A/N: What can I say, it was time to check in on these two.. Enjoy!


One year later...

I can't escape the name that leaves my lips as my body continues to climb in attempts to chase my release.

It's so close I can almost taste it.

"Fuck, Christian." I moan, the distinct buzzing is the only sound to be heard in our bedroom. I thrust my hips, as if it's my fiancé's hard cock and not the pink vibrator that I've affectionately named Mr. Grey.

"Oh fuck." I moan as I feel myself on the edge ready to jump, my toes curl, and my left hand finds my breast that's covered by Christian's Harvard T-shirt.

Fuck, I'm so close. Come on, Christian, get me there. I say in my head, as the fantasy of me riding my fiancé continues. I'm just about to find the release I've desperately needed the past three days when I hear his silky voice surrounding me. "Need a hand with that?"

My eyes fly open along with a loud yelp, as I hear the source of the voice standing in the entrance to our bedroom leaning cockily against the frame. His arms are crossed and he's sporting a smug grin as if to say "caught ya." Fuck.

I slide the vibrator out of me, my orgasm, long lost and stare at the man in front of me before I sit up. "Actually no… I don't."

"You know masterbating is against the rules."

I scoff hearing him say those words. "Says who?"


"Oh? I dont remember shaking on that." I say crossing my legs allowing my shirt to ride up slowly and his eyes zero in between my legs. I lean back on my elbows, allowing him a better look. "See something you like?"

A look I know very well flashes through his eyes. "I know what you're doing." He says as he slides his hands into his pants pocket in what I believe to be an attempt to keep himself from touching me.

"What am I doing?" I ask, as my fingers move through my folds, stroking myself slowly. I don't miss the way his jaw ticks in response. I pick up the vibrator that's still coated in my juices. "Besides having some fun with Mr. Grey here." I say switching it on and off. "Since… you don't want to. A lady has… needs ya know."

"Oh believe me Miss Steele, I want to. But you know all you have to do is say the words. Say it, and I'll fuck you so hard and so deep, it will satisfy all your needs." He moves towards me my heart pounding harder with every step.

Stay away from me, Grey. It's hard enough sleeping next to you every night!

I take a deep breath and hold it, not wanting to smell Christian's cologne, his scent, him. "Breathe baby, I won't bite." He whispers as he pulls my lip from between my teeth. "Unless you want me to." He smirks devilishly and I feel the goosebumps rising all over my skin. I fight the urge to wipe the look off his face. No touching.

He takes a step closer to me and I back up further up the bed. "Stop it. You're cheating! We agreed no seducing!"

"Says the woman fucking herself with the vibrator she's named after me in plain sight."

"You're supposed to be at work." I say through gritted teeth as I feel his hand dancing on my thigh. The whole point of this bet was who would cave first. Sure, I knew I was dancing around breaking the rules by taking matters into my own hands but it had been three days since I had made love to my fiancé and I was… desperate.

"Is this what you've been doing the past three days while I've been at work? While I've been walking around permanently erect thinking about you?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I wasn't?"

"Nope." He chuckles.

I need to break him and I need to do it before tonight. I take a deep breath and climb into his lap pressing my bare wet core against him as I wrap my legs around his back. "This bet is stupid. Let's just call it off. You need me, I need you. The end. Why are we doing this?"

"Because I believe my impossible fiancé made a joke about me in her column that I couldn't possibly go a week without having sex."

"You're taking what I wrote out of context!"

Christian and I were slated to get married in two days and I was reading this article about couples that choose to abstain from sex during the week leading up to their nuptials. In jest, I wrote that I could never do that based on how often my fiancé begs to fuck me. Not in those exact words, but essentially. As truthful as the statement was, said fiancé called me out on it on the grounds that I demanded sex just as often. And thus, our bet over who could last longer without sex came about.

Whoever caved first- lost.

My best friend Olivia couldn't get the point of the bet, as the winner didn't get anything except bragging rights. But what Olivia doesn't understand is Christian and my ongoing competition. Bragging rights were huge. We were both stubborn and hated losing. And I refused to lose this time.

"Possibly, but you know I never back down from a challenge Miss Steele. And you seem to think you can go longer without sex and yet it's you… with the vibrator covered in the evidence of your orgasm." He says.

I roll my eyes. "You know I didn't come."

"Shame. I can fix that you know." He says as he lifts my t-shirt slightly to gaze upon my slick folds.

I lick my lips and my teeth find my bottom lip to prevent myself from blurting out my forfeiture. I swallow and before I can blink I'm underneath him, squirming as I try and wrap my legs around him. He straddles me, putting a knee on either side of me keeping my legs together and I pout. "Christian, this is totally unfair."

"Consider us even for cheating."

"You and I both know that a vibrator isn't the same. It was not cheating! I was just taking the edge off."

"You think I don't need the same?"

"You're telling me you haven't jacked off?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."


"I'm serious, Ana. The last hands around my dick were yours three days ago."

