The Master of Death



A/N: I would like to thank oro03910, Namikaze Uzumaki Potter, Mookatookabooka, Calypto and potterfan007 for your reviews.

"Harry Potter was a monster! And so was your father for following him!" One Hogwarts student from Gryffindor shouted in his Herbology class. The Hufflepuff student in front of him glared back at the Gryffindor with just as much hatred as the Gryffindor was giving him.

"You take that back. Harry Potter and my father were heroes!" The Hufflepuff denied venomously. "They brought peace to the Magical World!" The two argued for a few more moments, neither noticing the elderly figure walking towards him. The man, despite his age, was still very fit and muscular. His grey beard was finely shaved, and it was completely grey just like his hair. His most striking feature was the scar running down from the man's forehead and disappeared underneath his robes. The wrinkles in his eyes deepened as he observed his two arguing students.

"That is enough!" The elderly man said in his deep baritone voice. The two students and every other student in the class quietened down instantly. "Why are you two arguing and not getting on with the work I set out for you?"

"Father, he said that you and Harry were monsters!" The young Hufflepuff exclaimed. The Herbology teacher turned to face the young Gryffindor. One of his greyed eyebrows raised in questioning. The Gryffindor student flushed in embarrassment and fear as he ducked his head to avoid the elderly man's piercing gaze.

"Well Mr Weasley? Is this true?"

"Y-yes Professor Longbottom." The young Weasley mumbled in fear of retribution. It was sometimes difficult for the students to remember that this was one Harry Potter's right-hand men. One of his top commanders and most vicious followers.

"See father." The Longbottom child spoke up.

"Enough Frank." Professor Longbottom said simply, causing Frank to quickly shut his mouth. "How many of you believe that Harry and I were monsters? You can speak freely, it does not matter to me what you think." Out of the thirty people in the classroom, around ten raised their hands. "I see. How many of you here, know who Harry really was?" No one raised their hands. "I thought so. This is exactly why I followed Harry. But, I will tell you why Harry did what he did."

He looked at all of them.

"When Harry was but a year old, his parents were murdered by a Dark Lord known as Lord Voldemort. At the time, the Dark Lord's followers - known as Death Eaters - were killing Muggle-borns, who they believed had stolen their magic." He could see the incredulousness and shock at what he said shining in the eyes of every child in the room. "The Magical World forgot who James and Lily Potter were, only remembering Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. He hated it, he believed it was an insult to his parent's memory, and so, when he returned to the Magical World he realised that wizards and witches were sheep. Believing the lies told by others with no proof to back them up." The, 'just like you' went unsaid.

"What did he do Professor?" One Hufflepuff girl questioned as she paid rapt attention.

"He vowed to change the world. Not just Britain. He gathered followers from all over the world and declared war upon the bigots and purebloods." Professor Longbottom said.

"I remember this. My mum said that Harry Potter fought Lord Voldemort, Dumbledore and another Dark wizard but I can't remember his name." A Gryffindor spoke up.

"His name was Gelert Grindelwald who had fooled the entire world into believing he was dead." Professor Longbottom explained. "Harry's army outnumbered each of their armies, but even when defeat was imminent, they did not surrender, and it cost the lives of hundreds more."

"What was it like serving under him?" One student interrupted.

"It was amazing. It didn't matter if you were squib, a magical creature, a wizard or witch, black or white, crippled or whole, rich or poor, pureblood, half blood or a first-gen. You were all equal in his eyes. Brothers and sisters in arms." The elderly wizard smiled with nostalgia. "He did not treat you as pawns. Every life mattered to him, he fought alongside us, bled alongside us, and he risked his life to save common soldiers. He inspired so much loyalty that you couldn't help but follow him." Every student seemed to be filled with awe as they heard their Professor speak.

"My dad said that he was the greatest wizard to ever live, is that true?" A Hufflepuff spoke up.

"Yes. Any magic that could be used to attack and defend, he would learn. He used everything at his disposal. He would always start a battle with his long daggers. Using them with such skill and grace that it was like watching a dance that enraptured you. Then when he unleashed his magic, by the gods it was fascinating to witness. He even earned himself the title One-Man-Army because of his skill in the war. For you see, what made Harry so dangerous was not his body, nor his magic. But his mind. That was Harry's most dangerous weapon."

"I heard stories that he killed his own warriors!" One Gryffindor exclaimed.

"No, he never killed, he only ever punished them. For you see, Harry expected nothing less than perfection from his followers. If you messed up, your punishments severity depended on how badly you messed up."

"But that's cruel and unfair!"

