The Illusive Man was looking out to space on his space station when Shepard's hologram appeared.

He then turned and looked at him. "Shepard. I wish I had more information for you. I don't like you heading through a relay blind, but we don't have much choice."

Shepard nodded. "I'm not going alone; I've got some of the best working with me. If we stick together, we'll make it."

The Illusive Man smiled. "I knew we brought you back for a reason. I've never seen a better leader. Despite the dangers, it's a great opportunity. The first human to take a ship through… and survive."

Shepard narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to destroy the Collectors. Despite their attacks on humanity."

The Illusive Man nodded. "Understood. It's still impressive. I just want you to know I appreciate the risk that you're taking. Regardless of your opinion of Cerberus. Of me. You are… a valuable asset. To all of humanity. Be careful, Shepard."

Shepard's hologram then faded as the Illusive Man sat back down in his chair.

Shepard then made his way to the bridge and met up with Joker. They were coming close to the Omega 4 relay, it looked like the other relays, but it's mass effect core was a bright red instead of blue.

"Approaching Omega 4 relay," said Joker. "Everyone stand by."

"Let's make it happen," said Shepard.

Joker nodded and began to access the control.

"Reaper IFF activated," said EDI. "Signal acknowledge."

Jacob was in the life-support systems overlooking the drive core which flared up.

"Commander? The drive core just lit up like a Christmas tree!" said Jacob.

"Drive core electrically charged at critical levels," said EDI.

"Rerouting!" said Joker as he fumbled with the controls.

The Normandy then made its way towards the mass relay and then automatically entered into FTL. They were moving a lot faster than they normally would have in FTL which may the inertial dampener nonexistence.

"Brace for deceleration," EDI advised.

They soon exited from FTL and saw large-scale the debris heading their way.

"Oh, shit!" Joker yelled as he pulled the ship up to avoid collision. It took some manoeuvring but was able to get them out of most of the worst of the debris field. Joker sighed with relief. "Too close."

Joker then began to manoeuvre the Normandy through the debris field. As they did Shepard could see black holes in the distance and exploding suns at enlightened the whole place. I then noticed that the debris stretched for millions of miles and that some of them bore resemblance to ship.

"This must be all the ships that try to make it through the Omega 4 relay," said Joker. "Some look… ancient."

Shepard had no doubt that they belonged to other species that had since longed been destroyed by the Reapers.

"I have detected an energy signature near the edge of the accretion disk," said EDI.

Soon coming into view was an odd looking structure that looked as if it was made by the same materials of the Collector ship. Shepard knew instantly that this was the Collector base and he had a strong feeling that they weren't going to allow them to enter through the front door.

"Has to be the Collector base," said Shepard. He then looked down at Joker. "Take it in for a closer look. Nice and easy."

Joker then began to manoeuvre the Normandy closer towards the base, but then several large drones awakened and began to pursue.

"Careful, Jeff. We have company," said EDI.

"Taking evasive manoeuvres," said Jpker.

The drones then several energy beam at the Normandy, but Joker with a wooden manoeuvre normally out of their path. The drones then began to follow them relentlessly.

"Now they're just pissing me off!" Joker grumbled. "EDI—take these bastards out!"

The Normandy fired several beams at the drones destroying two of them, but two drones continue to fire at them. The drones then fired at the Normandy striking at the new armour plating.

"As long as the new plating holds," said Miranda as she joined Shepard on the bridge.

"They want another round?" said Joker. "Come on, girl, let give it to them."

The drones fired at the normally again causing it to shake. Shepard was thankful for the upgrade, because he doubted the old plating could have withstood the stray.

However the drones did not stop their pursuit and one of them charged straight at the Normandy. Its armour plating then separated and fired a sphere right into the cargo bay.

"Alert. Hull breach on the engineering deck," said EDI showing a hologram of the Normandy and where the breach was located.

"It's in the cargo hold!" said Joker.

"I'll take a team and deal with the intruder," said Shepard as he left the bridge. "You get the rest of them off our trail."

"Aye, aye, Commander," said Joker.

Shepard met up with Grunt, Tail and Zaeed in the cargo hold. When they got down there they found that they were facing against a large sphere that shot beams in all directions.

There were large holes within the hull of the Normandy. Fortunately, it feels were holding snowmaking have to worry about being sucked into the vacuum of space. They began to flank the sphere making it harder for it to fire at them and the tactic seemed to be working, but it's armour proved to be quite tough.

"We need some heavy weapons to take this thing down!" Zaeed yelled.

Fortunately, Shepard had just the thing and pulled out the Collector beam weapon that he acquired on Horizon. It began to cut through the armour of the drone. The drone kept on trying to stay by going straight through the hull and appearing on the other side.

It took some effort, but eventually they managed to cause enough damage to force the drone to escape.

"We're sitting ducks out here," said Joker over the comm. "I have to try and lose them in the debris field!"

