Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.


Test of Will!

An explosion occurred.

Cynthia quickly covered her face with her arms, wincing as the heat blew over her drenched body. The Spearow all shrieked, blown away from the blast. The blonde, seeing an opening, grabbed her backpack and made a mad dash.

She could hear the remaining Spearow dart after her. 'They just won't give up!' The blonde realized. 'I just need to get close enough to the Pokémon Center. Only seven kilometers to go.'

Unfortunately, those couple of kilometers weren't going to pass easily. Cynthia winced as the injury on her foot made itself known. She stumbled and almost fell down.

Sharp blades of air almost hit her, narrowly missing her. The blonde managed to contain her speed for a few more minutes, closing in on the Pokémon Center.

That was when the birds caught up to her, a few flanking her. Cynthia didn't see them coming until too late. "Ow!" She yelped as they slammed into her, throwing her down.

The blonde hit the wet ground, gasping as the birds began to peck and scratch at her. She futilely raised her hands to try and push them away. "Stay… away!" She grunted.

The blonde swung her backpack at the flock, hitting a few and knocking them away. She spotted a broken branch down and crawled over to it, picking it and swinging it wildly.

The blonde managed to find her footing, getting up and attacking hastily and sloppily. "Ah!" Cynthia was blown back by a combined Gust, hitting the ground a little distance away.

She unzipped her backpack, rummaging inside hastily. "C'mon!" She hissed. The Spearow caught up, chipping at her yet again. "Ow!" Cynthia yelped. The blonde managed to grab the bottle of repel and pressed it.

The Spearow squawked as the nasty smell hit them and backed off. Cynthia slowly stepped back, grabbing her backpack. She spotted a few coming from the right and sprayed it in all directions.

Panting, Cynthia saw the Spearow backing off. The blonde almost finished her bottle and pulled out a matchstick. Igniting it, she tossed it in the air and fled.

She could hear the frantic cries behind her as the heat from the explosion blew over her. Exhausted but energized by the need of survival, Cynthia ran.

The blonde didn't know how far she ran or how close the Pokémon Center was. All she knew was that she had to lose the Spearow. Though aggressive, the Spearow wouldn't chase a target this much.

Hopefully they'll lose interest in her and chase after someone else. Cynthia slowed down a little, panting and looking around. She couldn't see any Spearow nor hear them. Maybe they did lose interest in her.

Cynthia collapsed down under a tree, legs aching from running so much. Cynthia inspected her torn shirt and winced at the cuts littering her. They were tiny, but they stung as hell.

"I should've worn something better." The blonde frowned. She opened her pokégear and found the Pokémon Center to be pretty close. She'll be there pretty quickly if she hurried.

Cynthia searched inside her backpack and produced a canteen of water. Pouring some down her dry throat, Cynthia let out a refreshed cry. The blonde looked at Eevee and Gible, unconscious, tired, and hurt. Just like her.

"I should get going." Cynthia forced herself up, shouldering her bag back. Suddenly, her senses screamed at her. She turned around quickly.

Only to see a Fearow lunging at her.

"Ah!" Cynthia shrieked as his talons tore into her torso, picking her up and throwing her down roughly. Cynthia hit the ground hard and rolled to a stop, gasping in pain.

Fearow quickly regained momentum and dove back down. Cynthia forced herself up only for a Wing Attack to knock her back down. The blonde dropped to her knees, blood trickling down her waist.

Fearow shrieked and swung his wings, sharp blades of air descending down. Cynthia grunted as they cut into her, knocking her down to her back.

The ruthless avian flew in the air, looking at the blonde hungrily. 'Where did this Fearow come from?' Cynthia thought, gasping in pain. 'I can't fend off a Fearow alone.' Eevee was unconscious or her Hyper Voice would've helped.

Cynthia tried her best to get up, she did, but her exhaustion and pain proved otherwise. The blonde laid down on the wet ground, feeling unconsciousness crawl over her.

'I'm sorry, Gible.'

She collapsed.


