A/N: This story started as a totally different idea, but oh my gosh, I couldn't resist.


Felix tugged on my sleeve. "Sadie," he whispered loudly.

I opted to ignore him. I was tired. I was hungry. And I really didn't want to clean up whatever mess he had made.

Felix tried again, "Sadie!"

He wasn't gonna let up was he. I sighed giving up any hope on getting a good breakfast, "Can you ask Carter?"

Felix shook his head, "I have a surprise for you!" He was practically jumping up and down. I wondered briefly if he had gotten into the sugar again.

I pursed my lips, I told them that it was not funny to get Felix hyper.

As Felix lead me down, I prayed to Isis. Please don't let this be another Antarctica incident. Please. Please. Please.

Felix stopped and grinned.

There were four penguins in front of me.

Felix jumped over to them and for the first time I realized he was wearing a ridiculous outfit.

How my tired brain could've tuned out an orange and white striped shirt complete with blue bow tie, white pants and matching white shoes, and a hideous flat hat also with stripes? I'll never know.

Felix grinned, "Just like we rehearsed, boys!"

No he wasn't- he couldn't be-

"Oh it's a jolly holiday with Sadie! Sadie makes your 'eart so bright!"

His singing voice wasn't that bad, but his accent was horrible. I was doubling over with laughter in seconds.

"When the day is gray and ordinary

Sadie makes the sun shine bright!"

The penguins began tap-dancing.

I had to admit, they were really good.

Felix began dancing with them, "Oh, 'appiness is bloomin' all around 'er

The daffodils are smilin' at the dove."

Felix made some ice and the penguins' choreography was spot on.

"When Sadie 'olds your 'and you feel so grand

Your 'eart starts beatin' like a big brass band"

I was trying so hard not to break into laughter again. That accent was sooo bad.

"It's a jolly 'oliday with Sadie

No wonder that it's Sadie that we love!"

The penguins took a bow and so did Felix.

"What did you think?" He was grinning.

I wiped tears from my eyes, "Felix, it was great."

He lit up.

"But your accent is so bad!"

His face fell, "Oh."

I tried to hide a smile, "Have you ever read Mr. Popper's Penguins?"