On the bridge, Joker began to manoeuvre the Normandy in the debris field and the drones followed them. While the Normandy was able to manoeuvre around the debris, the drones weren't as lucky as they were crushed by the debris.

"Our kinetic barriers are not designed to survive impact with debris that size, Jeff," EDI warned.

"Then I guess it's a good thing we upgraded," said Joker. "We're going in."

Joker manoeuvred the Normandy into the debris field and Shepard and the others the ship shake as the debris stuck the ship. There was a large scraping sound as the debris scraped against the ship.

"Come on, find some room," Joker begged.

"Kinetic barriers at 40 percent," said EDI.

"Rebound non-critical power!" Joker yelled as he fumbled with the controls. "This is gonna hurt!"

Joker then skilfully began to manoeuvre the ship through the debris field, but even he was unable to avoid them wreckage as they struck the ship.

"Damage report!" Joker yelled.

"Kinetic barriers steady at 30 percent. No significant damage," said EDI.

"Take the helm, EDI," said Joker. "Keep it slow. See if we can avoid any more attention."

Then the drone that attack them before, somehow managed to manoeuvre itself around the debris field and reappeared underneath the Normandy. He then began to fire's beam at the cargo bay and created a hole large enough for it to enter.

"I have detected an enemy heading for the cargo hold," said EDI.

"That thing again," Joker groaned. "This one's up to Shepard."

Shepard and the others soon found themselves in battle with the drone yet again. They perform the same tactic as before and it was clear that the drone hadn't learned from their first encounter. Shepard kept on firing the beam weapon at it until it finally exploded. Fortunately, they were able to take cover before that happens.

"Son of a bitch but has stay dead this time," said Zaeed.

"Better back up here, Commander," said Joker over the comm.

"We're about to clear the debris field," said Miranda.

Shepard made it back onto the bridge just in time as they exited debris field. In front of them they saw the Collector base.

"There it is—the Collector base," said Miranda.

Shepard looked down at Joker. "See if you can find a place to land without drawing attention."

"Too late," said Joker as he looked over the scanners. "Looks like they're sending out an old friend to greet us."

Shepard then saw exiting from the space station was the Collector ship and he had a hunch that it was the same one that's been hounding him. Once it exited it began to turn towards them and straightaway it fired its energy weapon at them.

Fortunately, the new Normandy was a lot more agile than the old one and it avoided the beam altogether.

"Time to show them our new teeth," said Shepard. "Fire the main gun."

The new Thanix Cannon began to charge and fired a powerful beam straight towards the Collector ship. The beam struck the ship and suffered major damage to its hull.

"How do you like that, you sons-of-bitches?" Joker yelled enthusiastically.

"Get in close and finish them off," said Shepard.

"Everybody hold on—gonna be a wild ride!" Joker yelled.

The Collector ship fired beam at the Normandy once again, but the Normandy was just too fast for it. They then flew in closer towards the Collector ship until they were in a perfect attack position.

"Give 'em hell, girl!" Joker yelled slamming down on the controls.

The cannon fire once again and this time it went straight through the ship as if its shields were non-existent. The Collector ship then began to explode from within in a fiery way.

"Look out!" Miranda yelled.

It was too late, the Collector ship exploded sending a massive shock wave at the Normandy. The blast was so powerful that it knocked out of the Normandy's engine and the soon found themselves heading to a collision course with the Collector base.

"Mass effect field generated are offline!" Joker yelled as he tried to maintain control. "EDI—give me something!"

"Generators unresponsive. All hands brace for impact," said EDI.

The Normandy then collided with extended spike on the base and then promptly skidded across the metal uncontrollably. Shepard and Miranda were knocked off their feet as they skidded across the metal and eventually they came to a stop in a cargo bay.

Shepard pulled himself up with a massive headache and saw Miranda getting up shakenly. "Joker? You okay?" Shepard asked.

"Ungh… think I broke a rib. All of them," Joker moaned clutching his chest.

"Multiple core systems overloaded during the crash," said EDI. "Restoring operation will take time."

"We all knew this was likely a one-way trip," said Miranda folding her arms.

"Our primary objective is to destroy the station and stop the Collectors. At any cost," said Shepard firmly.

"Well then, we're off to a good start," said Joker. He looked up at Shepard. "What's next?"

"How long into the Collectors find this landing zone?" Shepard asked.

"I do not detect any internal security network," said EDI. "It is possible the Collectors did not expect anyone to reach the base."

"Well, if we're lucky, their external sensors were hit like we were," said Joker. "They might not know we're alive."

Shepard nodded and looked at Miranda. "Get everyone into the briefing room. We need to plan our attack plan."

"Right away, Commander," Miranda nodded.

A few minutes later everyone was gathered in the briefing room, minus Joker who was still trying to get the ship back to fighting shape. Everyone was preparing themselves for the attack making sure all their weapons were primed and ready.

