A/N: OK. Apologies for the wait if People are still interested in this.

I've had huge Writer's Block for this Story so I think I'm going to end it here.

I appreciate all the views and Reviews received but I honestly can't continue dragging this dead body of a Story if it's going nowhere.

Anyways. On to the last Chapter that took Forever to start and complete. Enjoy.

Sweetheart was fixed, now Dean and Cas could leave whenever they wanted but they found themselves attached to the stadium.

"So, will be leaving soon? We've gotten what we came for" Cas wondered

"Not just yet. I want to make one last tour of the place, you know, check for supplies we missed or something you want to keep"

"Are collectables necessary?" Cas pulled a face

"Not like we're ever going to come back to this place"

"Dean, we should head out as soon as possible"

The Winchester didn't dignify a response, merely rolling his eyes taking one last purposely slow walk around the car show

"Sammy you would have loved this, man. It's everything you and I imagined. I miss you little Brother and I hope wherever you are you finally got some peace. If you're in Hell save a seat for me yeah? I'll be right there next to you helping however I can. I'll be seeing you soon little Brother"

Turning back Dean knew this was his end, his final day spend with the leftovers of what his Angel use to be

"Hey Cas" Dean shouted over

"Yes Dean?" Cas called back

"Start up Sweetheart. We're heading up to get the best view"

"You mean the dissolved Hollywood sign's view?"

"Yeah. It'll be good"

Cas nodded as Dean approach, Sweetheart's engine purred to life "She's all yours Fearless Leader"

Dean scoffed but held a smile "Don't ever change, Cas"

"There's nothing left for me to change in to, Dean. I'll pack our gear into the trunk"

Dean had planned his route out of the Stadium, it could easily squeeze through the gallery of cars and displays and head outside onto the safe roads to head towards their chosen destination. No Croats were lurking around here anymore, if they were Cas and Dean didn't pay attention to them as they were safe.

Reaching the sign didn't take as long as either thought, they sat on Sweetheart's hood watching as the sun began to dip into the horizon line. Another breath-taking sunset enveloped the pair

"Dean, why are we up here instead of heading towards California like you planned?"

"Things change, Cas. There's no point following rumours forever, that's what dedicated me to find the Colt and blow Sam apart. I don't need that again. I'm tired of it all, living on the road - two lane asphalt - as you once called it, I'm done with this Cas and

I'd rather have my last day sitting with my best friend on a car enjoying the view than hauling my ass across America to find nothing"

"Your last day?" Cas' body switched numb, Dean couldn't be saying this

A pained smile drew upon Dean's face as watery emerald eyes met fearful sapphire ones

Cas wanted to argue every point he could think of but words ere clogged beneath the bolder in his throat

"NO!" Cas threw himself over Dean "No! You can't! I won't allow it, Dean! I've lost everything imaginable I can't lose you too!" The former Angel sobbed into Dean coat.

At first Dean focussed on being knocked sideways then the deafening words piercing his ears but he needed to keep himself steady in order to do this which was damn near impossible when his best friend was lost in his emotional breakdown, Dean could

barely understand what Cas was saying, it was instinct to just hold him until he stopped.

It took nearly ten minutes before Cas unearthed his swollen face, sniffling away "I can't lose you"

Dean hugged Cas again "You won't. Remember when Gabriel came back? He told you about returning to Heaven right?"

Cas nodded his head, holding Dean in a vice grip as the sun continued it's departure, for Cas the sun was a sand-timer, each second dripping away never to be seen again

"Well you think he'll let you be all alone up there?"

"No, but it won't be the same!" Cas broke again crushing the Winchester in desperation

Dean rocked them side to side, he was contempt in his decision, he shut down all emotion for this except happiness because he would be with Cas in the dream world with Sam, Jess, Mom and Dad, everyone but that wasn't there on Earth, Dean needed to open that door

"It's OK, Cas" He whispered gently

The remaining wisps of amber were fading now. Cas had calmed down but didn't stop holding Dean.

"It's time Cas" Dean's voice didn't waver, nor did it crack. This was it.

Cas pulled away from Dean "I will release you from this world, Dean Winchester. I gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition and now I will be the one to open the doors to your Heaven. It was a privilege knowing you"

Dean didn't hesitate in revealing the Angel Blade and handing it to Castiel "Thank you, Cas. For everything"

Dean gave one last glance at the world he knew and hated, the Apocalypse he couldn't stop, the Earth had failed him so he was simply returning the favour. No-one should have that kind of pressure on their shoulders from four years old and now Dean was finally letting go.


