They had all been feasting now that Idunn was back – but he couldn't with the remains of Thjazi on the floor. True, he had saved her but he'd wanted to do so without the loss of any lives. Loki glanced to Thor who had struck the blow. Always being the hero, the God of Thunder thought he couldn't make it to the walls of Asgard with Idunn in his arms.

It couldn't have occurred to that oaf that he deliberately did so to attack Thjazi himself?

Loki sighed and turned the almost empty cup in his hands. Whatever the next day would bring, he would worry about that later. Right now, he really wanted to get drunk and forget about the God's blundering.

He'd just refilled his cup with wine, when the doors flung open, causing the fires in the Halls to go out. A woman stood in the doorway, clothed in furs and armor with spear in the hand.

"Who killed my father?" snarled the woman as she held the spear in her hand, ready to throw it at whoever was responsible for the deed. "Give me its murderer, and I'll consider ourselves even!"

Oh Thank the Norns, thought Loki with a weak smile as he let his eyes settle on Thor. If it wasn't Odin's favorite son. The Trickster's eyes glowed with anticipation in the dim light, settling himself properly for the show.

"My lady…" It was Odin now, who spoke on his son's behalf. "I regret what happened to your father. We didn't mean to kill him. Please, Allow me to cast his eyes in the sky for you as gift and peace token between our two races."

"You think that's enough to sway me, Allfather?" hissed the jotunn. "I demand blood, not my father's rememberance."

"Loki." Odin's eye looked to the Trickster in the corner, who appeared to be deaf for his call. The Trickster couldn't ignore the precarious situation anymore when Thor pushed his elbow, causing the wine to spill upon his garb.

Loki's eyes lit up like coals when he saw the wine ruin his clothing thanks to the man next to him.

"Loki, sway her." Ordered the Allfather when Loki stayed stubbornly put. "Now."

Wouldn't it be a sight to see the called leaders win their own battles? The Trickster shot a disgusted glare to Odin, before turning his attention back to the woman in front. "Give me your name, Shieldmaiden." Bit the Trickster annoyed by his forced role. "and let the introduction be done and over with. I'm Loki."

The woman showed her teeth at the God in front of her. "You are their champion?" Her eyes glanced up and down to check him. He was lean and not even close to match the other God's physique and strength.

"Forgive me for not being a worthy opponent, Shieldmaiden" spoke the Trickster. "I don't wish you to fight an opponent less then you, so let us do this on equal ground. But please, give me your name. It is only honorable to know the name of the one you are going to battle with"

The woman narrowed her eyes at the God in front of her. "Skadi." Came the short reply. "I've heard and seen your trickery at first hand, prince of Misschief. Both of us wish to battle on equal ground, so it shall be a battle of wits and mind. Here is my wager: succeed in making me laugh, and I shall not put my spear into that brainless pig over there" pointed Skadi to Thor.

Loki's mouth curled up at seeing Thor's angsty eyes – he liked the woman already.

"Loki –"

"Done" interrupted the Trickster before any of the Gods could complain. "But if I succeed, you'll marry one of us, to ensure peace between our realms."

"Done." Skadi swirled the spear in her hand, turning the sharp point downwards before plunging it inches into the floor, leaving her disarmed. "Do your worst." Spoke the jotunn amused.

"Queen Elsa!" Helga floated around, desperately searching for the young ice queen amidst the chaos. "Queen Elsa, where are you?" But it was of no use. The screams and sound of metal clashing was too much for her to overcome. And so the ghostly wife kept on searching, going on by hope alone that her husband could still be saved.

Elsa frowned when she heard something call her across the wind – but soon shrugged it off as imagination as she had far bigger problems to focus on. Now nearly surrounded by the dead Einherjar, she could barely keep herself safe against the overflood of the undead – even with Hell's army they were outmatched. The young woman breathed heavily as she kept fending off the undead who were trying to bring her down, but screamed when she felt one of their boney hands upon her. "Let me go!"

