AN: The added piece to the scene in Billy's office comes from an unfilmed scene in the script, so I take no credit for writing it.


Francine in her usual mocking tone, jibed, "I must say it's a naughty little skeleton for the housewife of the year to have in her broom closet."

Amanda scowled at her. "I don't appreciate that, Francine. All I did during college was study hard and go on dates."

"Dates?" the other woman scoffed. "In college? By 1972, I was living in a utopian commune with three folk singers and half the Princeton Poly-Sci department."

"I wouldn't brag about that if I were you, Francine." She shook her head and huffed, "Would you just take my keys please?"

As the conversation turned to her limited security access, Amanda found herself growing even more irritated when Francine couldn't resist adding another joke at her expense, "Anyone can see you...missed the revolution." When Amanda shot her a "how dare you," look, Francine quickly added, "I meant that as a compliment."

Francine rolled her eyes as once again, Lee jumped to Amanda's defense with "Can we all just stop kicking the verbal ball around?" but she couldn't help noticing that Amanda looked just as annoyed with him for doing so as she did over her trying to lighten the mood with jokes.

After Amanda stormed out, she let out a sigh and sank down into one of the chairs opposite Billy's desk and muttered, "When will I ever learn?"

"Give her a chance to cool down," Billy suggested. "She'll come around."

She shook her head and replied, "If this isn't worked out, I may not have another chance." She rose from her seat and hurriedly made her way out the door to attempt to salvage whatever might be left of her burgeoning friendship with Amanda.

Amanda sat quietly fuming over Francine's comments as she listened to Lee droning on and on about suspensions being cleared up. She found herself becoming increasingly irritated with him as well...first for feeling the need to jump to her defense...Did he really think she needed that after all this time? Second for his attitude about her complacency. Finally, she snapped, "Yes, I'm going to just sit here. I've got a visitor's pass and that's all I can do is just sit here!"

Francine arrived at the door of the Q just in time to hear Amanda's outburst at Lee and mumbled, "On second thought," and was about to turn around when she heard Lee's pleading voice talking about how they might not be able to see each other. "I'll be damned." Was it possible that he was actually being sincere? She decided not to intrude any longer on what seemed to be turning into a private moment and trotted back the way she'd come. She had suspected ever since the undercover assignment at Marvelous Marvin's that there might be something happening between those two, but had no real confirmation of it. She supposed she'd just have to see how it played out.

A few days later, she became even more suspicious when she walked into the conference room to find Amanda holding on to Lee's tie and the pair sharing a mischievous look. She cleared her throat loudly and they quickly broke apart. "" Damn! Why did she always feel so awkward in these moments? "Billy...he asked me to come steal Amanda away so we can get her security levels back online in the computer system."

"Ah," Lee let out a groan of frustration. "So, I guess I'll just go check on the interrogation team...see if they've had any more success getting Williamson's contacts out of him. Might be helpful if we know exactly who he was planning to sell the HK-86 plans to." He hurriedly made his escape.

It was clear to Francine by the perturbed look on Amanda's face that she was just as annoyed by the interruption as Lee had been. "So...I...uh...I guess we should get started. I mean, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get done and you can get back to...well, whatever it is you were doing."

Amanda folded her arms across her chest and inquired testily, "And just what is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, come on, Amanda. I think you and I both know that I walked in on something between you and Lee that was a little more than work-related. In fact, it almost looked like you were..." Francine clamped her mouth shut. No, it couldn't be.

"Like I was what, Francine?" Amanda prodded, her defensive posture unwavering.

"No...never mind. It couldn't be what I was thinking...could it?"

"Hmmmph!" Amanda snorted as she lowered her arms and marched out of the room with a snippy, "Let's just get this over with!" Why couldn't Francine ever see that there was more to her than just a housewife? She was still stewing over the jokes she'd made when this whole thing had begun.

Francine sighed and reluctantly followed Amanda back out into the bullpen. Summoning up her courage, she decided they had to end this stalemate. "You're right. We should get this over with." She gave the brunette a pointed look. "Starting with me explaining what I meant."

"I'm listening." The contrite look on Francine's face told her that they were no longer talking about her computer clearance.

