Authors note: Thank you so much for all the reviews and comments.

And uhhhh...please don't hate me for this...(hides behind a protective wall)


The kingdom sat quiet, unusually so as people always gathered when ships were coming and a ship was coming.

Standing on the deck Elsa looked at her kingdom which slowly was getting closer and closer, she missed being home so much, being with her family, it had been very sad when she was forced to leave to attend business overseas, luckily Karen had accompanied her to keep her company in her trips.

"Finally, home sweet home" said Karen happily,

"I though you enjoyed our trip to the south of France, Russia and China" said Elsa with a small smile,

"I did, but after a while I began to feel home sick" said Karen then added with a smirk "So...when are you going tell my uncle about your...extra special surprise?",

"When I get there" said Elsa somewhat nervous,

"I am very happy for you and my uncle, that...special bundle...will bring you two only sunshine and joy" said Karen rather exaggerated, but in truth she was happy for them,

"Yes...we do need some of that" said Elsa softly as she remembered her father who died sometime ago, following his death the council had began to show their...dislike...towards Hans, despite all the good he did, they just could not forgive him for having been a servant. Too many times Elsa had lost her temper when either one of her council suggested that she get a "better partner".

For a moment Elsa grew angry as she remembered, but then calmed down and placed her hands on her belly which was a little larger than before, she could not risk getting too angry as she was afraid that it might make her ice magic react and said ice magic could hurt the baby that was growing inside of her.

"Mine and Hans baby" though Elsa with a smile, she knew he had always wanted to have a child and in truth she was unsure if she would even be able to have a baby because of her magic, so knowing that she was pregnant now brought her great joy and she was sure that it would make her husband happy as well.

"I can't wait to tell him" though Elsa with a smile.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity the boat docked on the port, almost unable to contain herself Elsa walked off of the boat, escorted by guards and Karen as they made their way to the palace, walking through town Elsa immediately saw something was not right.

People who were out were gloomy, even the children were gloomy as they went about with their heads down, dressed in black, when they saw her coming they would move away, not look at her, some women and men would burst into tears and left.

The last terrified Elsa to the core as she finally made it to the palace, the doors opened and out came Kai, Gerda, Anna, Kristoff and a group of 10 people, Elsa felt her heart fall to her stomach as she noticed Hans was not with them...and they all wore mourning frocks.

" sister" began Anna,

"Where is Hans?" asked Elsa as she began to feel scared, even desperate,

"Elsa, we should go inside and-",

"Hans! Where is he!?" demanded Elsa, the group looked at one another sadly before one of the strangers...who looked a little too much like how Hans describe Richard to look like.

"I am sorry...we tried to stop them...the council...they...they executed Hans on false charges of witchcraft" said the man, the rest Elsa could not hear as she fell to the ground screaming and crying.

"We are sorry" said the group, all of them Hans brothers and a young woman, whom was tall and graceful,

"No! No! It is not!" said Elsa between cries "He can't be dead! He cannot leave us!", hearing that made the group look shocked,

"Elsa...what do you mean by us?" asked Anna almost dreading the answer,

"I am pregnant..." cried Elsa "They killed him! They took my babies father! My baby! My poor baby will grow up without a father".

Frowning the woman walked over and placed a hand on Elsa, a soft glow surrounded it before she went limp, falling asleep,

"She will be asleep for a while...for the time being I turned off her it would not harm the baby" said the woman,

"It is not fair! We got our humanity back but in turn we lost our dear brother Thumbelina" growled Lars in anger,

"No...lost not...Hans is alive...I can sense him...but I don't know where he is...but rest assure he will return someday" said Thumbelina who now stood tall and graceful, behind her a pair of wings and a crown of flowers on her head symbolizing her status as queen of the fairies as she turned to leave.

"I will be back for the childs birth..." said Thumbelina then added "Don't be said...think of it as redemption...a new beginning for all of you".

Months later:

A heavy snowfall and frost was happening outside of the palace of Arendelle, sitting in chair watching it happen was Elsa, in her lap was a book which she had been reading out loud, her belly was much bigger as she was close to the birth date.

Sitting nearby, always keeping close eyes on her were Lars, Richard, Caleb and Erik, the brothers always were near Elsa, they even went to as far as taking turns sleeping in front of her door in cushions in order to protect and keep her and her baby safe. So devoted were to her task that the servants dubbed them the Arendelle knights, body guards to Queen Elsa and the royal family.

Elsa appreciated all they did for her and Arendelle, in turn she helped them move on and get new lives, Lars was a teacher now, he gave free classes to underprivileged children 3 days a week in the new public Arendelle library, Caleb was now a merchant, working only for Arendelle, Richard who had grown far wiser was now trusted as Elsas advisor, they were just the start as all of them were great and helpful people.

Sighting Elsa rubbed her belly, for a moment relishing as she felt the baby inside her press his hand where she had placed her hand, she smiled then rested her head against the chair then narrowed her eyes when she noticed an unusual sight. Resting outside of the window on top of the powdery snow was a single deep red rose.

"How?" wondered Elsa as she got up slowly from the chair, opened the window before reaching and taking the rose, holding it.

How could such a rose be in the middle of winter? Then the though entered her head,

"Hans?" she wondered, then the wild wind blew startling her, so violent it was that when she dropped the rose it flew and landed on the fire.

"No" said Elsa as she moved to try and get the rose, only to wince when the fire burned her slightly,

"Elsa!" yelled the brothers who ran to her, one closed the window while the others made sure she was okay.

Saying nothing Elsa shook as she glared at the flames...

Hans...he died on a fire...because the council though that if he was an "evil wizard/warlock" then he should die like one on a burning stake.