"Elsa!" Nicolaj paled upon seeing the queen being surrounded and dashed towards her to aid her when the dead took hold of him too, using his temporarily distraction towards his friend to take him down. The Guardian screamed when one of the Einherjar twisted his arm, causing him to drop his sword unwillingly. "Let… me- ah!" a groan escaped Nicolaj's lips when a fist collided upon his cheek. With him already weakened from the previous wounds inflicted upon him by Lars, he fell as good as unconscious.

"Get up."

"I can't."

"Then you'll die."

Hans didn't answer to Loki – what was the point in him living? Death and destruction, was what he only brought. The prince's thoughts vanished when he felt fire envelop him fully, and he screamed himself raw from the pain.

"Quit your whining!" bit Loki to the young prince. "You haven't learned anything from Haakon, you're pathetic and useless and weak! By Yggdrasil, why Baldr chose you to be my vessel, I'll never know, but it's a grave mistake from his part!"

"I don't… I can't go on." Breathed Hans out who was on his hands and knees by now as the fire decreased in his ferocity only for a little while.

"I see." Came Loki's cold reply as he stared down the shivering human in front of him. "If I can't persuade you by words…" Over the past few years, he had guided the magic inside the prince's veins, aiding him where he could. But he had become tired, so tired of being the one to carry it – it was Hans who was supposed to wield it, not him anymore.

Hans frowned at his words, but paled upon hearing Elsa's frightened voice.

"Hans, help me!"

"Let her go!" threatened Hans as he took a step forward to the imprisoned queen. Long, thick vines were circled around her body, rendering her magic useless by keeping her arms tightly bound. It went upwards, towards her neck.

"You can save her by using your magic" snapped Loki without remorse as he kept speeding up the process. The flowers around the queen's neck weren't beautiful anymore, as they kept growing out of proportion, searching for any nutrition they could find.

Hans could only stare at the young queen with her face completely red from oxygen, before her eyes stilled for good. Unable to see it any longer, the prince shut his teary eyes and looked away.

"Look at her!" snarled Loki as he forced the prince's head to see the dead queen.

"You killed her." A sob escaped the prince's mouth as he was forced to watch her.

"No. You did. Because you did NOTHING." Hissed the Trickster in the man's ear. "Because you ARE nothing!"

"That is not for you to decide." Snapped the prince as he managed to get out of the Trickster's grip. His anger made way for hatred and his hands curled to fists, ready to punch the god of mischief in the face.

"no? its your choice to let the world ROT because of your selfishness!" snarled the trickster.

"Shut up!"

"Did I hit a cord?" pouted Loki with a mocking tone. "Are you going to cry for your mommy now? Oh, wait I'm sorry, she's dead."

With a scream, Hans pounced upon the god, beating him down the ground and pummelled him in his face till he saw red from blood.

Just when he was about to launch another fist upon the god's face, the prince stopped mid-air when he saw the face morf into himself. The two identical figures stared to one another, neither looking away from each other's eyes. The submitted one had a hatred in his eyes that made the real Hans tremble – for he knew that look all too well when he looked into the mirror.

"Get off me you filthy-"

"You hurt her." Growled Hans, interrupting his twin as he hurled him upon his feet by the collar. "You killed her."

"You wanted to be alone with me" shrugged his twin uncaring for what he had done.

"Yes, but that did NOT give you permission to kill her!" yelled Hans hysterically as he shook the man.

"I didn't need one."

Hans' eyes darkened at the sight of the monster in front of him, who was so selfishly absorbed in his self-pitying and self-hatred. "Then I don't need permission to do this." Growled the prince as he took his dagger out to plunge it into his twin's throat.

As Hans watched his twin die, his hands began to tingle with a familiar warmth. His breath went irregular, coughing from the smoke that came from his mouth, but somehow that didn't affect him. The warmth spread further upwards his limbs and he shuddered.

He should die, right? That heat should give him a stroke, right? Why wasn't he a corpse already?

Hans screamed when the fire reached his heart – but it wasn't from pain. It was like someone had set the flood right open to let him drown, yet he absorbed it like a sponge without end. Heavily breathing from the sheer shock, the prince let it all wash over him as he watched the world burn.

