Anger boiled deep inside his system, as hot as lava, as explosive as dynamite. It churned within, made him hungry for destruction. It was too much for him to handle. Madness took the best of him. He kept reliving the nightmares he used to have of Anna and another man, a handsome young man. His wife and the man were walking together, smiling, hand in hand in a beautiful garden. A garden he had never seen before, or so he thought. Were the dreams a premonition of some kind? He should have been wiser, that woman was never to be tamed.

The pressure of the raging sea of anger had forced him to say things he did not mean, made him expose thoughts he thought he had suppressed for weeks. Because he knew, deep inside he had always known, things weren't normal for weeks now. He always thought it was just a phase, they'd be alright, right? Wrong! Fuck, he had been so damn wrong this time.

He knew he should have gotten out of her way before he erupted in that furious state. But the anger pull was too strong, he didn't stop it.

"You're one lucky, man." "She's way too pretty for you. What have you done to win her over, fella?" "Wow! Your bride is stunning. You hit jackpot, man!" He remembered people say. That's how they congratulated him on their wedding day. Basically, everyone was saying he was biting more than he could chew. They were right all along.

Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in his eyes. He knew that eventually, that feeling would pass, but while it hadn't, he was well aware he could end up really hurting people. Well, he had hurt Anna already, hadn't he? Physically? He wasn't sure. Psychologically and emotionally? Most definitely.

"Idiot that I am, she's probably in his arms right now. If there was nothing between them as she said, now there is."

He felt like howling into the night, screaming his pain away. He needed to escape. He had to run away from his own shame and guilt. He had to see her, she needed to know he never meant to treat her like that. Only then, he remembered his daughter. That he had one innocent little girl who was at home, asleep. He was the parent in charge, but he needed to go. He couldn't simply stay and stare at the walls. He placed a call and asked their neighbor to watch the little one for him while he was out. He wouldn't be long, he said. He lied unashamedly. He didn't know how long he would be out, nor where he was headed.

Fists clenched, hard staring eyes, he bolted out of their house, taking his gun, out of habit, perhaps. Would he use the gun if he saw his wife with another man? He didn't give that any thought. The gun he always carried around had become second skin to him. The idea of leaving it behind hadn't even crossed his mind.

Allowing the darkness he felt swallow him whole, he pushed the pedal to the ground and sped away. Shame and jealousy were flowing through his veins, they were his fuel. He didn't have a destination in mind, but the tracking device he had placed in Anna's car for her own protection would come in hand for the very first time.


Her eyes shone brightly at the sight of him, the awe easily visible on her facial expression revealed it was as if she was seeing him in all his naked glory for the first time ever.

"My God! Is this for real?" She thought as her eyes feasted on his perfectly sculpted body, she licked her lips in anticipation and sighed deeply. Their eyes locked, both hearts were racing wildly. As much as he wanted her, he was uncomfortable with the fact their sex was going to be a means to an end. On her end, it was all like a wet dream had come true. She forgot about everything else, it was just him and that luscious moment they were sharing.

"I want you. All of you." She whispered to him as her fingers found his body and gently moved to his chest, outlining his muscles. He sat on the bed and, without further ado, she straddled his lap, lowering her gorgeous body on top of him. Her nipples were pointing right at his face and he couldn't help smiling appreciatively. He leaned back, placing one hand on her hip and the other one on her ass. He kneaded her curvaceous booty, and she let him, smiling mischievously at him. Inch by inch, they became one. Anna moaned loudly feeling her inner walls stretching for him at the very first thrust. The sensation was exhilarating. She felt amazing as she began to rock gently back and forth above him. Her breasts bounced with her movements and had Remy LeBeau hypnotized.

With each rhythmic movement, she moaned louder. With each thrust, a wave of pleasure invaded her, that man awakened sensations she never knew existed.

What made him that delicious? Why was he that special?

She experienced a deja-vu moment when he put her on her fours and instead of entering her once more and getting his pleasure, his knees dropped to the floor, his hands rested on her ass and his tongue licked and lips sucked all of her sex, each entrance, driving her into absolute ecstasy. She came hard, so gloriously hard. Her sex was still in spasms when he penetrated her again. It was like his game was to make her orgasm as many times as possible before he orgasmed himself. The more she thought about it, the more she felt like she'd seen that before. Did she see that in some porn movie? Or did some friend tell her about a lover who did it just like that? She couldn't quite place it, but didn't dwell on that feeling too much longer.

