Disclaimer: I don't own this fictional franchise, and I've definitely never tried to activate my Bankai. Not even once.


Their first date was a dinner wreathed in the soft glow of lantern light, and both of them tried to ignore the obvious spying of their squad mates. Yachiru wore a kimono of pale violet silk which deepened to twilight blue towards the edges, embroidered with delicate tracings of silver mist, a gift from Captain Unohana she'd rarely gotten the opportunity to wear. Poor Hanatarō was at least dressed smartly, thanks to the interference from the women he worked with, but he was so nervous and awkward he managed to spill his water twice and bumble the pronunciation of his own name.

He was dejectedly sure Yachiru would never speak to him again, as he escorted her home in the fading dusk, but to his surprise, she was practically walking on air, her smile never fading for more than a moment. His confusion only grew. Was she just happy the date was over? "I-I'm sorry again for being so awkward tonight," Hanatarō confessed, wishing his voice sounded more confident and manly. "And I'm grateful I got even one date with you, honestly!" he added on hurriedly, sure he was going to offend her somehow. "I just wish I hadn't ruined everything."

Yachiru stopped walking, looking up at him with a trace of confusion in her lovely magenta eyes. Her vanilla perfume mixed with the wafting scent of honeysuckles in the still night air. "You didn't ruin anything, silly," she scolded him, a hint of reproof in her honey sweet voice. "I had a lot of fun tonight! Did you see Ikkaku hiding behind that newspaper? I could see the glint of his bald head from all the way across the restaurant!" She laughed, delighted at the memory.

Hanatarō flushed faintly, looking away. "I'm glad you got some fun out of tonight," he mumbled dejectedly. Her smile was because of her teammates. Of course. "I'll just walk you home, and then you don't have to see me again," he said even lower, sure he would be reincarnated as a boring sea sponge in his next life, since it would match his personality and appeal.

Yachiru half skipped at his side, looking thoughtfully at the night sky. "You were pretty terrible," she agreed, smiling wider at the memory. "I didn't know someone could hiccup and sneeze at the same time. And you even hit your head on the back of the chair!"

Hanatarō slumped lower, his dejection complete. "But you know," the pink haired girl continued, tapping her lip with one finger. "That was when I realized I wanted to go out with you again!"

Hanatarō looked up at her sidelong through his hair. "You wanted someone to laugh at more?" he guessed sadly.

"Nope!" Yachiru insisted, shaking her head emphatically. "Well…maybe a little," she confessed, smiling again despite herself. "But the truth is, Re-chan told me I would know for sure a guy liked me by how nervous he was when we first went out together."

Hanatarō blinked, straightening just a little. "Captain Unohana said that?"

Yachiru nodded happily. "About the time Ten-chan brought me to dinner, actually. He was pretty nervous too, but I think that was just because Kenny threatened to break any part of him that touched me."

Hanatarō went as pale as snow. "I-I can see how that would make someone nervous!" he stuttered, wondering with horror if that rule applied to him as well.

Oblivious to his terror, Yachiru peered at him sidelong, mischief dancing in her eyes. "And by that logic, you must like me a whole lot, since you were so awkward and nervous you almost died!" Hanatarō's blush deepened to a shade which would make a tomato jealous. She beamed at him, her contentment with their date complete.

"Can I ask you a question?" Hanatarō asked, after they walked in silence for a time. Yachiru turned to him, her gaze questioning, and he avoided looking directly into her eyes so his brain would function properly. "Why'd you say yes? When I asked you to dinner, I mean."

He'd thought it was an easy question, but Yachiru pursed her lips. "I'll tell you another time," she promised, and for a moment he saw something like wistful sadness flash in her beautiful eyes. "Thanks for walking me home." He startled, realizing they had indeed made it all the way back to the Squad Eleven Barracks.

He stood awkwardly, panicking as he realized he had no idea what to do next. Was a hug too informal? But what if a kiss was too much? She'd said she wanted to see him again, but he could definitely still blow it!

He'd just decided on a firm handshake when Yachiru leaned up on her tiptoes, kissing his cheek in farewell. His thoughts went silent all at once, like wind extinguishing a candle, and he stared in shock, struck mute.

Yachiru opened the door, turning back to look at him over her shoulder. "Oh, and Hanatarō? Next time, I choose what we do for our date! Bring as much confetti as you can find, okay?"

