"Are you really sure that no life forms could survive the hyperspace?"

"YES..." drawled the robotic voice.

"But I did"

"That is not possible. Life forms will be destroyed by the cellular levels in the hyperspace"

"Let us go for a short hyperspace travel, I have a test that I need to do"

"Plotting a hyperspace route to Coruscant..."

"...adjusting course in accordance to republic advised safe route..."

"...route plotted. We are ready to go to hyperspace as soon as we leave this moon's atmosphere."

Dxun being a moon of the planet Onderon had been a big revelation to Harry, an d Kate's insistence of there being a war fought on Dxun against the Mandalorians have been a point of disagreement between the two.

"The only sign of war is your presence," said Harry

"My facts are not wrong until proven," insisted Kate.

The sudden remembrance of one of his disagreements with his speaking spaceship, a rush of cold flooded Harry's body from feet upwards.

"Kate, keep on standby for now, I need to check something first"

The surge of bad feeling came along with an impulse to go southwards of the "Quidditch; Seeker"

Harry is very proud of his naming sense. He decided that the spaceship would be called "Quidditch; Seeker" officially and called as the "Seeker" unofficially.

He had a very good reason for that-He wants to call the hundreds over android robots as "Bludgers".

Harry took a deep breath and immersed himself in the comforting elope of the ambient magic, focused on the destination along with determination and deliberation, and apparated.

He disappeared without any cracking sound barely missing Kate's report of keeping the engines primed for immediate departure.

"Hey! Where do you come from? Give me your identification number!" a robotic, yet weirdly humanlike voice greeted Harry who had just appeared from thin air.

A khaki coloured robot, with a blaster rifle pointed at him stands on his right, flanked by another two similar models. These robots seem to be far flimsier framed soldier robots than those Bludgers that he kept lurking in the Seeker.

"Where am I? I've just escaped from a flying beast..."

"...mm Roger-roger"

"... this is the Dxun-Onderon shuttle outpost. We protect the outpost from rebel movements"

"Rebels? That sounds dangerous!" The end of Harry's lips keep twitching upwards in amusement.

"Roger-roger, there are the enemy..."

"Your identification please..."

His pair of eyebrows quirked upwards, amazed by the intelligence that the robot shows.

"Hey! Where did he go?"

Appearing in the cockpit of the Seeker, Harry immediately instructed Kate to lift off and to get moving.

"It seems that you are correct Kate, I met several soldier droids... though they look cheap compared to the Bludgers we have on board..."

"... Perhaps the war is still going on, and due to the declining resources they had to cut costs"

Kate did not give any reply, as if telling, "I told you so" to Harry.

The Seeker lifted off smoothly as Harry "harrumphed" while sitting on the Pilot's chair arms crossed, obviously still bothered by the situation on Dxun.

The excitement of flying took over him as soon as the Seeker rises a metre above the trees level though.

"The Man Who Conquered-on extended magic expedition"

She scoffed, slammed the Daily Prophets and stomped towards the exit, her fiery red hair giving her the semblance of a fireball.

She can imagine the smug look on that witch face! Oh, she surely could!

The arrogant eyes, looking down on her as if she's the one in the wrong all this time!

That witch caused the Veil to glow and suck Harry in!

This must be another one of her clever solutions! Merlin! Nothing will be able to save that wizard-stealing witch after she gives her own solution to her solutions!

The stars lengthen into streams of blinding lights as the Seeker jumped into hyperspace.

"ETA Coruscant; 2 Days" Kate informed Harry in her monotonous robotic voice.

"I'll be downstairs near the ramp," said Harry as he strode out of the cockpit, heart beating fast with excitement.

After three long and calming breaths, Harry stood straight up, chest and feet steady.

Eyes closed while focusing, he chanted

"Expecto Patronum!"

A continuous siren blared; the ship shook like a malfunctioning old broom speeding in a typhoon at the very moment. Harry Potter did not stop though, he really need to go back home.

He has people waiting for him, also unsolved situation that involved him and two pretty witches.

His efforts were not in vain, as a golden majestic stag appeared in front of him.

"Stop it! You need to cast it outside of the ship, from the cockpit would do."

"You can ask Greengrass to send a patroni message reply and hone in the location back home"

"...and this time, make sure you take as much advanced technology back home. I'm almost deaf hearing about how stupid it was to want to return home as soon as possible"

The intense vibrations disappeared the moment he stopped forcing the magic to cast the patronus.

He stood there facing the stowed ramp, wide eyed and face frozen in shock (one might also argue it was a stumped stupid-shock like face).

He was so close to committing suicide.

"Reporting; vibrations stopped, returning to full hyperspeed, ETA unchanged." Kate reported as soon as the cockpit door slides open and the lone wizard stumbled in, shivering all the way.

"ahm.. That's good, thanks Kate." Replied Harry as he slumped into the captain's seat.

"Thank Merlin!"

Sorry for the late update, I was trying to write dialogues.


Thus the still short chapters. Tell me what you think about this update! and your ideas also!

p/s: The internet at the academy is causing me trouble. Cant upload.