"Just stop analyzing and feel the moment, you silly." A voice said inside her head, the voice of her own conscience, she thought.

He thrust into her again and again, harder and deeper than before. 'He must be close', she thought as she scratched his back. He groaned lowly as she dug her nails into his back. Her moaning was music to his ears and invigorated him. He could feel her body clenching up on him as he slammed his body against her, time and again.

"Oh, my! Oh, God! Remy! I'm… I'm coming!"

He tensed and trembled. Her whole body was shaking with the intensity of their lovemaking. She had completely lost all control of the sounds of pleasure leaving her lips when she felt the heat as he emptied himself inside her.

Once it was all over, he wrapped his toned arms around her waist and nestled his face against her neck.

"Rogue, I love you!" He whispered in her ear while lovingly stroking her hair. "I love you so much. I'm sorry." She smiled and hugged him, then gave him a peck.

"Sorry? Sorry for what, Mr. LeBeau? You just gave me the best sex of my life!", she confessed. He stared at her wide-eyed.

Damn it! She was still Mrs. Bishop!

Just then, they hear a loud thump outside. As fast as lightning, Lucas Bishop stormed into the room but he stopped abruptly as if he'd hit an invisible stone wall when he saw the couple naked in bed. His wife was in another man's arms. The other man was tall and handsome: slim, muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. Plus, he had some eyes, that guy! Mesmerizing devil eyes! How could she not be attracted to him?

'He may be the devil himself!' Lucas thought. 'But he screwed my wife and now he's going to pay for it!' Without a second of hesitation, he drew his gun on the man who had stolen his wife. Little did he know that the wife in question was never his. Her heart and soul belonged to Remy LeBeau all along.

"Lucas! No!" She threw herself on top of the man who had just made love to her and shielded him. "If you're gonna shoot him, then you'll have to shoot me first." It reminded Remy of the time Vargas drove his sword through her body and his. That woman and her ways! She was always up for saving his ass, no matter what. No one in their right mind could blame him for being stupid, completely and forever in love with her.

"Anna, how could you? How could you do this to me? To us! To our family! To our daughter?"

"Hey, leave my little princess out of this!"

At that very instant, a thought struck Remy. They have never said the child's name. Never! That had to be it, the key to prove them it was all just a fantasy.

"Enough!" Gambit demanded, turning to Rogue. "This isn't real. None of this is real! You're not his wife and you have never looked at Rogue that way, Bishop. Can't you guys see? This is an illusion. We are in the astral plane!"

"Oh, no, sugar. Not again. Now is not the time. I thought you were over that!"

"You have some nerve, you fucker! Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow up your head right now. You fuck my wife and try to pull this ridiculous stunt? I'm not stupid! This is not Matrix, blue pill, red pill…" He trailed off. "Say your prayers before I…" but Gambit interrupted him.

"What's your daughter's name?" He asked quietly. None of them replied, both of them were wrecking their brains, Anna's face contorted in agonizing pain. "I said what on Earth is your daughter's name?" He shouted at them this time.

Both of them remained speechless.

This couldn't be happening! What kind of parents didn't know their own daughter's name! Unless, there had never been a daughter, nor house, nor family, Remy had been right all along, this was nothing but an illusion. And they fell into the trap so easily! Like lambs to the slaughter.

Rogue started crying inconsolably.

"My daughter! I loved her. So, is she not real?" She didn't break quietly, it was like every atom of her being screamed in unison, traumatized that her beloved daughter simply did not exist. When the wracking sobs passed she cried in such a desolate way that brought tears to Bishop's eyes. He understood what she was going through.

Slowly realization sank into both of them. They realized they had been nothing but pawns at the hands of Shadow King. Being completely possessed by that entity, they lived a life of lies. Bishop's eyes were glued to the floor, he was visibly embarrassed by all the things they did and shared during that time.

"So what happens now?" Bishop asked Remy. From the moment they found out the truth, they were all miraculously dressed up. Now they were in what seemed to be an empty dark room.

"I think we are out of the astral plane, somewhere in between. I guess we just wake up. Try and make the conscious decision of opening your eyes. Bishop was the first to disappear. Rogue and Gambit locked eyes and remained in silence for a brief moment.

"You said you loved me." She said.