"I thought so too." Professor Longbottom said in agreement causing the Hufflepuff to look at him in shock. "I confronted him about it, and do you know what he said, he said that what happens if that man's failure resulted in the deaths of everyone around him? I couldn't answer him, but it made sense." The Hufflepuff student slowly sat down in shock.

"You see, Harry cared for everyone. No one was scared to follow him to the death; do you know why?" Every student shook their head. "It's because if you died for the cause, your families would be compensated, their wives and children given the money they needed to live a comfortable lifestyle. And the men and women loved him for it. They went into battle, confident that if they died for what they believed in, their families would be well looked after. So, tell me Mr Weasley, do you still think he is a monster like your father says he is?"

"No Professor Longbottom." Nodding his head, he looked to see that everyone else shared the same thoughts as the young Weasley. "Professor, is he still alive?"

"Harry?" He questioned. "Some say he died along with his wives, most believed he died fighting for what he believed in, others say that he is out living the life of a hermit somewhere." He chuckled at the thought of his childhood friend as an elderly man living in isolation learning religion. "Me though. He's somewhere out there…"

A young-looking man in his prime with long curly black hair extending down to his shoulders, wearing a black, long-sleeved scaly top, with a silver chest plate, armguards and gauntlets covering their respective body parts. On his left gauntlet were three wooden sticks, one on either side and one on top, on his right was a single black stone in the middle. Covering his lower half were black, scaly pants with similar silver leg braces. On his back was a simple black cloak that had two blade handles sticking out from the top.

In his right hand, he held a stick which he used to prod at the fire before him. One push with the stick caused him to knock over a large log that caused the fire to grow in size and spit out some ash.

In doing so it illuminated his face revealing glowing green eyes as he stared at the fire intently.

"…He may not even be in this world anymore; but he's out there somewhere…"

"Lord Potter!" Looking up from his position, he saw a larger than normal person running towards him. It looked humanoid, except had very gentle and angelic features. The most prominent feature was its pointed ears sticking out from its long, flowing, blonde hair. It was dressed in blue robes with golden armour on top. In its left hand was a large, golden kited-shaped shield and a curved sword. Beside it three more figures appeared.

One was short and stubby, dressed fully in silver armour, with long pointed ears and had longer than average fingers. It had a round, silver shield and a short, curved blade. The next figure had the lower body of a horse, covered in silver armour. The top half was humanoid which was covered in a similar outfit to Lord Potter and strapped to its back was a bow and quiver of arrows, with multiple more on its horse-like body. The next figure was half-man, half-bull. It was covered entirely in big, bulky silver armour. In both hands it held a battle axe, easily three quarters of its overall height, with each blade the length of its body.

"They're here." The shorter one said. Nodding his head, Lord Potter stood up and made his way out of the small cave.

They trudged through the muddy ground for a few moments. All around them, Minotaur's, Centaurs, Goblins, Elves, Acromantula's, Giants, Trolls, Vampires, ordinary men with wolf-like features and all manner of other creatures were rising from their positions. Each dressed in armour and gripping their weapons tightly.

Lord Potter quickly came upon a large dragon, its scales coated in melted silver, adding extra protection. The beast nudged its head in his direction and the man placed his hands gently on either side and rested his head against the dragons.

Pulling away he climbed on top and two other animals joined him. A single large anaconda, easily thirty-three feet in length and a single snowy, white owl.

Giving the two a smile, Lord Potter locked his legs tightly around the dragon's neck as it rose into the air giving a loud roar that shook the very ground. Its wings expanding outwards paying homage to its colossal size. The man on its back looked down at the ground to see hundreds of thousands of magical creatures all dressed up in armour. Drawing his two swords, as the dragon rose into the air and many other dragons followed.

"…fighting another great battle to bring peace to other worlds. No matter what they think of him afterwards." Professor Longbottom finished with a nostalgic smile as he thought of his childhood friend. He knew that no matter where he was, Harry was doing what he did best.


With a roar, Harry raised his two long daggers above his head and brought them down upon the demon beneath. All around him, thousands of bodies littered the ground. Both creature and demon alike. The river nearby had been dyed red with blood.

He saw Goblins using their smaller size to take out the ankles of demons, while another Goblin would kill the demon. He saw Centaurs galloping around, firing arrows at great speeds, Minotaur's swinging their axes around, taking out multiple demons in a single swipe. Elves using their natural grace to fight and kill multiple demons at a time.

Each magical creature, killing demons with such ferocity and hatred that their bodies which were once covered in shiny silver metal, were now dyed black with demon blood.

He smiled and turned to face six oncoming demons. With a roar he charged forwards.