I groan, suddenly feeling guilty on top of the arousal still coursing through my veins. "Fine."

"I won't consider this a win for me since we didn't explicitly say that we couldn't. But to clear up the confusion," he says leaning down so that his lips are only a millimeter from mine. "Keep Mr. Grey out of you." He whispers before placing a kiss on my lips. He's off of me before I can deepen it and moving out of the room.

"Ugh!" I scoff as I cross my arms. "You are such a dick!" I scream after him.

I'm going to break that man if it's the last thing I do. This. Means. War.

I step out into the steam filled bathroom, my body dripping wet with the droplets from my solo shower as I put my plan into motion. I begin to towel dry my hair before putting tying my hair up in the terry cloth material. I peek my head out of the bathroom and hear just what I expected. Complete silence.

Christian has been avoiding our bedroom area like the plague whenever I'm in the shower because he doesn't trust himself- or me.

Silly men with no restraint.

I leave our bedroom and move through the penthouse looking for my fiancé knowing that he won't suspect what's coming as we usually have cameras covering every inch of the apartment with the exception of our bedroom and bathroom. Little does he know I had them turned off and there's no reason for Taylor, Sawyer or Gail to make an appearance. I hear him holed up in the guest room watching television probably worried that he'll get one whiff of my shower gel and instantly get hard.


I open the door and begin to move through the room as if I don't see him on the bed, staring at me. I wonder if I've rendered him speechless because he's not said one word to me. I grab what I strategically placed in the guest room bathroom so I'd have a reason to invade his Ana-free space. I exit the bathroom and walk right into a wall of muscle.

I slap my hand over my bare chest. "Oh, Christian. You scared the shit out of me." I look up into his stormy grey eyes and I think I should actually be afraid based on the look he's giving me.

"Anastasia Rose Steele, what the fuck do you think you're doing? You know we have fucking cameras."

"Turned them off." I murmur seductively, my bottom lip finding it's way between my teeth.

"And why is that?"

I shrug. "No reason." I smile and hold up my curling wand. "Needed this." I start walking away when I feel a hand wrapped around my wrist and pushed hard against a wall.

"Didn't we say no seductions, young lady?"

"I-I didn't know you were in here." I say innocently.

"So what reason do you have for walking around the penthouse, naked?"

I look around as if the answers could be found on the beige walls of the guest room. "Freedom of expression?" I say cheekily.

He looks me over from head to toe and raises an eyebrow and I gulp wondering if maybe my plan is about to completely backfire. "Is that so?"

"Yes, but I got what I came for so I can just-" I start to walk away but he stops me, putting an arm up boxing me in completely. A sly grin finds his face and he smiles.

"So you thought you could strut in here looking like sex on legs and I was going to be- unaffected?"

"I- I didn't know you were in here."

"Mhmm. Ana you're playing dirty."

"I'm not, I swear." I plead, hoping he'll have mercy on me but as I feel his hand dancing down my side I know that he's going to be far from merciful. I whimper as I feel his hand ghost across my thigh and find it's way between my legs. I try to push him away but it's no use, his fingers have made their way inside and I almost collapse feeling his touch for the first time in three days.

"Shhh." He says in my ear as he begins to move slowly in and out of me. "Just feel, baby. Feel me." I moan at his words, my hands digging into his biceps as I start to ride his fingers.

"This is… against the rules." I moan unconvincingly.

"Game is on pause, I need you baby." He groans and if I could shout my excitement from the rooftops I could. Pause. Okay I can handle that.

"So… no one loses but we can still…" I trail off.

"We can still." He says and I can hear the smile in his voice. "Now give me your orgasm, Anastasia."

Fucking gladly.

I allow myself to give into the sensations as his fingers work me over, his thumb rubbing my clit as his two fingers move slowly in and out of me. My head rolls to the side as I feel his lips peppering kisses on my neck, his tongue tracing the skin behind my ear. "Christian."

"You're close, aren't you baby?"

"So close, fuck. It feels so good."

"Tell me how good." He bites down on my earlobe and I lurch forward as I try and push myself harder onto his hands, desperately seeking the relief that is seconds away.

My eyes flutter closed as I feel the familiar tingle and just as quick as it arrives, it's gone as his fingers slip out of me. I open my eyes to find him smiling down at me with a wicked gleam in his eye. "What are you doing?"

He backs up slowly before eyeing me up and down once. "I'm going to go take a shower."


"We need to be at the Mile High Club by eight."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I squeal as I feel my body winding tighter and tighter from two lost orgasms today.

He smirks at me before slipping into the bathroom and closing the door. I go to open it only to discover that it's been locked. "Christian Trevelyan Grey!" I stomp before I begin a round of aggressive knocks on the door. "Let me in right now!"

"Not a chance." I hear from the other side as the water starts running. I cross my arms across my chest and I think I have enough adrenaline pumping through my veins to break down this door at this point. I begin to stomp out of the room just in time to hear my infuriating fiance belting out Queen's "We are the Champions."

