Disclaimer: I don't own the property that is Person of Interest and simply using aspects of it for entertainment purposes only.

A/N: Happy holidays my fellow readers. I apologize for my absence but since I'm trying to figure out what new stuff to write, I decided to grab something that has been sitting on my hard drive for a while, probably because it's a type of Careese that I wasn't really sure I could do which is more them taking the steps to move forward in their lives with each other. There will be four chapter total that'll be uploaded weekly so I'll be able to greet all of you wonderful readers in 2019. I also wanted to shout out SWWoman for being my reliable beta and offering some words of wisdom in her notes. I'm glad you got a chuckle out of the one part. Now on with the first chapter :D

Chapter 1 - Announcement

Joss was nervous as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes raked over her body slowly, stopping at her stomach, which she subconsciously rubbed while feeling a combination of joy and fear.

The day had started off with a rough night's sleep. Joss just couldn't stop feeling anxious. Then she thought she was coming down with something because, throughout the day, she felt dizzy and nauseous. After noticing her fourth trip to the bathroom in two hours, Lionel suggested that she head home since they just had mountains of paperwork to look forward to. Seeing her situation, Captain Moreno suggested the same.

Joss didn't go straight home though. Her symptoms made her suspicious, and she found herself sitting on an exam table in a nearby walk-in clinic, waiting to hear the results of her urine test. Her leg wouldn't stop shaking as the possibility of what this could be have hit her. If it was what she thought, she didn't know how John would take the news.

Yes, as much as she found it hard to believe herself, she and John actually began pursuing a romantic relationship. Shaw had seen it coming for a while and had money on how long it would take to happen. Joss couldn't be happier that John was willing to be with her of all people. The two of them didn't exactly meet on the best of terms and the circumstances of their relationship were less than conventional, but she loved the unpredictability of it, the excitement of not knowing what the day would bring, and the satisfaction of stopping a criminal before a terrible crime happened.

There were no words to describe how John outclassed so many men she dated in the past. He was such a considerate, passionate man. He always saw to Joss's needs before his own but left enough space to avoid suffocating her because he understood that she was more than capable of taking care of herself. There were times when John backed off to let Joss have her privacy which was appreciated, but he also seemed to sense when she needed him and dropped whatever he was doing - outside of a case - to be at her door no matter what time of night.

Everything was going great but she was terrified that she would lose it all because of the tiny human that would be growing in her stomach over the next eight months.

It was a bombshell indeed when the clinic doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. Joss couldn't believe the news, remembering how hard it was just to have Taylor. She remembered when she and Paul decided to try for a baby. They had tried for two years but for some reason, she just couldn't conceive. At appointments, Joss's regular doctor told her that the difficulty may have been attributed to one or both of them. Paul grew upset at that, claiming that there was nothing wrong with him, before pointing at her. Joss was hurt that he would accuse her so callously over something she had no control over. After that, things grew tense between them. Joss grew depressed over the idea that she couldn't possibly have children and Paul's anger didn't help matters. Arguments happened almost on a daily basis until finally; they sat down together one night and talked things over. A few weeks later, Joss happily announced to Paul that she had gotten pregnant after all!

Taylor was such an adorable baby with his dark, curly black hair and tiny fingers. Joss smiled at the memory before coming back to the situation at hand. She couldn't believe it because she and John had only been together for four months. Joss had neglected using birth control because of her previous experience with Paul and thought that it was her fault. Now she knew that it had never been her fault but, good God, John must have had some strong swimmers.

He would be coming by for dinner in a half an hour when she would break the news to him somehow. She still wasn't sure exactly when she'd tell him, but it had to be tonight. Joss wondered how he would react to the news that he was going to be a dad. For as long as she'd known him, John never thought that he was part of the same world as her. He explained that it's because dead men can't have normal lives, no matter how much they try to convince themselves it was possible. Joss didn't believe him of course, telling him time and time again that it wasn't true.

For the big dinner, Joss decided to go casual with her tight jeans and a blood red shirt. She also wanted to just be comfortable so she opted to just go barefoot. Her back stiffened when she heard the knock at her front door. Joss did her best breathing exercises to calm her racing heart before answering. She still didn't have a sure fired way of telling this man that meant so much to her that she was bearing his child.

Putting her fears to the side, for now, Joss left her bedroom to open the door. When she did, she was greeted with a bouquet of roses that left her smiling. John always brought something, even when she told him not to. "They are beautiful, John."

After stepping over the threshold, he put the roses on a nearby table before pulling Joss to him and gave her a sweet kiss. "Nothing in the world can compare to you," he said when they broke apart.

