[A/N] - This is it my friends, my fellow readers & Phans. The ending of this amazing book, I almost cannot believe it that is happening. It saddens me that this beautiful story came to an end. I want to thank all of you who found a liking in my story and who sticked until this very end. You are amazing and worry not! I have another story with Erik coming right up.

However, due to my University starting soon; it will be unknown when I will update it but I will try my best. Please, do give it also a chance. It is in my profile and it is called 'Fire & Ice'

10 years later

The Opera Populaire had been running for 16 years after the renovation, always attracting an audience from all the sides of the world and only showing the finest of the performances and of course, the best of the talents.

The owners never changed, the two older Farrell siblings still running the place with the help of the dormer Phantom Of the Opera or better known to them, Erik.

This time, they performed a classic and very famous ballet known as the Nutcracker. The lead role had a 21-year-old boy with brownish red curly hair, bright blue eyes and freckles on his nose and cheeks.

Along with the Prima Ballerina, the two of them danced their solo with passion behind their every move and grace. Once the final act was over, clapping erupted as everyone stood up from their seats.

On Box No. 1 along with the clapping, two young voices shouted and congratulated the dancers or better say the redhead.

The two voices belonging to identical twins, around the age of 7, with bright blond hair that was held up into a ponytail by a white ribbon and matching white dresses with tutu skirts. Their blue eyes glowed under the light of the candles.

"He was amazing, wasn't he?"

"He is always amazing. One day, we will be more amazing than him"

"Yeah! You hear that uncle Keegan!"

The two adults that were behind them were no one else than Cáel and Meg, laughed. The Opera owner was dressed in the usual black pants, white shirt and purple coat while his wife had chosen a light violet dress with a fluffy skirt while her hair was let down but some strands were pinned back to show her face.

At the box across from them, Box No. 5 an older Morgana had also stood up and clapping along with the audience. She was dressed in a black sleeveless and strapless dress with red lace around the collarbone and around the bottom of the skirt.

Her fiery red main was braided to one-sided and her blown up pregnant belly was quite visible as she was close to her birth month. In front of her was a little girl around the age of 5 with reddish brown long hair and intelligent light blue eyes.

She wore a light purple tight shirt and a dark purple skirt that stopped a little above her ankle. Her hair was into two braids that passed above her shoulders and reached chin level.

Keegan was in his dressing room, now changed to black pants and was buttoning up his white shirt in front of the mirror when the body length mirror moved out of the side. He turned to look at the visitors, only to quickly have a little girl holding his legs.

"You were an amazing uncle", she said in Irish and gave him a toothy smile.

"Why thank you Elaine", he said and picked up the girl in his arms.

"day, you will be dancing to my music and to my plays"

"I cannot wait for it then"

A knock on the door was heard as Cáel and the rest of his family entered, the two girls quickly running to their uncle who let Elaine down.

"I am very proud of you little fire", she said, now speaking in French for the sake of both Meg and Erik, even though the latter had picked up the language by now.

"Thank you so much Deirfiúr", he said as the two of them hugged. "When are you going back to Ireland?"

"We travel tomorrow", she said and gave a smile as Erik placed his hands around her waist and let them rest on her belly, the second member of their family coming in less than 2 months.

"Yes, your sister here wants the baby to be born in Ireland"

"Any idea when this little guy will come?", Meg asked as she hugged Cáel arm.

"Around July. Summer one this one", she joked and chuckled.

Another knock on the door made everyone to look at it as a young woman around the age of 20 walked in. Her brown hair was cut short and barely passing her chin and she was dressed in an elegant light blue gown.

She greeted everyone and then focused on the young dancer.

"Congratulations dancing toes. The crowd loves you as always", she said as she walked in and gave a kiss on Keegan's cheek, causing the young man to blush.

"Thank you, Marie"

"The carriage is here"

"I will be back down in two minutes"

Marie gave him another kiss on the cheek and bid goodbye to the families before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

"You should go", Erik said and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It is not good manners to make a lady wait"

Keegan gave a smile and hugged the father like figure before breaking the hug and fixing his clothes.

"How do I look?"

"Well dressed enough for a night in Paris", Erik said and closed a button the young man had forgotten open.

"Good luck with your trip Deirfiúr. I will be expecting your later"


He gave a hug to Elaine and then the twins before looking at Meg and Cáel.

"Go. We will catch up tomorrow"

He gave everyone a big white smile and quickly left the room but not before grabbing a few flowers from the vase on the table.