Suspended from the top by chains wrapped around her arms bent at odd angles, blood dripping down enough to form a big puddle under her, various carvings etched into her exposed skin, face almost unrecognizable, was May Maple.

"M-May…" Ash gasped. Leaf looked away immediately while Anpu felt fear grip him at the imagination of the sheer evilness that could've done that. Haunter floated over to her, lowering her down gently.

Ash crouched next to her, checking for her pulse with shaky hands. Finding a very weak one, he turned to Haunter. "She needs medical attention immediately. Get her to the Pokémon Center!" Haunter nodded and gestured a few Ghosts over.

They grabbed May and lifted her up. Ash stared at her for a few more moments, feeling incredibly worried for her. "You know her Ash?" Leaf asked, grasping his hand for support.

"I met her in Viridian Forest." Ash mumbled. "We traveled till Cerulean together. She taught me many things…" Ash exhaled, counting till ten to calm his mind.

"We can't stop now." Anpu spoke up. "Misdreavus may not be able to carry on such atrocities, but Spiritomb still lives." He turned to Ash and Leaf. "And we're going to stop him."

"We will." Ash replied. Viper suddenly gave a call. Ash turned around and found her gesturing to something in the corner. "You found something?" She nodded. The group of Pokémon and trainers walked over.

"I recognize that!" Anpu yelled suddenly. "Elder gave that to May!" He picked up the pouch of shiny silvery dust. "It's the only thing strong enough to hurt Spiritomb."

"You mean it can't be hurt by normal attacks?" Leaf asked warily. Anpu shook his head.

"I mean it's the only thing capable of hurting Spiritomb beyond his corporeal form." Anpu answered. "We may be able to hurt him or possibly even break his corporeal form but his essence cannot be hurt."

"Do we even have a plan to defeat him though?" Ash asked suddenly. "I don't think normal pokéballs can contain him. He isn't alive either or we could've simply… killed him."

"We have to banish him back into his tomb." Anpu elaborated. "We can weaken him through normal attacks and this dust and then try sealing him."

"How exactly are we supposed to seal him?" Leaf asked.

"…I don't know." Anpu replied after a moment. Ash sighed, taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair.

"Let's try this the old fashioned way." He suggested. "We can improvise on the way." Leaf wasn't quite comfortable with that.

"We're on F5. Spiritomb is on F7." Anpu replied, remembering. "Expect heavy resistance on F6." Haunter returned suddenly, interrupting their conversation. Viper stepped forwards, conversing with him.

"I have four Pokémon ready for combat, excluding Charmander and Mystic for obvious reasons." Ash told them.

"Gengar, Froslass, Frillish, and Aegislash." Anpu responded. Leaf gave them a grin and gestured to the four pokéballs on her waist.

"Entire team is ready." They nodded.

"Haunter and his squad of ghosts are with us too." Ash saw Viper having finished chatting with Haunter and crouched next to her. "What's the update girl?"

Viper told her a few things which Ash vaguely managed to translate. He nodded after a few moments. "Haunter knows a way to seal Spiritomb back. But we have to beat him first."

Leaf pursed her lips. "This just got a lot harder." Ash gave her an assuring smile.

"We're not leaving without sealing him." He turned to Haunter. "Let's move to F6 then." Haunter gestured them to be prepared. Ash grabbed the necklace the Elder had given him and pulled it off him.

"What're you doing Ash?" Anpu asked his companion. Ash put it over Leaf's neck and looked her in the eye.

"This will protect you from any Ghost Type attack." Ash told her.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'll be fine." Leaf looked at him with worry. "Don't worry Leaf. Mystic will be at my side at all times, don't fret." Ash grabbed his starter's pokéball and called her out. The Mystic looked around worriedly.

Viper gave her a greeting which she replied with a smile. Ash crouched down next to her. "Hey girl," Ash began. "I'm really sorry that you have to go through this but I can't do this without you." Mystic gave him a confused look. "We're about to face Spiritomb pretty soon. And we need every ounce of power we can get. You're one of the strongest in my team Mystic; I can't do this without you."