The Winchester had a true smile on his face, "Goodbye Cas"


With the heavy breaking heart Castiel pierced Dean Winchester's chest with the Angel Blade, screaming out to anyone who would listen "Dean Winchester is Saved!" Taking Dean's life was the trickiest task Castiel would ever have to perform, taking his own life while holding Dean's cooling limp hand was a breeze.

"Gabriel, if you can hear me please... take Dean and I into Heaven. Let Sam and Dean rest together for eternity. You and I can rebuild Heaven and reshape what Earth once was"

Stabbing himself in the same spot as Dean's Castiel died holding Dean's Winchester's hand lying on the hood of a car no-one would remember or even acknowledge, their crimson blood pooled together against the viridian and the dusk skyline.

"As you wish, little Brother" Gabriel snapped his fingers.

The last noise Castiel heard was the flutter of Archangel wings.


The Winchester was sure he was dreaming, Sam wasn't meant to be here

"Dean? You awake in there?" Sam's voice was muffled slightly

The elder Winchester finally snapped out of his trance, he was sitting in Baby on a driveway that hadn't existed in years suddenly remembering a conversation with his Angel.

"You'll be right here? Don't- Don't start running ahead of me, OK".

"Of course, Dean"

Turning his head Castiel was there holding his hand with confidence and patience, still keeping the soft smile against his face


"Hello Dean"

"What happened?"

"What do you mean? You parked the Impala, you were excited to visit your family. remember?"

Whipping his head over the scene played out before him again; Mary, John, Sam and Jessica were all waiting for him outside in the front garden of their original house in Lawrence, smiles all around and there were two little girls running about, one blonde and the other brunette. Dean recognised them to be his nieces. Once again he stared at Cas who was warmly watching the family behind Dean. It was luck sunlight beamed into the Baby's windows as something shone into Dean's peripheral vision; it was a gold band curling perfectly around Cas' finger.

"Yeah" Dean could of cried in relief at that moment, his dream came true he was in Heaven, Cas was an Angel, his family was alive and the world wasn't going to shit. No Apocalypse, no Supernatural monsters to defeat. It was perfect "I wouldn't be anywhere else"

"Thank you Dean" Cas's voice altered for a second "For everything"

"No problem, Cas" Dean knew he was speaking to the 2014 Cas for just that fraction of a second "Have a good afterlife. You deserve it too"

Cas blinked, his Angel was back again "I believe the twins are getting impatient with us"

"Then let's not keep them waiting a second longer"

Opening Baby's doors, Dean and Cas joined in with their family. Dean was home and he wasn't going anywhere this time.

Castiel woke up to find himself in Gabriel's arms, he could feel the surge of his power ravish within him


"Sleeping Beauty awakes! Come on, Cas. Heaven and Earth isn't going to fix itself. Oh and Dean is loving his personal spot, Sam is right next door, who'd have thought their Heavens would be so different yet similar"

Castiel smiled

"I'm home"

"Yep, all powered up and everything, now let's go. Our Brothers and Sisters are awaiting instructions"

"For what?"

"For rebuilding and fixing Earth. Dad came home, we have to clean up Lucifer and Michael's mess but then he's starting again!" Gabriel couldn't hide the excitement in his voice after the lull of mentioning Michael and Lucifer

"You mean we have a second chance?"

"Yeah! Now move your feathers! We gotta go"

Castiel grinned, he was home and this time he could finally protect Humans correctly this time and serve God without Doubt or Worry. He would have God to show them the way of what is right and what isn't.

He could finally Shepard the Humans under his Charge, that was all Castiel wanted. Though his heart would ache for the Winchesters he could visit them whenever he pleased. He was home and it was time to start again.

Extra Note: Finished!

Yes the ending was sappy - I admit it - but I preferred it this way. The Cas and Dean of this Endverse universe Do wind up going their own separate ways but they go their separate ways almost together, because no matter where one of them end up going alone the other one will always be right there beside them.

I had lost inspiration with this Story and ended it Happily because in the Croatoan Universe things turned to Absolute Shit; Cas and Dean only really had each other and I think they deserved their peace and happiness at the end.

Please let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading this Viewers. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support.