
Summary: Being reborn as a Gundalian is not all that cracked up to be, as far as he could tell, everyone here seemed to be bound by the laws of the show. But he was an existence outside of that. He refused to be nothing but a lacky and instead he wanted to be a ruler, a ruler over his own Empire even if he had to start from the bottom.

I do not own Bakugan.


Laxus Phudor, know he hadn't been born human, he could just feel it in his bones, just seeing his reflection afterwards only confirmed his suspicions.

Believe it or not, he had been a doctor once, he was someone who was always so ambitious with his work, he didn't even blink when it came to helping people who came to him when they had nowhere else to turn to, even if he broke the law.

But he had been a fool.

The world was a much harsher places than he had thought, he learnt the hard way how human beings could go from praising you to scorning you all in a span of a minute.

He wasn't at all surprised to find police knocking at his door one morning and he was finally arrested, he was convinced he would be out with a week, the people who he helped in the past would come forward to testify.

After all, you would think that they would do everything in their power to get him free so he saved so many of their lives.

But they didn't.

They ended up crucifying him, he had to sit there and listen to the lies they spouted about him, how he was dangerous and needed to be locked away, they didn't want to reveal how they willingly came to him for help.

Nothing he could say, could save him with the overwhelming 'evidence' against him, as a result he was sentenced to a life in jail with parole.

He ended up spending 40 years in that hell hole until he had finally kicked the bucket, in prison he learnt that you had to climb the ladder in the hopes he got a good night sleep, everybody was practically sleeping with their eyes open for fear of being stabbed in the night.

His only companion he could call friends were in-anminate objects that weren't even alive, word spread around quickly that a doctor had enter the prison, as a result people came to him if they needed drugs or to heal an old wound, he made them believe, that his had gone off the deep end, it was safer that way if you came across as insane, nobody really bothers an insane guy but in actual fact, he was twisting them all around his finger.

He would never trust another human being as long as he lived.

Now thinking back on his former life, he would have made the perfect Gundalian, yes he had heard of the show, it was hard not to when you had to share a room with a man who had the brain of a child.

He had long since dreamt of that sweet release of life, how his body was supposed to feel after his 'death' but he could have never imagined this, he had somehow been reborn, he was proved corrected when he saw his own reflection, he had gray skin and grayish blue marks where the cheek bone area where,

His hair colour, was divided into all the colours of the Bakugan attributes, it was because of that, that people thought he was cursed or something because he was something that they did not understand but he didn't care, even if his own parents were afraid of him.

Like in Ren's past, Gundalians lived in darkness, they had been chased underground and the species were exactly afraid of returning because of their enemies.

So several years passed and he grow up.

Than he came.

The man that would one day become 'Emperor Barodius', promising them all a life on the surface, a life above all those who banished them, that Gundalian's will prove to all that they were a superior race.

To him, it was like listening to Adolf Hitler, and like Adolf Hitler, people were blinded enough by the promises that the man made, and which he would never truly make due on.

It was a sad day in history when another Adolf Hitler descended to the throne and immediately declared war on another races.

And Laxus decided to become, one of the soldiers under that same mad man.

You must be shocked that he was willing to work for such a man, but you had to admit, under all that madness there had to be something gained.

Such as the knowledge of the people who flocked to that mad man.

His objective was to become a simple guard soldier and 'protect' the royal palace, which could seriously use something to brighten the place up.

Laxus became one of those men who nobody know the names of, sporting the same uniform as the rest, he wanted to remain anonymous no matter how much it disgusted him to shout "All hail Emperor Barodius" every god damn day, they should all be shouting instead "All hail the man we were stupid enough to lead us to our deaths!"

But he didn't think that would go down well.

It was a good thing being a guard he quickly started reaping the advantages because, the guards always rotated so he saw everything he needed to see, especially when it came to Gundalian technology, it would be seven years after his enrolment until the Gundalian army would set their sights on earth.

Sending Ren to prevent, the enemy from getting there first and turn the best battlers against the enemy was an okay plan, the brawlers were extremely big hearted so they would believe anyone with a sob story, if that person put enough feeling into it.

He know it didn't last long and he was proven correct, two months later when the Brawlers changed side and the empire turned on them to eliminate the Brawlers.

It obviously didn't work.

He didn't get it, they all had this amazing technology around them and yet they use common foot soldiers who were decent enough at brawling.

Just send a robot to capture each one of them, on by one or send a virus that only affected the brawlers down there, that would get the Brawler out of the way for good.

Heck, they could even start small like take over a random town and than move up, overwhelm them with shear numbers from both humans and aliens working together.

But nope.

People died left and right because people didn't have the common sense to take a brawler out one at a time, they didn't have the brains to use fifty or so people at once, especially if they were in a tight space, you didn't have to be a genius to know who would win in the end.

And Jake's voice after he was brainwashed..

What do the youngster say, again?

It was a major cringefest.

Laxus was just so glad when Jake became irritating again and the boy was world's away, where he didn't have to hear that voice.

He had seen how the show ended so he was prepared when the place blow up.

Everyone was so caught up, in trying to beat a bunch of children that they never noticed his activities not even when he made them believe that Fabia fiancee Jin, was dead when in actually fact he switched his body with a dead clone he made and kept the real one in storage, barely alive and won't wake up until he said so.