"I did and I meant it." He replied, boldly staring into her eyes as he said the words.

"I don't know how I'll cope, Remy. It's as if I lost someone, not just an acquaintance, someone important, you know? The pain is just so real."

"I hear you, chére. I'll be there for you if you want me to. You'll get over it, eventually. You were always the strong one, remember?"

"Ok, let's just rip off the bandaid, shall we?"

"D'accord. I'll see you on the other side, chére."

"Remy! Before we go, I'd like to say, thank you. Thank you for everything, Remy." She reached for his hands and gave him a kiss, not a mere thank-you kiss, but a full on, open-mouthed, almost sexual kiss. Then, closing her eyes shut, she willed herself awake.


Rogue and Bishop had both decided they didn't want to keep memories of their daughter that were so hurtful, caused them both so much pain and asked Psylocke if she could erase the memories they had from the astral plane.

"I'd never be able to work with Rogue with all those memories, memories of us having sex and stuff. That was all very… embarrassing. And Rogue, I know she's having a hard time, and so am I, with the memory of us being parents to a pretty little girl." He confessed to the British telepath before their session.

"Very well, I can understand that, Lucas."

After an hour, it was Rogue's turn to go in. Bishop emerged out of the lab with a smile on his face.

"So, was it all right, sugar? What do you remember our time in the astral plane?" She asked him with curiosity.

"That we were trapped there and Remy rescued us. It's all a bit foggy. I guess there was a memory I really wanted to get rid of, right? We must have been some crazy shit over there!"

"Oh, well. I don't wanna spoil what the good telepath has just done for you." She said and blinked at him as she walked past him towards the medical facility. "Oh my, I have to forget that Bishop has that massive cock of his! I can barely look at him as it is right now. " She chuckled to herself.

"Before we get started, Betsy, I have only one request."

"Fair enough. I am all ears, darling."

"You gotta promise you'll keep this request confidential."

"Naturally." Psylocke nodded.

"I don't want to forget about what Remy and I lived over there. How he saved me, the love we've made, and that he also, well, he said he loved me and I really don't want to forget that." Braddock gasped in surprise. Then, a smile followed. Anna mirrored her.

"I think that is a very wise decision, Rogue. I wouldn't want to forget something like that either. Now relax, and focus on everything you want to forget, guide me as we go, will you?"

"Thanks, Betsy. I'll show you everything I want gone, sugar. Especially, a certain cock going down my throat. That simply has to go!"

The two women laughed out loud at that. Rogue could joke all she wanted, what was really impairing was the fact that she missed a child that never existed. She had to let go and seemed unable to do it on her own.


It was a warm day and he just had an intense workout session. He was exhausted. He stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. His mind was in shreds; he would never get that picture out of his mind, beautiful Anna heartbroken, crying for the loss of the child she never had. He turned the dial, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening his hair, they trickled down his back. His eyes fell closed, each time showing him the images like photographs, his Rogue kissing his lips, straddling him, enveloping his body with her own, and the sweet smile on her face as he declared his love for her. Even though her memories were not in place then, she was still his sweet loving Anna. His daydreaming was short-lived though, from his bedroom came the sound of his phone ringing. The ringtone had been specially assigned for her, he'd better pick up.

"Bonjour, boss. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call? Don't tell me you have some urgent mission! Please, please, don't!"

"Remy, when you hear about this mission I have in store for you, you're gonna pay me a million bucks."

"I seriously doubt that, mon ami." He said and sighed. "Just cut to the chase, s'il vous plait."

"Ok, remember we were talking the other day, me and you? About Rogue and you, the latest mission you were in together and all that? Well, here it goes. Cerebra picked up a large number of mutants just vanishing, and it looks very suspicious, we need to investigate…"

"Chére, hold on a minute. And what does Rogue or I have to do with this?"

"Ok, ok. I'm so excited for you! I know you're gonna love this! Three words: you, Rogue, island."

"Why didn't you say so? Where do I sign up?"


The End


Author's notes: Thank you, everyone, who had faith in me, and pestered me to finish writing this story in reviews and PMs LOL I hate it that I left the story abandoned for so long, but a lot has happened. I moved to a whole 'nother continent and went off writing for a while. But I don't ever want to be the writer who just abandons a fic. I know what it's like to wait for a chapter to come out and it never does. So here you are, I hope you enjoyed it.