Betty sat in her team's bus, alongside her boyfriend whilist being caroled by idle chatter amongst the rows of various football players and cheerleaders. The two teams were headed for the State Championship in East Rutherford, New Jersey at MetLife Stadium, together on the same bus- much to the chagrin of the respective coaches.

"Ms. Klump, please keep your lips off your boyfriend. Please stop with your PDA till we are off the bus," said Coach Hebert, quite callously. She sat in the front with the Coach Clayton and his assistants; whom themselves were having issues keeping the kids under control.

"Can't wait to see Eli Manning's smug look on his face disappear when he finds out I can throw farther than him," Reggie boasted toward the back. "I'm so going to get laid every day when I step onto college."

"Not from me you won't," Veronica beamed back at him from a few rows in front of him.

"Who is to say it will be from you. I don't automatically have a trust fund to Brown University like you did. I'm playing for any of the D1s that want to take me," he shot back.

"Oh, you and your toxic masculinity, Reggie," Veronica sighed, garnering a few chuckles from the few cheerleaders around her.

"Babe, you're really throwing that out right now. We're playing at MetLife Stadium, not Gilette Stadium," he retorted, resulting in many roars coming from the boys in the back.

Coach Clayton rose up and barked at his players: "Alright, that's enough. I want silence from you guys for the rest of the trip. Anyone who says a word does wind sprints through Central Park. We're almost there and I don't want a headache right before our biggest game."

Betty looked at Archie shook her head. She took his hand into her's and put her head on his shoulder. It had been a long time since she had seen New York and was excited to revisit everything this time with the company of her boyfriend.

The bus finally arrived at the Hilton Hotel, with the teams scurrying out on the sidewalk and clustered in their respective group of friends.

"Ladies, gentleman. You have four hours to have time on your own to see the city, until we meet here back at six. Anyone who doesn't come back at seven o'clock will not play on Saturday. And gentleman, do not going wander down a back alley or go downstairs to a pub. Just don't," Coach Hebert said, amongst a crowd of 70 or so teenagers. Upon the announcement, Reggie immediately came upon Archie and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Andrews, I know we are roommates for the next two nights, but I talked to Veronica and she said I could trade rooms with her, so you and your girl can spend the night together and Veronica and I will have our own room."

Archie did his best not to roll his eyes and focused his attention toward the gigantic Call of Duty poster plastered on one of the buildings. "Yeah, that's cool, I was expecting we would do that sooner or later. By the way, Betty, Moose, Midge, and I were going to the Rockefeller Center to ice skate for a bit and then get a bite to eat later. Did you want to come?"

"I don't know about the skating man, I want my feet completely fresh for the game Saturday. Veronica and I could swing by later though so we can hang out. You should probably take it easy too, scouts will be already scouting," he said bringing Archie's hand in for a bro shake and then ran back toward his girlfriend Veronica.

"Is your bromance going to steal my date?" Betty said coming from behind Archie while jumping on his shoulders and putting her arms around his neck. "I want you to give me a piggy back ride all twenty-two blocks down. can you handle that."

Archie shook his head. "No, I think only Moose could do that, and he has the added advantage of having a very small girlfriend."

"Are you calling me fat, Archie. If so, you can consider this date cancelled," she says hopping off Archie. As the two walked down the block, Moose came down trudging by, with Moose perched atop his shoulders.

"I can just skip the whole horsehide through Central Park now, I have my own steed," she said giddily while the four of them traversed through a crowd of people.

"I just want to see the Sears Tower. I heard it's the largest tower in North America," Moose said.

"Uh, honey. I think you have the geography mixed up again," Midge said giggling. "Archie, did you ever visit that while in Chicago?"

Archie nodded. He held his girlfriend's hand while moving past a group of bikers at the intersection and maneuvered in-between a horde of people and a hot dog stand. About half an hour later, the four arrived at Rockefeller Center. The courtyard was filled up modestly but most people were simply taking pictures as opposed to skating in the rink.

"Are you going to do a triple lutz Betty? I know if anyone can pull it off without practice, it's you," Midge said while getting her skates on in the bench.

"Is that supposed some sort of humble brag of how good of a flyer you are," Betty retorted back to Midge. "Because I think Coach has mentioned plenty of times she's your favorite. I'm just content she doesn't always forget about me in the back row."

Midge looked back slightly agape but did not bother to respond. She instead hobbled over on her skates with her boyfriend and stepped onto the ice. Betty looked over at Archie with a smirk and reached for his hand.

"Don't fall this time. I know you still feel that fall from my birthday party back when were eight."

"Oh please, your dad had to chase you around for cutting across the rink instead of going in a circle." Archie took her hand as he hobbled and stepped onto the ice. Betty skated with her boyfriend in tandem, taking in the entire ambiance of the Christmas adornments and everyone dressed in winter's jackets bracing the cold yet calming weather. Christmas Break had always felt like an island of paradise in-between a stormy school life, but this time it had felt something even more special. She felt more adult than ever before, skating alongside her boyfriend who she believed may one day be more than that.