Floating in space, until he reached his destination made him have a lot of time on his hands, now that he wasn't under some idiot who thinks killing children would mean the world was successfully concurred, clearly the man never heard of the atomic bomb and it's devastating effects.

Laxus refused to be a lacky, he would create a place so unique and great, that he would be king and make his own laws, no more stupidity.

He found an empty planet that had a lush fields for farming and water, essential for survival, he also found out, what he was breathing in wasn't oxygen, but a different gas all together meaning any life that needed oxygen here would have died within a minute or so.

He wasted no time in beginning his work, trying to build a city, he had stolen a few bakugan from both Gundalian's and Nathan's soldiers who wouldn't need them were they were going and placed a tiny control device on each one of them and just watched as they went to work, following his blue-prints.

It took him almost a year to build it, and it look amazing, not only were the roads above ground and complex but the building shapes were unique as well.

But it was incredibly empty..

What kind of city has the same number of people that he can count on one hand?

He needed to find citizens, people to rule over and guide.

And he know just the people to help make this place become more lively even if he had to kidnap them to it.

He sent mini-micro camera's out, on as many planets as he could, scouting for worthy potential civilians, even on Earth.

He was especially interested in the human boy named Marcho and the one named Shun.

The brawlers probably didn't realise it but without Marcho's brains, the whole team wouldn't have gotten as far as they did, the boy potential was being wasted in just making things for the Bakugan.

Shun on the other hand, was a great brawler, he was a calm and collected, the boy know when to strike and when to show to show compassion, if it wasn't for Dan's ridiculous power ups he always seemed to get because he is the main character, he was sure Shun would be stronger than him.

Laxus would never even look in Dan Kuso direction, sure the boy had an untold amount of power but the boy was a class A, grade idiot, the boy was only good for brawling, he doubted the boy even thought about pursuing a career that didn't involve Bakugan one way or another.

But he couldn't take them now.

The story hadn't finished yet and the brawlers would need them, but he would be patient.

He waited weeks, building to pass the time until Mechtavius Destroyer was finally gone, it was a shame, that when everyone nearly died and they had finally defeated the final boss, believing the future was safe.

He would took them.

# With Dan and the others#

Everyone looked up the sky, the sun was shining brightly and with smile's on their faces.

Boy, did it feel good after the long hard battle.

But than both Marcho and Shun suddenly started feeling weird.

"Shun!" Jaakor said, seeing Shun body begin to disappear.

"Marcho!" Raditaz said, Marcho body was disappearing!

Both brawlers were shocked to see more than half of their body was missing and with time, more was going missing.

"DAN!" Both Marcho and Shun said, the brawler turned around and everyone began to panic, trying to save them.

They all know, they were being teleported to someplace but before they could call in to Mira at headquarters to figure out a way to stop them, both of them had already vanished.

# Planet Phudor#

Both Shun and Marchio suddenly found themselves in two, separate pods, they were both shocked to see they weren't the only one's in pods but everyone else seemed to be in a state of hibernation.

In front of them was a man with the oddest hair colour they had ever seen, he ignored their shouts to let them out and continued his work.

The man pressed a button and both of their pods began to fill with sleeping gas, both Shun and Marchio tried not to inhale but it was already too late, you can't escape in an enclosed space.

Slowly their bodies went limp but the man didn't let up the gas, he continued gasing them, with Shun's ninja training he didn't believe for one second that the boy had inhaled enough gas.

After an hour, he finally let up and went to work on the changes he wanted to make to the two unconscious boys.

First he changed their very DNA structure so they would be a water type aliens, with fish fins and all, being human would kill them quickly if they were to live here, he was fascinated to see their skin had turned different shades of purple.

He was willing to bet that both of their eyes would be yellow with a cat iris, but this time it wouldn't be a sign of brainwashing, it would be a sign of their changed heritage.

A symbol that tells them that they were no longer human.

He than went onto the really important stuff, their memories.

A person's memories is what makes a person, everything about a person's personality and how they interact with the world around them is closely tied with their memories.

But if someone were to temper with it, you could change a person's whole being at will.

He basically re-wrote their whole lives, they would have never heard of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, they would believe that they grow up on this planet and that he was there ruler.

Shun mother would still be alive but it wasn't who he remembered in his memories, Laxus already picked a woman, who would be a suitable replacement for Shun's own mother, the boy was still trained, but not to be a ninja, but to take his father's places as a fighter, one day.

Marcho would grow up in a privileged him like when he was a human, but his 'parents' had more time to spend with him, he was home schooled and his parents loved to take him out of places, just like any other kid.

Neither of them will ever remember meeting Dan Kuso or becoming part of such an important group as the Brawlers.

Once he was done, he assigned two new Bakugan who believed that Marucho and Shun have always been their partners since the early stages of their childhood.

Once he was done fiddling with everyone mind's, he teleported them all to their assigned houses, in their assigned beds.

Every room was made to look as realistic as possible, what's the point of remembering what your room looks like when your actually room looks nothing like that?

There was even pictures of their supposed families.

So today, he would let them all rest as the changes in them settled down.

But tomorrow...

He would be a ruler.

And scene!

This is another attempt at a Bakugan fanfic, after the disaster that was the other one, I can't even remember the name. Please tell me what you think. Review/ Fav and follow!