" just never stop surprising me." She glanced around the bullpen for a moment, then sat down in her chair and lowered her voice so no one else would hear. "When I walked into that room, it looked like..." When she looked back at Amanda's expectant face, she found her nerve faltering. She took a deep breath and plunged on anyway. "Well, it looked like you were making a pass at Lee instead of the other way around."

"And why should that surprise you?" Amanda questioned, but before Francine could answer, she did so herself. "Oh, wait, I know. Because I'm just the housewife of the year and I missed the revolution."

"Is that what's got you so steamed at me?"

"Shouldn't I be?"


"No? Why not?"

"Because I meant both of those things as compliments to you."

Amanda snorted with laughter. "Well, if that's a compliment, I'd certainly hate to hear an insult!"

"Okay, I don't get it. What do you find so insulting about it? The housewife of the year thing was meant as a compliment because obviously you're good at all those household-y things."

"I still don't see how that's supposed to be such a great compliment," Amanda argued.

Francine saw that she was going to have to just bite the bullet. "Because those are the things that I stink cooking for example. I wish I had half your skill for it. I mean, look at what happened the one time I tried to learn to cook. I know so little about it that I actually believed Mrs. Welch when she told me that it was the cooking sherry making me feel woozy."

"Okay." Amanda nodded, deciding that she could accept that. After all, she did know that Francine had given up on trying to learn to cook after that bad experience. "Well, you know, I am a bit jealous of your skills too. I mean, you've been at this job for years and you know how to handle yourself."

"Well, so do you," Francine countered. "I know that I didn't always give you credit when you first started, but you've more than proven yourself."

"Have I? Look at what just happened. This was the first time ever that I tried something on my own without Lee looking over my shoulder supervising me and it all blew up in my face. I had no clue that the man I was working so closely with on this project was a traitor to this country and I had to have Lee bail me out."

"Now, Amanda, that's not true. You knew something wasn't right with the security cameras and it's your household skills that put you onto the floor wax and that's what solved the whole thing. That's where your housewife-y skills really came in handy." She pointed to herself dramatically and continued, "I'm such a moron when it comes to those things, I would never have made that connection, so you see, it's even more of a compliment to you."

Amanda couldn't help laughing at that. "Okay, I see your point, but what about the crack about missing the revolution?"

"Also meant as a compliment, which if you recall, I told you that day."

"And how exactly is that supposed to be complimentary to suggest that I missed out on the sexual revolution. I did tell you that I went on dates in college...and a lot of them at that...and not always with the same guy. I didn't start getting serious about Joe and 1971."

"Ohhhh..." Realization finally hit Francine. "Amanda, I didn't mean the sexual revolution...I meant the revolution against the know, the protesting, the bomb-throwing...the riots...all that stuff."

"Oh...sorry," was Amanda's sheepish reply when it struck her that she'd misjudged Francine's comments.

"Though now that you mention it, you don't seem...well, that type either."

Amanda sighed and replied sarcastically, "Is that supposed to be another compliment?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. Clearly, you don't have the reputation that I do around here."

"No, it's worse. I'm just the goody-two-shoes who never does anything exciting and always has to have Lee around to stand up for me."

"Is that what's really bugging you?" Francine's brows shot up questioningly.

"Yes. I'm tired of people around here seeing me as nothing more than the good little housewife. I'm also a woman."

"Of course you are, but let me tell you, I've got it much worse than you do with my rep..."

"Not the happy hooker thing again," Amanda groaned.

"Yes, that again. You don't know how hard it is to shake a reputation like that. You're much more likely to change your image than I am. All it would take would be one act that would shock the pants off the Agency paparazzi to change yours. There's no way that I could ever get people to change their opinion of me, no matter how many goody-goody things I would do. Kinda like Lee, he's got such a rep as a player, that no one would ever believe he'd get serious about any one woman." She gave Amanda a warning look.

"Well, that's all the more reason people shouldn't be judged by outward appearances," Amanda rose to the challenge. She knew that she couldn't tell Francine that she and Lee were engaged, but wanted to make it clear that she didn't believe all of the highly-exaggerated rumors either. She chuckled a little and asked, "So, did you really live in a commune?"

"Yup," the blonde confirmed. "Let's get started on your security profile and I'll tell you all about it."