She laughed, leaving Hanatarō staring numbly at the door, his hand touching the warmth on his cheek, with a ridiculous smile on his lips.

Little did he know they would both almost die on their next date.

Of course, since Yachiru was choosing their 'fun' activity, it really shouldn't have surprised him when they ended up blasting Byakuya Kuchiki with confetti and streamers during his evening tea ceremony, courtesy of hidden tunnels Yachiru had been constructing beneath the captain's house for decades.

While they ran from the irate captain, and his personal home security force, their route to the escape tunnel was cut off unexpectedly. Hanatarō had saved the day, by leading Yachiru into the sanitation tunnels beneath the Soul Society. They'd disappeared right out from under the noses of their pursuers like ghosts – and as a high ranking officer of the medical squad, Hanatarō knew every twist and turn in the tunnels.

The moment it sunk in that they'd gotten away, Hanatarō had laughed, really truly laughed, actual tears forming in the corners of his eyes at the memory of the cool and composed Byakuya being blasted with a confetti cannon mid sip of his chai tea. Yachiru laughed right along with him, the high of the adrenaline rush and near escape from death making the prank all the funnier.

Yachiru had launched into a strategy for a new prank system utilizing Hanatarō's knowledge of the secret sanitation tunnels, using her hands to describe her ideas, and he just watched as her face lit up with excitement and childish joy.

It was only much later that he realized he'd been so preoccupied by the danger and fun of their date that he hadn't been a nervous wreck. This prompted a mini panic attack, since Yachiru had mentioned she liked his nervousness from their first date, and only Isane was able to calm him down. "Just be yourself!" the lieutenant scolded him, shaking her finger. "Don't overthink it too much. Yachiru-chan said yes to another date, so the pressure is off. Just have fun!"

He'd been nervous anyways, but a sudden uprising of Hollows cancelled their plans two days later. A few deft alterations in scheduling courtesy of Captain Unohana coincidentally put Hanatarō on support duty for Yachiru's squad.

They had their first fight during the mission, though the objective was completed without issue. Hanatarō had foolishly mentioned Squad Eleven's notoriously bad Kidō skills, which had always been a sore subject between their two squads, and Yachiru's hot defense of her beloved squad was quick and fierce. Kidō wasn't as useful as pure battle skill after all! They'd parted ways when the mission was complete to cool down.

Yachiru pouted and grumbled to herself for the better part of the afternoon after their fight, and showed up unexpectedly in the courtyard to ask Hanatarō for a small lesson in healing Kidō, something she'd never expressed an interest in before. He'd smiled and agreed with relief, having been on the verge of apologizing to her as well for belittling the skill of Squad Eleven.

Despite their relationship progressing smoothly, there were many who didn't quite understand how such a thing had happened…

"It doesn't make sense," Ikkaku Madarame griped, staring with frustrated confusion at the couple across the courtyard, as if they were some kind of fever dream sprouting from eating bad cheese before bed. "Those two have nothing in common, except for being overly feminine! What do they even talk about?"

"I-It does seem a little odd," Isane agreed, her smile and rigid posture seeming forced. "After all, Hanatarō is such a sweet boy, and Yachiru is…well, that is to say…" She wanted to say 'a self-centered and immature monster who worshipped Kenpachi Zaraki, the veritable god of violence', but it seemed rude to say out loud.

The curious group of bystanders watched Hanatarō explain a simple technique from his guide scroll. Yachiru concentrated on her hands, and sparks of healing energy shot out unexpectedly. She laughed with pleasure while Hanatarō praised her progress.

"It's completely absurd," Ikkaku muttered, trying and failing to reconcile what he saw. "They'll never last."

"I wouldn't be so certain, Third Seat Madarame."

The group flinched horribly as one, as Captain Unohana spoke from directly behind them. None of them had heard her arrive. She smiled faintly, looking with approval at the new couple. "Couples who seem different on the outside are often unexpectedly well matched. Light complements shadow, colors mix and blend, life flirts with death. Those two complement each other well. Can't you see it?"

Isane and Ikkaku stared across the courtyard again with concentration. The seconds ticked by in silence, and Captain Unohana sighed.