They then looked at Shepard as he entered. "This is not how we planned the mission, but this is where we're at," he said as he leaned over the table. "We can't worry about whether the Normandy can get us home. We came to stop the Collectors, and that means coming up with a plan to take out this station. EDI, bring up your scans."

EDI then projected a holographic image and showed detailed schematics of the station.

"You should be able to overload their critical systems if you get to the main control centre here," said EDI highlighting the control centre at the top of the base.

"That means going through the heart of the station. Right pass this massive energy signature," said Jacob activating his omni-tool and highlighted the central hub.

"That's the central chamber," said Shepard. "If our crew or any of the colonists are still alive, the Collectors are probably hiding them in there."

"Looks like there are two main routes," said Jacob highlighting the two passageways. He then had the icons follow the path he was about to recommend. "Might be a good idea to split up to keep the Collectors off balance, then regroup in the central chamber."

Miranda shook her head. "No good. Both routes are blocked. See these doors?" She pointed the two doors in the passageways that led to the central chamber. "The only way past is to get someone to open them from the other side."

Shepard looked at the hologram closely. "It's not a fortress; there's got to be something." He then saw a ventilation shaft running through the middle of the two passageways and into the central chamber. "Here, maybe we can send someone in to this ventilation shaft."

"Practically a suicide mission," said Jacob folding his arms. "I volunteer."

Miranda shook her head. "I appreciate the thought, Jacob, but you couldn't shut down the security systems in time. We need to send a tech expert."

Jacob looked at Shepard. "It's your call, Commander. Who do we send into the shaft?"

Shepard knew there was only a struggle for people could hack into the system they were himself, Tail, Kasumi and Legion. He would be unable to enter into the ventilation shaft because he was needed was leading one of the groups. Also there was no telling what to expect in the ventilation shaft meaning that he should send someone well armoured.

Shepard looked at Legion. "Legion—you can hack through anything. I'm sending you into the shaft."

Legion nodded. "Acknowledged."

"The rest of us will break into two teams and fight down each passage," Shepard continued. "That should draw the Collectors' attention away from what you're doing."

"I'll lead the second fire team, Shepard," said Miranda. "We'll meet up with you on the other side of the doors."

"Not so fast, Cheerleader," Jack glared. "Nobody wants to take orders from you."

"This isn't a popularity contest!" Miranda glared back. She then looked at Shepard. "Shepard—you need someone who can command the loyalty through experience."

Shepard agreed which gave him three choices, Garrus, Miranda and Jacob. At this point of the mission it was best to assign someone which the others could trust.

Shepard looked at Garrus. "Garrus—you're in charge of the second team."

Garrus nodded.

Miranda looked disappointed. "Well, at least he knows what he's doing."

Shepard then looked at them all with an honest look. "I don't know what we're going to find in there, but I won't lie to you. It's not going to be easy. We've lost good people. We may lose more." Shepard then placed his hands behind his back. "We don't know how many the Collectors have stolen—thousands hundreds of thousands. It's not important. What matters is this: Not one more. That's what we can do, here, today. It ends with us. They want to know what you're made of? I say we show them, on our terms. Let's bring our people home."

They then split into two teams, Shepard's team contained, Miranda, Grunt, Mordin, Thane and Kasumi while Garrus contained the others. They soon exited from the Normandy jumping out the airlock and landing on the ground.

Shepard can now definitely see that the Normandy was badly damaged, but he was thankful that there was air in the base though why he did not know. They soon took their separate ways through the passageway while Legion entered into the ventilation shaft.

Shepard led his team into the passageway and for the moment they didn't encounter any resistance.

"We are in position," said Legion over the radio. "External temperature slightly elevated. No obstacles detected."

"Second team—are you in position?" Shepard asked.

"In position. Meet you on the other side of those doors," said Garrus' voice.

They made their way through the corridor and soon entered into a chamber and at once encountered the Collectors. It was now clear they did not have the element of surprise on the and as they traded fire with them.

"Shepard! Reinforcements!" Mordin yelled.

Husk began to appear and crawled their way towards them, but they clearly had them outmatched as Shepard and his team mowed them down. However, Collector troopers began to fly down to the platforms and fire at them.

Shepard pulled out his sniper rifle and began to pick them off one by one while Miranda led the fire team. Grunt on the other hand just charge at them like a living tank knocking him backwards. Both Thane and Kasumi had disappeared and reappeared behind the Collectors taking them out from behind.

Once they clear the path they began to proceed down towards the passageway Legion trapped in the ventilation shaft. The door was closed and what was worse the temperature inside the shaft was increasing.

"Pathing failure," said Legion. "There is an obstruction in the tunnel."

"Can see a value near a ventilation shaft," said Mordin. "Should open the gate!"

Shepard then opened up the value which unlock the gate and allowed Legion to proceed.

"Obstruction removed. Proceeding," said Legion.

"Garrus here," said Garrus' voice over the radio. "We're taking heavy fire, but were moving forward."