"Fucking asshole." I mumble as I leave the room.

"You know you should probably put on a smile, Princess. It is our rehearsal dinner." Christian chuckles from the other side of the backseat of our Audi Q5. As soon as we got in the car I made sure to put as much space as possible between us.

Don't touch me Christian I mean it.

Taylor is driving us, with Sawyer following closely in the car behind us. Sawyer was hired as my security detail soon after we moved in together. Something Christian and I fought about for weeks- really though, did I really need a security of my own? I lost that fight, quick.

"I'll smile." I grumble before showing him a forced grin.

"Much better." He winks before leaning in to kiss me. I back up immediately and narrow my eyes at him.

"Don't even try it, Grey."

"What? I can't kiss you now?" He furrows his brow sadly.

"I'm mad at you for earlier."

"Don't be a poor sport, Steele."

"You…" I start before chancing a glance at the driver in the front seat. "Well you know what you did." I whisper before I turn to the window with a pout. The sexual tension between us is at its boiling point and I can only hope that we don't explode all over our closest friends and family.

"What is with you?" I hear whispered in my ear from my maid of honor, Olivia Greene. I snap my eyes to her in response before looking towards the room full of people here to celebrate my upcoming marriage.

Nobody has paid me a second look since the crab cakes were served and now everyone is deeply engrossed in their various table conversations. The wedding party sat at the front of the room, Christian and I side by side. Olivia on my right, Elliott on Christians left, followed by the rest of the wedding party including a rambunctious Hallie who hasn't been able to keep still since we got here.

The private room of the Mile High Club was big enough to hold all of the people invited to our private rehearsal dinner which consisted of about 50 people. I don't think any of them can sense the ongoing tension between my fiancé and I but something's just can't be hidden from your person.

Mine was currently staring at me, her brown eyes inquisitive and slightly judgmental. "It's your rehearsal dinner, Ana. Why do you look like you're not having any fun?"

"Christian won't fuck me." I blurt out quietly and I'm pleased that Mia who is seated on the other side of Liv is none the wiser to my crass statement.

"Oh for the love of God, you guys are STILL doing that?"

"Why won't he cave!" I whisper. "I'm losing my touch."

"No you're losing IT! As in your mind, Ana. That man is obsessed with you!"

"Then why won't he give in!"

"Because beating you is sweet victory." She grins. "You're a sore loser but an even worse winner. And as your luck would have it, you've met your match in terms of someone equally competitive."

I roll my eyes. "I walked around the apartment- naked earlier. I channeled my inner Jennifer Aniston from The Break Up and everything. Fresh out the shower, hair still in a towel, the works. And he hasn't seen me naked since I got waxed. And… nothing. He didn't even notice!"

"I'm sure he noticed."

"I never should have agreed to this bet. Jesus Christ, Liv. I might push him to the ground and have my way with him the second we say "I do" tomorrow."

"I'll have my phone on me in case you're trying to leak a sex tape." She responds before taking a large gulp of her champagne. Her eyes scan the room looking for one of the waiters before pointing to her glass and giving him a thumbs up when he begins heading over to refill her glass.

I turn my head to my fiancé to see him deep in conversation with his brother but the dull roar in the room keeps me from hearing exactly what they're saying.



"You look like shit, aren't you supposed to be getting married tomorrow?" My brother whispers from next to me.

"I look fine, thank you." I say as I look down at the black suit I'm wearing. The one I wear when I want Anastasia's full attention. A black suit with a crisp white shirt always seems to turn my fiancé to a horny mess and yet, she's given me nothing more than a "you look nice" as her eyes roamed my body for no more than a second.

"You've got a vice grip on your drink." He tells me as I look down at the glass of gin and tonic that I'm gripping in my right hand in an effort to keep them off of Anastasia's silky soft skin. I almost died when I saw her strut through the guest room earlier. Her perfect body on display for me. She looked like a buffet and I was the starving man that couldn't indulge.

I'm going crazy. Why can't I break her?

I knew I was playing with fire the second my hand found the river between her thighs. I could smell her arousal as I glided through her folds and what she doesn't know is the second that I locked myself in the bathroom, I thoroughly sucked her juices from my fingers.

Big mistake.

I've been feigning for the taste of her pussy every since. But I know if I start, I'll never stop. I peek over at my impossible fiancée to see her hands fidgeting in her lap. This is the longest we've gone without some sort of contact and I'm officially over it. I reach out to stroke the skin on her arm and she visibly shivers at my touch. She looks at me shyly and I smile before leaning my face to rest my forehead against hers.

I let my eyes close, relishing in the feeling of touching her, even in this innocent way. "Baby," I whisper and her whimper in response is all it takes for me to know that she's just as affected as I am. "I miss you." I say those three words that I know she wouldn't be able to resist.

She gasps, and I know she's about to respond when I hear the faint sounds of people clinking their silverware against their glasses indicating that they want us to kiss.

