Reviews for Reminiscences
LinariusMoon chapter 5 . 6/29
I really like this Denmark-centered story,this kind of stories are really hard to find, especially if it's a reborn one! Hope you'll continue, take all the time you want, I'll wait for new chapters! ((o(*ω*)o))
Ryder Falcon chapter 5 . 4/19
This is a really good ff! And i love the little bit of angst and altough guilty, (im sorry denmark) i just love to torture denmark i hope you will continue this work tho but no pressure. Love it tho
Abyss101 chapter 3 . 2/11/2019
I'm pretty sure you'll not see this but...
Nice nice nice chapter 5 . 10/13/2018
A love triangle sounds the best in this case. What a about both Ameden and Dennor? Maybe even a threeway pairing would be nice. This fic is really interesting!
prismturtle chapter 1 . 8/6/2018
WindStorm89 chapter 5 . 2/6/2018
This story is amazing! I really like the plot! And it's really interesting! (Denmark-centric fanfics are rather hard to find... or at least for me) I don't want to sound pressuring, but I hope you can update soon, this story is awesome! Also, I don't know if the questions/polls from the 3rd and 4th chapter are still ongoing but I'll still answer them! ' So, OC's are fine by me, though as long as there won't be any OC that becomes Denmark's lover or anything, and that Denmark and the other nations remain the main characters. Other than that, I have nothing against OC's. And for the question from the 4th chappie, tbh, I like the DenNor pairing but in this story, it doesn't doesn't really seem to add up for me because of what happened in the prequel. So, maybe AmeDen? It's your story though, so you can do whatever you want! Anyway, this review is getting too long... But I'll try to keep an eye out for the next update! (Tho I understand that you can be busy and can't always write chapters ')
Boi chapter 4 . 6/7/2017
Im not too pickey about ships, but if i had to choose it would be dename, but i think DenRus would seem a bit nice. Also i cant wait for the next update!
altoghvad chapter 4 . 5/2/2017
Random question (ok not really): I don't know what ypu have planned but are some of the younger nations going to be classmates?
Seems like that would be a good way to keep an eye on/look out for Mathias, then again nations do have work to do...

SweetHoneyBee chapter 4 . 3/11/2017
If you're still updating and found a time to update despite the troubles of life, I favor AmeDen. I need something new than the classics because you know...once seen plenty can be sickening. I hope AmeDen wins
RadIsAnimeTrash chapter 4 . 3/8/2017
IsisWard1 chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
I personally say ame/den i love dennor but in this case considering how Denmark died it would seem off to me
Pfeh chapter 4 . 2/4/2017
They all seem incredibly inappropriate just because he is currently a child. But I'm going to go for DenNor. Classics are great. Sorry I haven't really reviewed the others. I thought I had a reminder set for them. But I didn't. Now I do though. Fluff!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/1/2017
Mondmaedchen chapter 4 . 2/1/2017
DenNor would be my preference but you do you!
gdesertsand chapter 4 . 2/1/2017
I want a to read a new one so personally I choose AmeDen but this is just my opinion and you are the author so you still have the final say. And! Awesome Trio! well, Awesome Trio without Denmark. Now I wonder how will lil Mathias remember his nation self? Hope to see a new chapter whenever you can! (Also, you are French? if so, Congratulations to everyone in France and French people in winning the Miss Universe!...[I hope I didn't offend you by saying this because I mean this in a positive way.])
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