
I'm not sure how much of what I write is accurate to the original stories, but in this, Loki is based off Loki from the Marvel universe. If I make any mistakes, I apologise in advance. Please let me know, and I'll do my best to rectify it as far as the story line will allow.

The Harry Potter characters and events are based off the books, not the movies, purely because I know the books better. As I said before, please point out any mistakes that you spot, and I'll do my best to rectify them.

I very much appreciate constructive criticism, so please leave a review! As always, all characters belong to Marvel and JK Rowling… blah, blah, blah… they're not of my own creation…. yadda yadda yadda… okay enjoy!

Draco Malfoy, only five years old, dropped the jigsaw pieces in his hand as he heard the door handle rattle. He quickly got up from the floor and hid behind his mother, who calmly walked towards the door, brandishing her wand.

The door burst open, and in came a tall, thin man with white blonde hair and pale gray eyes. He smiled warmly as he saw his wife approaching.

"Hello dear. I wonder, where could my little dragon be?" Lucius chuckled, as he saw Draco peeking out from behind his mother's skirt. Instead of going over to them, he began to look around the hall, as if searching for something.

"Is he down here?" Lucius wondered aloud, bending down to look under the table, "or perhaps under the cha-"

Lucius was cut off by his son running towards him as fast as his little legs could carry him. Lucius scooped him up in his arms and spun around while the little boy giggled as he made roaring noises.

"Look Mum! I'm a dragon! Roooooooooar!" Draco yelled as his father continued to spin around and around.

Lucius eventually stopped spinning and went over to greet his wife while still carrying little Draco.

"Oh dear, his getting bigger every day! You've got to stop feeding him all those vegetables, or he'll grow even taller than me!" Lucius complained, winking at Narcissa.

"No! Dad I need to be taller than you so I can beat Blaise! He bet three knuts that he'll grow up before I grow up! Three whole knuts! That's heaps!" Draco exclaimed, waving his arms about wildly in the air.

Lucius pouted.

"But I don't want you to grow up." He grumbled, "You're perfect this way. You're fun sized!"

"But Daaaaaaaaaaaad! I need to be taller so that Pansy will let me have a go on her broom! She says I'm too short for a broom, because I'll just fall off." Draco whined

"Well then, we'll just have to get you your very own broom, now won't we." Lucius mused. Draco gasped.

"Really? I can have a broom all for my very own! For me?" Draco blurted out, now obviously very excited.

"Okay honey, you can go to Diagon Alley first thing tomorrow morning, okay? For now, I think it's time for bed." Narcissa said, shooting a pointed look at Lucius.

"But Muuuuuuuuum!" Draco whined again

"No 'but's, off to bed. I'll be there in a minute so I can tell you a bed time story, how about that?" Narcissa said.

"Okay!" Draco yelled happily as he ran to his room to get ready for his story.

Narcissa turned back to Lucius.

"Was that really necessary?" Narcissa demanded tiredly


"He's five, are you sure he's ready for a broom?"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure it's safe and that he doesn't go too crazy."

Narcissa hummed, not convinced as she made her way towards Draco's room, where her son was eagerly awaiting his story.

Narcissa gently pushed the door open to find Draco already in bed, propped up by his pillows as he hugged his stuffed dragon excitedly. She walked towards the bookshelf and ran her fingers along the books, speaking gently as she moved.

"What shall we read tonight?" she murmured. She paused in front of a book, "Ah, I know."

Narcissa picked out a thick, leather bound book with golden pages that shimmered in the light. Inside, pictures of humans, gods and elves ran about the pages, charging into battle, dancing, joking around.

Draco frowned in puzzlement. He hadn't seen this one before, but nonetheless he sat up to listen when his mother cleared her throat, as she always did when she was about to tell a story.

"This is the story of two princes, who were also brothers." Narcissa began, "The younger one was bold, strong, brave, and valiant, loved by all in the realm for his heroic deeds and friendly demeanour. The older one was sly, cunning, witty and jealous. Many didn't like him because of all the tricks he played on them.

The two brothers were always fighting, as they were always arguing over the tricks the older brother played. The older brother thought they were funny, and that there was nothing wrong with them, but the younger brother always told him that his tricks were mean, and that was why no one liked him.

The older brother grew to hate almost everyone in his family, because his father, King of the realm, decided that the younger brother should be king, not the older brother. He grew meaner and meaner every day, until one day, the king decided that he had had enough, and so he locked the older brother away. Only his mother went to visit him, feeling pity for her son. But soon enough, even she could not stand him any longer.

As time went on, the older brother grew lonelier and lonelier, with no one to talk to. One day, a guard came up to his room to tell him that his mother had been killed by an evil elf in an attack on the city. The older brother was horrified that she had died, and felt awful that the last thing he said to her had been an insult. He threw all the furniture at the walls and broke everything he could in his rage. He spent days and days lying alone in his room among the broken furniture, neither eating nor sleeping until one day, his younger brother came to him.

He had been in many battles since his mother's death, trying to find the evil elf, until finally he had a plan. But he needed his older brothers help to get out of the city undetected, or else their father would surely stop him from going. The older brother happily helped get them out of the city, and helped avenge his mother's death. The evil elf was dead.

This was the story of the two gods. Thor, the younger brother, was the god of thunder, and Loki, the older brother, was the god of mischief. The end."

Draco smiled and snuggled down under the covers. Just as Narcissa was about to leave, Draco piped up.


"Yes dear?"

"What happened to Loki after he helped Thor? Were they friends again?"

"That's a story for another time. Go to sleep now dear"

"Okay. Goodnight Mum"

"Goodnight Draco"