But it wasn't the end. The smoldering lava cooled down, and plants began to rise from the ground, standing just as proud as before.

"Well done."

Hans turned around to see Loki smile to him – it was truly a genuine one for once. "Excuse me?"

"You've finally overcome your self-hatred." Nodded the Trickster to the pile of ash that was once Hans' twin. "Which means we're no longer bound. Don't worry, you keep your magic. It was your birthright, and will always be." Said Loki as he saw Hans' worried face. "I just need to go take care of something."

"What about Odin?"

"There is aid on the way. You'll do just fine to uphold your own against the allfather."

"So.. That's goodbye then?" spoke Hans, unable to keep his disappointment out his voice.

"Not yet. You're not quite as boring as I first thought you to be." Smirked Loki before turning his back to the prince. As he vanished the god called out a last-minute advice. "Oh, and you might wanna wake up."

Odin's satisfaction transformed in pure shock when he didn't see his weapon plunge down the Trickster's heart, but parried by the boy's arm keeping his weapon arm at bay. Before he could recover, the allfather was hurled backwards by a black obsidian column.

"Get out of my brother." Snarled Hans while Levatine flew into his fire-lit hand. "Now."

The queen screamed herself raw when she felt one of the skeletons bite her in her shoulder and instinctively, she reached her hand towards the pain to somehow make it stop. That movement caused her defence to slip away, and more crawled upon her to submit her to the ground. Get off me!

Push them away! Snarled Skadi in the queen's mind, frustrated by the queen's passive fighting style. You won't make it by merely defending yourself!

I won't become a monster-

Its purely self-defence. The Dead are without feeling and without suffering. Went Skadi mercilessly on as she forced the queen's hand upwards to strike a skeleton down with a spike. But the ferocity wasn't as it should be, with the queen holding her back – holding both of them back to save themselves.

They are human! Retorted Elsa as she struggled against their grasp. However a vision in her mind made the queen stop fighting, completely horrified by the sight. She saw her sister's dead body. That of Kristoff's, and Hans's and Nicolaj's.

And they have had their time… as well all your loved ones. Are you going to squinder your own life away because you're too weak to fight? Are you going to give up and take others down with you? You are utterly pathetic as queen. Always postponing your decision. Always looking to others for guidance. You are nothing if someone isn't holding your hand. A scared stupid girl-

Elsa's anger flared up at Skadi's insults and her magic answered to her violent emotion, causing spikes to spring up around her. "I'm NOT scared!" yelled the queen out loud, gritting her teeth as the closest skeletons were blasted off her body. "Not from you, not from them!" Snow began to dwindle around the queen, and the winds picked up due to her rage. Being pushed beyond her breaking point, after seeing the betrayal of Lars, reminded of her parent's death, the continuous secrets and lies, the queen was completely fed up with the world she was in right now.

It ends today. And she would damn well make sure of it by her own. Elsa gulped, but not from fear as she felt the cold envelop her like a blanket – it didn't bother her, but it sure bothered the skeletons around her, who's bones began to crack by the plummeting temperatures. Without the slightest of efforts, the queen moved her hand ever so shortly.

The snow that once dwindled down on her, now froze and lengthened in size, forming ice spikes as thick as Gungnir once was.

She didn't even have to think about her next move, so closely were the ice and herself now intertwined. With a sickening sound, the spikes rained down the skeletons, separating their limbs and head and making them useless. Elsa let out a clouded breath as she stared to the bodies she had descimated – she should feel horrified, but she didn't. Unlike that time in the ice palace, she had done it with full control and full conscience. Sure, she mourned the people she had killed – but she had been left no other choice, there had been no other way but to fight back.

She hadn't hesitated. And she would never again when such a choice presented itself.

Elsa blinked surprised, when she felt Skadi shift inside her. But it wasn't uncomfortable anymore, due to the sudden objective view she had gained of the winter goddess. As if… "The bond is broken?" asked Elsa quietly.

