when they got outside.

"That asshole wants you back," Kasey told her.

"What? He just told me to bring Fitz along for dinner."

"He's been asking about you," Kasey informed her. "He's told people that he still wants you. When he found out I was getting married, he started asking if you were going to be here. His ass probably followed us."

Olivia shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I'm so in love with Fitz, I can't see past him."

"I know. I just don't trust the little weasel."

"You don't trust anybody."

Fitz followed Oliver's cue of rinsing the grass and mud off of his boots in the back yard, and then taking them off and placing them in the garage by the door. Fishing with his father-in-law was an adventure to say the least. It might have even been relaxing in the midst of catching two of the biggest catfish he had ever seen in his life, some bass and breams, if it wasn't for the shooting two snakes. He spent most of the time, looking around to make sure there weren't any near him. Instead of throwing the fish back like he used to do when he fished with his dad, they kept them for dinner.

"Gonna clean 'em, gut 'em, and fry 'em," Oliver told him.

They found the ladies in the kitchen, preparing dinner when they got back. Well, Carol and Edith were preparing dinner. Olivia was just sitting at the table.

"Hi," he leaned down to kiss Olivia who dodged his kiss.

"You stink," she said.

"So, I can't have a kiss?"

"After you shower," she said.

"Yes, daddy's home," Olivia said, touching her stomach. Their little girl was doing somersaults at the sound of Fitz's voice.

"Hey Princess," he said, reaching out to touch Olivia's stomach, but she moved.

"Shower," she demanded.

"Okay," Fitz conceded as he left out of the kitchen.

While he was in the shower, Fitz was thinking back over the day when the shower curtain was pulled back, scaring him half to death.

He looked up and saw Olivia leaning against the wall. "Hi," she said.

"What are you doing?" He asked, slightly amused.

Her eyes roamed over his entire body and she licked her lips. "I came for my kiss."

"Just a kiss?" He asked as he watched her look him over like a piece of meat.

She smirked. "Yes."



"I'm up here."

She tore her eyes away from his wet body and looked up at him. "Kiss me," she whispered.

He chuckled to himself and leaned down and kissed her.

"Stay and keep me company," Fitz said.


She sat on the counter, and watched with amusement as he frowned. "Wasn't what I had in mind."

She smiled and leaned back against the wall. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"With your dad? Yeah. It was a lot different from the fishing I used to do," he said as he pulled the curtain back across to keep the floor from geeting wet.

"How so?"

"Well, for starters, when you're on a boat, you don't have to shoot snakes."

Olivia laughed. "I forgot to warn you about that. Did you see any?"

"Two. Your dad shot one and let me shoot the other one. He was surprised it was my first time handling a gun. That kickback was serious, though."

"Wait. You've never handled a gun, before?" Olivia exclaimed.

"No. Does that shock you?"

"Yes. I mean, you were a boy scout. I just assumed they taught you."

"We learned how to shoot arrows," he told her.


"Your dad said that you've shot a few snakes before."


"So, how well can you handle a gun?" He wanted to know.

"I've had training," Olivia told him. "My dad is a marine," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Your mom was okay with this?"

"Yeah. She did put her foot down when he tried to buy me one, so that I could start hunting with him, though."

"Good thing you have your mom," Fitz said with a laugh.

"She talks a good bougie game, but she used to hunt with my granddad and uncles when she was about nine."

"And, you have never been hunting?"

Olivia shook her head. "I don't think I could do it, actually shoot an animal. Well, deer. That's all my dad hunts. And, plus, I saw what he had to do when he would bring it home before we could eat it."

"Wait. You ate the deer," Fitz said with disgust.

"What else were we supposed to do with it?"

"I don't know. Some people hunt for fun. Just to hang a head on a wall or something," he pointed out.

"Down here, you hunt for dinner," Olivia told him.

"Gross," Fitz said.

"It's delicious."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Nope. I'm going to see if my mom has some to cook for you while we're here."

"You better not."

"Oh, but I am," she said with a sneaky smile.

He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.

"I'm going to go now," she said as she slid down off of the counter.


"If I stay, I'm going to dry you off. And, if I dry you off, I'm going to touch you." Her voice dropped. "And, if I touch you…" her eyes roamed seductively over his body stopping at his groin. She licked her lips. "Dinner's ready," she said as she turned to leave. "There'll be time for desert later."

"I'm glad you came down," Carol said as Olivia came downstairs. "Because you have a visitor, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to come up there."

Olivia blushed, and looked around the living room.

"Porch," Carol told her.

She stepped out on the porch and couldn't believer her eyes. "Quincy, what are you doing here?"

"You got a minute?" He asked.

She started to sit down, but Kasey's warning sounded loudly in her head. So, she remained standing, not wanting him to get too comfortable. "Yeah."

"I want to apologize," he began.

She cocked her head to the side and raised her eyebrow.

"For cheating on you," he clarified.

"Quincy, that was years ago," Olivia said. There was need for him to know that it had a profound affect on her for years. But, she did appreciate his apology. She just didn't tell him.

"I know. I just felt I should apologize. You weren't try to hear me in high school. And, even if you had given me another chance, I probably would have kept cheating on you. Because, I honestly did not think I was," he explained.


"Yeah. My dumb ass cousin told me that your girlfriend is your good girl who you didn't ask to do things like...you know...blowjobs. You let the other girls take care of that and you make love to your girl. Like an idiot, I listened. And, lost the girl who was supposed to be my wife." His voice was filled with so much regret that she actually felt sorry for him. But, that was it.

"I'm not supposed to be your wife, Quincy," Olivia told him. "I'm with the man I'm supposed to be with."

"You know what I mean," Quincy said. He sighed and looked at her with sad eyes. "You were the perfect girl. If only I hadn't fucked up." He reached out and caressed her cheek.

She reached up to remove his hand from her face, and before she could process what was happening, his lips were on hers. She was frozen still with shock for a second, but when it registered to her what was happening, she moved to push him off of her just as she heard the door slam shut. She quickly spun around only to see Fitz standing there. And, he was pissed. His eyes were blazing with anger.