"Perhaps I should be clearer. It is certainly true that Hanatarō lacks ambition and drive, but Yachiru is already supporting him to better himself, by encouraging him to take the captain level certification course for medical Kidō. And Yachiru may be a little self-centered and childish…but look! She is learning healing Kidō for the first time, so Hanatarō thinks well of her, a decision which will undoubtedly benefit her squad members in the future."

"I-I guess I can see a little of where you're coming from, Captain Unohana," Isane agreed, though the tall young woman still seemed skeptical.

"Ten thousand kan says Yachiru kills him within a month," Ikkaku declared, his wide smile suggesting the thought wasn't entirely displeasing to him.

Yumichika spoke up from the first time, though he almost appeared to be sleeping, leaning deliberately against the wall with his eyes closed. "Personally, I support their relationship," he declared, seeming bored. "Lieutenant Kusajishi hasn't been paying as much attention to us lately, which can only be a good thing."

Captain Unohana's soft smile never wavered, as she watched Yachiru and Hanatarō talk and laugh without a care in the world. "Soul Reapers can live for an endlessly long time," she murmured, the knowledge of a thousand summers whispering through her words. "Things stay the same for decades, sometimes. But look. Don't they look like they're having fun?" Yachiru laughed with delighted surprise, empathizing her point, as the rabbit she'd been practicing on hopped into her lap, his sprained foot healed. She held up the white bunny, dubbing him 'Sir Fluffbottom'.

"Perhaps they won't last," Unohana said, her serenity untarnished. "But these experiences will become precious memories, untarnished by the flow of the years. How could such smiles not carry value?" Her voice rose, carrying easily across the courtyard to Hanatarō and Yachiru. "Isn't that right, Captain Zaraki?"

Hanatarō had been about to touch Yachiru's arm, but he snatched his hands back at her words. "Kenny!" Yachiru burst out, skipping across the courtyard happily. "Look! I healed this rabbit!" She held out Sir Fluffbottom for his inspection.

Kenpachi eyed the fluffy white bunny with annoyance, which only grew when the cute creature did not react to his presence, besides twitching his pink nose. He grunted once, his eyes dragging up to look at Hanatarō, who froze with fear.

"Oh, Captain Zaraki," Unohana cut in smoothly, before the fearsome man could speak. "I'm afraid I have another mission for you from Head Captain Yamamoto. It's terribly urgent – you'll need to leave right away."

"I just got back," Kenpachi growled irritably, snatching the folder Unohana held towards him. "The old man is working me to the bone lately! And it's never anything worth my time…"

"It can't be helped. Your expertise is required."

Kenpachi grunted with annoyance. He glared at Hanatarō with the scorching wrath of the devil, his spiritual pressure crushing the air between them. "I'll be back in five minutes," the murderous man declared, his tone dead serious.

"B-But captain, that's physically impossible!" Hanatarō stammered, cowering beneath the spiritual onslaught.

"Watch me, scum," Kenpachi retorted, turning away deliberately.

Yachiru beamed as Kenpachi disappeared. "You didn't even pass out!" she praised him affectionately, patting his head as if he were Sir Fluffbottom. "That's really impressive! I've seen Kenny make a grown man sob like a baby with that same glare! Good for you!"

"T-Thanks," Hanatarō mumbled, seeming abashed at the dubious praise.

"Wasn't there something you've been meaning to ask Lieutenant Kusajishi, Hanatarō?" Isane cut in, with a hint of suggestion.

Red bloomed on Hanatarō's cheeks. "Yeah! Um," he mumbled, twiddling his fingers together nervously, as Yachiru looked up at him through her side swept pink bangs curiously. "Yachiru Kusajishi," Hanatarō managed, his face bright red. "Would you like to…go to the Millennium Ball with me?"

"Of course!" Yachiru exclaimed happily, positively glowing. "If you hadn't asked me after all this, I would have kidnapped you and dragged you there anyways!"

"That's so funny," Hanatarō said good naturedly, sighing with relief…oblivious to how dead serious the pretty girl had been. "I would have asked you sooner, but my dancing skills were really rusty, and I didn't want to embarrass you…I've been practicing ballroom dance with one of the grannies in my squad this past week," he admitted, touching the back of his head self-consciously as he looked down.