With pleasure.

I cup her cheeks gently, as I stare deep into her eyes and she sighs quietly as my lips brush against hers once. "So beautiful." I moan against her lips before I press mine to hers. I push my tongue through her lips and she meets me with equal eagerness. She moans into my mouth and the sound is a direct line to my dick which springs to life.

After what feels like a split second, but my guess is much longer, I hear Elliott clear his throat and mumble. "Okay, take it down a notch, bro." He chuckles and I pull away from the woman I haven't kissed like that in days.

When we pull apart she's breathless and her eyes are still slightly closed staring at me through hooded slits. I turn my attention to the crowd and see most of them have gone back to their food and their table mates, but some are still staring at us goofily knowing they're in the presence of something special. I give a sheepish grin over having gotten carried away before turning back to Ana.

She bites her lip and my eyes immediately flit to the sudden movement. "Sorry." She says, as a twinge of pink finds her cheeks. "I wasn't trying…"

"I know." I tell her pulling her hands to my face and kissing her fingertips. "And we can't even be alone tonight." I close my eyes taking in every note of her scent.

She shakes her head as I can tell she's fighting the emotion out of her eyes. "I wish we weren't so stubborn." She says sadly but a short chuckle follows.

I drape my right arm around her chair and slowly begin to stroke her shoulder. Her left hand finds my thigh and she grips it hard. I growl quietly in response to feeling her tiny hand so close to my cock. I'm still slightly hard from all of our teasing and this certainly isn't helping. I feel her hand move up slightly and graze my cock and I fight the urge to throw my fiancé on top of the table and fuck her relentlessly. The only thing stopping me would be Ray Steele sitting one table away.

"You're playing with fire, sweetheart." I groan in her ear as I feel her hand squeeze my dick. "God dammit, Anastasia." I groan. "Get up." Her eyes widen slightly as she looks up at me. I'm standing and holding my hand out for her to take.

"Oh here they go." Elliott snorts.

"Shut up, Elliott." I mumble under my breath, though loud enough for him to hear it. I pull her to her feet, giving her a wicked smile. I don't pay a second glance to anyone that may have their eyes on us as I proceed to pull my fiancee out of the room.

We are barely out of the room before I have her pushed against the wall of a dimly lit hallway. My lips find hers instantly as I'm desperate to taste her lips again. I'm biting, licking, sucking and I can only hope that her lips won't be too swollen tomorrow. I lick my way into her mouth, desperately seeking hers and I'm pleased to find that she is kissing me back with equal enthusiasm. "Ana, I need you baby." Her hands find their way into my hair and she pulls hard at the roots. I groan in response.

"I need you too." She whimpers.

"No more games." I whisper against her lips, my tongue darting out to trace her pouty lips.

"No more," she agrees.

Her rehearsal dinner dress is short, yet conservative, but allows me to reach under her dress easily to find her delectable butt cheeks. I squeeze one before moving my hand forward and rubbing my hands against her pussy. "I'm sorry for earlier." I whisper. "I should have let you come."

"Yes you should have." She narrows her eyes at me and yet I can still see the humor behind them.

"Can I make you come now?"

She nods her head before she wraps her arms around me and presses her face into my neck. It's as if she's trying her hardest to get as close to me as possible. I pick her up, allowing her legs to wrap around me as I still have her pinned to the wall without a care in the world that someone could easily walk out and catch us like this. Me, grinding against my fiancées pussy as my hand gropes her breast with my lips on her neck.

"Make me come." She moans out as I continue to thrust my covered cock over her barely covered pussy. I slide my fingers against her slit that is covered by a thin piece of silk drenched in her arousal. If we were anywhere but here, I would have dropped to my knees and sucked her dry by now.

She pulls my face out of her neck. "Not here… We should go somewhere slightly more private."

I nod, having lost all ability to speak after feeling her wet folds. "Let's go." I growl setting her to her feet. We've taken two steps when I hear my sister, forever the cockblocker.

"There you are!" She says, the cheeriness in her voice sounding like nails on the chalkboard due to how tense I am.

"What, Mia?" I say through gritted teeth.

She frowns not understanding why I could possibly have an attitude with her, as her face falls slightly.

"Christian," Ana admonishes. "What's up, Mia?"

"Sorry Mia, what's up buttercup?" I ask her, using the nickname I've used for her hundreds of times.

She smiles before rolling her eyes, the sadness having completely disappeared from her eyes. "They want to do toasts."

"Now?" Christian asks and I notice Ana rocking back and forth between her right and left leg. She's antsy. And wet.

"Yeah?" She says looking down at the vintage Rolex watch with the bright pink face that she never takes off. "We are supposed to be out of here by 10. The bride needs her beauty sleep."

I look at the woman who will be officially mine in just under twenty-four hours. "She's already beautiful. Insanely."

