A/N: Goddess, I'm so sorry it took so long to get this out. I've been focusing a bit on Elegant Embers. But Yes, this is the rewrite of Serpent's Raven. I wasn't entirely pleased with what I had been working on before. Since the original story I had been writing followed the Canon plot too closely, it didn't feel original. It didn't feel like something I had written. I felt bad it wasn't the way my mind visualized. It didn't hold the unique mannerisms of me, the writer. No, it was the same as J.K Rowling's. But I aim to rectify this; using her work as a very general base, this will become my own work. Unlike the previous version, this one will be more AU (author's universe) and Harry is (still) female. Also unlike the previous version, Ivy won't be a Veela. She will be another creature. If you figure it out, well, good for you. However, please do not spoil it!

A warning to all readers. I'm not going to put up with flaming, trolling or bullying. The whole point of revamping the whole thing was to fix it! So shut the fuck up you fucktards. If you don't like it, don't fucking read it!

As for pairings, I'm having indecisions between bunch of people including Nymphadora Tonks, Bill or Charlie Weasley, Draco Malfoy (possibly fem Malfoy), Parvati Patil, Luna Lovegood or Fleur.

Last, but not least, is the notice is that this story isn't innocent like the original series. It's rather dark, full of more than a few curse words, more blood, killing, death, and sexual relations.

Apologies for the immense author's note. I'm sure you'd all love to jump into the story now.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and it's franchise belongs to J.K Rowling. I merely own that which written by my own hands.

Chapter I

"You insolent, little cretin!"

Rain suicide bombed the rooftops as thunder crashed down to accompany the flashes of lightning. Several of the nasty insults had gone unheard. The skeletal woman barely held together by skin and the thinnest sinew of muscle had quite the unattractive snarl upon her visage.

The insults continued as a third shard of the broken vase was hurled toward the impossibly small young girl of ten, bordering on eleven in as few as three hours. Unlike her plain cousin, aunt and uncle, she was more exotic; her skin pale of an alabaster peach although that was more attributed to the lack of seeing the sun for long periods of time. Her hair however, was a wild mess of wavy crimson tresses that refused to be tamed. The girl had the largest, brightest emerald green eyes that anyone had seen on a creature that wasn't feline. Almond shaped, they seemed almost luminescent which was better helped by the framing thick, dark eyelashes.

Despite her natural good looks, malnutrition dulled the beauty she hid. Standing approximately at 4'8", was Ivy Lily Potter. She wore a huge, baggy t-shirt which had a huge gaping hole in its hem. It's neckline hung off her right shoulder to reveal a purple bruise that all but covered her shoulder and upper arm.

"You. Bitch!"

All the young girl had done was pilfer a hard boiled egg and stale bread from the metal box in the corner of the kitchen. Just enough to stay alive, but it seemed she was being denied even that.

Uncle Vernon had a smug grin on his face through the whole duration of Aunt Petunia's violent tirade and his amusement at her pain made Ivy absolutely livid. While she was grateful to have a roof over her head, she did know that her relatives were not good people. Far from it.

"How dare you?! How dare you steal food from our fridge! Freaks like my sister―like you don't get the right to eat!" During the slight pause, the girl; Ivy, was failing to fend off the flesh rending shrapnel raining down on her. Dudley and Vernon had joined in, adding other small objects to pelt at her despite her meek protests.

"P-please stop," whimpered the crimson haired girl. Tears cascaded down her discolored cheeks. Bruises were beginning to form amid the plethora of lacerations. Blood dripped from the worse of her wounds onto the floor which earned her a broken nose. Ivy's entire body ached and burned from suffering her relative's' wrath.

Screaming now, Petunia cried, "Children of whores always end up as whores. That's what my no good freak of a sister was. That's what you are! All you'll ever be is a cock sucking slut just like your bitch of a mommy."

Dimly, the pork bellied teen who was her older cousin sniggered, "Yeh, yer just a slut."

"Enough!" shrieked Ivy, absolutely sick of the abusive treatment she had been enduring for the last decade of her life. It took a lot to upset her, but it had been the punishment for the reptile house incident and the letters. This was the last straw!

A wave of agony struck the desperate eleven year old as soon as she had cried out her proclamation. Spiraling down to the hardwood floor, Ivy fell with an audible thump.