Ikkaku and Yumichika blanched at this confession, dying inwardly. "Don't admit that, you fool!" Ikkaku complained. "That's so lame!"

Yachiru pouted, and they were sure Hanatarō had just blown it. "I just wish you'd practiced with me," Yachiru admitted, petting her new rabbit absentmindedly. "I like spending time with you."

"Hey, Ikkaku, how did that work?" Yumichika wondered out loud, as if their conversation couldn't be heard by everyone there.

"Who can fathom the inner workings of the female mind?" Ikkaku sighed in response.

Yachiru pursed her lips, seeming to come to a decision. "Hey, Hanatarō? There's something I wanted to talk to you about. Meet me on top of Sōkyoku Hill tonight, okay?"


Hanatarō didn't know what he'd expected, but a picnic was not it.

"Hey!" Yachiru called out happily, adjusting the edge of the cute blanket set near the cliff overlooking the Soul Society. Pink candles flickered warmly in the still night, set around a midnight snack for two arranged on the plush blanket. "I'm glad you could make it. I'm just about set up, alright?"

"What is all this?" Hanatarō asked, confused but not displeased. He walked forward, his doleful blue eyes wide. A wicker picnic basket sat near the blanket, lined with a cheery polka dot trim. There was even a little bouquet of bellflowers and yarrow in a tiny blue vase, the two flowers representing their squads.

"Kenny found me putting together supplies, and insisted on joining us," Yachiru said obliviously, and her date flinched horribly. "But I gave him the wrong location, with such confusing directions he won't find out it was a trick for at least twenty four hours, haha!"

"Oh," Hanatarō breathed, trying not to sound too relieved. He smiled faintly, twirling the ends of his shoulder length hair between his fingers. No one had ever done something so nice for him before. "This is all so nice," he said lamely, wishing he was better with words. Yachiru smiled, seeming to understand, and invited him to sit.

They shared stories while they snacked, since Yachiru's 'meal' was ninety percent junk food, chatting about nothing in particular and everything at all. After the cupcakes and eclairs lay forgotten, and the moon had risen high over the Soul Society, bathing the traditional roof tops in a wash of silver, Yachiru fell silent, staring at the star dusted sky with a wistful expression. "You know," she admitted finally, kicking her legs fearlessly as she sat on the very brink of the cliff, "I called you up here for another reason. Truth is, I have a bit of a confession."

"Oh?" Hanatarō asked. He wondered what could bring such a serious response out of Yachiru Kusajishi. "What is it?"

She was silent for a long time, as if weighing her words carefully, making him wait. "I don't really know you very well," the beautiful young woman confessed, all trace of joking gone from her sweet tone. "You've always been around, unnoticeable but there. And I looked past you all these years, because you weren't as flamboyant or energetic as most of the people in this crazy world. But what you said, against that Arrancar, made me think about things I've never considered before."

"Yachiru," Hanatarō started, uncertainly, but she shook her head.

"Let me finish, okay?" Yachiru asked, her faint smile sending his heart stuttering. He shut his mouth, a little worried. Yachiru looked back up at the sky, and her words came a little easier, as though she were addressing the moon. "You fought until you nearly died, all because I always bring my troops back alive. And those words? They shamed me, to my very core. I don't think about bringing people back alive, not ever. I was just doing my job, you know? So, I felt like I didn't deserve your sacrifice. I was selfish, really. I am selfish."

"It doesn't matter," Hanatarō protested, stung by her deprecation. He rose to her defense instinctively. "Even if you didn't think about it, the lives you've saved still have value!"

Yachiru shook her head again, not disagreeing with his words, but brushing them off all the same. "I was angry at first," she continued, still looking at the dark expanse of sky with fierce longing. "But little by little, I accepted the flaws I noticed in myself, and I really started to think about what it means to be a lieutenant. I realized I want to become a better leader. And I saw you in a different light. You may not be strong in battle, but the strength of your convictions was the real deal. You care about saving lives. That's something I could work on. So I decided, maybe I'd learn to be a little more like you."

She paused, pursing her lips as she thought. "That's why I decided to learn medical Kidō, even though no one in Squad Eleven bothers with anything but physical combat. If it were anyone but me, Kenny would have beaten them senseless…but with my example, maybe my squad will change, little by little. We'll always be a combat squad first, but it wouldn't hurt if a few of us knew how to put bones back together too, you know? Like Captain Unohana, we can be strong and useful! Plus, if we have a few healers, we can hold even more sparring matches, haha!" Hanatarō blanched at that, picturing without difficulty the bloodthirsty soldiers learning to heal just so they could prolong their battles and beat each other up more often.

