Dear readers, dear friends,

sorry that you have heard near to nothing from me over the last year. Few of you had known that I was pregnant and supposed to give birth to a healthy child in September last year.

God had his own plans with us. Our little girl died in my womb 2 days before our original delivery date. I'm not writing this so that you're pitying me or something like that. It was and still is a very hard time for us, especially because our baby girl was healthy until her sudden death. We don't know why this had happened and we'll probably never get an answer. I can only hope and believe that god had his reasons to take her away from us.

In aspect of that, I'm sure you understand that I haven't really thought of this story over the last months. But I will continue it some time, perhaps sooner than later. I still have 2 or 3 chapters outlined after the actual one, so I hope you'll stay with me ;)

And I have good news, too. I'm getting married this year :) Therefore it will be really busy until May, but we're looking forward to it (naturally ;) ).

Stay healthy!

Until then,