"Okay Romeo, cool it," she said jokingly, still feeling nervous. Before Joss could invite him to the kitchen, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the look he gave her. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

John's eyes focused even harder. "There is something different about you tonight. You look like you're glowing Joss, you look even more beautiful than usual."

Her body stiffened at the comment. "It's probably the new soap I'm using." Joss inwardly cringed, hating to lie but just wasn't ready to tell him the truth just yet. Before he could say something else, she took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. Surely food will make him forget what he was thinking of asking.

John knew that something was off with Joss the moment he saw her. For some reason, she looked more radiant than all the other times he'd seen her and he wasn't buying the excuse that soap was the reason. He could tell that she was reluctant to tell him the real reason by the way she quickly took him to the kitchen for dinner, hoping for some kind of distraction for him. John took off his coat before laying it on the back of the chair and enjoyed the beautiful homemade meal she had slaved over. Her pot roast was delicious and he enjoyed every opportunity she took to cook for him. John never thought that this was where they would end up when he first met Joss 3 years ago. He had adored her from afar because he didn't want to put her life in danger. Joss deserved to have a normal relationship; she should have someone wine and dine her every night and treat her like a queen.

Even after pushing her away, she slowly made her way back to him and John couldn't believe that things moved forward the way they did once the situation with HR was finally resolved. He loved Joss with every fiber of his being but had trouble saying the words out loud. Even Jessica had never heard the three little words.

Joss's recovery from her injuries had been slow but thanks to Finch's connections, he had been able to visit as often as he could when a number didn't need helping. Simmon's bullet was a close call and a reminder to John to not waste any more time. He was too late with Jessica, but he'd rather die before the same thing happened with Joss.

John was pleasantly surprised that Joss returned his feelings. It was amusing how they were able to co-exist so long with their different backgrounds but it worked. He could talk to her about anything, even combat because of their military background. Joss didn't know the truth about his past at first but John let her in slowly because he wanted to share that part of himself. Some nights when they laid in bed after making love, he would give her bits and pieces of a younger John when he was a troublemaker.

Sitting across from her during dinner, John noticed that Joss looked as if she wanted to tell him something. She appeared to be nervous which was unlike the Joss he knew. Normally she would speak her mind whether he liked it or not, and he loved that she could be so honest. This was something, however, that was very important to her and clearly, she wasn't sure how to start, so he just continued to talk about the latest case like he normally did when they had time to just sit down and enjoy each other's company.

"So John, do you still keep tabs on Leila?"

His chewing slowed to a crawl as he took in the question. It certainly wasn't what he had expected. "Why the sudden interest?" He asked after swallowing the delicious piece of roast.

Joss just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just curious. Something today had me thinking about that case."

John's demeanor stiffened as he remembered the terrible events. "I don't like to remember sometimes. It was when we had our falling out and it's not exactly a pleasant memory for me" which was true. He had been heartbroken when Joss called off their working relationship and he knew that it was no one's fault but his own for not trusting her.

Reaching over, Joss gave his hand a small squeeze. "We got past that and so many other things John." She then pulled away before continuing while taking a drink of water. "It just got me thinking because I couldn't help but remember how you had the nerve to bring her to the park knowing everyone was looking for her." She had been angry at the time but John saw the look of adoration on her face like with the two women that walked up to him beforehand.

"As I said back then Joss, I was trying to teach her to hide in plain sight." They both shared a laugh at the memory. "Actually, Finch has been keeping me up to date once in a while. Looks like her grandparents are raising her well. Leila knows how to walk and talk already." John felt an unfamiliar pride whenever he got the news of Leila's wellbeing. He was glad that she was doing so well.

"That, John, is fatherly pride." He was going to deny it but Joss stopped him. "Don't tell me that it's not it because you are not her father. You don't have to be. You can take pride in knowing that someone you know is doing well even if they aren't your kid. That just shows how much of a big heart you have John."

Now he was more suspicious as to the reason for this topic of conversation and he decided to approach the subject. "I'm glad that you think so highly of me Joss, but I am quite curious as to what brought Leila up."

"I just missed her is all," she responded quickly, unable to look him directly in the eye.

John dismissed the answer. "I'm not buying it, Joss. You've been acting weird this whole dinner which isn't like you. You've been quiet and look like you have something to tell me but don't know how." It was his turn to take her hand and offer comfort. "It's okay Joss, you know that whatever it is, you can tell me."

She scoffed at the comment before slipping her hand out, quickly getting up, and making her way to the living room. John soon followed close behind.

If there was one thing that could be said, the tension in the room was high. John stood next to one end of the couch as he watched Joss eye him from the other with a sad expression on her face.

"This isn't easy John."

