[I'm currently working on drawing the cover image for this FanFict. Hope you enjoy this so far. ;3]

The beautiful white snow laid over Jollywood like a carpet of white tulips, covering the entire town. Everyone in the town was excited, putting up Christmas decorations, a very tall Christmas tree was set up right smack in the middle of the Jollywood park, it lit up the whole town. The red and white candy canes hung the branches of the tree, along with white sparkling lights, they glowed brightly, making everything shine.

Doc and Bashful were helping put up the last of the ornaments.

"Wow Bashful," Doc walked up behind Bash, admiring his handiwork, "that's very good! Thank you so much for helping me!"

Bashful scoffed his foot shyly. "Ahh it was nothing, really." He replied, giving Doc a smile.

Everyone was feeling the Christmas spirit! Except for one person...





Grumpy never cared for Christmas. He hated the annoying, yet really catchy Christmas carols, the bright lights stopping him from sleeping, and the cheesy morals people say Christmas is all about. And not the good kind of cheese.

Happy, however, was the complete opposite. He loved Christmas with all his heart!

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!~" Happy began to sing. "Ooh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh, hey!"

"You know what else is fun?" Grumpy asked, sitting beside Happy. "If you'd STOP SINGING!"

Happy just laughed his usual laugh. "Oh Grumpy, why do you hate Christmas so much?"

"Because of you?" Grumpy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Awh, well, I know you don't actually mean that." Happy smiled the most adorable smile ever, it almost made Grumpy grin along with him. Grumpy quickly turned around, facing away from Happy so it seemed he wasn't affected by it.

Happy shrugged and skipped away, off to admire more decorations.

Grumpy grunted. "The only thing I like about Christmas is the presents..."

|| At the castle ||

Queen Delightful is wearing a very pretty pink sweater, it covered her neck, keeping her warm. It was extremely comfortable for winter weather. Lord Starchbottom was wearing a puffy jacket with his regular grey pants.

Queen Delightful held Sir Yipsalot close to her, as she twirled around. "Oooh, Strachy, I sure do LOVE Christmas."

"I know you do your majesty." He nodded.

Queen Delightful said, "It's my favorite holiday!" Just as Starchy simultaneously said, "It's your favorite holiday."

"I can't wait to go ice skating! Will you go ice skating with me Lord Stachbottom?"

He paused. "Well uh... I've never actually been- never actually been ice skating."

"Oh my!" Queen Delightful almost dropped Sir Yipsalot. "Well, you must learn right now." She tugged Starchy by his jacket sleeve, pulling him outside.

"Uh, well, ok..." He responds, not really confident if he wanted to ice skate.

So the Queen and her loyal companion, Lord Starchbottom, headed out to the park, getting ready to ice skate. Once they arrived, Lord Starchbottom immediately noticed the 7D. His shoulders slouched in defeat, and he sighed loudly. Wonderful, the 7D... the last people I'd ever want to see.

"Hiya Queen Delightful." Happy waved over to her with glee. "Do you like what Bashful and Doc did with the place?" He gestures towards the amazing view of the town, shining lights, red and green ornaments hanging all over the trees and best of all, the main tree!

The main tree was the Christmas tree set up right in the middle of Jollywood park. The special thing about this tree was that is was no ordinary tree. Every year on Christmas day, every dwarf from Jollywood would place a unique present underneath it, and they would trade it out for another gift. It was a special tradition set up so everyone could get along with each other, and trust one another, for their trust would hold in that one box alone.

The Queen looked up in amazement, staring at Jollywood. Starchy did as well, and he too was speechless. Happy took their speechlessness as a sign that they loved it. He laughed with relief.

Doc and Bashful walked over to the Queen. Bashful, whom has a large crush on the Queen, was hiding behind Doc slightly, but he still looked over his shoulders to see the Queen's reaction.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" The Queen gasped.

"I, too, am indeed impressed." Starchy said, looking around at everything.

"Bashful, Doc," Queen Delightful said, walking up to them, "you certainly have outdone yourselves. I'm proud of both of you, all of you really!"

The 7D grouped together, smiling, happy about their praise.

The Queen turned to Starchy. "Are you ready to ice skate?" She gushed, tugging his sleeve yet again, pushing him near the place to buy skates. "Now you go ahead of me Starchy, get skates for the both of us, I want to chat with the 7D for a little bit."

Lord Starchbottom headed toward a small shack with a sign which read 'Skating Needs!' while the Queen bent down to talk with her loyal helper dwarf, Happy. She wipes snow off a large rock located beside Happy. She sits down, and notices Grumpy far away from the group, in a totally different area. Grumpy was staring at the snowy ground, as if he was sulking. "What's up with Grumpy?" The Queen asked, worried.

"Oh, Grumpy isn't very fond of Christmas." Happy replied, strumming his guitar silently.

The Queen gasped in anguish. "Well why not? Everyone loves Christmas! So should Grumpy." Queen Delightful continues to stare at Grumpy, thinking about ways to make him have just as much enthusiasm as all the other dwarfs in Jollywood.

"That's what I'm thinking!" Happy agrees. "I tried to sing him songs, but he seems to hate Christmas carols."

"Well, well, well, that just won't do." The Queen puts her frosty glove to her face, rubbing her chin, thinking. "Hmmm... there must be SOMEONE to help him see the true meaning of Christmas."

Happy jumped up, a cute grin crept on his face as he listened to the Queen. 'Someone to help him huh?'

"Someone who LOVES Christmas!"

Happy started to smile even bigger. 'I LOVE Christmas!'

"Some with true Christmas spirit!"

Happy smiled even bigger, his glistening white teeth showed. 'I have TRUE Christmas spirit!'

"And someone who LOVES to hang out with Grumpy..."