Unfortunately there were more values that needed to be unlocked for Legion to proceed and the Collectors were determined to prevent them from proceeding forwards. Harbinger was also possessing the Collectors making them a lot more efficient.

"We're in position," said Garrus. "Just waiting for the doors to open."

Eventually there was only one valve remaining and the moment they unlocked it Legion entered into the chamber opposite the door. However, they were now trapped as collectors began to swarm towards them.

"Come in!" Shepard yelled as he tried to pry the door open.

Inside Legion had just opened the door to allow Garrus and his team to enter.

"Look out. Seeker swarms!" Garrus yelled.

Garrus and his team began to press down suppression fire to prevent anyone from entering the chamber while Legion attempts to close the door.

"We're in position," said Shepard. "We need this door open now!"

Garrus looked at Legion was still trying to get the door closed. "Go, we'll cover you!"

Legion moved to the other door and began to hack into the system. "The door has malfunctioned. Path blocked," he said.

Shepard doubted they could hold of the Collectors much longer as a rocket sored past him. Then suddenly the doors opened and they quickly entered into the central chamber as Shepard continue to fire the Collectors.

"Complete," said Legion.

"Here they come!" Shepard yelled as he entered into the chamber. "Fall back!"

Tali had managed to hack into the door control and sealed the one that she and the others had entered. Garrus then lead them to back Shepard and his group.

"Suppressing fire! Don't let anyone through that door!" Garrus yelled.

With a combined firepower they were able to eliminate the last of the Collectors just as Legion finished closing the door.

"Nice work, Legion," said Shepard looking down at the geth. "I knew I could count on you."

"Shepard! You need to see this!" said Miranda.

Miranda was standing inside the central chamber and soon Shepard and the others joined. The chamber reminded Shepard of the Collector ship, but there had to be trillions of pods and they appear to be linked by several tubes that correlated into the middle of the chamber.

Shepard then noticed that one of the pods had someone inside. It was a woman and judging by her clothes she had to be a colonists.

"Looks like one of the missing colonists," said Miranda.

Shepard approached the pod and wiped the glass to clear the steam. It appeared that she was unconscious, but she seemed to be fidgeting slightly as some sort of steam entered into the pod.

"There's more. Over here," said Zaeed.

Shepard turned and saw more pods that contained the crew and they appear to be all unconscious.

He then turned his eyes back onto the woman and they raised in horror. She had woken up and the team appear to be liquefying her body.

"My god! She's still alive!" Shepard yelled.

The woman slammed against the glass as she liquefied and Shepard tried to open it, but too late. She turned into ooze and was sucked in by some sort of tube inside the pod.

Shepard then turned to the pods they contain his crew and saw that they were starting to liquefy as well.

"Get them out of there! Hurry!" Shepard yelled.

At once he and the other crew members began to do everything they could to free the crew. One by one they managed to free them, before they were completely liquefied. Shepard helped Miranda free Dr. Chakwas and helped her out of the pod.

"Doctor Chakwas? Are you okay?" Shepard asked as he placed her down onto the floor gently.

Dr. Chakwas shock her head and looked up at Shepard in bewilderment. "Shepard?" she stared. "You… you came for us."

Shepard helped her up. "No one gets left behind."

"Thank god you got him in time," said Kelly shakenly. "A few more seconds and… I don't even want to think about it."

"The colonists were… processed," said Dr. Chakwas looking up at the tubes. "Those swarms of little robots, they—melted their bodies into grey liquid and pumped it through these tubes."

Shepard clenched his fists. "Whatever the Collectors are doing, it ends here!"

"We've done well so far," said Miranda. "Let's hope we can finish the job."

Shepard then reached for his radio. "Joker? Can you get a fix on our position?"

"Roger that, Commander," said Joker. "All those tubes leading to the main control room right above you. The route is blocked by a security door, but there is another chamber that runs parallel to the one you're in."

"I cannot recommend that," said EDI. "Thermal emissions suggest the chamber is overrun with seeker swarms. Mordin's countermeasure cannot protect you against so many at once."

Then they need another way to shield themselves. He looked to Samara. "What about biotics?" he asked. "Could we create a biotic field to keep them from getting near us?"

"Yes… I think it may be possible," Samara nodded. "I wouldn't be able to protect everyone, but we might be able to get a small team through if they stayed close."

"I could do it, too," said Miranda. "In theory, any biotic could handle it." She then looked at Shepard. "Shepard, who do you want to maintain the field?"

Shepard knew that there were only three choices that were strong enough to produce such a field Miranda, Jack or Samara. While he was confident in Miranda and Jack's abilities, he needed someone far more experience to maintain the shield.

"Samara and I will take a small team through the seeker swarms," said Shepard. He then looked at the others. "The rest of you will provide a diversion by going through the main passage. We'll open the security doors from the other side meet you there."

"Who should lead the diversion team?" Miranda asked.