"And maybe," Yachiru finished, her deep magenta eyes turning indescribably soft as she looked over at his face. "Our squads will get along better as well. I'd really like that."

"Me too," Hanatarō agreed, with a little more fervor than necessary. He would love it if he never had his head shoved in a toilet again. Yachiru laughed at him, her voice pealing like a bell, guessing the direction of his thoughts. Hanatarō grinned, not bothered by her fun at his expense. "I meant what I said in that battle," Hanatarō said. "And as for not noticing me before, that's just fine. No one notices me, really. I'm kind of pathetic, and I'm a coward to boot, not to mention I'm awful in battles," he babbled, unable to stop his honest assessment of himself.

"That's what I thought, too!" Yachiru said with a laugh. "But you know? I think you're more than that, now. You may be weird, and a scaredy cat, but you're strong in other ways…and you really brought out something new in me. I haven't changed like that in a long time. I want to feel that way more often. So that's why, I'd really like to get to know you better. If that's alright with you?"

"I-I have no objections, as long as it's still alright with you, of course!" Hanatarō stuttered, caught off guard by the warmth in the beautiful eyes of the princess of the combat squad. He was abruptly aware of how close they were sitting, and how the tips of their fingers brushed together on the ground, sending tingles of electricity all the way up his arm. "I didn't really do anything special, I don't think, since I was just being honest! And I'd be happy to keep teaching you medical Kidō, no matter what!" He swallowed, fighting back his nervousness with a visible effort, calming himself. "Um. But maybe…if it was alright with you…could you teach me some fighting techniques?"

Yachiru's eyes lit up with surprise, and the pleased curve of her lips could only be described as predatory. Hanatarō blushed bright red, looking away to compose his thoughts, but his mouth couldn't seem to stop babbling onwards. "I mean, I could just fight by getting horribly beat up and using my zanpakutō to heal, but I'd rather not resort to that every time, and even I might need to take part in a real battle again someday!"

"Sure," Yachiru agreed, drawing out the word with a wicked smirk. "But I won't go easy on you! You might end up getting hurt from my training, since real life combat is the only way to improve!"

A surge of relief went through his chest when she said 'yes'. Hanatarō smiled crookedly at her in response. His next words were calmer, as his heart slowed its frantic pace. "And I'll walk you through healing my wounds, after all is said and done."

Yachiru beamed at him. She lifted her soda pop in the air. "We'll keep improving, together!" she suggested, as though it were the start of a grand adventure. Hanatarō lifted his drink as well, and they clinked the glass bottles together, sealing the promise with bubbly pink soda.

Somewhere, far below them, came the unmistakable sound of Kenpachi smashing through a wall with a snarl of annoyance. Hanatarō flinched horribly, but Yachiru caught his hand, stilling his reaction. She moved closer, leaning against his chest comfortably, her warm fingers intertwining with his own.

After a while, the sounds of Kenpachi's search faded, and he was able to calm down as well. Hanatarō wondered how he had gotten so lucky, holding her close as Yachiru was lulled into warm relaxation by the gentle beating of his heart. The warrior princess and the meek medic boy sat on the edge of Sōkyoku Hill until sunrise, simply enjoying each other's presence without needing to say a single word.


In the long history of the Soul Society, there had been only two other Millennium Balls – the first, held when the uneasy alliances of the noble families and the warrior divisions were fresh and new, and the second held after a successful thousand years of the flourishing Thirteen Court Guard Squads. A thousand years later, the third ball was held to celebrate the long history of their culture, and to welcome the next millennia of structure and peace with a bang.

The lavish decorations were created using the skills of thousands of Soul Reapers, creating a glittering dream-like world set on the broad expanse of Sōkyoku Hill, overlooking the entire Soul Society. Crystal columns glittered in the faint pastel shine of hundreds of floating bubbles of Kidō light, shifting between the colors of the rainbow, encircling a huge dance floor. Silvery blue vines of ivy curled around and between the tops of the crystal columns, trailing long indigo tendrils to the ground far below covered in tiny, shining flowers of starlight. There was no roof, leaving the dance floor open to the vast expanse of sky above. Hell Butterflies flitted lazily through the air, and alighted on the vines, fanning their midnight wings dappled with violet.