Ana blushes and presses herself into my arms and wraps hers around me. "I love you." She murmurs quietly, I don't think she intended for Mia to hear it but the goofy look on her face tells me she did.

"You guys are so cute, I can't stand it." Mia bounces. "But yes toasts now. And although she's insanely beautiful she still doesn't want bags under her eyes and we have to be up early for hair and makeup. So let's move it you two. You have two weeks ahead of you where you can do all of…" she points at the wall behind us where we were just aggressively making out. "That."

Ana and I are spending three weeks in Bora Bora where I intended to do exactly that. The resort was unbelievably gorgeous complete with our own secluded area of the ocean. Ocean waters I planned to fuck my wife in consistently.

It's funny, Ana and I plan to be in Bora Bora for 14 days and yet we were only bringing enough clothes for a week. Happy honeymoon to us indeed. I told Ana that I wanted her naked whenever we were in our villa and she demanded the same of me. So what did we need clothes for?

We were definitely leaving Bora Bora with a souvenir- in Ana's belly.

Ana pouts when Mia turns around and heads back in and I look at the cute expression on her face. "I'm sorry, baby." I whisper and she sighs before running a hand through her hair.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, I feel a mess and I probably look that way too."

"You look gorgeous. Unbelievably perfect."

"Well I need to… clean up." She says referring to the mess we've both made in her panties, before turning to head for the bathroom. I go to follow her when she spins and faces me. "No you go, they'll assume we are… well what we started if we are both gone too much longer."

"Do you think I give a fuck?"

"Christian," she whines. "My father is out there, so yes I certainly believe that you give a fuck."

The sound and feeling of vibrations rouse me from my sleep and I know it must be unGodly early. I set my alarm for eight am with a hotel wakeup call of eight thirty and neither had happen. I can already feel the irritation rising at the idea of my sister or mother calling me to nag me about something insignificant when I see the familiar face flash across my screen. I'm immediately awake and sitting straight up as I realize who it is that's calling.

"My beautiful bride." I smile into the phone, suddenly wide awake despite having been deep asleep just seconds ago. I look to the bedside table towards the clock to see six thirty. "Why so early?"

I hear a sniffle and immediately I feel my instincts kick in. What's wrong? Where is she? What room is she in? Everyone has kept what room- and what floor my future wife is on under wraps because they knew I would try and find her if I knew. Like now. She's crying and I'm not there. She needs me. "Baby, what's wrong?"

She sniffles again before I hear an exhausted sigh leave her lips. "Have you looked outside?"

"What?" I say flinging myself out of bed.

"Look outside."

I jog across the master suite to the window and my eyes widen as I take in the downpour happening outside. Fuck, I mouth, not wanting to upset Ana even further.

"It wasn't supposed to rain… I've been stalking the forecast for days!"

I blanch hearing her frantic tone. "Baby, this is why we have a rain plan. I know this sucks but-"

"But what!?" She screeches so loudly I can't help but wince and pull the phone away from my ear slightly. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I am. Members of the hotel are scrambling to pull the remainder of the chairs off of the lawn. The podium where Ana and I were going to stand is still there and the flowers have completely wilted due to the heaviness of the rain. The majority of the flowers have been moved at this point but I can certainly see what Ana is seeing. A nightmare.

"Where are you?" I murmur, knowing that I can make her feel better in person rather than over the phone.

"In my room…" she trails off probably knowing where I'm going. "Christian you can't."

"Why? My girl needs me and I miss her. I was lonely without you last night."

"Me too. Olivia tossed and turned all night. And no one spooned me." I can hear the pout in her voice and I'm glad that she missed me as much as I missed her.

"I'm sorry, you should have come and slept here." I suggest and the thoughts of what we could have done last night does nothing for my dick aching in my shorts.

She sighs and I can hear her frustration in just that brief second. "I don't believe that bullshit about it being good luck either. Rain is never good luck."

"I know baby, this does suck. But… can we look at the bright side?"

"Which is?"

"Well… we'll be married by the end of the day?" I say, and her silence tells me that she feels bad for not realizing that that was where I was going with it. My dick twitches at my words and I try not to think about all of the wicked things I want to do to my wife by night's end.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" she starts. "Of course I'm excited for that. It's all I've wanted for- so long."

A smile crosses my face hearing her excitement over becoming my wife. "Are you sure you don't want me to come over?"

"No… hair and makeup will be here soon and Mia is already up and fussing over me."

"Will you let me know if you change your mind?" My morning wood throbs again at the thought of storming through this hotel in search of Ana and impaling her on my dick once I find her.

She chuckles, knowing that there's no way that anyone would let me see Ana before she walks down the aisle. "Yes."

"Hey" I tell her before we hang up. "I know that this sucks, baby. And I know you've been planning this for months and you want everything to be perfect. But everything will be perfect because it's you and me… getting married. We're starting our forever together, baby."

"Our forever." She repeats before I hear a sniffle.

"Don't cry sweetheart, or else I will find you and no one will be able to stop me."

