Hello and welcome to this one-shot! I'd like to point out this might be turned into an actual fic depending on the response, so don't hesitate to leave your (honest) thoughts as I'd love to hear them and improve my writing if necessary ^^
I hope you'll enjoy this and again: reviews are very much appreciated~!

Wisely has never gotten involved with Road's friends, not until he started to study Psychology at the Imperial College of London. He knew about them because his adoptive sister loved gossiping and telling him all about them whenever she crawled into his bed during the night. As siblings they were close, but since they went to different schools, in different cities at that, he didn't get to see her as much any longer.

One of her friends agreed to help her with her mathematics homework, since she needed to pass the exam in two months' time. They were sitting in the guest room, on the caramel colored carpet with two mugs of hot cocoa in front of them. Road was distracted by her phone, trying to show said friend the selfies she made (not the pretty ones you'd put up as a profile pic, but these being for Snapchat with weird faces). The boy smiled generously, a smile that seemed so cheerful and gentle that it caught Wisely's attention as he stood in the doorway, nailed to the ground, suddenly feeling too nervous to approach either of them.

He didn't only know this boy from the stories Road told him, but also from a figure who used to be the social worker assigned to Wisely. This social worker took Wisely away from his biological father who had no right to even call himself a parent, according to Sheryl. It happened when Wisely was only four years old. He didn't remember being taken away from that house, neither did he remember meeting his parents Sheryl and Tricia for the first time, but his adoptive parents have always been honest. Three years after he was adopted, he met the social worker Mana Walker again, together with the boy who was now sitting next to Road, making lighthearted jokes and trying to get their attention back to their math homework.

This boy was Allen Walker and honestly, no reasons as to why Wisely felt nervous came to mind, not at first at least. Ever since Mana introduced him to Allen when they were seven years old, he's always been intrigued by this boy. They both had white hair, both had been shy at the time, but Sheryl also told him they easily warmed up to each other and used to play at each other's homes quite a lot back then.

Was it a coincidence that Road was now such good friends with Allen Walker? He thought not. Somehow, the contact between the two families never entirely faded and those two had found each other when Road was still in middle school.

Why was he nervous? Was it because he was the son of the man who basically granted him a family who wouldn't dare hurt him purposefully, a family who loved and cared for him? Was it because he had the same smile as Mana Walker? The same gentle one that spoke a thousand words and more? Or was it something else entirely?

From what he knew about this boy, he was certain he was fun to hang around with. Their hobbies weren't all too different either and they both studied at university now (that was what Road told him at least). It should be easy to get acquainted with him once more then, shouldn't it?

Wisely gulped, wanting to speak up, but the words were stuck in his throat (an occurrence that did not happen often to Wisely Kamelot). His stomach felt funny, the nerves tickling him, making his throat feel tight, refusing to let any words through. Usually, Wisely was one to easily speak his mind, he had a sharp tongue and was often lively as well, unless he was focused on a certain task.

However, there were rare times where he became rather docile instead, a trait of his he wasn't fond of, since it made him all jittery and he had no idea what to do with it. Explaining other people's behavior came easily to him, but his own turmoil of emotions that coursed through him right there and then? That was a mystery he had yet to solve.

"Wisely!" Road sang cheerfully. "How long have you been standing there, brother? Did you just come home from campus?"

His thoughts snapped back to reality and Wisely perked up, pursing his lips and nodded. "It's weekend after all, which brings me to my first question. Why on earth are you making someone else help you with homework on a Friday? Aren't you always the one judging others for doing exactly that?" No matter his nerves, he could still be witty and respond accordingly, he thought proudly to himself.

A snort escaped the other whitehaired boy, Road hitting the back of his head in response. "Well, it's true, why don't you explain it to him, Road?" Allen gestured invitingly, hand pointed in the direction of the eldest of the Kamelot siblings.

Sighing, his sister rested her chin on one hand, her cunning smile then appearing. "I invited him because your life is way too boring, Wisely."

"I'm boring?" Wisely was perplexed. "That doesn't explain why you're the one doing your homework."

"Oh, please," came the immediate response. "I wanted you two to meet each other again after all these years! You never wanted to ca-"

"Right!" Wisely interrupted. "You pretended to do your homework, I get it now." He didn't let her finish on purpose because he knew what she was about to say. Wisely did ponder in the past whether he should contact Allen or not, but he never managed to pull through. Road tried to persuade him many times before, but he never listened to her. She did tend to try and hook Wisely up with other boys, even made him go on two blind dates (which went horribly wrong, mind you). He didn't exactly trust her any longer when it came to these things, so he supposed she'd had enough of Wisely being a nervous wreck about talking to Allen Walker.

He strode into the room and sat down with crossed legs on the floor. Holding out a hand, he showed an awkward smile. "Hi, Allen. Road never stops talking about you, if I have to be honest." Never mind her good intentions, she did this behind his back, so he thought a small payback was in order.
"Does she now?" Another laugh escaped the other teen, the nerves once again making their appearance in Wisely's stomach. Allen shook Wisely's hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you again. Mana told me quite a bit himself about our so-called play dates as children."