"Yes." Affirmed Skadi as a sense of peace and tranquillity came over both of them. "Don't worry. I won't leave you yet." And the sudden attention from her to a certain friend made Elsa glance up, to see Nicolaj gain conscious again amidst the remaining skeletons that had him captive.

The queen glanced to her side, to see the skeletons advance upon her once more now that they had recovered from her attack. A sigh escaped her lips: would it never end? How could she ever find the Horn, or Hans or Lars when they were hindered by the huge army in front?

Nicolaj meanwhile had undone himself from the skeletons, slashing them left and right with his dagger and sword. "Any plan, your majesty?" asked Heimdall a bit breathlessly as they looked to the huge army in front.

"Oh no…" Anna looked to the legions before her, astonished and utterly terrified by the huge battle in front of her. Where was her sister?! Where was Hans?! Her eyes squinted to find them, when she felt her sight suddenly zoom out. What in the…

They are not important. Said Baldr suddenly in a ice cold tone that rivalled that of her sister's.

"What?" bit Anna out loud, causing Kristoff to look confused to his fiancé. "Off course they are important, they are my family!"

The only thing that matters, is seeing my father dead" went Baldr mercilessly on.

Anna could only stare without cause, trying to take in what the God of Joy said. "You used me." Growled the princess, feeling fooled for the bazillionth time. In chocolate's name, when would she EVER learn not to let herself be walked upon?

"What, you think I'm any different then the rest of the gods?" laughed Baldr coldly in her mind. "You think that people, let alone gods can change their ways? Silly stupid girl."

The insults went on, and Anna clenched her fists so hard they went white.

"Anna…" Kristoff glanced downwards, towards the princess's hands that began to glow. "Anna, I don't know what he says, but you should really-"


Kristoff covered his ears when he felt Anna's voice boom across the whole valley, followed by such a bright light he had to shut his eyes as well. Even with his eyelids closed, he could see the intensity of it and he waited till it had decreased enough to re-open his eyes.

Anna breathed heavily, staring with wide eyes to the thousands of undead that returned to ashes due to her spell. And as she recovered, she felt Baldr's presence once more – only, it wasn't cold anymore but mixed with shame and a certain shyness.

"I was just trying to get you there." She heard him say in an apologizing tone. "No hard feelings right?"

"Wh… but… Someone could have been hurt!" sputtered Anna in horror. She could feel his honesty, but that didn't take away that his little stunt seconds ago couldn't have backfired!

"The dead can't die a second time." Hushed Baldr the girl's guilt down. "And as for your sister and Heimdall, they won't be hurt, because you simply wish it to be so."

Anna shook her head. "You.. you have to answer to me?" frowned the princess as she tried to comprehend the relationship between them.

"I prefer learning from one another." Corrected Baldr, as he silently asked the princess to dismount and look for her husband. "I could overpower you if I wished and vice versa.. but that would be nefast for both of us. The roots can't survive with the leaves, and the leaves not without the roots."

"Kristoff?" Anna gently knelt by the ice harvester, who began to blink several times to readjust his eyes.

"I'm fine…" shook Kristoff his head, staring at the princess in awe. "Remind me never to piss you off."

Anna chuckled at his answer and helped him up before searching across the demolished battle field for her sister and friends. "Elsa?"

Haakon groaned, feeling his stiff body protest as he tried to move himself upwards. Slowly the darkness around his vision vanished, and the wizard blinked confused when he saw he wasn't at Yggdrasil anymore. That confusion quickly made way to fear once the realization of his where-abouts crashed down upon him.

Icy, dark walls, with the screams of the punished…


Shivering not from the cold, but from utter fear, the wizard stepped forward, towards the hall where he would be judged. However, the place was so huge, it made the man completely disorientated.

"Its this way"

Haakon raised his hands in reflex, ready to attack the sudden voice from behind, but hesitated when he saw the beautiful blondehaired woman. He didn't let his guard down however. Looks after all were deceiving.

