"How did you get the monsters to help you do this, Mr. Kairos?" his department head asked.

"It wasn't easy, but I worked with Sans on the Dreemurr's children operation, remember?" Kurt said, grinning. "I've spent the last year helping him out with some minor things on my free time, trying to get him to come in and help us out. And with Asriel being allowed into Hogwarts, the king signed off on it, calling it a step forward in human-monster relations. Fudge jumped on it, and the rest is mechanics."

They'd arrived in the rotunda. "Souls," Kurt's boss said. The room darkened and spun, with several doors rotating in front of them. After a moment, a door stopped in front of them and opened up. "After you, Mr. Kairos."

"Thank you," Kurt said, walking into the newly designated Souls Room. The first thing one noticed were the series of bottles that lined the left wall, bottles that until recently had been in King Asgore's possession. They were empty, but if these 'Soul Jars' worked as advertised, they would be fascinating to research.

But the true prize was the large machine in the center.

"The determination extractor and injector," the department head said. "I'm not sure if we'll ever get to truly test it. But if it works..."

"We might be able to find a true cure to a dementor's kiss," Kurt said. "And that will be worth it."

Hello again. It's me, John "TheZorker" Burkhart, and that's "Harry Potter and Endless Possibilities". If I'd been aware when I started this, how little Harry Potter would actually take part in this series, I probably would have worked out a different name. But, when Saviour's first chapter was posted, it was the only chapter. I had no idea I'd create a 'save fiction' out of it. And here I am with Chara and Asriel having finished a first year at the school of adventure that is Hogwarts.

When I finished Saviour, I was amazed by the number of favorites, follows, and reviews I'd gathered. While Possibilities hasn't reached that total, it's still the second most popular thing I've ever written on FF.N.

I think there's a couple of reasons for this. In my opinion, some of the best bits of Saviour are when Frisk stumbles into side threads of the main plot that were left hanging in the original work. There's the bullying and fights that break out between Gryffindor and Slytherin, of course, and there's the repeated attempts of Sirius to get after Peter, which gets Frisk turned out of her dorm for a night.

The truly big moment for me was letting Frisk get involved with Neville's howler. We're still at the part of the series where Neville can't catch a break, and it felt cathartic (not to mention completely in Frisk's character) to give him someone to just sit with.

But, outside of a fight between Harry and the rest of the school after the Goblet selection (including Ron), there's none of that integration with the rest of the school for Frisk to work with in Goblet, and I think the story suffers for that.

So Frisk needed something to do. Then there was Asriel and Chara, they needed screen time to. I hadn't saved them to forget about them. Chara was always going to be my way into the main plot, as the daughter of a death eater (more on that in a moment). So Frisk came up with the idea of the full school challenge, something to give the school a reason to get excited. I liked the idea, and the Quidditch 'Raid' was fun to write, but I think the rest of it fell flat.

Asriel could have been bullied, as the lone nonhuman in the school. But I figured Dumbledore and the other teachers would be watching for that and would have stomped it as soon as it occurred. So I must hat tip 'Titan616' for giving me the idea of the Centaur plot – which I think worked actually pretty well. Asriel being allowed to learn wand magic would certainly promote envy from those who aren't allowed to carry wands, and that was a fun exploration. I hope you think the same.

Cedric 'Surviving' by not being part of the Triwizard Maze is explored in 'Cursed Child' (and he's so out of character there, it's like badly written fanfiction. But I digress), and there were certain plot elements that I needed to have happen so I could examine them in Phoenix. But main characters can't always succeed. That's how they grow, and I agree with Dumbledore. Who would want to know, and be responsible, for everything?

One last reflection. Chara is a Malfoy for some original characters because I didn't want to overlap with Cursed Child. So she'd have fit as a daughter of Bellatrix, but I think in the long run, Jasper and Annabel Malfoy will be interesting – and different – characters in the own right.

So where next? While I'm absolutely terrified that I'll suffer another readership drop because I'm going to make the Phoenix it's own story as well, I'm still going to continue it. I'm probably going back to edit this one first. (If you've noticed Chara calls back to the first 'loop' by wondering if Moody's going to talk himself all the way to Dumbledore's arrival, that's because that's what happened the first time around. I'd just forgotten to include it.)