It's thirty minutes before Ana and I are supposed to tie the knot and I can feel the excitement flowing through me. I've done multiple pictures with my groomsmen, my parents and Hallie and now all that's missing is all of the pictures I'm supposed to take with my wife. Wife. The thought does nothing for the constant erection I've had for days and I attempt to adjust myself discreetly as I walk down the hall of the ninth floor. My mother had left her wrap in the bridal suite and since I knew Ana was being kept hidden away downstairs, I didn't have to worry about running into her. I knock on the door just in case and when I don't hear anything I push the door open. I see my mother's wrap sitting on the table and only once I grab it do I hear a gasp from the adjacent bedroom.

I look up and my mouth drops open, my eyes widen, and I'm suddenly very aware of the lack of oxygen getting into my lungs. I try my hardest to take a deep breath as I stare at the vision before me. I'd heard about grooms that cried the first time that they saw their bride, but I never imagined I would fall into that category. I never thought that I, Christian Grey, would be fighting the tears building in my eyes as I stare at my future wife for the first time. I see her mouth moving, assumedly telling me that it's bad luck for me to see her, but it's all white noise. I ignore Mia as she tries to shoo me out of the door. All I can focus on is the goddess standing in front of me in that white dress. My eyes find hers and I know she's trying her hardest not to cry. But she must be paralyzed in the same way I am because she makes no attempt to move or hide herself from me as I cross the room.

"Mia give us a minute."

"No way, Christian it's already-"

"MIA." I growl without taking my eyes off of my soon to be wife. "Get. Lost." I growl at her as I close the space between Ana and me. "Give this to mom." I say handing Mia the wrap. The dam has burst at this point and the tears have started to move down Ana's face. I'm vaguely aware of a door closing behind me as my eyes move from head to toe and then back up again. "Wow." I feel something move down my face and I know without a doubt that it's a tear. "You are so beautiful." I tell her, unable to even put into words how in awe I am in this moment. "I thought you were downstairs already?"

"I forgot my garter." She says softly. "And I had to go." She nods towards the bathroom. She reaches out slowly and her delicate fingertips trace my face before wiping the tear away. "It's bad luck to see me."

"It's not." I tell her, completely rejecting all of the superstitions that a groom shouldn't see the bride before it's time for her to walk down the aisle. She was adamant about not having a "first look" so I'm sure she's less than pleased with this accidental situation.

"Christian…" she whimpers as I wrap my arms around her not in a sexual way but because the need to touch her is so great. I drag my hands up her body to find her face and I know the tears in her eyes mirror mine.

"I get to marry you today." I tell her. "There's nothing about this that could possibly be bad luck." I shake my head as my lips find hers. Her makeup is done, and despite the tears, I don't see anything running. However, I know the pink lip stain that coats her lips is about to be all over mine. The thought escapes me as we kiss that I haven't made love to my wife in four days but the second she moans, I remember. Well, my dick remembers. I pull away from her slightly, pressing my forehead to hers. We stand like this for I don't know how long, silent, breathing in each others air when I begin to draw circles on Ana's open back. "I love you."

"I love you." She tells me before she opens her eyes to reveal glossy blue orbs that hypnotize me. "You are the best part about today." She smiles. "The rain, Hallie ripping her flower girl dress, the band possibly not being able to make it due to the rain…" she sighs. "I swear it's like everything that could go wrong has…" she trails off.

"The band is here." I reassure her. I finally had to tell all of the bridal party including our parents that no one was to tell Ana any more bad news. Everything had to go through me, Ana was on a need-to-know basis. I could sense her tension through every text message we exchanged. She had been beyond stressed and was not enjoying the day so far at all.

"But knowing that this was all leading up to seeing you… and marrying you… it made the day a bit more bearable." She wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips to the space behind my ear. "I didn't realize how badly I needed to see you until now."

"I've longed for this since the moment you got in the car last night at the club." I felt my heart sink the second the door closed as Sawyer drove away with my heart and most of the bridal party and I had to fight every urge to demand Taylor to go after them. As soon as we got back to the hotel, the anxiousness set in. Elliott and my cousin Mark had to all but fight me to keep me in my room and away from the bridal suite. Ana and I hadn't slept apart in months. With Ana being a freelance writer, it allowed her to travel with me whenever I went out of town on business which meant I never had to spend a night without her in my arms.

So, last night was hell.

"So I take it by your reaction that you like the dress?" She asks quietly and I nod as she does a twirl. My eyes almost pop out of my skull as I see how low the back goes. I stop her in place, with her back to me.

"This back is… very low." I lean down, rubbing my lips over the tattoo of the three birds. "God you are beautiful." I repeat as I begin to pepper kisses down her back. She shivers at my kisses and when I get to the spot on her back just before the curve her ass I lick the skin there. "How easy is it for you to get out of this?" I ask her.

She looks at me over her shoulder and shakes her head. "No, Christian."