"Magic doesn't work here." Smiled the woman apologetically as she walked gracefully forward – she reminded him of Queen Elsa, only more informal and… well, warm.

"Oh." Haakon could facepalm himself at that moment: that's all he had to say? Really? The wizard coughed sheepishly. "Well, thank you for the information."

"You're welcome." Spoke the woman as they walked side by side while she led him towards the right direction.

"Forgive me, but I failed to catch your name"

"I'm Sigyn." Smiled the woman with a grateful smile – so few actually started a conversation with her.

"Sigyn as in-"

"Loki's second wife? Yeah, that's all I am, isn't it?" Sigyn's face saddened at the thought of the people's image of her. She was but a small Goddess, barely as well known as Thor or Freya.

"I wanted to say the Goddess of Fidelity." Spoke Haakon softly, causing the Goddess to startle. "I've read your story, how you held the bowl up for thousands of years to keep Loki from pain… I'm truly sorry you haven't found any happiness in your marriage. That must have been hard on you, not seeing your love returned in full."

Sigyn stilled completely at that point and tears began to swim in her eyes that she quickly swept away. "Thank you… I know I don't deserve it, but…"

"What is that for nonsense!" exclaimed Haakon at her answer. "Off course you deserve recognition for what you did! You never held a grudge against either him or Skadi when you were thrown into a forced marriage! Few can stay so kind to anyone."

The Goddess flushed at his remark. "And I have met fewer wizards who are so kind as you are."

"Oh.. well…" Haakon felt his blood rush up his head at her remark. "Thank you."

The silence went on as Sigyn guided the wizard towards the great Hall. "Her majesty is behind this door." Indicated the Goddess as she pointed to the door. "Good luck, wizard."

"Haakon. My name is Haakon, please." Smiled the man.

Sigyn's face now completely split into a huge smile. "Alright, Haakon…" Suddenly the Goddess came towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'll pray to the Norns for good fortune." While Haakon attempted to get the blush off his cheeks, the Goddess signalled to the two guards to open the doors for them.

He didn't dare to glance up to the woman he had an audience with. "A rather anti-climatic death, don't you think, wizard?" came Hell's voice from her throne. Her voice was sharp, with an underlying anger. After all, he had tried to kill her father several times. "Struck down by Mjolnir. Even a fool should know that the Hammer only belongs to Thor."

Sigyn meanwhile, stayed quietly in the shadows, waiting with great worry for the wizard's response.

"I.. I can not judge that, your grace." Whispered the man with his head bowed. "I only know, I have escaped you far too long, with crimes that need to be attoned for."

Hell's dark eyes shifted slightly, pleased with his answer. "Acceptance of your own death is something that takes decades if not millennia for my subjects to achieve. Even the aesir have difficulty with such feat." The Goddess of the Underworld stood up and walked towards the knelt man. "However… I loathe those who take the easy path and let Death claim them because they are too cowardly to fight." Hell's eyes flared up, slightly disgusted, slightly admiring to the man in front of her. While he had attempted to kill her father and Skadi, he had also managed to see his faults and protected them in pure honesty. He'd fought, but when his friends truly need him he sneaks away.

Her domain could be both paradise and punishment, but for this soul, the Goddess was at crossroads. For a long time, the silence grew inside her halls. Just when Hell was to open her mouth and pass judgement on Haakon, the space next to him seemed to shift and glow.

"Hallo, daughter." Smiled Loki without any mischief or lie in his face. "I see you have difficulty where to put this soul?"

"Father… but… you were still linked to the mortal…" Hell frowned, completely confused by the sudden change of game.

"not anymore." Said the trickster. "I need-"

"Stop it right there." Hissed the Goddess angrily before her father could finish his sentence. "I will not aid you in killing Odin, nor take his side." She knew that glint in his eye all too well.

"But you send troops to above!" shot Loki back. "How can you even say you do-"

"To bring the Einherjar back down where they belong!" interrupted Hell viciously. This was her domain after all. Even her father had to submit to her in this place. "The dead aren't meant to rise anymore, said by the Norns themselves. Yet Skadi played Heimdall's hand anyway-"

"It was my-"

"I don't care who's idea it was, you shouldn't have used the Horn!"

