-The Creep and The Slayer-

The monster was the best friend I ever had.

-Boris Karloff

Takes place sometime after "Creepslayerz", a bit before the season finale of Season 2.

Not a star shone in the sky, but the moon's rays cascaded downward into the sleepy suburb far below it. Nearly corner enjoyed the moons gentle embrace- but where there is light there will always be shadow, and certain creatures always know where to hide on even the brightest night.

One such denizen of the night scuttled through the hedges, taking care to avoid the moon's illuminating light.

The rangy animal crept towards an unremarkable dwelling, one of many in the vast suburbs of Arcadia. It muttered to itself as it did, snarling curses under its breath as a foot sank into a puddle of dog excrement.

A gush of raw yellow light flashed for a second as the creature fumbled. It frantically scraped it's foot, hissing in disgust until it realized what it had dropped.

The goblin abandoned all concerns for hygiene and carefully clasped it's claws around the object, the light highlighting a toothy jaw as it spread into a wide grin.

"Waka Chaka…" it murmured, carefully running it's long claws over a particularly sharp edge of the faintly glowing rock.

A loud snap echoed into the night, causing the creature to crouch down in anticipation. The ruckus had altered the residents of the house.

But this goblin felt no fear as a human crept into the driveway, waving a flashlight. It sneered, unperturbed that it's efforts to sneak into the house had failed.

This was just as well.

Eyes narrowed in contempt as the young boy waved his glow stick too and fro. A low growl rose in goblin's throat as it trembled, suddenly lifting up it's arm in a long arc.

The glowing rock sailed through the air, landing with a crack in the driveway. The boy echoed the sound with a horrified gasp, his flashlight tumbling to the ground.

The rock greedily drank in the moons rays, glowing ever brighter.

Not even human eyes could have missed it, but the creature watched as the boy flirted with a retreat, his senses apparently too dull to notice the fantastic mineral right in front of him.

The creature ground it's teeth as the human, at long last, noticed the bait and approached it carefully. The boy was clearly nervous, his head darting around, as if he knew prying eyes rested on him. He eventually leaned down over the rock anyway, making the goblin rub his hands together in delight.

But then the human leapt up, rushing back into his home. The creeper nearly cried out in disappointment, but the human had soon returned, carrying with him a jar and a sheet of paper.

He plopped the jar over the rock with a click, sliding the paper underneath the rock and then flipping the jar over as the creature seethed. It watched as the boy examined his prize, secure inside the glass jar. The creature bounced up and down slightly, unable to bottle up it's rage. The rock pulsated slightly, reflecting off of the boy's massive glasses.

The human gave once last stare into the night before turning back into his home with the rock, leaving the creature alone. It cursed and snarled, rushing up to peer into the boy's window from the bushes below. It could just make out the glow of it's gift in the boys bedroom, casting long shadows as the human continued to examine it.

The creature rubbed it's foot against a stick impatiently, still disappointed that the boy had denied it the ability to witness it's wicked revenge. It watched, waited.

For now, it was only a matter of time.