Mystic nodded and Ash picked her up. "I'm not going to send you into the front lines." Ash mumbled in her ear. "You're going to protect us three. Kay?" Mystic licked his cheek in acknowledgement.

"We're ready then." Anpu spoke up for them. Haunter nodded and signaled the other ghosts to proceed. The squad proceeded towards F6.

"You'll pay…" There was a silent whisper in the ear. "You all will." There was an ominous pause. "Dearly."


Cynthia collapsed on the ground. The Fearow hovered above, grinning maliciously at the downed blonde. His prey gasped for breathe, clutching the nasty gashes on her torso and flinching in pain.

"N-n-no." She struggled, trying to get up. Fearow descended down, sharp talons ready to shred her apart. "I'm sorry Gible." She whispered, falling down. She could feel the Fearow near her, the span of his wings blocking the early sun's rays.

The blonde felt the heavy weight of the ruthless avian settle over her and tensed, futilely preparing for his talons to cut her open. The blonde felt her vision blur and darken.

"Return." Cynthia heard. She didn't have enough strength left to twist her neck around. "Get up!" Cynthia was picked up, forced onto her legs.

"Damien?" Cynthia gasped. The blue-haired trainer gave her an evil look.

"Hello dear Poacher." Damien grabbed her backpack and unzipped it, eyeing the unconscious Gible and Eevee inside maliciously. "The Eevee's a bonus eh." He turned to the barely conscious Cynthia.

"What do you want Damien?" She asked, swaying. Damien grinned walked over to her, grabbing her by the hair and shoving her forward.

"Less talking more walking you poacher." Cynthia was forced to walk, her tired body screaming. Damien was grinning all the while. "You poor girl." He taunted.

Cynthia spotted the Pokémon Center and felt relief flood her. At least now she'll be safe. "Don't be so relieved you poacher." Damien warned.

"I'm not a poacher." Cynthia weakly protested. The blue-haired trainer slipped his hands around her waist, feeling over her wounds. "Ah!" Cynthia gasped as he pressed the deep cuts on her torso.

"But you are." Cynthia felt warm tears flood her eyes as Damien aggravated her wounds. "Continue moving!" Cynthia stumbled forward.

The duo finally reached the Pokémon Center, the gates opening automatically. Damien pushed Cynthia forward, grinning as the blonde hit the ground and went limp.

"Oh my!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, her Chansey immediately rushing inside. Damien faked an angry look. "What happened to her?"

"She was running away after poaching my Gible and someone else's Eevee." Damien exclaimed. "When I found Gible missing I decided to look outside and found her like this not far away." Nurse Joy and Chansey lifted her on a stretcher and the Pokémon led her away. "You should see what she has done to Eevee and Gible! That girl's wild!"

He zipped her backpack open and showed her the unconscious Pokémon. Nurse Joy took them out and walked over to the counter. "I'll like to talk to Officer Jenny about her too. She'll know what to do with her."

Nurse Joy nodded. Damien watched her head away and then grinned evilly. "I just have to wait now. Soon, that Riolu will be mine." He hissed.

Riolu stirred, feeling his mother be in trouble. 'Mama?' He got up, looking around. 'Where's my Mama!?' He asked Nurse Joy. The Nurse gave him an assuring look.

"She's resting currently. I'll tell you when she wakes up." She assured him. "She's fine, don't worry." Chansey returned by then and the pinkette handed over Gible and Eevee to her and walked over to treat Cynthia.

"Are you really a poacher Cynthia?" Nurse Joy muttered, cutting her already worn out shirt apart and pursing her lips at the cuts and gashes littering her. Nurse Joy began to treat her then, thinking about the possibilities.

Cynthia didn't seem like a poacher for one. What poacher would risk going outside in such a heavy rain at such a late hour? She could've waited till morning.