Happy's mind burst with cheer. ALL THOSE THINGS RELATED TO HIM! He jumped up in the air, 3x the small size he was, and he starting screeching with joy. "OOHH OOOH! CHOOSE ME QUEEN DELIGHTFUL! I'd LOVE to teach him the true meaning of Christmas!"

The Queen looked down at him with big eyes. "Hmmm, you know, you would be the perfect match for him." She stands up. "Alright. For now on, Happy, I declare you the teacher for Grumpy's miserable joyless mind to see the truth of Christmas and become like, well, you! Happy!"

Happy couldn't contain the excitement he felt. He wanted to scream and hop around everywhere. He was going to spend all winter with Grumpy, showing him the true meaning of Christmas, something Grumpy desperately needed to know. Of course Happy lived with Grumpy and spent a lot of time with him, but this was a special project!

Project Save the Grumpster!

P.S.G for short...

Lord Starchbottom finally came out of the shack with two boxes of skates, pink velvety, and very elegant skates for Queen Delightful and blue and black normal looking skates for Lord Starchbottom. He bought normal ones for himself mainly because the pink skates were so expensive. He went over to her, handing the skates to her as gentlemanly as possible. They put on their skates together, and just as they were leaving, the Queen turned around to face Happy once again. "You should go tell Grumpy this amazing plan we created for him! The sooner you teach him your awesome skills, the sooner he'll feel the liquid juices of Christmas flow through his body!"

"Gross..." Lord Starchbottom muttered to himself.

"I'll go ahead and tell him right away!" Happy exclaimed happily. He grabbed his guitar and rushed his way over to Grumpy.

"You're doing WHAT with me NOW?" Grumpy asked, shocked.

"I get to be your Christmas spirit teacher!" Happy giggled.

"And why exactly?"

"Because, you hate Christmas so much, but you need to learn to lighten up and learn what Christmas is all about, which is where I come in!"

Grumpy stared at Happy for a while, then sighed. "I'm not playing one of your games, Happy."

"But this isn't a game!" Happy explained, clearly serious about making Grumpy enjoy Christmas for once. "This is a serious thing! Queen Delightful and I even planned out! You can ask her."

Grumpy stared at him for a while more. "I'm not gonna do that.. because I know you're telling the truth... unfortunately..."

Happy laughed, jabbing Grumpy's side, playfully. "Oh come on Grumpster, it's not that bad! It'll be FUN!"

"Whenever YOU say that you know it won't be fun."

Grumpy couldn't believe he was going to have to have Happy follow him around all winter break. 'I'm gonna have to use those earplugs Gingersnaps gave me a long while ago...'

The rest of the 7D walked up to Grumpy and Happy. "Hey fellas, what are you two talking about?" Doc asked.

"Apparently Happy is going to be 'teaching me' all about Christmas. Humbug." Grumpy said, sarcastically but at the same time not so sarcastically.

"Aww, Grumpy, don't say that. You aren't like, the Grinch or anything. You're just a Grouch. And soon that frown will be turned upside-down!"

"Enlighten me." Grumpy grunted.

"So you'll be explaining to him what Christmas is all about?" Sneezy asked Happy.

"Yup!" Happy smiled.

"Well it's about time." Doc muttered.

Grumpy turned around on his heels. "What do you mean, 'it's about time'?" He asked, getting irritated.

Happy could tell tension was starting to grow with his friends. He quickly got between them. "Oh, come on guys! Please don't fight. Fighting isn't what Christmas is about. Grumpy, I'm going to teach you all about Christmas whether you like it or not, and Doc, don't mock him! Just because he doesn't understand that much about Christmas doesn't mean he can't learn. Besides, a part of Christmas is coming together as one, using all our love and friendship even during the hardest of times. Even if we disagree about ideas doesn't mean we should give up on each other. I mean, come on, this is just the first chapter!"

"What?" Bashful asked, confused.

"Ignore the last thing I said." Happy continued. "Why can't we all just get along. We usually get along during great holidays, but for some reason, during Christmas, we all fall apart. And don't act like I don't realize this because you think I'm obliviously happy. I notice a lot of things."

Grumpy, Doc, and the rest of the gang glance around at each other, surprised at how mature Happy seemed to be acting. Normally he'd burst into song or make a stupid joke, but this time it was clear that Happy was serious about this. Happy really wanted everyone to get along during Christmas.

After a long while of silence, Doc sighed. Looking up at Happy, he smiled. "Well alright. I'm sure your genius happiness will make anyone, even Grumpy smile with joy. Look, you're even starting to do it now." Doc pointed at Grumpy.

Grumpy was looking at Happy, smiling just a little. He quickly covered it up once Doc pointed at him.

"Ech-ehm..." Grumpy cleared his throat, falling his smile back into his normal frown. "I have no idea what he's talking about."

The 6D, besides Grumpy, all started laughing, from the irony seeing Grumpy smile like that. "Awwh!~ Gruuuumpyy~" Happy laughed. "You're a fast learner." He giggles, winking at him.

"Oh shut up." Grumpy blushed from embarrassment. "You guys are starting to see things. The cold is getting to ya."

'Teaching Grumpy all about this Christmas stuff is going to be a real adventure!'

'Getting stuck with this Happy-weirdo is going to be a looong adventure, but eh, I kinda like adventures!'

Little did they know that the adventure was just getting started!

[Do you think this is ok so far? I made this story a drama and a comedy because the first couple chapters are comedy related but the story gets more dramatic as it goes on, and yes, this is a shipping FanFict for Humpy (Happy x Grumpy) aka my favorite ship in this whole series. ;3 THANKS FOR READING THE FIRST CHAPTER! Please leave reviews if you want to.]