Fire swept to the four corners of the mid sized suburban home, blossoming into a roaring inferno. Tongues of flame licked and consumed the sturdy house until it was merely ashes. It dissipated just as quickly as it had come to life. Only the orange coals and smoke were among the evidence the home had been obliterated by fire.

Where the Dursley's had been moments before, now lay three crispy bodies on the blackened concrete floor. Amidst the soot, charred beams and shattered, half melted glass was the fledgeling witch, curled into the fetal position. Pristine as the day she was born and unconscious.


3AM, Minister's Office

Cornelius Fudge was a paranoid man, fearful of the slightest deviation from the norm. Right now, he was sweating bullets on his pudgy face. The obnoxious green bowler hat sat crookedly as a quill shook in his hand.

"Surrey is in an uproar. The muggles have been asking too many questions," said Amelia Bones worriedly. As head of the DMLE, this woman oversaw all incidents concerning both wizard and muggle deaths. "Fires and explosions don't just happen out of nowhere. It must have been the girl."

Another said, "Oh don't worry too much about it. It was a wee bit o' wandless magic. She ain't done nuffin wrong."

"A bit of magic? That was more magic than displayed by You-Know-Who during the war. It was Fiendfyre!" squeaked Mafalda Hopkirk. "She's a dangerous child, possibly an Obscurial! . I suggest we put her in the care of the Ministry with heavy monitoring. That or we could take precautions and prevent a second Dark Wizard/Witch rising. We could ah...euthanize her."

Fury boiled and frothed within the tawny haired man. Arthur Weasley was having difficulty in reigning his anger from his co-worker. They couldn't kill a little girl; it was inhumane!

An auror who had also been in attendance voiced himself. "No, she's not an obcurial. Not yet at least. She was close though, if this hadn't happened. Another year or so I'd imagine, this would become a situation out of our hands. Regardless of what happens, we must keep an eye on her."

"She's an underage witch! She doesn't know any better, being raised by horrible muggles," squeaked Madam Bones. "Find a guardian for her and I'll take care of the rest."

"I will take the girl in," came the suave, glib words of a man dressed in silver and black robes. This person had his chin length hair slicked back to keep it out of his face. His features were clearly of noble descent.

Frowning, Arthur Weasley replied, "Lucius, can you really expect us to believe you would adopt the Potter girl and raise her as your own? You'd try to corrupt her!"

Within the air of such accusations of being a dark wizard, Lord Malfoy replied, "You wound me, Arthur. You know I'm no longer the arrogant man I was in school. I have grown past infantile behavior. Surely you have as well. Besides, my wife Narcissa has always wanted a daughter of her own. Ivy would make an excellent addition to my family."

Suddenly the doors flew in to admit one Albus Percival Wulfric Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class. The wizened man's pointed hat was askew while his flyaway beard was rather frazzled. The room's occupants immediately drew their gaze to his presence.

"I received your message about what happened with the girl who lived. I apologize for my lateness; a muggle candy shop was having a sale and I absolutely had to get my hands on those delightful lemon drops," mused Albus as he fixed his askew pointy hat. "Where are we now?"

"N-no worries," said Cornelius. "We were simply discussing what to do with the child. Since she has no living relatives and her godfather is in Azkaban, she ought to go to a place where other parentless children reside."

"She just turned eleven! You cannot think of putting her in an orphanage," blurted out Minerva McGonagall, the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts. "She's a hero! You cannot be considering putting the savior of all wizards and witches in a place where she doesn't belong. She must be fostered by someone who will treat her right."

Mr. Weasley said, "Then the Burrow will be the perfect place for Miss Potter. Molly and I would be honored to raise Ivy. No, it would be the greatest honor to raise Lily and James' daughter as our own."

"If I may interject, I do not think your little rook of a home would be a suitable living environment," began the head of House Malfoy. "She is likely in a very fragile state of mind and she needs only the best a high end Wizarding family can give her."

Anger came quick, the Weasley balling his hands into fists. "How dare you think my family can't provide the tender care she deserves. It was her who destroyed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named! Molly and I have more than enough love for Ivy."

Lucius snorted, "I am not undermining your ability to care for the girl. However, I'm putting your finances into consideration when I say you would not be a suitable guardian. This is the first time she has been exposed to magic AND been the cause of ending the life of four muggles and a dog. She will need therapy which I doubt you could afford without cutting important costs elsewhere. You have six children and a wife to support. Adding another person would not be the wisest move on your part. Suffice to say, she would fare best in the care of my wife and I."