"Excuse me?" came Haakon in-between the two Gods. "But I thought it was about my judgement?"

The two gods stopped their bickering, realizing that they wasted precious time. "Why do you vouch for him?" asked Hell softly, curious as for why her father hadn't gone back to finish Odin off.

"He aided both me and Hans when we needed him the most. If he hadn't been there, I'd still be the same." Whispered Loki quietly.

"Hans." Remarked Hell as she took her father in. "You didn't say "mortal". You said his name." Hell kept staring into his eyes, noticing the slightest of change in them. Perhaps, that change would be enough to stop this endless bloodshed.

While she had never loved the aesir for imprisoning her, she hadn't loved her father either due to him simply doing nothing to persuade them. She didn't intervene in the Gods' disputes, let alone care for their struggle for power. The only thing she cared for, was the balance between the living and the dead.

But when Loki came by, telling her of Odin's plan to bind himself to Yggdrasil, it went too far even for her. Life as everyone knows it would be affected, even her realm. And even though she didn't support an all out war orchestrated by her father, it was the lesser of two evils. "What do you want me to do?"

"Let him return to Midgard to aid Hans and Elsa." Spoke Loki, who raised his hand when he saw Hell open her mouth to protest. "Our bond is broken, as will Skadi's be soon enough. When all of this is done, we will have no need of them anymore – but they will need guidance. Haakon can provide that."

"I won't ever let a dead soul return-"

"But he isn't dead." Smiled The trickster amiably to his daughter. "You didn't pass judgement to him yet, so therefore he hasn't yet passed. His death correlates with that of his path of crossroads.. let him chose which direction he wishes to go in life and then you'll be able to pass a fair judgement. " The God frowned and glanced upwards. "I'm needed above." Loki turned around, but hesitated. "It.. It was nice seeing you again, Hella."

The Goddess of the Underworld didn't betray anything on her face, however upon hearing her father's nickname to her, she let a small smile appear. "And you too, father."

The trickster turned around but stopped when he saw the familiar blonde haired woman. "Sigyn…" Oh how he wished to go to her – but he did not know how she would react. "I am so sorry. For everything." Whispered Loki with a huge bile in his throat. "I know, it may not sound honest and you may not believe me but.. I deeply, truly regret I could not love or protect you like a good husband should."

"Its fine." Smiled Sigyn with a watered smile as she went towards the trickster. "Our paths crossed, and then went apart once more. Don't hold yourself accountable, trickster. You tried – and that is more then I would ever have hoped for."

Loki let out a little chuckle. He loved her like he would a sister. How he wished he could give her what she deserved more then anyone. "I wish, we had met before my heart was stolen by Skadi. Then, in that time I would have loved you fully." With his tears barely holding back, the god of mischief kissed Sigyn's forehead, hugging her close. "You deserve someone far better then me, Sigyn." Loki put a finger against her lips when she wanted to object. "I don't ever want to see you sacrifice your happiness for me ever again. And for our dead children you so dearly loved, and so desperately tried to protect, for being so loyal to me for all those decades… I release you from your vows to me." Whispered Loki in her ear. "Accept this from me, sunflower of mine."

Silently with tears flowing over her cheeks, Sigyn nodded before kissing the man back on the forehead as well. "Be safe, sun of my heart"

With a shuddering breath, Loki unlocked from their embrace and vanished once more.

"Charge right ahead?" offered Elsa with a shrug as she saw the skeletons race towards them both.

"Not really the one for tactics are you?"

"I prefer violent negotiations" corrected Elsa, causing Nicolaj to laugh at her remark.

"Look… I'm sorry." Confessed the Gothagian prince as the skeletons were nearly upon them. "I should have trusted you with the truth, I should have aided you and Hans and then-"

"You were simply being cautious, as we all were" smiled Elsa as she laid a hand upon the man's shoulder. "No blame will be hold against you from me. And I'm sure Hans will neither."

