Tale of two Half-sisters ch. 11



Manly Dan sighed...contrary what you'd think...he wasn't a drinking man...but he was drinking everyone under the table tonight!


"PAPA-YA!" Shouted the strangely clothed girl who hugged him suddenly, "Wait what!?" Exclaimed Manly Dan...


Manly Dan rubbed his temples, "So let me get this straight...your my granddaughter from the future...and in order to keep the timeline 'stable'...your now stuck here, Wendy's pregnant with ANOTHER child...and the same thing happened with ANOTHER girl...who has caused my future 'son-in-law'- who is two years YOUNGER then my daughter - to knock up yet ANOTHER girl...who ALSO has a daughter from the future here? Have I got all that right?

Tulip sighed.."We don't really know what will happen when 'we're' born...but yes. That's it." She admitted awkwardly...she wasn't used to her her papa-ya(what she called her grandpa) to look at her with anything but love...

Dan groaned, "I need a fracking drink." and with that he left before the girls could say anything...


Dan took another drink...and smashed a nearby patron through a table...the ensuing brawl helped him with a lot of pent up anger...


Finally...he came home. "Dad!" Shouted Wendy who'd just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a towel "Papa-ya!" Shouted Tulip hopefully. Despite the situation...hearing that last one nearly brought a smile to Dan's face...he held up a hand. "Okay...she can stay...everything else...I'm going to have a 'chat' with the 'father' soon."

Wendy groaned, "Dad, don't kill him."

"That all depends on him sweetie- ANYWHO!" Shouts Dan quickly before Wendy could protest, "It's time we talk about making you feel more comfortable here...like what your wearing-

Tulip groaned, "Alright fine...I like this look, but I get how it's inappropriate for this time. Don't worry Wendy and i will go shopping-

"What? No! I meant I 'like what your wearing'!"

"Say what now?" Asked Wendy stunned. Manly Dan said nothing as he went inside the house-


Wendy paled, "Dad...why is the incinerator on!?" Panicked both girls ran just in time to see-


But it was too late...Dan had already thrown all her clothes into the incinerator, while she was stunned by this-



Yelled a now naked Wendy as he tossed her towel into the fire

Dan just chuckled as he dug under his bed and dragged out an old shoebox, "They told me I was a dumb lunatic for trying to make this Fashion popular! We'll guess what numb-nuts! I was decades ahead of my time!" He dumps the contents on the floor.

"Time the Corduroys became Fancty-pants fashionistas!" He laughed like a mad man.

Wendy paled..."No."

Tulip smirked..."Yes!" She shouted triumphantly


Dipper flustered, "Wha- "Don't ask", Snapped an annoyed Wendy who know wore a leopard skin bikini.

"It REALLY looks good on you mom", Said Tulip sincerely. Dipper watched them as they entered the shack- which would now be doing record business -and once more punch Robbie in the nuts for getting an erection from looking at them.

Dipper shrugged and turned around...and ran right into the very very hairy six-pack of manly Dan...who was now naked save for a loincloth...which someohow made him look all the more savage and intimidating. Even more so when he grabbed Dipper by the head and lifted him up to his eyes

"Not so fast sunny-jim...I'm willing to accept all this for the sake of both my daughter and granddaughter...but you better believe I'm gonna make you work to earn your keep in this family!"

Dipper gulped.


A sweaty(well more then usual anyway) Dipper groaned as he tired to chop down a tree...with little luck. Dipper turned to manly Dan, "Can I at LEAST have a loincloth?" Said the poor, naked boy.

"Put enough meat on those noodle-arms so your chopping more then one tree an hour and maybe will talk!" Shouted Manly Dan, "or at least grow another inch down there! Sweet sarsaparilla boy, I've meet eunuchs with bigger weenies then you!"

Dipper felt his face redden as he covered himself mortified- "Overkill boy! You only need your pinkie finger to cover that!" Mocked dan, "By the way, I need you to go into town for something. I sold all your clothes and put the money toward Wendy and Tulip...so good luck with that!" Laughed Dan as he left a mortified dipper with nothing to cover his shame but his pine tree hat...



AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me