Arthur wasn't happy, but he could see the merit in his rival's words. "Fine. I concede. But if I get words of her being mistreated or exploited in any way, I will take her away by force, laws be damned.

"Very well, you may fetch her when the Healer is done with analyzing the Potter girl's trauma she has no doubt undergone in the last forty-eight hours. For now, leave me be."

One by one, the small gathering of witches, warlocks, sorcerers and enchanters filed in an orderly line out of the Minister of Magic's office. It was going to be a long night for everyone.



Sitting in a cozy room with a fireplace, Ivy stared at the flickering flames. Warmth radiated from the hearth, bathing her and part of the room in a yellow-orange glow.

"Ivy... may I talk to you?"

She merely nodded and pulled the soft quilt closer to her malnourished form. She was nervous; in a new place she had never been before as well as having many things on her mind. She couldn't seem to shake the haunting expressions of hatred and betrayal as her abusers were incinerated by the flames of hell she had summoned to protect her.

"You're not in trouble, young one," spoke the woman the young girl didn't know. She had met many strange people people in robes or other weird clothing today. But none of them registered until now, having been just going through the motions of the last few hours. "What happened was an accidental use of underaged magic. It happens all the time when you're either quite angry or upset and even excited."

"Magic?" asked Ivy quietly.

The robed woman appeared aghast at learning the young heir to the Potters knew nothing of magic. She was angry that the truth of her people, and her parents had been obscured from her on purpose. "Before I explain, can you tell me everything the Dursley's did to you? And don't leave a single detail out. It's absolutely imperative, that is, very very important you tell us as much of what you can remember your first ten years."

Nodding timidly, the young witch answered shakily, stuttering more than a few times, "I-I can try." Ivy took a few gulps of air before continuing. "T-they barely fed me. Whenever I had the chance to steal food, I did. It was on purpose―they starved me on purpose. If I got caught taking more than what they gave me, I was punished." A sob broke out and she sniffed. "They hit me. It's always my fault if something goes wrong. I am forced to do most of the cooking and cleaning since neither my aunt or uncle would do it. When I take my shirt off in front of the mirror, I can see my ribs too easily. Often covered in bruises. A-and then...then..." She couldn't bear to keep speaking."

"Go on."

Bursting into a cascade of tears, Ivy wailed, "When I turned eight, things got worse. When my relatives weren't home, Dudley f-forced me to p-pleasure him. I was weak and him fat with muscles. I..." She whimpered at the thought of what had happened in the past. Her small, tiny body shook as the trauma resurfaced.

Despite she usually didn't offer reassurance in a physical manner, Yuki Fukushima wrapped her arms around the ten year old's frail, petite form.

After while of hugging, the Asian woman said in a professional manner, "Now then. I have something wonderful you must absolutely know. You my dear, are a witch!"

Ivy's eyes widened at the revelation bequeathed to her. But doubt clouded her moon of hope, bringing darkness back to her mood in foulness. "But...I'm not special. I can't do magic. I'm can't do anything right..."

"Not special? My dear girl, you are the most special girl in the Wizarding world! You, Ivy Potter, are the only person in the world to have survived a direct bit from the Killing curse. Not to mention you're the daughter of Lily and James Potter. In their generation, they were the finest magical folks. James was a damn fine Auror with his exceptional combat and transfiguration while Lily was absolutely brilliant with charms and fantastic potions."

With each word gushing from the Asian woman's mouth, Ivy devoured these words about the man who sired her and the woman who birthed her. The things her late parents had accomplished. Well, as much of what was said that made sense to her.

"Now seeing as you're horrendously underfed, I'll prescribe a prescription of a nutrition potion to take every morning and half a phial in the evening for a month. You'll be right as rain henceforth. I'm sure you're tired and you could use some real rest. Outside, a new guardian has been probably chosen for you. If you ever need to talk again, you can always ask for Ms. Fukushima. Now get outta here scamp."

"I-okay," she whispered, peering up at the kind lady one last time.

A/N: I may or may not have been a royal bitch in the note at the top of the fanfic, but it was entirely necessary. And yes, this was a short chapter. It's the pilot after all. Just a taste of what I have to offer.