Shepard needed someone in charge would do what needs to be done. "That would be you, Miranda."

Miranda nodded. "I'll keep the defenders busy while you slip in the back."

"What about me and the rest of the crew, Shepard?" Dr. Chakwas asked. "We're in no shape to fight."

Shepard had to agree some of them were still very worn out from almost being liquidated.

"Commander? We have enough systems back online to pick up, but we'd need to land back from your position," said Joker.

"We can't afford to go back, Shepard," said Miranda. "Not now."

Shepard nodded, but he could let them fend for themselves. "You'll never make it help. I'll send someone with you." Shepard had to choose someone who could heal their injuries and fight their way through Collectors. "Mordin, you'll accompany them."

Mordin nodded and activated his omni-tool. "Joker, need location of landing zone. Will meet you there."

Shepard looked at the others. "We've all got our assignments. Let's move out!"

Soon Shepard along with Jack and Thane accompanied Samara into the passageway. Samara at once created a biotic field that surrounded them and slowly began to move into the passageway.

"Move out," she said. "Try to stay close, Commander."

They followed Samara making sure to keep on her force field as the entered into the chamber. The place was completely dark and dank also Shepard could see the seeker swarms swarming around them. If it hadn't been for Samara's force field they would have already been taken out.

Shepard then got a message from Miranda, but there was a lot of static and he could make out the message. "Miranda—Team is in position and—Shep…"

"Damn," Shepard cursed. "The swarms are interfering with radio contact." He then looked at Samara. "Be ready for this?"

Samara nodded and turned down towards the passageway. "Let's go, Commander."

For moment Shepard believed that they were going to face any resistance, but the Collectors came flying in out of nowhere.

"Incoming!" Samara yelled.

"I will direct this personally," said Harbinger's voice as he took control of one of the Collectors.

However, before they got the chance to shoot them they flew down towards the platforms in the centre of the chamber. No doubt to catch them as they turn round the corner.

They came under the passageway and at once the Collectors fired at them.

"I can't hide from this position," said Samara as she hung back to keep the barrier up. "Tell me when you're ready to move."

Shepard nodded and he, Thane and Jack began to shoot at the Collectors. The possessed Collector began to fire powerful biotic straight at them, but they were no match for Jack's as she sent a shockwave that sent it flying. Thane and Shepard kept suppression fire on the remaining troops and one by one they fell.

"All clear!" said Samara as the last Collector fell. She then began to move down the passageway.

They kept on moving until this platform landing on the opposite end of the bridge and seconds later abominations and husks crawled over the edge and headed straight towards them.

Shepard and the others began to suppress fire down on them as Samara continue to shield them. Then more Collectors appeared led by a possessed one.

"Hostile fire!" Samara yelled as she stopped behind cover. "Taking cover—let me know when you're ready to move."

The Collectors were certainly determined to prevent them from progressing and Shepard knew that time was against them. Samara might be a powerful biotic with centuries of training, but even she had limits and holding this barrier was taken a lot out of her.

Jack's biotics certainly help by pushing the Collectors back and Thane was only a precise shots with a pistol and Shepard was the same with his sniper rifle. It took some doing but they finally managed to bring down the Collectors that blocked their path.

"Let's go," said Samara once the coast was clear.

They didn't go very far until they were attacked once again by abominations and husks. Fortunately destroying the abominations called explosion that took out the husks and Jack was now getting a thrill with throwing husks all over the place so it in take them much time to clear them out.

However, this time there was a scion which was a much tougher customer. Shepard continued to knock it off balance while Thane fired some precise shots to take down.

They continued to move, but Samara was starting to look exhausted.

"I will hold on… as long… as I can," Samara panted. Fortunately, the entrance was not too far away as they made their way towards the bridge. "I can see the entrance. Need to… get there… soon."

Shepard and the others kept on shooting at the Collectors began to swarm towards them.

"Hold on. We're almost there," said Shepard to Samara.

They were just a few feet away from the entrance, but Samara was beginning to waver and more Collectors appeared.

"Shepard, we need to get out of here," said Jack.

"All right, let's move," said Shepard. There were almost to the entrance and the Collectors were coming towards them fewer and fewer. "They're pushing. Keep it up!"

"Hurry, Shepard," said Samara exhaustively.

They just cross the threshold and the door opened. Once they were in the clear Samara turned towards the Collectors she then unleashed a biotic power and pushed both the Collectors and the seeker swarms back into the chamber.

They soon made their way to the door while Shepard kept on the firing and Samara closed the door behind.

"…repeat, Shepard, do you copy?" said Miranda's voice.

"I copy. What's your position?" Shepard asked.

"We're at the door. They've got us pinned down!"

They soon rushed towards the other door.

"We're coming; just hold on!" Shepard looked at Samara. "Guess this door open!"

The door opened and at once they saw Miranda and her team exiting the passageway opposite. The Collectors were there in force and were shooting like crazy.

