Ahem, ahem, testing, mic check. Is this thing on? Ah, good it is.

Hello everyone! Well, it's sure been a long time, hasn't it? Well, I have some good news and bad news.

Bad news is, this particular fic will not be updated anymore. I know, so sad.

The GOOD news is, it is going to be rewritten. I am going to be rewriting many things, although some shall remain the same.

I'll be making another fic and leaving this one up for reference and archive purposes.

So, what's going to change in the revised version? I'm glad you asked!

-FTEs will be different from canon, although they will still be heavily referenced.

-Some victims and murders will be changed to not be as predictable or easy to solve.

-Ships won't be tagged right off the bat

-Chapters will be written in advance, so I'm not rushed to write an entire chapter right away.

-Updates will be around once a month, rather than once a week or even once a day as I had been doing before.

-Plot points will change up slightly so as to fix plot holes that were previously in place.

-Jokes will hopefully be better.

-Izuru's OP-ness will be toned down a bit.

A few questions:

-Do you want me to keep the nicknames Izuru had for the other cast members?

-Do you want any ships changed? (If you suggest incest I will personally come to your house and put legos in your shoes)

-Any suggestions for the FTEs?

-To all the people with siblings: What are some things that you and your siblings do that I can use as reference for Hajime and Izuru?

And that's about it. I'll begin work on the new story ASAP. However, I am currently taking a class at college, so it may take me awhile. I want to write the first few chapters before posting, so I at least have some to post if I fall behind on writing.

Art credit goes to scarlettaagni on Tumblr! (Go to the AO3 page of this fic to see the art)