I am here! And so is All-Might! Finally, we're going to see how Nana/Izuku and our dear Number One hero are going to interact with each other. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I apologize for the long delay since the last chapter, but I had a month of vacation and a month of annoying exams and I wanted to enjoy it without having to do anything.

Sonic: Thank you very much. I really appreciate every bit of support.

PoinDexterQNerd: I would like to say that I will look into physics a bit more for the next chapter of this FANFICTION, but that would be a lie. I already study law and I really don't have the time nor the interest to learn more about physics. Sorry, but I REALLY don't care. To your second question: The gender swapped version of Izuku has long hair because her body takes the form of Nana Shimura's. If you google her name, you will see she has long black hair. It has nothing to do with personal preference.

JimmyHall24: HELL YEAH!

Yurushia: Thank you! I hope I didn't disappoint.

Starwing1995: I played with that idea before, but I am still not 100% sure about it. It would take away quite a lot of character development I had for Izuku. Still a great idea though. Thanks!

Dragontitan: There it is! More!

Fencer29: HAHAHAHA! Yes, Nana indeed did talk about Mt. Lady and not Nomu.

dragonqueen909: He is and he will play quite the big part in the story.

Zmanxv: Thank you. I'll try my best for you guys and gals!

Before we begin I would like to thank TheKursed for reading through this chapter. You were a tremendous help. Thank you a lot.

JUST DO IT! Nana screamed in her mind as Izuku flinched. I… can't, Nana. He's my hero! He is the greatest hero in all of Japan.

DO IT! She shouted again and Izuku sighed. As she looked up again she was met the familiar blue eyes of the giant of a man standing in front of her. Even if she had already met some of the heroes she had gushed over as a child this was different. All Might stood there in all his caped glory. His intense blue eyes studied her deeply, but he didn't move at all. Next to him stood Eraser Head, who too studied her intensely.

Slowly she walked towards All-Might, the fangirl part of her mind screaming no, while Nana continued to scream DO IT in her head. She raised her hand towards the hero's face and to the surprise of Eraser Head and All Might she used her quirk to flick All-Might's forehead. A small gush of wind followed. "How are you doing, Toshi?" her voice asked so soft and calm Izuku wasn't even sure if it had been her that said that or Nana.

All-Might stared at her in shock for a few seconds before his smile exploded into the biggest grin Izuku has ever seen and he scooped her up into a hug, that would have broken the spine of many a weaker person. "NANA!" he screamed happily as he tightened his grip on her. Nana chuckled in her head, as Izuku returned the hug from her hero eagerly. After a few more seconds Nana finally let go, but it seemed All Might wasn't planning the same for her anytime soon.

"You know…" she began just as softly if not more so than last time and again Izuku felt that it was more Nana that spoke, than her. "I won't disappear if you let me go?" Reluctantly, the blonde man let go of her and looked at her again in a mixture of wonder and joy. Izuku sent him her warmest and brightest smile and gave him the thumbs up. "Don't worry! I'm not going anywhere!" she exclaimed happily as the man returned her smile.

After a few more seconds passed he finally found his focus again. "How is this possible? I…" he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "I saw your dead body. How are you alive? You haven't even aged a day!" He asked her as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Not here." She just told him gently and he nodded. "Do you know a place where we could talk?" She asked him and the big blonde just nodded.

"Yes. We should go to UA immediately!" he told her and Izuku nodded. With a quick move, All Might picked Eraser Head up, who didn't even have time to protest as he launched himself into the air. Izuku chuckled and followed immediately, following them.

Both landed in the courtyard of UA. Izuku had wanted to visit the school since she had been a little child, but actually being here… with All Might. All of her dreams were coming true and if this had been the old Izuku she would have probably begun crying or just outright faint, but it seemed Nana had rubbed off on her quite a bit. Toshinori, Eraser Head, and herself walked just for a few seconds, as they arrived at their target. All Might opened the door as Izuku was greeted by another sight, one that would have made her faint years ago. The room was full of heroes! Among them were Snipe, Midnight and even the principle of UA himself. As soon as they entered all eyes were immediately on her. Years ago that would have made her a nervous wreck, but now she just beamed at them with her most winning smile.