"It looks like Moose and Midge are trying out for the Winter Games next February," Archie laughed, as he noticed the other Riverdale couple were skating in-tandem like a pair, with Midge showing her expertise in skating backwards and even pulled out a few spins when time and space permitted.

"She can be so full of herself sometimes. Miss all-academic who has time for ice skating and softball. She thinks every guy wants her," Betty groaned.

"Damn right they do, she's pretty hot, sorry to say it," Archie said blushing. "Although not as pretty or perfect as you..."

"Or as Veronica?" Betty deadpanned. Archie remained quiet.

"Veronica told me about our 'plans' for tonight regarding the room situation. I hope it doesn't bother you that Reggie will be staying with her. I mean, I can understand that weird feeling..."

"No, it's fine. I'm happy for them," Archie said blankly. The two continued on with their skate with out too many more words spoken and eventually called it quits with Moose and Midge, as it began to get colder.

"I just texted Veronica. She said her and Reggie will join us for lunch in that sandwich place she recommended," Midge sad as the group regrouped a few blocks away from the Centre.

A few moments later, the two of them showed up- with Reggie corralling two large shopping bags. "I wanted to go see the UN Building, she wanted to go clothe shopping. Guess who got what they wanted," Reggie said sarcastically as they reached the block.

"Oh relax, we'll have plenty of time tomorrow to see it, stop your whining," Veronica piped back.

"All this carrying crap around is going to make my arm sore for Saturday's game. And I'm wasting energy burning calories." Upon saying that, Moose grabbed the bags and hoisted them up his shoulder.

"Here you go Reggie, as offensive tackle, I protect you from both pass-rushing defenses and nagging girlfriends," Moose said, with the group bursting out in laughter.

"You haven't lost a step from when you could deadlift 500 pounds during Summer training," Archie jibed.

"As long as the sandwiches are good, I'm not complaining," Moose said, as the group began venturing o Veronica's recommended food joint. About halfway there, snowflakes began to fall and the New York traffic began to pick up, with intersections having less crossing time and the junctions being much louder. When they finally arrived, the line was short and the six got there food relatively quick.

"This was a great spot, thanks for picking it out Veronica," Midge said after taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"No problem. My daddy used to take us here whenever he came back from work late because not too many people know about it. It's a nice little gem tucked away in the concrete jungle."

"Kind of like how Riverdale is a nice little gem tucked away in New York," Moose said and received an awkward pause. "What? It's an analogy. We learned that in English class last year. I thought it was a good analogy."

"He's right," Betty responded. "For all the craziness Riverdale has gone through this year, it's brought us all together, and for that, I'm thankful for it, and all of you." Archie reached for her hand upon saying that.

"I feel the same way. Going into a small town isn't always easy, but I'm glad I've found a place. Speaking of which, have you guys thought about where you want to go to school? We have our SAT's coming this spring..."

"I've thought about becoming a CPA. My dad thinks I should be a lawyer though because I argue with him so much," said Midge.

"I actually thought about being a chiropractor. When I went there last year for my back injury, it actually felt nice and relaxing and I could see myself doing that for a while," said Moose.

Before anyone else could answer, another person joined them at the table. Veronica widened her eyes, surprised.

"Elio, fancy seeing you here. I didn't know you were a frequenter of low-key sandwich shops."

"Thinking I'm too upscale? I always know the right place to be, whether it's for a high stakes shareholders meeting or just chilling out with my friends after school," he said, taking her hand and kissing it. Reggie flinched.

"So uh Mr. Grande, I heard your family has some casinos all over the place. I'm sure the gambling industry is definitely one of the classiest careers you can have," Reggie said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh, why thank you Mr. Mantle, Veronica has told me all about you. If you don't mind though, I would like to steal your woman for a bit. We have some manners I wish to discuss."

"If you want to talk to her, I'm coming with you too."

"Reggie, it's fine," Veronica interrupted him. "It's only platonic, business manners. Nothing real personal. I'll catch up with you at the hotel," she said, taking Elio's hand and walking out.

"Real platonic, right Reggie," Moose jibed.

"Shut up Moose," retorted Reggie. After brief idle chatter, the remaining five left for the hotel and came back just in time for the joint team meeting between the respective football players and cheerleaders. Veronica had already arrived back.

"How did you get here so fast?" Reggie asked.

"Oh Elio drove me. Was really too much for him to do considering the traffic this time of year."

"Yeah, I'm sure he would be willing to fly you home too," Reggie said bitterly, walking away as Coach Clayton was about to give a few words, along with Coach Hebert.

The two coaches gave a few words about the rooming assignments and protocol for the following day and then dismissed the students to their rooming assignments. The teams were essentially curfewed in the hotel for the night. The teams collected their bags that had been stowed in the hotel's lobby and took the elevator to their rooms. Most of the men had been placed on a floor right above the girls.