All those questions could be answered by Cynthia and Damien only. She'll have to wait until Cynthia woke up to hear her side of the story. Nurse Joy began to treat the triple gashes on her torso and felt a bit worried at the deepness.

All this time Damien was enjoying his victory.


Haunter led the way to the top, looking around for any traps. Mystic's eyes lit up, scanning the floor. She shivered as Spiritomb's evil aura ran over her.

"Yup, Spiritomb is definitely up there." Anpu spoke up, looking at the ceiling. Haunter narrowed his eyes, glancing around. "Why's no one here to welcome us?"

There was a hiss, and a storm of Ominous Winds came rolling in. Mystic's eyes lit up and she unleashed a raw blast of Psychic Energy to counter it. Viper jumped in the air and a Leaf Shield accompanied the Psychic Blast.

"You had to ask." Leaf lamented, calling her team out. An Ivysaur, a Spearow, a Butterfree and a Poliwag came out. Ash grabbed Skylar's pokéball and threw it, calling his avian out. Anpu's Gengar, Froslass, and Aegislash came out too.

Shadow Balls, Night Shades, and Ominous Winds came rolling in. Their teams retaliated back. "Stay alert!" Ash told Leaf, ducking under a Shadow Ball.

Haunter rallied his Ghosts forward and they joined in. Ash noted that the Ghost Types were far stronger than the ones they faced before, something he chalked up to Spiritomb's influence.

"Aegislash! Defense Mode!" Anpu shouted. Aegislash nodded and stood in front of them as a shield. Mystic stayed behind in case of any traps or ambushes for the trainers.

Leaf's Spearow squawked, bravely flying into the crossfire of Shadow Balls and Ominous Winds and hitting a few Ghosts with Wing Attack. He ducked under a Dark Pulse, squawking and diving forwards with Aerial Ace.

Butterfree floated high above, using Confusion on the Ghosts and disorienting them enough for the others to land a clean hit. She stayed far above, providing opportunities and cover. Her Stun Spore paralyzed half a dozen Ghosts, giving ample time to pick them off.

Poliwag spat gout of water one after another, picking off Ghosts who aimed for the Flying Types. His Hypnosis worked wonders as well, forcing a few ghosts against their own ranks.

Leaf's Starter brutally plowed through the hordes of Ghosts, Power Whip and Razor Leaf blasting them apart. Ivysaur wanted to pay all the pain they gave to them and their trainer back with interest, and he did by demolishing one Ghost after another.

"Your team is really going in." Ash commented. Leaf nodded with pride.

"The Ghosts don't stand a chance!" Anpu felt the hair on the back of his hair rise and turned around. There was a blast of pure power, and the Lavender Town resident was blown away.

Ash and Leaf turned around, Mystic jumping forward and immediately retaliating with Shadow Balls. They hit their intended target making her smirk.

"You'll pay." A raspy voice spoke up. "You all will pay!" Its voice echoed across the floor. Ash stood in front of Leaf, Aegislash backing them from the front. Mystic growled threateningly at the shadows, daring the opponent to come in front. "You banished my dear Princess!"

A Mismagius came from the shadows, murder etched on her face. Mystic didn't back down, no matter how much it reminded her of Misdreavus.

"What Princess?" Ash asked, ignoring the explosions behind him. "You mean that Misdreavus?" Mystic nodded in her place. "She deserved to be banished!"

"Who are you to decide that?!" Mismagius roared a storm Ominous Wind rolling in. Aegislash swooped in front of them, a Protect forming and barely blocking it. "You are paying, beginning with that feline!"

Mystic growled back challengingly, firing off quick Shadow Balls. Mismagius dodged them with ease, zooming besides them. The Sun Pokémon gritted her teeth at the power Mismagius displayed.

"That's all you have?" Mystic felt her anger grow at the smirk on her face. It reminded her a lot of Misdreavus. "This will be easier than I thought." Another Ominous Wind rolled in, battering them.

"How is she so strong?!" Ash questioned, digging his feet in the ground against the painful winds.

