Hi, PW here!

First, thank you everyone for having read "Out of Breath" and asking for a sequel!

I've never imagined it would go so far QwQ

Sorry if I'm taking so long, but...eh...Writer block and homework T-T

Anyway, this is the tiny snippet of the sequel.

PW out


Mother of all lives on Earth.

So essential.

So calm.

Yet, it could also be very dangerous and take back the lives it had given.

Storm, flood, rain...

Water was very imprevisible.

And it was actually in the water of a Danish seashore that a little boy was laying in.

He had blue eyes, reminding the sea. His floating blond hair were generally spiky. His cheeks, reddened by the cold, were covered with tiny freckles.

He breathed slowly, in rhytme with the melody of the waves.

He remained here, in the coldness of the winter sea.

Why did it feel so soothing?

"Mathias! Don't get me fishing you out of the sea again! Plus you'll risk to catch a cold! Come back for dinner now!" A man called from the shore.

He looked around his 40-50's, with also wild blonde hair but darker than Mathias and with grey tuff. He had a moustache that connected to a small beard around his mouth. His slightly crinkly eyes were a greyish blue, less intense than the boy.

"I'm coming Amos!" Mathias said, swimming back to the earth.

"Geez! Look at you! You went in the water all clothed again!" The man named Amos said, ruffling the boy's hair. "Let's get you home quickly. Cara had made a cherry Danish."

"Yay!" Mathias cheered and started to run to the house...

But he fell short.

He landed on his knees and wheezed.

"Easy there Mathias." Amos helped him on his back and gave him his inhaler. "Breath slowly."



Mathias lost consciousness.





"-.-.-.-.-.-.-! Breath slowly! Everything is okay!" Someone said, but it was muffled like through a pillow. And the pictures were too blurry.






The boy woke up in a gasp

Hi PW here

I know it's very short...

But what do you think for the moment?

Should I continue this way?

Please, reviews are fuel!

PW out ~