"Come on!" Shepard yelled as he and the others assisted them with their suppression fire. Shepard then looked back at Samara. "Seal the door!"

Once the door was sealed Miranda toppled over clutching her chest, it appeared that she had been injured.

Shepard rushed over to, but he simply shrugged it off. "I'm ready for action, Commander."

Shepard nodded and reached for his radio. "Joker? Are you at the rendezvous point?"

"I'm here, Commander," said Joker's voice. "Chakwas and the rest of the crew just showed up."

"Mordin's group just arrived, Shepard. No casualties," said EDI.

"Excellent," said Miranda. "Now let's make it count. EDI, what's are next step?"

"There should be a nearby platform that will take you to the main control console," said EDI. "From there you can overload the system and destroy the base."

"Commander? You got a problem," said Joker. "Hostiles massing just outside the door. Won't be long until they bust through."

Shepard then looked at himself onto the platform and looked at the others. "A rearguard could defend this position and keep the Collectors from overwhelming us."

"Pick a team to go with you, Shepard," said Miranda. "Everyone else can bunker down here and cover your back."

Shepard really want to go in there with a full force, but the last people they guarded this position the more chances the Collectors would overwhelm. Shepard needed people with both technical skills and who can adapt to any situation.

"Miranda, Tali, you're with me," said Shepard.

The two women nodded and climbed onto the platform.

"I'm ready, Commander," said Miranda.

"So am I," Tali added.

"Anything to say before we do this?" Miranda asked.

Shepard looked at all of them. "The Collectors and the Reapers—they aren't a threat to us. They're a threat to everything—everyone. Those are the lives we're fighting for. That's the scale." He began to pace up and down as everyone looked at him. "It's been a long journey, and no one's coming out without scars. But it all comes down to this moment. We win or lose it all in the next few minutes. Make me proud. Make yourselves proud."

"Well said," Miranda nodded. "Let's go finish this."

The platform then began to move and they found themselves floating towards the passageway that into deep within the base. They did get very far when another platform appeared full of Collectors.

Shepard doubted that any of them would allow them to enter the control centre, but together they fought off the Collectors as a united team. More and more platforms began to appear and more and more Collectors were killed as they pressed on.

They were soon blockaded by Collectors and leading them was a possessed Collector. The possessed Collector used his powerful biotic to pull them off, branded biotics were more impressive sending it flying off the platform. Tali's drone distracted the others while Shepard took them out with a sniper rifle.

The last platform that landed contained abominations and scions. Shepard took aim at the abominations causing them to explode doing massive damage to the scions and Tali and Miranda finish them off.

With the last of them gone Shepard access the platform and used it to carry on down towards the control centre.

"This is it," said Shepard as they put it down the passageway. "All the tubes lead to this spot. EDI, what can you tell us? What are they doing?"

"The tubes are feeding into some kind of super-structure," said EDI. "It is omitting both organic and non-organic energy signatures. Giving these readings, it must be massive." They soon entered into the control centre and Shepard's eyes widened in horror. "Shepard. If my calculations are correct, the superstructure… is a Reaper."

"Not just any Reaper—a human Reaper," said Shepard in disgust.

They were floating towards a giant mechanical skeleton that looked half complete. Shepard could tell that the components were made from the attack and were attached to its forearms no doubt been fed with the organic material from the prisoners.

"Precisely," said EDI.

The platform landed and connected to the central control system and suddenly the tubes opened up to reveal an orange like substance being pumped into it.

"It appears the Collectors have processed tens of thousands of humans," said EDI. "Significantly more will be required to complete the Reaper."

"How many more humans do you think they'd try to take?" Shepard asked.

"Millions. Perhaps more. Impossible to know for certain." It is certainly explained why the Collectors were planning to attack Earth. "This Reaper appears to be in a very early stage of development. An embryo in human terms."

"So it's not alive yet? We can still stop it from being… created?" Shepard asked.

"The process can be stopped, but it is unclear exactly how much it has developed. I cannot, for example, tell you if it has awareness."

Shepard frowned. "They're building it to look like a human. Why?"

"It appears that the Reaper's shape is based upon the species used to create it."

"Reapers are machines—why do they need humans at all?"

"Incorrect. Reapers are sapient constructs. A hybrid of organic and inorganic material. The exact construction methods are unclear, but it seems probable that the Reapers absorb the essence of a species; utilising it in their reproduction process."

Shepard narrowed his eyes. "This thing is an abomination. EDI, how do we destroy it?"

"The large tubes injecting the fluid are a weak structural link," EDI analysed as the injection tubes closed. "Destroying them should cause the supports to collapse and the Reaper to fall."

Shepard then noticed several platforms heading towards them. "Give us a minute, EDI. We got to take care of some old friends first."

The Collectors that were led by Harbinger, who yet again possessed another Collector began to attack the moment they connected to the platform. They were soon followed by several more and soon a firefight broke out between.