"Spiritomb!" Leaf replied. "His boost is helping her immensely." She turned to Anpu. "You fine?" Anpu nodded though there was a limp in his walk.

Mismagius's hair lunged forward, Mystic speeding between them with Quick Attack. She closed in and lunged in for a Bite. Mismagius formed a dome of Ghost Energy and pushed it careening in Ash's starter, hitting her and knocking her down.

Mystic rolled back to her feet quickly, firing off quick Shadow Balls and quickly slipping into Quick Attack. Mismagius easily blocked the orbs, her vision easily following the pink blur.

Aegislash fired a Flash Cannon towards Mismagius, the witch blocking it but unable to dodge the blast of ESP by Mystic. It hit her back knocking her forward.

"Why you traitor!" She snarled and sent her hair forward. Aegislash activated a Night Slash and tore them making Mismagius wince. He then rushed forwards.

Spectral flames erupted around Mismagius, forming a large blade, and she began to parry Aegislash's slashes. Mystic rushed at her with her own Iron Tail, one which she parried by forming another sword.

"She's so damn strong." Ash gritted his teeth as she engaged both of them at the same time. "They need more help." He whistled.

Mismagius caught Mystic by surprise and hit her with her spectral flames, dealing a burn and knocking her back as well. She turned to Aegislash and unleashed a wide spread Night Shade, hitting the Steel/Ghost Type and forcing him on the defense.

Skylar lunged from above suddenly; hitting Mismagius with an Aerial Ace boosted Steel Wing. Mystic recovered by then and fired off Shadow Balls, pressing their brief advantage.

Mismagius blocked the orbs only to quickly parry Aegislash's Night Slash. Skylar came for another round with Quick Wing, hitting her again and giving Aegislash an opening.

"Gah!" Mismagius grunted as the Night Slashes cut into her. Mystic fired off Shadow Balls from the side, constantly hitting her and dealing super effective damage.

Ash, seeing they had it under control, turned to the army of ghosts. He smiled a little seeing the majority of it being diminished already. Leaf's team pulled no punches.

"Why you!" Mismagius growled and unleashed an Ominous Wind. Aegislash and Mystic were forced backwards while Skylar lunged in for a Wing Attack. "Stay back!" A whip made of spectral flames struck and knocked the avian off course.

She quickly recovered and hovered above, wary of the whip and the burn it left on her. "Try this!" Mismagius chanted and she suddenly multiplied into two. Mystic narrowed her eyes at the second Mismagius.

"What the hell?" Leaf questioned, seeing Mismagius split into three. "Is that Double Team or Substitute?"

"It isn't." Ash replied gravely.

"We're equal now." Mystic readied herself, knowing the battle had gotten a lot harder. Skylar shrieked and lunged forwards, Sky Attack fully charged.

Aegislash charged forwards with Night Slash, parrying the second Mismagius's fiery sword. The third one aimed for Mystic who quickly sped in.

"Can she make more copies?" Leaf questioned. Ash shrugged, turning around and seeing Viper almost done. He signaled the Grass Snake over.

"Get her!" Viper jumped and fired off a Leaf Storm forwards, assisting Skylar. Mismagius's eyes darkened and the leaves paused, turning on their user.

Viper let out a startled cry and winced as they dug into her. Jumping in the air quickly using Vine Whip, she sent a Leaf Tornado instead. Skylar flapped frantically, trying to evade a fiery bird Mismagius had unleashed on her.

"You won't learn will you?" The Leaf Tornado froze in mid-air, sent back towards Viper. The Grass Snake dove into the tornado, jumping out from it and slashing her Leaf Blade. Mismagius quickly parried with her fiery blade, knocking her back.

"She's taking on half of my team alone." Ash said unbelievingly. "What is she?" Ash saw a Shadow Ball aimed at him and ducked under it, Leaf's Spearow engaging the attacking Ghost.

Viper ducked under a Fire Whip, lunging forwards with Leaf Blade but having to jump back due to the Fire Blade. She gasped as repeated contacts left burns on her tail and opted for a different approach.

