Hi PW here

sorry for the delay, but I'm facing a huge writter block :(

More of fanarts of the fanfiction on my DA account IggyAlfi2319.

IMPORTANT: about the poll I've put in the last chapter, I've forgotten to precise that in this story no child/adult romance will be implied (no pedo/shotacon/lollicon), maybe friendship but no more!

Okay, today is little Matthias' first school day. I'm not really familiar to the Danish school system, so it will be mostly based on French system ^^;

PW out

"Matthias Kohler! Will you hurry?! You are going to be late for you first school day!"

Cara was overwhelmed by the packaging of the fish donuts and the Cherry Danish that she had to sold for the market place. Now they were three under the same roof, especially a growing boy who had to follow treatments due to his breathing issues, Amos' income became quite short for the family's life. So Cara had decided to help the best she could by opening her baking stand at the market place thrice a week instead of once like before.

Matthias showed up in the kitched, his spiky hair completely damp and his toothbrush in his mouth.

"There you are. Here, help Amos to charge the boxes in the truck would you?" Cara said, pulling out a fresh batch of pastries.

The little boy nodded befor rinsing his mouth and dropping the brush next to the sink. He shook off the water from his hair, who stuck up everywhere.

"Cara...I'm very sorry to put so much stress on your shoulders...are you sure I can't stay and help you?" Matthias asked, feeling guitly.

"Are you kidding me young man?"

Cara looked at him with her fist on her hips. She had a serious face with a big smile.

"I've never felt so active before!" She said. "It was way too calm and boring before you join us."

She hugged Matthias tenderly.

"I regret nothing Matthias." She kissed the top of his head.

"Cara..." Matthias smiled softly...before sniffing something hot. "Hum, the oven..."

"Oh my God! The fish pies!" Cara panicked and pulled out the pies. Luckily, nothing was burnt.

Matthias giggled.

Cara froze at the sound.

Yes, Matthias was finally laughing with a real smile for the first time he was here. He was slowly becoming less reserved.

Cara loved that sound.

"Well, well." Amos entered, picking up more boxes. "What did I miss that makes our boy laughing like that?"

"Cara almost burnt the pie." Matthias wiped his tears, wheezing.

"Easy there son." Amos gave his inhaler. "And really? Cara burning food, that's a first!"

Both of the males received a wooden spoon smack.

"if you have finished to make fun of me, maybe you will go back to work!" She scolded them playfully.

She handed to Matthias a danish flagged schoolbag.

"There's everything you need." She said. "I also put you a lunch box."

"Thank you Mor!" Matthias said before putting on his boots and going out. "See you tonight!"

He went on the seashore and climbed on the old little boat that Amos had fixed up for him. The Kohler had shown him the different paths for school and Matthias had decided to cut by the sea, since the school was only by 10 minutes by foot from the harbor and because Matthias loved water.

Matthias was about to go when Amos went to him and gave him a simple mobile phone.

"there's our phone number registered in, just in case." The old man said. "Have a nice day."

/~/~/~/~/~/adorable scene of Little Matthias rowing among the fishes and the seagulls/~/~/~/~/~/

Soon, the little Dane reached the harbor, among the fishermen who were packing their stuffs.

Matthias adjusted his scarf and gloves as slowly parked his boat.

"Oh! Isn't that Amos' son?" One of fishermen said.

"Yes sir!" Matthias waved. "I'm going to school!"

The fisherman chuckled at his adorableness. "Alright! Here, give me your morring! I'll pull you there!"

Matthias threw him the rope, then the other men helped him out.

"You're boat is safe here, don't worry."

"Thank you sir!" Matthias smiled brightly.

"Welcome, have a nice school day!"

Happy, the little Dane strolled down the harbour, greeting from time to time some persons who knew his parents.

When he accidentally bumped against a young man he never met before.

"Oh, sorry lill' dude, you're okay?" The man asked.

Matthias blinked in confusion. He was sure that the man just spoke in another language than Danish by the way his lips were moving...

But for strange reasons the boy understood what he just said like if it had been simultaneously translated.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was goin'..." the man gently helped him up.

"That's fine, I'm okay..." Matthias responded, before clasping his mouth shut.

He spoke in Danish but...oddly it was if what he just said could be into any languages that any strangers would understand.

The man frowned slightly and knelt down at Matthias' height.

He looked around 18-20 years old and was sporting a pair of impossibly blue eyes framed by a pair of squarred glasses. His hair were into a honey blonde hue with a funny cowlick sticking up and defying the gravity, just like Matthias's spikes. He was wearing a leather bomber jacket, black gloves and a military brown uniform.

'That's not a Danish uniform...' Matthias frowned. 'Amos showed me his, it isn't the same design...'

"Hum little boy?"

Matthias was brutally brought back to reality. The man just spoke in a very terrible Danish with a slaughtering accent.

"Sorry Sir, I was thinking." Matthias said.

"Oh? You be look uniform me?" The man tried to say, butchering the Danish language

Matthias winced. Contrary to a baby who's learning how to speak, this was just horrible.

"America, you stupid git! Where are you!"

Matthias blinked. 'America? he's American?'

Something had be translated again.

This time, despite being a fluent natural Danish, it felt like a thick English accent.

"I'm helping a little dude!" The man called back.

Still in Danish, his english accent was different though.

"Hum...I'm going to be late at school..." Matthias whimpered

"Wait! You meeting friend me!" The man said loudly.

Matthias was growing more and more uncomfortable

"What are you up to, you stupid git!" A blonde man with emerald green eyes, very thick eyebrows, a green uniform and brown boots came up.

"The kiddo can understand us!" The loud man said

The new comer knelt down to Matthias level.

"How so?"

Matthias closed his eyes tightly shut.

'Someone! Save me!'

As if he got his wish granted, people around them stopped their activities and frowned at the two strangers. The group of fishermen from earlier approached them.

"What do you plan to do him?"
"Don't you see you're scaring him!"
"Leave him alone!"

That only get the loud man confused and the green eyed one more suspicious toward the boy.

"Dude! Do you know what the hell they are saying?" The cowlick man asked

"I don't have knowledge in Danish, but one thing is sure, we'll have to take this boy with us!" The bushy brows one said, grabbing Matthias's wrist.

Matthias panicked and tried to get free.


A mud ball (with a flower inside, RIP flower ;w;) hit the man square in the face.

"What the-"

"Hey! You! Leave him alone!" A voice yelled.
"My flower!" Another argued
"Shut up! That's not important right now!"
"P-please, don't f-fight now…" a shy one mumbled
"The man is taking him away." A monotonous one said.

The last thing Matthias knew, that was a group of four children around his age, snatching him away from the two weirdos.

'What the hell is going on today?!'

Careful, lil' Matt'!

Mister cowlick and Bushy brows won't be the last you'll see!

sorry for this short chapter, but as I said, writer block.

And, I think I won't put any pairing inside at the end.

PW out