In the meantime, can I ask for one to a few favors, in small to large order.

First and foremost, leave a favorite on this story. I hope I've convinced you it's worth it. If you haven't already, go back to Underground's Saviour and favorite that as well. I'm nearing the 500 favorite plateau, and I know you want me to do the Snoopy dance.

Second, I know I'm not the best grammar person in the world, I'm always horrified when I go back and reread my own work. I'd love some help making the fiction look nice and sparkly for attracting new readers.

Third, there's a trope page that's begging for some additions. I'm always curious to know if people catch the sneaky shout outs, or feel that things I think are crowning moments are themselves crowning, or just narm. If the 'wham line' of Dumbledore asking, "...or have you already tried" was as surprising as I wanted it to be. Underground's Saviour and Endless Possibilities share a page, if you google Underground's Saviour Tropes, you'll find it just fine.

Finally, if you'd like to support my fanfiction habit, can I interest you in buying my fully original Fantasy Novel? It's Redeemer's Oath, and you can find it on Amazon! Frisk and Tourmaline would get along, I promise! I'd love to be an actual published author one day, and this is the way to practice, right?

What's that?

You want a teaser?

Well. Okay. Two teasers for "Harry Potter and the Muggles who Needed Magic."

National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

June 1st.

The wait was unbearable. The appointment was supposed to have begun ten minutes ago, and he was late. It was bad enough what they expected to hear. But the wait, the wait only made everything worse.

The door finally opened, and the doctor walked in. Two of the three pairs of eyes locked onto him. The woman, a middle age woman about forty years of age looked up at him. The man sitting next to her stood up quickly. He was wearing his blues, but his face didn't reflect anything that was standing on ceremony. "Doctor? What did you find?"

The doctor didn't reply at first, he turned and shut the door behind him. "General," he said slowly. He looked between the family, before he settled on the son. The son was confined to a wheel chair, and while his brown eyes were still alert, his bald his face, and his small body spoke to the chemotherapy he had been forced to go through.

The doctor sighed, looking down to the printout he was holding. "I'm sorry, Ms. Macintosh, General, I have to confirm the diagnosis. It's not getting any better. If anything, it's advancing. If something doesn't change soon I give him, maybe six months. A year, if we're lucky."

Tears began to trickle from the mother's eyes. "We'll do something. We can go to the Nationals spring training. No, there might... the All Star Game, or maybe the Wizard's training camp. Or Disney World. Have you ever wanted to go Disney World, or Universal Studios?"

The boy looked up his mother, he was calm, at least for the moment. How does anyone react to being given an inexorable death sentence. "It's okay, Mom. I don't want to go to Disney World, but," he forced out a smile. "I know you said it's impossible, that it's against the law, but..." his voice faltered.

"Go ahead, Tony, ask," General Macintosh said.

"Can I see Frisk again?"

Plymouth, Devon, UK

July 1st

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Chapman," the woman said, shaking the doctor's hand. "I'm really hoping you might be able to help Anne."

Anne was a girl of about eleven years of age. She looked up at Dr. Chapman with dull, brown eyes for a moment, then looked away.

"Your mother told me you liked to draw," the doctor told her. "I have some colored pencils and paper on the table over there. Have at them."

Anne looked up at the table, and walked slowly over to table. She sat down, took a piece of paper and some of the pencils, and began to draw.

"She had been such an energetic child," the woman explained. "But something happened last year. She's isolated herself from her friends, though she never had many, and she's almost stopped talking. Her grades have slipped, and her teachers are worried, And she won't tell her father or me what happened."

"Hmm," the Doctor said. "You don't think she was bullied, do you?."

"I don't know," her mother said. "If she was being bullied, I haven't heard of it. I watch her social media, too. I'm terrified that she might have been cyber-bullied."

"Do you mind if I talk to her?" When the mother shook her head no, Dr. Peterson walked over to the table, sitting down across from Anne. "What is that you drew?" she asked kindly.

"An angel," the girl responded.

"Anne?" the doctor asked curiously. "Do angels usually have goat ears and fur?"

"This one did," Anne Roberts answered.