Betty and Veronica rode up the elevator together, not exchanging any words until they worked together to find their room toward the corner of the rectangular hallway. The two ofcourse would not be rooming together for the night, but had to keep up that illusion till Coach Hebert checked in on their room.

"How was Elio? He seemed happy to see you," Betty said as they settled into their room.

"Oh, he was good." Veronica did not seem interested in having a conversation as she was placing her clothes away in a drawer.

"Is everything alright? It's okay if you're nervous about the game, I am too," Betty said while turning on the tv and sitting on her bed.

"It's Elio. He said something that was concerning to me. His father is a donor to Mr. Gregerson's campaign and he said that there was a leak about one of his past business expenditures. Long story short, Frederick is paranoid and he asked my dad for 'assistance.' I really don't like where this is going."

"Who was the source of the leak?" Betty asked concerned.

"Not your mom, he insisted to me that it wasn't her. So you have nothing to worry about Bets..." before she could finish, Coach Hebert knocked on the door to check the girls out for the night. The three had a brief conversation before the Coach left, with Betty leaving shortly thereafter. She went up the escalator and entered Archie's room, with the two sitting on their beds and watching tv.

"Alright guys, just leave the room in one piece when I get back," he said laughing and then exited the room, not before slapping Archie on the butt.

Betty turned bright red, realizing the two of them were finally alone.

"So, uhm, I guess the weather isn't too bad," Archie said matter of factly.

Before he could say anymore, Betty moved closer to him and began kissing him on the lips.

"I've waited all day to do that," she said, wrapping her arms around him.

"Yeah, hanging out with the gang was nice, but I think I'm ready to spend some alone time with you," he said, positioning himself on the bed with Betty positioning herself on top of him, once again locking her lips. The two continued their tryst for and eventually stopped to lay on the bed, holding each other.

"Do you remember last year at the Welcome Back Dance, when I said we could be like a power couple. I was naive in thinking that, because I was wrong in seeing you as an object- someone of status I was trying to get. I realize you were always the same boy I knew as a kid and it was I that needed to check my ego and focus on being me"

"You always were the person you were Betty. And I'm far from perfect, I've made so many mistakes in the past, but I've been lucky to have you right here with me so I can learn from them. And I feel so safe with you wherever we move forward."

Betty turned red upon him saying that. "Speaking of which," she said with a pause. She bit her lip before she could start. "I'm- I'm ready. Tonight."

Archie's eyes dilated. "Tonight? Are you sure? I don't want you to feel..."

"I'm sure. I can just feel tonight is the night. That is if you feel the same way."

Archie nodded and slowly moved closer to kiss her. The two locked lips and assisted in undressing their shirts over their head. Betty began to undo her bra, but stopped and shuddered when she heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Archie said, getting up. Betty could only let out a groan. To her great surprise, it was Veronica at the door.

"Hey guys, I really hate to barge in but do you mind if I stay for the night? Reggie's just really gotten on my nerves and I don't feel like dealing with it for the night."

Archie looked over at Betty, who had a desecrated look on her face.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sure you'll work it out by tomorrow," he said uneasily. Betty looked away to hide her displeasure.

"Yeah I'm sorry to be interrupting a surely romantic moment in the greatest city on Earth, but it just really bothered me and I'm stressed out by what Elio said to me," she said, starting to let out a few tears and embraced Archie with a hug.

"I know you two were probably about to go to bed, so I'll just get changed so you guys can your rest," she said, going into the bathroom. Betty shot Archie a dirty look, to which he could comically shrugged his shoulders. Betty's anger heightened when she saw Veronica walk out in only her bra and underwear, which left little to the imagination.

Really, she had to wear a freaking thong, Betty thought, as she stirred in her bed and pretended to get ready for sleep.

"Oh, and do you mind if I sleep in the same bed with you? I just got really antsy when I travel and feel nervous by myself," she said.

"Oh no problem, I'm sure we can all squeeze in," Archie said, moving over in the center so Veronica could get in. Betty faced the other said and only could roll her eyes. This was such an obvious ploy. The worst part is, Archie is totally enjoying this right now. What guy wouldn't.

The three laid there for a while, with Betty unable to get to sleep. When she finally drifted off, she heard another knock at the door. As she looked around half-asleep, she saw Veronica turn on the lights and answer it. Outside were two police officers, with one holding up his badge.

"Archie Andrews," the police officer began, "You are wanted for aggravated assault and crossing state lines to evade a crime. You need to come with me immediately." Before Betty could even say a word, Archie obediently walked over to the cop and was handcuffed and escorted out the door.

A/N: Nope, this pic was not going to end on indefinite hiatus. With that said, the fic is about to come to a close, with only three chapters remaining. It's been a fun ride but Im ready to wrap this up all in a bow and have a proper ending. I don't even watch the show too much anymore, but I really feel a desire to finish this fic. Will everyone like it? Well, that's where it will get dicey.

Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. TTFN