He took a step closer. "If you'd just tell me what's going on, then I can be the judge of that."

Joss's hands subconsciously made their way to her stomach again but she stopped them and instead place them in her lap as she thought about her next move. How could he make it sound so simple? If she told him, things would change and she wasn't sure if he would still want to be with her. She also didn't want to hide anything from John because they were always honest with each other.

With one last, deep breath, she started. "You wanted to know why I asked about Leila. It's because I kept thinking about how natural you looked with her. It was the most beautiful thing to see the way you held her and protected her like she was your daughter."

A rising panic flooded John. "Joss, what's going on?"

With one last breath, she was finally ready. "I...I'm pregnant John." It was rocky but finally, she told him. Joss watched as his eyes widen at the announcement.

John felt like the floor was swept out from under him and he managed to fall into one of the couch cushions. Pregnant, Joss was carrying his child. As he looked at her, John realized it explained why she looked more beautiful than usual but to be having his child, he just couldn't believe it. Then he noticed her speaking but couldn't hear the words. "What?" In another unless like fashion, she started twiddling her thumbs.

"You aren't going to keel over on me, are you?" When he shook his head no, Joss put a hand on her forehead to get her thoughts together. "I'm so sorry John. I thought that we didn't need any protection because it took Paul and me so long to have Taylor and I had thought it was my fault." Her legs shook as she approached her future child's father. "I know that you have this idea that you aren't meant to be happy but I think something is saying otherwise." John remained silent. "You know, it'll be nice if you say something." She said before she sat next to him and she could see a look of wonder in his eyes.

"H-how, far along?"

"About four weeks. I was feeling dizzy and throwing up a lot so I went to a clinic and the doctor confirmed it." Joss's thoughts grew morbid when he grew silent again and she couldn't stop herself from apologizing again. "I'm so sorry John. I never meant to trick or trap you. If you..." She hesitated. "If you want to leave me, I'll understand." She then bowed her head in shame. Fighting back the burning sensation behind her eyes, Joss felt the couch dip and assumed that he was heading to the door.

Instead, John surprised her by pulling her off the couch into a fierce hug before tenderly kissing the top of her head. "Do you think that I could really walk away now? I thought you knew me better than that Joss." Pulling back, he lifted her head to get a better look and gave a soft smile at seeing the tear streaks across her cheek. "Joss, you forget that it takes two to make a baby. I could have worn a condom too, but I didn't. I never thought in a million years that I would be able to live any kind of life after everything I've done but with you, it feels like I can have something normal. You were so worried because you thought I wouldn't want something that requires so much responsibility."

Joss let out a small sniffle, already angry that her hormones were making her so emotional. "Well, you aren't exactly an open book John. I usually need a combination password just to open you up and see what's inside." It was then that she playfully hit him, feeling joy over his willingness to be a father. "Why did you have to have stronger swimmers dammit? I don't think I'm ready to go through everything that comes with carrying a kid again. I'd be throwing up all the time, getting fat…"

"Getting frisky" John added with a sly wink that earned him another hit.

"You would mention that. You're lucky that you don't have to go through this." Joss pointed out.

John shook his head. "You're right but I'll be busy making sure that you're comfortable. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with your demands Joss. You tend to be a bossy person."

There was another hit before she grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down for a loving kiss. After pulling apart, Joss let out a small shriek as John picked up and started carrying her towards the bedroom. She wrapped her legs firmly around his waist before giving him an annoyed look. "You think you know me so well. For your information, I just know what I want."

Once inside, John dropped her on the bed, having her bounce before he covered her body with his. As he really looked at her, he felt his heart swell at the idea of what was to come. "Does Taylor know yet?" There was a brief concern that he wouldn't like the idea of a sibling.

Joss, figuring why he asked the question, shook her head. "He's with his dad until tomorrow. I would like you here when I give him the news. Then after that, I'll have to figure out how to tell my mom."

"Of course Joss." He kissed her before continuing. "I just hope my work will give me the chance to spend time with you. Is the unpredictability of my work okay with you? Just say the word and I'll stop. Finch assured me when I first started that he would give me a severance plan if I left."

It was a heartwarming feeling for Joss that he was willing to give up his purpose for her and their child. It also showed that he was serious about being there for her no matter what. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair while burrowing further into the mattress. "I don't think that's needed, but I want you to be better protected. That undershirt is a sorry excuse for a bulletproof vest." She removed his shirt and tapped the thin line of padding she was describing.

John's left hand slipped under her shirt and started rubbing her stomach. "I'll figure out something." He kissed her fiercely, ending any further conversation as he took his time loving the woman who had given so much and will give him so much more.