"Maybe you two should have these play dates again, hm?" Road suggested, Wisely immediately taking a pillow from the comfy chair and throwing it in her direction. She caught it however and stuck out her tongue. "Well, then, time for me to leave you two be. I'm done with mathematics anyway." After getting up, she left the room humming, clearly satisfied with her accomplishment.

"She didn't even do one assignment," Allen revealed, closing the book.

"I find it remarkable she even thought of doing homework instead of all the other things she could have chosen to do to waste time until I got here," Wisely continued, glancing at the book before looking back up at Allen. "How is Mr. Walker anyway? I haven't heard anything about him or you for years now."

Allen rubbed the back of his head, smile turning apologetic. "That's because he's not here right now, in Great Britain, I mean. He's in the United States. He has family living there."

Frowning surprised, Wisely bit back the questions that were forming in his mind already. He'd like to know more, but he guessed being too eager right off the bat wasn't a clever idea. It went wrong in the past, after all. "I see," he replied instead.

Allen hummed while fidgeting with a piece of paper on the table. "I had to stay with a close friend of his ever since, until I started working, that is."

"Working? I thought you studied." Wasn't that what Road mentioned? Did he mishear or assume wrong then?

"A-Ah, I did, stuff happened and now I'm kind of stuck with a job."

"Hm..?" Wisely hummed, the urge to ask more slowly starting to make its way to the surface.

"Oh, it's nothing special or exciting, just guarding kind of stuff." Well, wasn't he being vague?

"Guarding? Like a bodyguard? Forgive me, but you don't strike me as one who would be a bodyguard." And this was what Wisely meant with his sharp tongue. He never held back his thoughts, so he did wonder how Allen would take his words.

The other teen started to laugh however, the sound of it being lighthearted and with no judgment anywhere in the vicinity. "I suppose, but I'm stronger than I look, y'know?" He tilted his head to a side, a smile Wisely could only describe as 'charming' now appearing. Allen had his hands on the ground behind him, giving him a carefree look, reminding Wisely of someone else he knew… someone who was currently also in the United States. "Did you receive training then?" Wisely asked, letting go of his barriers to allow his curiosity to take over.

"Martial arts and general tricks for defense to get the better of someone." He nodded his head once, as if to appear proud, but playfully so.

"You have my respect for that at least then. I suck at both, majorly so."

"What? Did you try it then?"

"Well yeah, dad put me on karate, kung fu and even tried judo, but I never liked it." Wisely's figure was scrawny and thin. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, even if he admitted it himself, but anything that required a lot of physical movement was a big no for him. He could easily waste an entire day reading or binge-watching movies and tv series. It often drove his father crazy, saying 'youth these days were too lazy'. "It's just not my thing, I guess." Or any sport for that matter.

"Then what is Wisely's so-called thing?"

A small smile managed to appear on Wisely's face. "Books, comics, books...? Oh, and food, of course." The most exciting his life could get was reading a mind-blowing plot twist.

"Marvel or DC?" Allen asked.


"Spider-Man. You?"

"Marvel, Iron Man."

"Good choice," Wisely complimented.

"You too," Allen flashed back brightly. "What about books then. Fiction, literature?"

"Anything that's good, I suppose?"

"Hm, what about Japanese literature then?"

"Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human."

"Akutagawa Ryuunosuke for me."

"Interesting one. What about fantasy then?"

"That's got to be Tolkien's universe."

Wisely nodded. They were easily finding similarities now. This should make getting to know him easier.

"Hey, nerdos!" Road yelled, waltzing in with crisps, coke and three glasses. "Let's watch a series, I choose!"

Wisely held back a groan. He finally had the feeling their conversation had been going somewhere, after all. Allen smiled apologetically at him, although Wisely thought he should be the one apologizing for his sister and not Allen. "I thought you'd leave us alone, sister."

"Don't be silly. The world's awfully boring without me. Let's try Vikings. Ever watched that Allen? Wisely's a huge fan of it and Norse mythology in general."

"Really? That's interesting. I haven't had the pleasure yet."

Road turned on the tv. "Binge-watching season one, it is!"

Wisely sighed, giving in to his sister's whims, mind still processing the conversation earlier. There was quite a lot he still wanted to know about Allen and his first impression of him had been true. He easily warmed up to the other teen. He was open and friendly and didn't judge. Wisely liked it, since Allen also proved to be quite the interesting fellow. Wisely wondered if he could add him on Facebook or ask for his number later. Once again, the nerves mildly appeared, but this time, Wisely didn't exactly mind them. They were the good kind of nerves, ones that existed to stimulate oneself. What he didn't realize, was that he had been glancing at Allen while thinking all this, the other catching his eyes with his own grey hues, winking subtly before turning back to face the tv, Wisely's breath now caught in his throat.