Hanatarō lifted his hand, touching one of the glowing bubbles curiously. The elastic surface was warm to the touch, warping inwards slightly with the pressure of his hand. It floated away at his soft push, changing color from pale blue to soft candy pink as it rose sedately into the sky. "Hanatarō!" Yachiru called out, pulling his attention away from the beautiful oddity. He turned.

His lovely date waved as she skipped to his side, graceful even in the voluminous rose satin folds of her princess style ball gown. She wore her silken pink hair in a soft bun winking with elegant silver gems, curling tendrils framing her cutely flushing face. A scarlet hair pin shaped like three hearts adorned the side of her head.

"Look!" she beamed, holding out her white gloved hand. A pink lotus made entirely of sugar rested on her palm, fragile and delicious, and almost too pretty to eat.

"Aren't you full by now?" Hanatarō asked with bemusement, tugging absently at the dark fabric of his simple cut suit, an outfit he wasn't accustomed to wearing. "No one can try all the food at this party – it just isn't possible!"

"We'll see about that!" Yachiru declared, narrowing her sultry magenta eyes competitively. She snapped off a glittering lotus petal, inserting it into Hanatarō's mouth to cut off his protest, filling it with an explosion of strawberry flavor. "Let's go dance!" the adorable lieutenant suggested before he could speak. She pulled the unprotesting medic to the dance floor with a skip in her step, radiating happiness as another lively song filled the twilight air.

Couples danced and twirled in a swirl of flashing colors and whispering silk on the vast, obsidian dancefloor. Musical type zanpakutō users provided the songs for the evening, playing everything from rousing dancing ballads to relaxed sonatas, haunting in their sweet beauty. Though most were traditional instruments, ranging from long flutes to mandolins, they played with gusto, and the occasional electric twang, managing to perform even the occasional fast paced rock and roll sets better suited to modern instruments with believable aplomb.

Yachiru's sweet laughter carried above the music as she twirled with her surprisingly skilled date, while more than a few men stared jealously. She either didn't notice, or didn't care, her blissful attention on Hanatarō alone.

"I was wondering," Hanatarō began, as they whirled across the dance floor together. "Why do you use my name? I've never seen you do that for anyone else."

"Isn't it obvious?" Yachiru asked, laughing when he dipped her low to the ground.

"It's not obvious," Hanatarō insisted dryly, sweeping the lithe girl back into his arms, grateful he'd learned a few moves before the dance.

She leaned in close, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. "If I called you by a nickname, Hana-chan," she teased, as though enjoying a joke, "people would think I was dating a woman."

Hanatarō blushed bright red with embarrassment, missing his next step. "I-I hadn't considered that," he muttered self-consciously. "Not that it doesn't make sense! I guess there aren't a lot of masculine nicknames for Hanatarō, huh?"

Yachiru only smiled in response.

Truth be told, it had been a very conscious choice. Ever since she was little, she'd used nicknames to keep people at arm's length, mentally separating 'her' from 'them'. Though she had plenty of superficial interactions, she'd never formed a real friendship, never even wanted an equal relationship with her fellow Soul Reapers, hotly believing that Kenny was the only person she would ever need in her life. His nickname was the only one she used purely out of affection.

But her decision to grow, and become a better person and a leader, had been a significant one – and she was determined to give it her all. And so 'Hana-chan' was 'Hanatarō' instead, a deliberate decision to help her mind see him as an 'equal person', instead of an amusing minion.

But their relationship was still new, and so Yachiru kept her true reasons to herself, laughing as she twirled back into Hanatarō's arms after he'd whirled her outwards. "The grannies in your squad taught you well," she teased him, reclining deliberately into his chest for a moment, enjoying his easy blush with wicked amusement.

A heavy shoulder hit Hanatarō's back deliberately, making him stumble and fall. "Sorry," a clearly jealous man grumbled, pushing past without further apology.

