Hello everyone here's a new story that I hope you'll enjoy; the characters might be a bit ooc-ish but that's just how I wanted to tell the story as. Enjoy and as always Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.

With My Life

I don't know where you're going, but do you have room for one more troubled soul. I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm coming home. And I said, I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead. This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ~Fall out Boy Alone together

Chapter 1


Tap, tap, tap…. Lucy's eyes scanned the request board looking for the perfect job to pay her rent, which is due next week. She was dressed normally in a red V-neck tank top, white mini-skirt, her keys on her belt, her golden blond hair down for once, her brown boots tapping on the hard wood floor. No…. not Mt. Hokabe… No monster ones... no bandits either…. "Why are all the recent requests fighting ones?" She said with a sigh as she walked over towards the bar and sat.

"Mira!" Lucy whined looking at the white haired woman behind the bar. "you wouldn't happen to have any requests that are non-fighting ones?" Mira thought for a moment, her ocean blue eyes deep in thought, and smiled at Lucy. "Now that I think about it we just got one in today that would be perfect for you. Give me a moment and I'll be right back." She left the bar and went upstairs, coming back a moment later with a job flyer in hand, and handed it to Lucy.

"A modeling job?" Lucy said as she read the flyer.

Female Model Wanted

Weekend Job

200,000 Jewel

Lucy looked at the address and saw it was in Crocus. "so this person only wants a female model?" Lucy asked eying Mira.

"They actually already have a male model and they need a female one, and from what I hear its someone from the Guild."

"Do you know who?"
"Sadly, no. Most of the men are gone anyways so it's a bit hard to guess." Lucy looked around the Guild and saw Mira was right, most of the guys were gone. Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, even Laxus were away on jobs, even Freed and Bickslow were off on their own.

"Well, I guess I'll take this one and find out who it is when I get there. Mira could you go ahead and call the client and tell them I'm taking the express train there, that I'll be there later this afternoon, and I'll call you when I get to Crocus."
"Yes, of course Lucy. Good luck!" With a cheery wave to everyone Lucy left, her bright golden hair swinging behind her as she walked out the doors. After the doors closed behind her the comm. lacrima went off and Mira went to check it and saw a message from the Rune Knights telling everyone that there had been a prison break and advising everyone to be careful. Lucy will be fine; she has her spirits with her.

~~ TS ~~ 3 hours ~~

Lucy sighed in relief when she got off the train, she had just gotten off the comm. lacrima with Mira letting her know she had arrived and now all she had to do was find the client, complete the job, and her rent would be set for a few months. She wandered through the packed and crowded streets lost in her daydream of not worrying about rent for a few months, occasionally asking for directions on how to get to the client's house.

She did a little happy dance at the thought of taking another job so she could buy some new clothes but then stopped and looked around, realizing too late that she was lost and it was a bit too quiet. She looked around and saw the street was deserted, except for a cloaked that had just turned onto the street, walking straight towards her.

"Not good. Not good." She muttered and reached for her keys, only to grasp air. Frantically she looked around and saw a woman behind her holding her keys, a malicious grin on her lips as she carelessly tossed them in a trash can.

"Lucy Heartfilia," the cloaked said in a slow somewhat familiar drawl. "Celestial Mage of Fairy Tail, what a stroke of luck." The figure stepped closer to her. "Haze, I believe you know what to do."

"Of course, Master." The woman purred and Lucy fought back a scream as tendrils of black hair curled around her.

"Don't worry, little fairy." The figure said in a mocking voice. "I don't plan on killing you, yet." The last thing Lucy saw before everything went black was the person removing their hood, revealing their face.


Laxus was already annoyed with this job. He was doing this as a favor for a friend of Evergreen's, and the delay today was irritating him even more. Mira had called early this afternoon saying Lucy had accepted the job, but she should have been here hours ago. I should just leave, come back another day. Julie should understand. He ran a hand through his blond spikes, and with a sigh he pulled his black fur-lined coat back on over his black muscle shirt and maroon pants.

"Oi, Julie, I'm going to go home, I'll be back tomorrow. Lucy should be here by then."

"Of course Laxus." Julie said, her now voice raspy, not the light voice he had heard all day, as she put her sketch pencils down, looking down at the now finished sketch. "I just hope nothing has happened to her. I heard from a friend that there was a prison break this morning." She ripped several sketches from her book, folded them, and handed them to him. He looked at her only to notice her eyes had misted over, her normal caramel brown eyes were now a milky white. Ever had warned him about this, she had told him Julie was special. "Look at these after you hear from her."

Anxious to get away from her Laxus put the sketches in his coat pocket. "I'm sure she's fine, just that she got distracted. I'll see you tomorrow." With a wave he left and lightening traveled to Fairy Tail.

He walked in and looked around for Mira, spotting her in her usual place behind the bar, serving drinks to Freed, Bickslow, Elfman, and Gildarts. He walked over and leaned over the bar, catching her attention. "Mira," He spoke in a hushed voice, not wanting to draw too much attention, and she walked over to listen. "what happened to Lucy? Why didn't she show for the job, was her train delayed?"

"You were the one she was supposed to work with?" Mira asked with hearts in her eyes, and Laxus mentally strangled her, instead he glared at her making her flinch slightly, and the hearts disappeared.

"Why didn't she show?" He repeated.