Mystic snarled, getting used to her ESP and trying to box Mismagius in. The witch, having much better control over her powers, easily retaliated and sent forwards blades of dark energy.

Aegislash let out a Metal Sound, trying to stun Mismagius. The witch let out a scathing wave of heat which he had to endure using Protect. Mismagius surrounded him with Double Team, confusing him and lashing at him with Fire Whip.

Skylar ducked under the fiery bird, flapping her wings for a Gust. The bird quickly turned around, flames growing wilder due to the wind, and opened its beak. Balls of fire were sent at Skylar who swerved between them wildly.

"Ash, the dust." Anpu called out. Ash looked at him in confusion. "The dust we got from May. It may be the key to defeating Mismagius." He pulled the pouch of the shiny dust out.

"But we need to get close to her to use it." Ash replied, picking it. "I need an opening-"

"I'll do it." He turned to Leaf. "I have my necklace Ash. At least I have some protection."

"I also have my necklace." Anpu pointed out.

"But you're too valuable to lose." She answered. "You know a lot about Ghosts. I don't. We can't risk losing you." She extended her hand out. "The dust."

"I don't think this is a good idea." Ash protested.

"The. Dust." Ash sighed and handed over the pouch. "I have to throw it on Mismagius, right?" Anpu nodded. "Sounds simple."

"Simple but dangerous." There was an explosion above, and Ash winced as Viper was thrown against a wall, hitting it hard. The Servine quickly got back up, courtesy of Grassy Terrain, and jumped in the air using Vine Whip.

"We need to conserve our strength for Spiritomb." Anpu told them. "The sooner we defeat Mismagius the better." Leaf nodded and took some dust in her hand.

"Give me an opening." Leaf ordered. Ash whistled sharply, Skylar dropping down from her altitude and lashing out at one of the Mismagius.

Leaf, seeing a clear path, dashed forward. Viper quickly sent her vines forward, wrapping them around Mismagius and restraining her. She grunted and used Mega Drain, sucking energy out of the witch.

"Let. Me. Go!" She yelled Viper gasping as harmful, acidic energy flowed through her. Her Vine Whips went limp, and Mismagius whipped her repeatedly with Fire Whip.

The fiery bird shrieked and rushed towards Leaf, flames intensifying around him. Skylar quickly used Aerial Ace, zooming in on him. The bird shrieked and Skylar passed through like the bird was thin air.

"Watch out!" Ash called out. Mystic's eyes lit up and she grabbed the fiery bird with her ESP, disabling her for a moment and throwing it to the side.

Leaf reached Mismagius and threw the dust forward, Mismagius roaring immediately in pure agony as it hit her. She lashed out at Leaf, her Fire Whip cutting through her skin and sending her flying back.

"Leaf!" Ash caught the falling Leaf, almost falling down himself. "You okay?" Leaf nodded, wincing at the burning slash on her belly. Two of the Mismagius flickered as the original failed to recover. "Do it!"

Aegislash lunged forwards, his Night Slash impaling the original Mismagius and coming out of the other side. His blade vibrated in a Metal Sound, tearing Mismagius apart from the inside.

Skylar quickly tackled the fiery bird down, charging up another Sky Attack. Mystic used her ESP and focused, tearing one of the copies apart.

Viper trapped the other using Leaf Shield, swallowing it and making various slashing motions. Skylar swooped down and hit the struggling bird, smashing it into a wall and cracking it apart. The bird shrieked, blazing into uncontrollable flames before deforming.

Aegislash pulled his sword out, covered in dark black liquid, and slashed again. Mismagius gasped as gashes littered her body, and lowered down.

Viper called for another Leaf Shield, surrounding her and cutting her further. Mystic's gem lit up and she assaulted Mismagius. Skylar descended in front of Ash, panting and wincing from the burns.

Mismagius gasped at the repeated strikes and almost dropped. "Why you…" She gritted her teeth. "You..." She paused. "Lord Spiritomb! Save Me!" She pleaded.