"Hey!" Yachiru shouted, fury sparking in her magenta eyes, but the man was gone quickly, disappearing into the tide of dancers. Hanatarō's gasp of pain caught her attention, and she turned to him, kneeling by his side worriedly. "Are you okay?" she demanded, her forehead pinched with worry. "I'll beat that guy up, for sure!"

"No, no," Hanatarō protested feebly, sitting up. "It's nothing. I just twisted my ankle. I'll heal it in no time."

Yachiru pursed her lips, clearly debating finding the man who shoved him for some violent revenge, apparently deciding Hanatarō was more important at the moment. She picked him up with surprising strength, flash-stepping them both to the edges of the dancefloor, setting him down carefully. "I'll heal you," she announced peevishly, pushing her hands above his ankle without hesitation.

"Y-Yachiru, it's great that you're practicing, but I'm not sure you're ready to operate on people!" Hanatarō protested with a squeak, but warm green energy was already sinking into his leg as Yachiru scrunched up her forehead in concentration.

Hanatarō blinked. He rotated his ankle, the pain melted away without a trace. "There, see?" Yachiru all but purred, pleased with herself beyond reason. "I healed you, and you didn't even die!"

"I guess I didn't," Hanatarō noted, sighing inwardly with relief, although the Kidō level had been fairly minor.

The song wound down, ending in a flourish of sound and fading slowly. Yachiru stood, helping him to his feet. "I'll get us drinks, okay?"

"Sure," Hanatarō said gratefully, feeling parched. Yachiru had wanted to dance every song so far, taking breaks only to steal bits of food from the lavish banquet set just outside the crystal columns. He enjoyed his brief break, as she bounded away towards the beverage stations, taking a deep breath.

He was smiling again. Honestly, he couldn't seem to stop smiling, wondering how his drab life had turned into world of waking dreams. Yachiru had always scared him a bit, just by being the lieutenant of the fearsome combat squad, despite her good looks. He'd never imagined he would get to know her as a person, or how much he would like spending time with her. It seemed even more unbelievable that she would share his feelings, and like who he was.

He looked around surreptitiously to make sure no one was watching, and pinched himself, squeezing his eyes closed. But nothing changed when he opened his eyes once more, and he smiled faintly, breathing in the sweet air, faintly perfumed by the tiny white flowers, their vines waving in the whispering breeze.

"Enjoying yourself, brat?"

Hanatarō let out a shocked, girly scream, as Kenpachi Zaraki's voice sounded directly being him. He turned, his eyes huge with terror, looking up and up at the fearsome Captain of Squad Eleven, in all his battle scarred glory. Ikkaku and Yumichika flanked him, the former carrying his sword carelessly over one shoulder. "I think he's going to pass out," Yumichika noted, sounding pleasantly surprised. "Captain, why don't you grimace more? It might kill him outright."

Hanatarō gulped, trying to control his shaking knees. "Relax," Kenpachi snapped, scowling ferociously at the shorter boy. "I'm not here to kill you. I'd never hear the end of it from Yachiru. I came to talk, plain and simple."

Hanatarō made a visible effort to control himself, wondering how Yachiru could stand being so close to such a crushing spiritual presence. "W-What did you want to talk about?" he stammered, daring to hope that maybe Kenpachi would say he approved of their relationship, maybe…

"I don't like you," Kenpachi deadpanned, crossing his arms. His deep set eyes never seemed to blink as he glared at Hanatarō, who was trying his hardest not to cower. Kenpachi sighed with aggravation, shooting a glance at Captain Unohana across the dance floor. "But," he stressed, "Yachiru can beat down enemies and take names…so maybe her partner won't have to. And if you can heal her wounds after the battles are finished, you aren't completely worthless. That's all I'm going to say."

Hanatarō stared with obvious surprise, relaxing just a little. For all his terrifying qualities, they had one thing in common. They both cared about Yachiru. "Thank you," Hanatarō said honestly, managing not to stutter. His next words were completely sincere, straight from his heart. "I promise you, I'll never hurt her."

Kenpachi snorted, Ikkaku and Yumichika choking back laughter at his sides. "What's so funny?" Hanatarō wondered, tilting his head with confusion, but they only laughed louder, as though he'd made a hilarious joke.

"You think you…could hurt her?" Ikkaku repeated, giggling in quite the undignified fashion. "You?" He clutched his sides, fighting to breathe, his uninhibited laughter drawing stares from those nearby.

