It is safe to say that I have gotten rid of it and even though the chapter is short, there is a lot going on I hope you enjoyJ

I promise that the further postings will take place at a faster pace even if not every week…

Please review! You know it means a lot to me! It does.

That being said, the plot is mine but the rest is not. Any similarities between the story and anything else are purely coincidental.

I am blessed by my Beta The amazing Fran and pre reader Gabby!

Note: the mistakes are mine cause not all the time I listen to them. ;)

As it so happened, the condition in Forks Shirewas not at all right. The fields of the farmers had caught weeds and bugs overnight and had suffered massive losses. The crops were lost, and the farmers and tenants were concerned, not only by the misfortune that had dawned on them but also about who would have it in their hearts to destroy all of the crops that kept the estate and almost the whole the town fed?

I was sure that it all was foul play. That somehow it was Mr. James. Lord Demitri, having had the same concerns had contacted the local sheriff and had them start to look into the mysterious happenings and try to find Mr. James as inconspicuously as possible. I was impressed with the fact that Lord Demitri had been so resourceful and had taken these decisions himself and not asked for a consultation from the king as that definitely would have caused a lapse of time.

I sent a letter to Mr. Jacob confirming aid to the Forks Shire estate but not in the form of money or grains. The aid was to be in the form of help from the neighbouring towns and estates. The king, having experience in conspiracies was of the opinion that since Forks and my home estate were at a great distance from each other, if the misfortune was the work of Mr. James, then his intentions may have been to intercept the aid being sent or looting it. He suggested that asking the neighbouring trading towns to help and paying them instead would be a way of preventing such a conspiracy if it were in action.

He also suggested that we set a decoy in the form of carriers transporting armed men from the estate so if the conspiracy were true and if the supposed 'aid' were intercepted, the man behind the crime would be caught and hopefully would lead us to Mr. James.

As the days went by, the palace started changing. Arrangements for a small ball were made. Considering the circumstances, the queen had kept the preparations sober. But when I had asked, she explained that though the governors and the lords and ladies coming were here to discuss and debate a very prominent and critical issue, they were inherently formerly kings and queens of the respective provinces and were very well respected in their own lands. It was all a show of grandeur, diplomacy, welcome, and respect. Not only to the dignitaries but also to the people of the provinces.

She told me that news travels fast, and it would travel much faster if someone felt that a particular king or queen was not honoured as they felt he or she deserved.

"But they are all men who accepted defeat or handed over control. How is it that your actions towards them matter? These people are inherently beneath you in the hierarchy."

"Isabella, true. These people may lie beneath us in the political hierarchy, but they and their people are still patriotic towards their homeland. We may be united against other kingdoms but within it was, is, and will always be a conflict of interest and power. That is the reason as to why the king has advisors in all provinces and even deeply embedded spies in hostile provinces. To prevent the conflicts that may arise due to misled rebels or waylaid patriots who compare grandeur of welcome and honour in the same balance, it is necessary to make such expenses which we may otherwise consider unnecessary."

As promised, I had severely reprimanded Katherine and had ordered her to profusely apologize to all the ladies of the queen's court for any disrespect that she may have shown towards them. This I was sure would wipe away any doubt anybody had about my authority. I explicitly informed Katherine that any further trouble and she would either be removed from my services and sent to the kitchen to do menial work or be thrown out of the castle in absolute disgrace.

That somehow seemed to shake her up. I knew that though it would be very much a demotion in her position, but she looked rather shocked not distressed. Yet, I had to admit that whatever the reason, she had changed her methodology. She seemed much more conscious of her surroundings.

Soon we started receiving letters about the arrival of the governors and other delegates. The castle was busy to get the preparations ready. The lords and ladies dressed in their finest clothes and presented themselves to welcome the guests and to make them comfortable. Though the circumstances were dire, the crowd was almost lively, with dramatic displays of friendship and support.

The last one to arrive was the governor of Dabney, Aro. Though the delegation was meeting to discuss the situation in his home, he arrived to the most fanfare and looked almost smug as if he knew something that we didn't...

So...what do you think Aro is up to?

leave me a note and a review:) and keep tuning in;)

I've been feeling a bit dramatic;).