Aegislash lunged with another Night Slash, aiming to end her. He gave a confused cry when his sword failed to hit the witch, being blocked. Mystic fired off a couple of Shadow Balls which met the same fate.

"Don't tell me she's going to pull a Revive on us." Leaf grimaced. Mismagius grinned, her wounds beginning to seal back up. "Yup. She just had to."

"Back!" Ash ordered sharply. His team all returned back to him, staring at the evil witch. Mismagius gasped, form bulging and growing. "What is happening to her?" He turned to Anpu.

"She's changing forms." Anpu responded. "Something which her species shouldn't be able to do."

"Spiritomb." Leaf reminded. "What do we do now?" Her and Anpu's team looked at the changing Mismagius with a mixture of worry and curiosity.

"Ask Ash." Anpu responded. The two turned to Ash. "Got any plan?"

"Spiritomb is not at its full strength." Ash told them. "All these Ghost Types, traps and tricks are to stall us. Stall us until he regains his full power."

"How do you know that?" Ash gestured to a Ghost Type beside him.

"He was on Spiritomb's side but has now shifted to ours. If we manage to tackle Spiritomb right now, we might be able to get him." Ash told them. "Delay it and we might just doom Lavender."

"I don't think Mismagius is going to let us pass that easily." Leaf mumbled.

"You go on ahead." Anpu spoke up suddenly, turning to Ash. "Leaf and I will engage Mismagius until then. You attack that cursed Ghost Type and make sure it never returns."

"I'm not going to leave you two behind!" Ash snapped. "We're going above together!"

"That stupid mindset is going to get Lavender killed!" Anpu snapped back. "I can handle myself and so can Leaf! You go!"

"He's right Ash." Leaf added. "If Spiritomb reaches his peak, even the Champion won't be able to defeat him."


"Go!" Ash gritted his teeth and spared one last look to the evil witch.

"Get her guys." He gestured his team to follow him.

"Here!" Leaf tossed the bag of dust towards him. Ash caught it reflexively. "You'll need it." She shoved him the handful she had taken. "Now go!"

Ash nodded and, gesturing Haunter to guide him ran for the upper floor. Leaf turned to the Mismagius who had finished transforming and tensed.

"You think Ash can take Spiritomb on alone?" Anpu asked her.

"You worry about whether we can take Mismagius on first." She snapped. "Besides, it's Ash we're talking about. He'll do it." The monstrous form of Mismagius roared at them. "I believe in him."


Cynthia woke up with a start, gasping as she remembered what had happened before. "Gible! Eevee!" She exclaimed, trying to get up before falling back down immediately in pain.

She felt someone gently push her down and saw a Chansey treating her. There was a soft hum and the blonde could feel her pain subside slightly.

"Thanks." She whispered gratefully. Chansey nodded and walked off. The blonde lay back down, breathing steadily as she took in her surroundings. 'Damien. He brought me here.' The blonde remembered. 'What happened to Eevee and Gible?! I need to find out!'

She saw Chansey return with some water and forced herself in a sitting position. "How are Gible and Eevee?" She asked voice raspy. Taking the glass of water and gulping some of it down, she waited for the medic's response.

"Cynthia Carolina." An Officer Jenny walked inside, approaching her with a stern look. "That's you?" Cynthia nodded, feeling dread settle inside her. "You have been accused of Pokémon poaching and Assaulting."

"W-what?!" Cynthia exclaimed. "There must be a mistake-"

"According to Mr. Damien, you have tried to steal his Gible and another trainer's Eevee, unsuccessfully." She interrupted.

"I- I didn't Officer." Cynthia protested. "Eevee! She's wild and Gible, I was-"

"As a consequence, your Pokémon License will be revoked, your Pokémon handed over for adoption or release in the wild, and you'll serve ten years in prison." She recited. Cynthia felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. "We will take you away as soon as you are capable of being moved."