"It's just too funny," Yumichika gasped out through his mirth, laughing between every breath. "I can't handle it! Hahahahaha, as if a pathetic teddy bear like you could hurt our lieutenant?!"

"Hey guys, what's so funny?" Yachiru wondered, skipping back to Hanatarō's side with two drinks held in her gloved hands, tilting her head adorably.

"The brat told us he would never hurt you," Kenpachi informed her with a savagely amused grin, and Yachiru laughed, her voice pealing like a bell.

"Oh, Hanatarō, you're so funny," she giggled, right along with her squad mates. She handed him his drink so she could claim his other arm. "Come on, the next dance is starting soon, and I want to dance near the cliff! Let's go!" She pulled him away, finishing her drink quickly to free her hands for dancing.

They danced as the twilight deepened the sky to azure, and the first day of the ball drew to a close. When the music wound down, finally ringing the last, plaintive note over the dancefloor, they stayed in each other's arms, swaying in place on the edges of the floor long after the other dancers slowed to a stop, Yachiru's lovely eyes closed as she leaned into Hanatarō's chest.

The crack and whistle of fireworks sounded behind them, as brilliant explosions of color lit up the night sky over the Soul Society. The beautiful night was almost over, the Millennium Ball drawing to a perfect close.

Yachiru leaned back to look him in the eyes, a satisfied smile curving her lips, her contentment with the dance complete.

Pushing his fears firmly aside, Hanatarō caught the back of her head and kissed her, his lips warm and urgent against her soft mouth. She stiffened with surprise at first, and relaxed liquidly into his arms with a pleased sound, tilting her head upwards to deepen the kiss…

They broke apart hurriedly as dancers screamed with terror, bolting to the sides as Kenpachi's fury rolled over the dancefloor in a literal wave of spiritual power. Demonic power surged around him in the shape of a grinning golden skull as he bolted forward, plowing straight through tables and chairs, death reflecting in his terrible eyes.

"Let's go!" Yachiru said, catching the terrified boys hand with a blissful smile on her face. They flash-stepped away, just in time for Hanatarō to avoid Kenpachi' slashing blade, reappearing some distance away on the edge of the long stretch of stairs. Yachiru flashed them away again, and again, reappearing only for brief moments, until they were running through the Soul Society below, her laughter pealing over the sounds of Kenpachi's pursuit ever further behind them.

"He really tried to kill me!" Hanatarō gasped, his comprehension sinking in slowly.

Yachiru beamed back at him, without a care in the world. "Don't worry, I'll protect you!" she promised warmly. "I had a lot of fun tonight! So just follow me – I'll never lead you in the wrong direction!"

Hanatarō blushed at the sentiment, the danger of Kenpachi's pursuit fading with the memory of their kiss. Yachiru turned abruptly, pulling him along in three flash steps so quick they took his breath away. They stopped briefly behind a darkened wall. "That was really brave!" the princess of the combat squad gushed, seeming honestly impressed. "You really could have died! I think you've earned a reward!"

And she kissed him without abandon, banishing all his terrified thoughts in a whirl of vanilla perfume and the soft caress of her lips. She tasted like pink sugar, and he gasped for air when they finally broke apart. Yachiru's eyes were indescribably soft as she looked up at him, with just a hint of a possessive gleam in their magenta depths.

"I-I think I love you," Hanatarō gasped, staring at her with giddy shock.

"That's nice, but if we don't run, Kenny is gonna murder you," Yachiru reminded him matter-of-factly. She took his hand once more, though she didn't really need to, and they ran together, as Kenpachi swore and crushed walls behind them, lost in the maze of the Soul Society. "I'm sure he'll calm down eventually! Maybe by the next Millennium Ball! In a thousand years!" Yachiru joked, although Hanatarō didn't find it quite so funny.

Yachiru Kusajishi smiled exultantly, Hanatarō's hand held warmly in her own. She was sure they would be happy together, if Kenpachi didn't murder her new boyfriend!

Fifty fifty odds! She laughed out loud, content with the world, as they ran together through the warm night, hand in hand.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading, everyone! I had a lot of fun writing this one, even if it isn't quite my normal genre. Remember to leave me a quick review if you liked this little story! Thanks again, and have a wonderful day! :D

~Little Miss Firebright