"Yes, Anastasia." I stand up, pressing my erection into her bare back and nibble on her ear gently. I pluck at the thin strap of her dress that sits on her shoulders before I gently slide them down. The dress is painted to her, the silhouette very form fitting but it glides down her body easily leaving her topless with the tiniest flesh colored thong on that I can barely see and a white garter belt around her left thigh. I move around her to stand in front of her and help her out of her dress, leaving it in a heap on the floor. I hang it up quickly and when I turn around, I see that Ana has already sent her underwear down her legs and she's standing against a desk in the suite completely naked with the exception of her shoes. White pumps that I heard her say were the perfect wedding shoes because "Carrie Bradshaw said so."

"We have to make this quick." She says as she reaches for the lapels of my jacket and yanks me closer to her. "I can't believe we are doing this." She snorts.

"You can't?"

"We have a reception full of people waiting for us. I am supposed to walk at three!"

"And?" Suddenly very unaware of what time it actually is. Noon, three, midnight? My future wife is standing in front of me naked, I'm fairly certain I couldn't recite the alphabet right now.

"It's two forty."

"They'll be alright." I say as I rub my lips over the CG tattoo on her right clavicle.

"They'll probably think one of us is a runaway."

"They'll probably think we're fucking." I tell her. "Most of the people here have met us." I trace the C followed by the G as I've done a million times since she got the permanent ink.

"So who won the bet?"

"Call it a stalemate?" I shrug.

"Technically you did undress me…"

"Fine, Ana. You win this one." I roll my eyes, realizing I care less about this bet and more about getting inside my fiancee before any number of people come to interrupt us. It was only a matter of time.

She smiles a bright smile. "Well you sir, are a very gracious loser. And to show you that I am an equally gracious winner..." she starts as a smirk spreads across her face.

I know that she's never going to let this go, but as she lowers herself to the ground in front of me I realize that I could not give less of a fuck.

"So you admit it…" Ana grins at me from between my legs, my pants unbuckled and my completely erect cock a millimeter away from her perfect pink lips. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and my cock jumps in response, the precum already forming at the head.

"Admit what?" She pulls away slightly, narrowing her eyes at me and I relent. "Fine you can go longer without sex." I roll my eyes knowing that I will never live this down.

She shoots her fist up in the air. "Yes!" She giggles and before I can respond to her "gracious" cheer I feel her lips around my dick. She's sucking for approximately five seconds before I've hauled her petite body to her feet and placed her on the desk. I won't last much longer with her sucking me the way she does and I want to come inside of her.

"Spread them." I growl. "I can't eat your pussy the way I want to right now, but I just need a taste to get me through the day." I tell her. "Do. Not. Come." She bites her bottom lip and reluctantly nods.

"Don't be down there too long then. I haven't come in days and you riled me up twice yesterday."

I chuckle at her as I move to my knees, putting her legs over my shoulders. I take one long slow lick up through her folds and the moan that leaves my fiancee is almost animalistic. I feel her hands in my hair pulling hard as if she wants me to stop and I look up at her.

"Okay that's enough." She says through gritted teeth. I raise an eyebrow at her questioningly. "You told me not to come!"

"And?" I ask her, knowing based on the quiver I felt around my tongue, she was close.

"Well I'm already there." She says and the look in her eyes, the change in her breathing and the pink in her cheeks tells me that this was correct. She was about to explode.

I stand up and guide my cock towards it's home, tapping it against her clit once, twice, three times. She twitches every time and I feel her legs wrap around me, the heels digging into my ass as she pushes me inside of her. I place one hand on the desk beside her, and one at the small of her back to leverage myself as I begin to push in and out of her, hard. She throws one arm around my neck and a hand behind her to balance herself as her lips find mine in a passionate kiss as I continue to glide in and out of her. I know she's trying not to come to prolong our reunion but I need her to come, like yesterday.

"Baby, give it to me. I need it." I groan against her slightly swollen lips.

She whimpers and pulls away from me and presses her face to my neck before biting down on the skin as her orgasm rips through her. She pulls away from the area that I know now have indents of her teeth as my name leaves her lips in a borderline scream. Her eyes flutter open, revealing her gorgeous blue eyes and I lose it. I explode inside of her with a roar not giving a fuck that I hear knocking on the door.

I pull her dress up and back over her shoulders before I place a kiss on her neck. "I can't believe we had sex." She giggles as she runs a hand through her hair. Her hair was down in loose waves with the exception of a braid on one side secured at the back of her head. Hair that I knew better than to touch while we were having sex. She looks in the mirror and then back at me and I can hear her silent question.

"You look perfect. Nothing moved."

"Are you sure?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me and I nod.

"Swear." I look across the room towards the mini bar and shoot her a look. "Shot of tequila for the road?"

Her eyes follow mine towards the familiar bottle and then she shoots me a wicked smirk. "You're a man after my own heart, Grey."