Soon the injection tubes opened up again.

"Shoot the injection tubes!" Miranda yelled.

They soon began to fire at the injection tubes destroying one, but they closed up yet again. They then were attacked by more Collectors and the process repeated itself again and again. However when Shepard shot the last of the injection to the human Reaper's support broke and they watched as it fell to the ground below.

"Shepard ground team. Status report," said Shepard reaching for his radio.

"It's Thane," said Thane's voice. "We are holding, but they keep coming. A quick exit is preferable."

"Head to the Normandy," Shepard ordered. "Joker—prep the engines. I'm about overload this place and below it sky high."

"Roger that, Commander," said Joker as Shepard began to access the control system on the platform. "Uh, Commander? I've got an incoming message from the Illusive Man. EDI's patching it through."

Miranda then accessed her omni-tool and a hologram of the Illusive Man appeared.

"Shepard. You've done the impossible," he said impressively.

"I still have to destroy the base," said Shepard.

"Not necessarily. I have a better option. I'm looking at the schematics EDI uploaded. A timed pulse would kill the remaining Collectors, but leave the machinery and technology interact. This is our chance Shepard. They were building a Reaper. That knowledge—that framework—could save us."

Shepard stop what he was doing and turned to face the Illusive Man. "They liquefy people. Turned them into something horrible. We have to destroy the base."

"Don't be short-sighted," said the Illusive Man narrowing his eyes. "Our best chance against the Reapers is to turn their resources against them."

"I'm not so sure," Miranda frowned. "Seeing it first-hand… using anything new from this place seems like a betrayal."

Illusive Man looked at her. "If we ignore this opportunity, that would be a betrayal." He then looked back at Shepard. "They are working directly with the Collectors. Who knows what information is buried there? This place is a gift. We can't destroy it."

Shepard narrowed his eyes. "You're completely ruthless. The next thing I know, you'll be wanting to grow your own Reaper."

"My goal is to save humanity from the Reapers. At any cost," said the Illusive Man firmly. "I've never hidden that from you. Imagine how many lives could be saved if we keep this base intact and use its knowledge to thwart the Reapers. Imagine the lives that will be lost if we don't."

Shepard had seen people being indoctrinated while trying to examine Reaper tech. Kenson nearly allow the Reaper invasion to begin, because she examined a Reaper artefact. The security risk was far too great and he didn't trust Cerberus with it.

"No matter what kind of technology we might find, it's not worth it," said Shepard.

"Shepard. You died fighting for what you believed. I brought you back so you could keep fighting. Some would say what we did to you was going too far. But look what you've accomplished. I didn't discard you because I knew your value. Don't be so quick to disregard this facility. Think of the potential."

Shepard shook his head as he turned back to the control system. "We'll fight and win without it. I won't let fear compromise who I am."

The Illusive Man looked back at Miranda. "Miranda—do not let Shepard destroy the base!"

For one moment Shepard was afraid that she would follow his orders, but instead she shook her head. "For what? You'll replace me next?"

The Illusive Man narrowed his eyes at her. "I gave you an order, Miranda!"

"I noticed. Consider this my resignation."

Furiously the Illusive Man turned to Shepard. "Shepard. Think about what's at stake. About everything Cerberus has done for you. You—"

Miranda then cut off the transmission and handed him a charge. Shepard nodded and placed it in the control system, pressed a few buttons and lowered the control system back into the platform.

"Let's move," he said. "We've got ten minutes before the reactor overloads and bellows this whole station apart."

The moment the control system lower back into the platform the entire platform began to shake and they turned to discover the human Reaper's hand grasping the platform and seconds later the Reaper pulled itself back onto the platform.

It was now clear to everyone that the thing was indeed alive and judging by the way was looking at them very angry. A powerful cannon shot out from its mouth, but fortunately they were able to duck for cover before it slammed into them.

Fortunately the construction was not yet complete and it showed several weak points, especially in its eyes. Shepard use this as his opportunity to use the Collector beam weapon and began cutting his way into them. Tali and Miranda soon joined him and diverted its attention away from him.

It wasn't easy, but finally their combined power managed to topple the incomplete Reaper. Unfortunately it toppled onto the platform and Tali was sliding down towards the Reaper as the platform rose due to its weight.

Shepard was also sliding down towards her and out stretched his hand to grab her. Tali fell off the edge, but Shepard was able to grab her and stop insulting sliding at the same time. He pulled her back onto the platform just as the Reaper exploded.

The explosion took out the platforms and Shepard and Tali found themselves rolling down the other end of the platform they were on. Miranda was barely able to keep herself upright and all the other platforms were out of control. Shepard looked up just in time to see a platform heading straight towards them and everything went black.

When Shepard came to he found that he was pinned down by a girder and that the platform had collided with the passageway. Shepard pulled himself up and lifted the girder off, he had no idea how long he had been out and no idea how long until the base was destroyed.