"Welcome, Miss." The principal greeted her warmly and stood up. "Since your quite dramatic debut, I have been most curious to meet you. I do believe the others have too." Some of the heroes nodded at that while a few grunted in affirmation and the principal continued. "You do bear a striking resemblance to a very good friend of mine as well as the former teacher of All Might here." He sat back down and a moment of silence followed. "Please answer me just one question… who are you?" He finally asked, vocalizing the question everyone wanted to be answered, and one could hear a pin drop in the room. It seemed as if nobody was breathing and Toshinori behind her went stiff.

"That's a more difficult question than you might think, principal." She finally said after some time of consideration. She knew that that question would surely come up at some point, but until now she hadn't really thought about what she would say. "You see… I AM Nana Shimura, but I am also not." The Principal offered her a seat at the table and asked her to explain what she meant.

After another hour she had explained her unique situation to the assembly of heroes and besides some short questions by All Might they remained quiet and didn't interrupt her at all. You're staying awfully silent right now, Nana. She told her teacher and said woman just answered with a small laugh. You're on a roll, Izuku. I don't really need to say anything, because you already did. I'm really proud of you. She told her and Izuku blushed a bit. As she looked back to the heroes she was greeted by some confused looks.

Izuku felt a large hand on her shoulder and turned around to be met with the face of All Might. "Did … did you just speak with her?" he asked and Izuku swore she heard nervousness in the larger than life hero's voice, but there was also an underlying disbelief in his powerful voice. He didn't believe her.

"Yes." She told him simply and smiled at him. That damn westaboo-Superman-wanna-be better believe you. Ask him about the Taco-incident. Izuku looked confused. What the hell is a westaboo? She finally asked and this time Nana just giggled. It's like a weaboo but for Western culture. She explained and Izuku too had to giggle at that thought. It fit quite perfectly. She turned around to all Might and looked as gravely serious as she could. "Yes. Nana did talk to me. She told me to tell you something." She said to the Number One hero of Japan and all eyes immediately went on her. "She told me… to ask you about the Taco-Incident." Izuku's eyes widened as All-Might's face began to take on a color more commonly seen on tomatoes than on a normal human being.

"NO!" he almost screamed. "We do NOT need to talk about that!" Izuku began to laugh and some of the heroes joined in. All Might too joining after a few moments as he realized something. "There is only one person who could have known of that particular incident." His smile widened even more and he brought a surprised Izuku in for a huge and painful hug. As he finally put her back down she barely felt anything in her body, everything felt numb. "I can't wait for you to meet my student!" He exclaimed with excitement. Izuku just smiled at the large man's joy, but that was cut short as he began to cough. He spat up blood and turned back into his normal form.

Nana had told her about his true form and that the All Might she knew wasn't the real one… but it still surprised her to see him like this. He was almost an antithesis of what he was like in his hero-form. Oh, Toshi… what happened? Nana asked sadly and Izuku had to agree. I thought you knew about his true form? She asked her teacher who just sighed. I do… but it wasn't THAT bad. Izuku rushed over to the man to help him.

"It's all right." All Might finally said and Izuku felt almost taken aback by his voice in comparison to the other All Might. He sounded just so… tired. "Do you have one of these too?" He finally asked her and she nodded.

She took a deep breath and felt her form shrink. The muscle disappeared, her face turned softer and her long hair became a bit shorter. "It's not as extreme as your form, but I do have it too." She told him and he nodded as she let him go to stand on his feet again. Izuku turned back to the other heroes and Eraser Head immediately asked her, how long she could keep the Nana-state and if there were any drawbacks. "I don't know the maximum of time I can stay like that. Once I stayed in Nana's body for two days, until I changed back, but I never turned back involuntarily. I don't THINK that there are any drawbacks to that form, but I can't be one-hundred percent sure." The hero nodded at her answer, apparently satisfied. Some other questions were asked, about her work as a hero until now and her power limits, which she too answered quite easily. Finally, they came to talk about her hero license.