I pour us two shots and no sooner do we clink the shots together does Olivia Greene enter the room in a hurry.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Olivia squeals. "You were supposed to walk ten minutes ago, Anastasia Rose."

"So we are a little behind schedule, so what!?" She says after she takes hers.

"So what!? People are waiting and you're in here fucking and taking shots?"

"You just named two of my favorite things, I'm failing to see the problem, Liv." Ana rolls her eyes as she wraps her arms around me. I do the same and I raise an eyebrow at Liv.

"She's calling the shots here, I was just along for the ride. Don't blame me."

"Oh I know Little Miss Horndog couldn't keep it in her pants for another few hours. I should have just let her come to find you last night like she all but begged me."

I turn to look at the woman in my arms just as she freezes. "Oh? Is that so? What were you coming to see me for last night, Miss Steele?"

"I… wanted to talk…" she says quietly, knowing that she's just been ratted out by her best friend.

"If by talk, it means she wanted to ride you till the sun came up, then sure she wanted to talk." Liv says as she pours herself a shot. "Her words." She points at Ana and I can see the murderous look she shoots her best friend.


"What? Didn't you already lose the bet?" She asks as she downs the shot and chases it with a glass of champagne.


"Oh, I call foul!" I tell her.

"You already forfeited, Grey. You said I won."

"I take it back."

She narrows her eyes at me. "Don't make me hurt you."

I raise my hands in defeat. But this is far from over, Steele. "You're right, you win." For now.

"Okay you guys can do this back and forth another time, alright? Like when your father isn't outside waiting to walk you down the aisle."

Ana smacks her forehead. "What does he think?" She whispers.

"That you needed to be fucked before you completely lost your mind."

"You told him that!?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't use the word fuck in front of Ray."

Madly in Love

Anastasia Steele Grey

June 15, 2018

I've been MIA and for that I'm sorry. Married life has been- a whirlwind. A wonderfully overwhelming and magical whirlwind. Why didn't anyone suggest that I do this sooner? Married life is the BEST! Many of you know I got married at the beginning of April to a certain sexy copper-headed CEO and I'm fairly certain I'm still on cloud nine. Despite a borderline monsoon and a series of unfortunate events, it was undoubtedly the best day of my life. I was surrounded by family and friends and loved ones as they celebrated the love I share with the best person I've ever met. When I started Confused in Love, I had no idea what would become of it- or my life. And yet, somehow it led me here. I'll be taking some time away from the column to focus on married life (and all of it's perks) but please know that I read every comment, every tweet, every email and I love each and every one of you! Thank you for your continued support! And for those of you that are still as confused as ever, keep your head up, you never know what's just around the corner.

I close my laptop, as I send the brief announcement to my editor. The following on my column had grown exponentially since the wedding, especially when a number of pictures were leaked online. Since the wedding, I haven't been writing for the column as much as I began to focus on writing a book of my own. It was mainly fiction, though it has some aspects that were very much based on personal experiences. Christian was one hundred percent on board and it astounds me everyday how supportive he is. Honestly, I think he's just as invested in my characters as I am. In addition to all of that, we've also talked extensively about having a baby. We are both excited about starting a family and have even discussed the idea of beginning to really try as early as next month.

"Baby?" I hear from down the hall and when I spin in my chair he's standing in the entrance to my home office. He smiles before closing the space between us and pulling me into his arms and kissing me like he hasn't seen me in months, when really it's only been about six hours. "Mrs. Grey." He murmurs as we pull apart, his nose grazing mine gently. "How was your day?"

"Good… but I missed you." I kiss him again before allowing him to move me to the couch in my office. I settle into his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. "I sent the announcement to Marlene."

He nods. "How do you think she's going to take it?"

"That I'm going on hiatus? Probably not well." I chuckle.

"I still think you can do the article while working on the book." He tells me as he kisses my forehead. "If anyone can handle both, it's you." I smile at his encouragement.

"I know, but I have one more thing on my plate now and I need to focus on that." I say getting out of his lap and moving across the room.

"Oh? What's that?"

I walk back towards the couch hiding the early present I have for Christian behind my back. "I have… an early gift for you."

"Do you now?"

"You know it's unbelievably hard to shop for the man that has everything." I tell him, my hands still behind my back effectively shielding the present.

"You know all I want is you, Ana." He tells me honestly like he does every time it's time to get him a gift. I sit back down next to him and hand him the small box with a card taped on top.

"Why do I get this early? And not on Monday?"

I shrug. "Just open it." I smile not caring that the eighteenth was still three days away.

"Roses are red, violets are blue…" he starts before opening the card. "In-" he starts and it's as if his eyes read it before his mouth could say it because he stops suddenly. He looks at me, his eyes wide, his jaw almost on the ground as the smile finds his face. The tears flood his eyes as realization dawns on him. He pulls me into his lap and squeezes me before kissing me deeply. "Are we? Are you…?"

Roses are red, violets are blue,

inside me beats two hearts for you.

Happy Father's Day!

Ana + 1