The two readied themselves, Nicolaj by raising his sword, and Elsa by guiding her magic towards her hands. But just on the moment they wanted to strike the first enemy down…

The two had to close their eyes when a blinding light hurt their sight. Completely in shock, both the prince and the queen slowly looked through their eyelashes when the light became bearable once more. "What the…"

"I don't know." Spoke Nicolaj as he saw Elsa's unspoken question. "Wasn't me though… Only Baldr should be able to-" The man stiffened as he looked past the woman in front of him. "By the Norns, I have been blind!"

Elsa frowned at his sudden change of behaviour and glanced behind her shoulder, to see Anna and Kristoff run towards her. Her anger to her sister for putting her in danger quickly transformed in a mixture of astonishment, pride and relief as she took her sister into a hug. "Anna…" teared Elsa up, as she felt her sister's warm arms evelop hers. Baldr…"You came all the way to search me?"

"You're not so easily rid of me" stuck Anna her tongue out. The princess's eyes dulled when she saw Elsa's eyes widen. "Elsa, what is wr-"

"Watch out!" tried Elsa to warn her sister and Kristoff upon seeing the skeleton rise up from behind. She raised her hand, but she already knew she would be too late to conjure up a spike to stop the enemy from murdering her sister. Her magic may be endless, but her body was not due to the battle and the stress it was put under.

But just before the skeleton was to grab her a loud cracking sound came from above and the queen had to avert her eyes from the sudden light.

"That wasn't me." Stuttered Anna as she looked behind her. And it hadn't been Baldr either who had intervened.

"I'm afraid I'm responsible." Came a voice from behind.

The group turned into its direction, and their eyes widened. "But.. but.. you died!" brought Elsa out, with her mouth wide open like a fish.

"I did." Said Haakon flustered as he glanced to Mjolnir in his hand. He might have overdone it a bit for the first time…"Hell decided to let me return to help you."

"Which will be greatly appreciated"

"What is with the jumpscares!" yelled Kristoff as he clutched his chest – seriously, almost every single second new people come up unexpected!

"Sorry." Said Helga with a not so apologizing tone to the ice harvester. "but while you are chatting, Odin is about to kill Hans – if he hasn't already."

The southern prince meanwhile, had lost his sword, now completely entangled with the god that had taken over his brother. His hands were engulfed in flames, slowly burning through Lars' clothing.

"Get out, or –"

"You'll what? Burn your brother alive?" chuckled Odin, knowing the dilemma Hans went through.

The prince screamed from effort to keep the god away from his sword as he held his arm around lars' throat. But even red-faced from the lack of oxygen, Odin managed to get his hand closer and closer to the weapon. No!

Hans sighed in relief when he saw a foot upon lars' hand, causing Odin to scream from pain. That didn't aid him any further with the vice like grip Hans had in. The oxygen in his lungs began to dwindle even further and soon the God was overpowered.

"Get him up" ordered Anna, her hands twitching at the sight of Odin staring at her. Nicolaj and Elsa came forward to take Odin's arms and giving relief to Hans, who stood up with heavy breath.

"So.. what now?" asked Kristoff as he stared from behind Anna in case Odin would try to grab him. "We can't imprison him exactly."

"Attempt to rip my from Lars' body and I'll make sure he dies too." Grinned Odin triumphant when he saw the people overthinking their options.

"He's bluffing." Said Nicolaj this time, narrowing his eyes at the one-eyed god. "The gods can't kill their vessels – it's the only way they exist in this world."

"Do you really want to take that chance?"

I always admired Sigyn's character in norse mythos: her story is so inspiring and I wanted to give her a happy ending too by indicating a Haakon/Sigyn ship.

I know the updates have come slower and slower each time. But I have a life besides writing too. My studies have really become exhausting at this moment and have my first priority. :) hope you all can understand that and have patience with me. Again, I can't promise when the next update will be up. I would dissappoint everyone if I didn't reach the said update, so... just keep an eye out.