"You burned me...was it not enough that you took my husband?!" growled Elsa at the element she had grown to hate with a passion..."Why can't you protect and be helpful!? Like..."

She sighted as she rubbed her belly again, she hated the fire, yet at the same time...she could was funny how the one thing she hated also reminded her of her husband...warm and comforting...the rose reminded her of him too.

Sighting she said softly as she placed her hands on her belly "I will love matter what...but...I really wish you are born a little boy...with red hair like a your eyes like the stem...warm like a I can have a living memory to hold unto..."

Placing his hand on her shoulder Richard said "Come on Elsa...lets go get you to bed...its getting late" with that they left...not noticing how the fire mysteriously fizzling out...

A scream rang out from behind the door of the birthing room where Elsa was at, meanwhile outside were the brothers who were either sitting down or pacing about nervously, Eugene who was trying to play it calm but was freaking out on the inside as he and Rapunzel held their twin children Sol and Moon,

"I am she is fine" said Olaf optimistically, only for another scream to be heard making all of them cringe,

"I am sure that is of joy" said Olaf,

"I doubt it" said Lars wincing a bit at the high pitch of Elsa's screams.

Meanwhile on the inside of the room the screams quiet down considerably as Elsa lay resting from her ordeal, Anna was next to her sister whom she helped with the birth.

"Anna..." said Elsa tired, her hair was a mess, forehead and face covered in sweat,

"Yes sister?" asked Anna,

"Where is my baby?" asked Elsa, Anna grinned "The baby is fine, the matrons are cleaning the baby up". Just as she finished saying that a plump midwife walked in carrying a bundle.

"Congratulations your majesty, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy" said the midwife happily as turned to leave and give the baby to a wet nurse.

"Give him to me" said Elsa quickly making her stop,

"Your highness?" said the midwife confused, sitting up Elsa said "Give me my baby" as she extended her arms.

For the mid wife this was not quite right, the mother queen never held the baby, said baby was always handed off to wet nurses and servants for the first couple of days.

"I would...but the baby is hungry...I need to get him to a wet nurse" said the midwife as she turned to leave only to stop when Elsa for the first time in a long time used her ice magic to seal the door.

"My baby! Give me my baby!" growled Elsa angry,

"Midwife...I would do as she says" said Anna quickly as she wanted her sister to be calm,

"But your highness the baby, the wet nurse" began the midwife again,

"Fire her! I specifically said that nobody but me will breast feed my child!" snapped Elsa,

"Its not proper for a queen to breast feed her son" stammered the midwife,

"What is not proper is a stranger breastfeeding my child! I shall not have that! Now give him to me or else I will make sure you never set foot in Arendelle again like I did with Queen Irene" growled Elsa warningly,

"Yes your majesty" said the midwife terrified as she quickly went over, gave Elsa the bundle containing her child then back away.

Holding her baby boy Elsa smiled as she stroke her babies cheek, he had little bits of hair which was red in color, so red that it could put reddest rose to shame, the babies green eyes looked at her quite tired.

Elsas eyes widen a bit, red like a like the stem...reminds her of her husband...she got exactly what she had wished for...

"He is soooo cuuuuutttteee" cooed Anna happily breaking Elsas thoughts,

"Yes..." said Elsa with a small smile,

"What will you name him?" asked Anna, Elsa though then smiled and said "Ross Red, that will be his name" then kissed her babies head and said "I promise you...I will be the very best mother I can be to you".

3 months later:

Moving the baby into her room Elsa tucked her son Ross into his crib before going to bed herself, it was expected that the royal child would sleep in a separate room from his parents, but Elsa had non of that as she had her baby with her constantly, she even fired the nanny as she wanted to raise the child herself and not let some stranger do the raising for her.

The same was with breast feeding, all nobles were shocked when they found that she was the one breast feeding her child instead of a wet nurse which was what was done among the high class, but Elsa too ignored that as she also did not like the idea of some stranger breast feeding her son. Who knew what kind of things was inside the milkof a strangers that could harm her she breast feed him herself and just herself as she knew what was going into her body.

Closing her eyes she fell into an uneasy sleep as every now and then she would wake and keep an eye on her sleeping baby.

She knew her baby would be fine, but could not help being overprotective and she was not the only one as all of his uncles and aunts were being overprotective, so much to the point that Eugene and Rapunzel decided to stay a couple of months to help out...Hans brothers were far worse as they now insisted that one of them sleep inside the room at all times.

Finally after a while sleep came to Elsa, while Ross cooed, still awake and starring at the mobile which was set on the crib, Elsa had made it using ice crystals, when they spun around they made pretty ting noises.

Giggling Ross laughed as he squirmed about, as he moved his hands small balls of flames came out of his hands and began to dance about, lighting the room slightly.

Smelling smoke Richard got up from his sleeping position on the floor, for a moment he rubbed his eyes as his sleep riddled mind began to put together what he was seeing before he screamed loudly, waking Elsa and the entire palace up.

Gathering in the room the entire group stared in shock and awe...none more than Elsa who was now fully convinced that her wish came true...though she wished she would have not wished for warmth as her baby having fire magic was not what she had in mind.

"...I will get the gloves..." said Anna as Ross reached and held one of the fire orbs, cooing at it as if it was his favorite toy.

The end...for now...

Authors note: Don't worry...this is not the end...quite frankly its only the beginning...also Hans is not dead...what happened to him?

You will find out in the sequel...Red Rose and the big wolf...and well...the brothers and thumbelinas curse was removed thank to Hans, what he did was similar to what the princess did in the Hans Christian Andersen Wild swans story.