"You will need a new one." The principal told her and Izuku nodded. She expected as much. "Given your power and that you are already quite famous with the press and the people that shouldn't be difficult." He told her and she relaxed. That was good to know. There were some other short discussions, but the meeting finally came to an end and most of the heroes left until it was only her, the principal, and All Might.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, All Might pulled up his shirt to reveal a terrible wound. That... only one man could have made such an injury. Izuku gasped in shock. Do you mean... Nana sighed in desperation. Yes. It was HIM. She told Izuku and she gulped.

"Judging by the paleness of your face, I assume you know who did this." All Might said and Izuku nodded.

"I do. Nana told me about the man, who… killed her." She said with some hesitation and All Might just sighed at that. "But I thought you defeated him." She finally said to All Might who scowled in return.

His eyes looked right into hers and she felt the intense passion burn in them. "I didn't defeat him. I killed him… or at least I thought I did." He said and that shocked both Izuku and Nana. For All Might to go for the killing blow. For him to see no other way. All for One truly was a terrible opponent.

"We tell you about this" The principal began. "because it is very likely that he will come after you. You were the symbol of peace before Toshinori and him your greatest success. Seeing Nana Shimura alive will enrage him like nothing else, even if you are technically not her." He told her and again Izuku felt herself gulp at that thought. She was in no way ready to fight All for One.

Turning back to both men she tried to swallow her fear, but this was the first time in a while, where she felt like her sixteen year old self. "What should I do? Should I…" This next sentence felt terrible to her, but at that moment she thought she had no other choice. "Should I stop being a hero? Go into hiding?"

The principal shook his head. "No. He would find you, but the wounds he's suffered gives me the belief that he's not powerful enough yet." He told her and she took a deep breath to calm herself down. "I don't want you to stop being a hero. The opposite actually. There are still many heroes and civilians who remember Nana Shimura as one of the greatest heroes who ever lived and the former symbol of peace. I ask you to embrace that image. Become Nana Shimura and show All for One that he was not successful." The principal told her and Izuku didn't react at all.

Can I do that? YOU are Nana Shimura… I'm just a fraud taking your body and powers. She asked Nana who sighed. You're an idiot if you think that. Newsflash: I'm dead. If there is any way I can continue to help people and protect them from HIM then I will take it. Even if I just act as a guide and my boy is being controlled. She paused for a second. And if there is one person I would want to take on as my heir, it's you. I came to know you these past years Izuku. You don't want to be a hero for fame or money or because you want people to look up to you. You just want to protect everybody. I couldn't think of a better person to pass on the mantle… Izuku smiled at that happily and wiped the tears away from her eyes. Both the principal and All Might smiled at her assuming she received a pep talk only she could hear. "All right! We're in!" She told them and both nodded happily.

"Very well." The principal said with the smile still on his face. "But first we would need to train you to control your powers better. While I'm sure Nana has already taught you quite a lot, I think there is only so much you can learn, without an actual physical teacher." He… is not wrong. There are things you can not learn from me. Nana supported the principal and Izuku nodded. That made sense.

"What kind of training are we talking about here?" She asked the principal curiously and he smiled, but not the kind smile from before, but rather a vicious one that sent a shiver down her spine.

"The difficult kind. You're already quite powerful, but to improve your strength, endurance, and speed we will have to… push you further beyond that! To go plus ultra!" The principal replied, still with that unsettling smile on his face. He stood up from his seat and jumped on the table, facing her and All Might, who stood beside her. "Miss Midoryia, I offer you a place at my school."

Izuku stared at him in shock. Going to UA had been her dream since she had been a child. But it was just that: a child's dream. She had already thought about joining UA, but there was little they could teach her. To add to that she would have to be in the school most of the day and couldn't be out there, protecting the city. She wouldn't want to imagine what would have happened if she didn't arrive in time to fight that monster or rescue the people from the fire. "I am honored, principal. I really am, but I can't take your offer. Being a student would really limit my ability to help people." She said and looked him deep in the eyes.

The principal chuckled. "You misunderstand, Miss Midoriya. I did not offer you a position as a student. I offered you a position as a teacher at UA."

I am really humbled and shocked at how many people are following this story. It's by far my most liked story and now I'm a bit nervous because I fear I could screw it up. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise that the next one will be out sooner. This chapter basically ends the first Arc and the next one will be in UA, where Izuku will finally meet the other students.