"What do you mean? She called me when her train got in about three hours ago. It's not like her to go missing, especially when the money goes towards her rent. Maybe she got lost, Crocus is a big town."

"For three hours?" Laxus ran a hand through his hair, from what he's heard Lucy is always trying to get rent money. Ping, ping, ping…

"Hold that thought," Mira said as the Guild comm. Lacrima went off, and she turned to answer it. A young woman with short silver hair and amber colored eyes appeared in it, eyes that looked worried. "oh, hello Yukino. Why are you calling?" Mira smiled at the Sabretooth mage.

"Is Lucy there?" She asked timidly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Yukino, she's on a job right now. Why do you need her?" At Mira's words her eyes got even wider and more worried, and that slight shift made Laxus's eyes narrow.

"Well, someone found her keys in a trash can and brought them here to Sabretooth. If her keys are here but you say she's out on a job… Have any of you heard from her rec-" Yukino was cut off as the doors flew open with a bang.

"Mira! We have an emergency! Where is Master Makarov?!" Erza bellowed as she stormed into the Guild. Everyone went silent as she stood there, her scarlet hair fanning out around her as she scanned the hall.

"Master Makarov isn't here, but he should be back later tonight. What's wrong Erza?" Mira asked as she looked away from the lacrima.

"You heard about the prison break today?" Erza asked and Mira nodded.

"What about it?" Laxus asked, slightly disinterested, annoyed that he wasn't getting answers about Lucy's no-show.

"it was them."

"Who?" Erza shot him a glare that had the hairs on his arms standing on end.

"Raven Tail…"

Laxus looked at her, his eyes narrowed to slits. What has the bastard done now… "Are you positive?"

"Yes, eyewitnesses spotted them in Crocus only hours ago. Apparently they left in a hurry once they were spotted, some even said they saw them dragging a body, though I hope that's just a rumor." Erza took a breath and looked around the Guild, noticing the missing members. "Where is everyone?"

"Well, Natsu is on a job with Lisanna, Gray left with Juvia and Cana. Gajeel is on a date with Levy, even though they insisted it was just a job. Lucy is in Cro-" It finally dawned on Mira and she clapped her hands over her mouth, her blue eyes going wide with fear and worry.

"What about Lucy?" Erza demanded in a steely voice.

"Lucy is missing," Laxus answered for Mira. "She was last heard from as her train arrived one Crocus, her keys were found in a trash can somewhere in the city…" Laxus glanced over at the comm. lacrima, which was still on. "Oi! Girl!" Startled, Yukino looked over at him, "Have your dragon slayers scan the area where her keys were found, see if they can catch her scent and follow it!" She nodded and the lacrima went blank, he then turned to Mira, mentally preparing to take control of the situation until Lucy was found, not realizing it was his inner dragon making him telling him to do so.

"Call everyone back right now!" He growled, making Mira and Erza jump a little. "If my father is really behind her disappearance he won't be living much longer." Nodding Mira took off to call everyone back from their jobs, Erza cautiously walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"She will be fine; your father will have nothing to do with this. I know how much you care for her." She said in a voice only he could hear. He shrugged her hand off and turned away.

"You're wrong, I don't care for like that. I'm just pissed that Ivan escaped." He growled at her, even though his inner dragon was growling at him, calling him a liar.

You're wrong. Erza thought as he walked away. I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one sees you, and I pray to Mavis that Ivan has nothing to do with her disappearance.

"Can't I just nibble on her, just a little bit?" A voice asked, no pleaded, with someone Lucy couldn't see. Everything was dark and damp, and she could feel chains on her wrists and ankles.

"No, Dart. Master wants to speak to her before we do anything to her." It was a woman who spoke, and Lucy could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"But I want to taste her, her flesh looks so delectable." Lucy stiffened at the words and she heard a squeal of excitement. "Ooh, she's awake. I'll go get Master now."

"No need, I had a feeling she would wake soon, so I came down to check on her." A voice said and Lucy was momentarily blinded as her blindfold was taken off. As the spots faded she saw three people standing in front of her. One was the woman from earlier, she had long black hair, and eerie yellow eyes, almost cat like, set into a moon pale face. She was in a very revealing black dress and she was watching Lucy like a cat watches a mouse.

The other was a lean looking young man with snow white hair with dark red tips, almost like he dipped them in blood. His eyes were stark white and when he smiled at Lucy she saw rows of razor sharp teeth.

The last man she wished would disappear. He was tall and tanned, with slicked back black hair and blue eyes.

"Ivan…" she whispered and he smirked at her.

"Good, you haven't forgotten me, even though we've never had the pleasure of meeting before I went to prison. I was afraid that after a year everyone would have forgotten me.

"Why am I here?" She yelled as she struggled against her chains.

"Because you're just the bait, Fairy Tail has something that I want, and you're the first fairy that I ran into. Now, let's see how they respond to the bait." Ivan said as the turned on a comm. lacrima, the lacrima blinked to life and he turned it to them. "Fairy Tail Guild Hall." He told it and a few moments later Lucy was looking into the Guild Hall, and tears of fury pooled in her eyes. Ivan, you will pay for this… They will not stop hunting you… "Hello, Fairy Tail!" Ivan's voice rang out clear and cruel as everyone turned to the screen to watch.