He then saw Miranda laying motionlessly on the floor and quickly rushed towards her, fearing the worst. However she began to move and he helped her up and saw that Tali was pinned by a girder. He managed to lifted off and saw that Tali was very much alive and helped her up.

"Do you copy? Commander?" said Joker's voice worriedly on the radio. "Come on, Shepard, don't leave me hanging. Do you copy?"

Shepard reached for his radio. "I'm here, Joker. Did the ground team make it?"

"All survivors on board," said Joker relieved. "We're just waiting on you."

Shepard then saw seeker swarm and quickly he, Miranda and Tail ran down the passageway hoping that he connected to the Normandy.

"Human, you've changed nothing," said Harbinger's voice as Shepard fired his pistol at the seeker swarm. "Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction."

Shepard really didn't listen to him as Collectors appear out of nowhere shooting at them. They soon entered into the central chamber and saw the Normandy rising. The airlock opened and Joker merged holding a rightful providing them with cover fire.

The entire place was falling apart as platforms and girders fell from the ceiling, but despite this they kept on moving. Miranda and Tali jumped onto the Normandy, but then a large girder fell from the ceiling and destroyed the platform that connected the control centre to the Normandy.

Shepard, however, did not hesitate and running as fast as he could he jumped and managed to grab hold of the edge of the airlock. Joker provided cover fire as the Collectors started to shoot at Shepard and Tali helped him up into the airlock.

Once he was aboard the airlock door shut and EDI guided the Normandy out of the central chamber. They just exit the airlock and was approaching the bridge as EDI counted down.

"Definition in ten, nine, eight—"

Joker tossed the rife aside and sat down in his chair. "Yeah, I got the gist of it, EDI! Hold on!"

They then flew out of the Collector base as quickly as they could and only small explosions were erupting on its hull and they began to intensify practically covering the space station.

Inside the Collector general was making his way to the command centre will holographic image of a Reaper looked over him. Unlike the normal Reapers, this one only had four tentacles and he looked down upon the Collector general with multiple glowing eyes.

"You have failed," hesaid angrily. "We will find another way. Releasing control."

The Collector general eyes and returned to normal and he slowly turned his head. He then saw massive explosion heading straight towards him and consumed him.

Outside the Collector base exploded in a beautiful burst of flames and it kept on growing in size. The Normandy flew as far as it could pass the debris field and it was free of the debris field it jumped into FTL before the explosion consumed.

Once they were back in friendly space, Shepard made his way to the briefing room. The Normandy had taken a real toll during the battle, he had to move her metal good out of the way just entered the briefing room.

The hologram system was still working and he soon came face-to-face with the Illusive Man, who was sitting down in his chair and didn't look best pleased.

"Shepard," he said as he brushed the ash of his cigarette. "You're making a habit of costing me more than time and money."

Shepard narrowed his eyes. "Too many lives were lost at that base. I'm not sorry it's gone."

"The first of many lives. The technology from that base could have secured human dominance in the galaxy. Against the Reapers and beyond."

Shepard raised an eyebrow. "Human dominance, or just Cerberus?"

The Illusive Man got to his feet "Strength for Cerberus's string for every human. Cerberus is humanity. I should have known you'd choke on the hard decisions. Too idealistic from the start."

Shepard glared at him. "I know what you are, and the price of dealing with you. We do things my way from now on. Harbinger is coming. And he won't be alone. I'm going to make sure we're ready when they get here. You can fall in line for step aside, but don't get in my way."

The Illusive Man marched up towards him. "You sure that's what you want? You're taking a hell of a risk, Shepard."

Shepard glared at him with a confident look. "I don't think so. I'm going to stop the Reapers, but I won't sacrifice the soul of our species to do it."

Shepard then walked out of the hologram in the Illusive Man sat down in his chair. He then looked towards the sun as he began to plan his next move.

The ship was badly damaged, but other than that there was no casualties. The entire crew was great for that Shepard appeared when he did and his companions agreed that destroying the base was the right idea.

"So, how did it go with the boss?" Joker asked.

"I've cut ties with him, we're on our own," said Shepard.

Joker then looked at him troublingly. "I just got a message from the Alliance asking you to return to Earth."

Shepard expected as much, but he was grateful that Hackett was able to hold them off when he did.

"We'll drop anyone who wants to leave that the Citadel and they can make their own way home from there," said Shepard.

"I'm staying with you, Commander," said Joker.

"I appreciate it, Joker," said Shepard. "Though I don't have any proof of the Reapers."

"Fortunately, EDI was able to upload a massive portion of data from the Collector base," said Joker holding out a data which showed an image of a Reaper or more precisely Harbinger. "Everything they had about the Reapers is on here."

"Let's just hope they listen," said Shepard as he looked through a hull breach into the depths of space.

He knew that the Reapers were coming and when they get here they would show no mercy. He might have bought the galaxy some time, but time was running out and he needed to get the entire galaxy prepared for war.