"I'm- n-not a-a poacher." Cynthia whimpered, tears falling down her cheeks. Officer Jenny gave her an analyzing look before turning on her feet. "Officer! Listen to me!" Cynthia shrieked, hot tears dropping down. She tried to get out of bed only for Chansey to restrain her. "Leave me!"

Cynthia doubled over in pain, gasping as sharp pain shot through her chest. She could feel Chansey chanting something and her pain subside slightly.

"I didn't try to steal Gible…" Cynthia muttered, sobbing. Chansey stood back, letting her cry. "I didn't!"

Meanwhile outside…

"Excellent work Officer." Damien grinned, approaching Jenny. Officer Jenny looked at the sobbing Cynthia with a distraught look, knowing she was responsible for all of that.

"Don't feel sad Officer." He handed over a briefcase to her. "She just messed up with the wrong boy." Officer Jenny looked at the briefcase. "Twenty Grande, just like we talked."

Officer Jenny took it, nodding at him. "Pleasure to do business with you." Damien extended a hand to her. She took it, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I'll be off now." Officer Jenny left the lobby, taking her briefcase with her. Damien grinned at her retreating form and then turned to Cynthia.

"Soon, you're Riolu will be mine." He cracked his neck. "Soon!"

Unknown to them, Nurse Joy was watching the proceedings with keen interest.


Ash rushed up the stairs, feeling the malicious aura increase. "Here we go." Ash inhaled to calm himself and got up the top floor. Skylar, Viper, Mystic, Bulbasaur, and the newly summoned Lairon looked around warily.

Haunter gestured towards a corner where lightning illuminated the area. "There's Spiritomb?" He nodded. "C'mon guys!" The trainer and Pokémon walked over carefully, preparing for a fight to start.

Ash carefully turned the corner, frowning in surprise at what he saw. A broken keystone floated in the air, swaying as malicious aura flowed around it. Behind it was a broken tomb, most probably Spiritomb's prison.

Mystic yipped, Ash blinking. "Spiritomb isn't awake yet." He realized. Haunter gave him a confused cry, gesturing that the keystone wasn't Spiritomb. "But that's clearly it!" Ash pulled out his pokedex which scanned the keystone.

"You've got a lot of spunk climbing up here." Ash turned around, looking at the new arrival. It was a woman in her early twenties with curly golden hair, an electric baton in her hand.

"Who are you?" His team all tensed. The woman was dressed in tight black clothes with a red 'R' in between. Haunter gestured to her frantically. "She's Spiritomb?" He nodded.

The woman laughed. "That's a nickname given to me by the local Ghosts." Her smile turned chilly. "My real name is Diana. I'm the leader of the group of scientists that came here."

"What did you guys plan to accomplish here anyway?" Ash questioned. "Why does Lavender Tower attract you?!"

"Am I supposed to tell you that?" There was a hiss, and a menacing Arbok snarled at him. "I'm here for that," She pointed at the keystone behind him. "And you're going to help me get it."

"In your dreams!" Ash retorted. Diana laughed at that.

"Cute." Arbok hissed at them. "The keystone demands a sacrifice. Once I sacrifice you and your little team to Spiritomb, we'll have unparalleled power in our hands! One rivaling the birds!"

"The birds?!" Ash exclaimed. She nodded. "What are you going to do with such power anyway?"

"You ask too many questions brat." She taunted. "What does it mean to you? You're about to die anyway."

"Try me." Ash dared. Diana gestured above him.

"Try this." Ash looked up, eyes widening at what he saw.

A Victreebal dropped down on him.


"Hey Cynthia," Nurse Joy shook her gently. Cynthia stirred, opening her eyes blearily. "I brought you some food. You haven't eaten since last night."

"I don't want to." She replied and turned around, gasping in pain. Nurse Joy sighed at that.

"Crying won't get you anywhere Cynthia." She tried. "You can still plead your case. If you're innocent, surely you'll be served justice." Cynthia didn't reply, opting to stay silent.

"How's Riolu?" She asked after a few moments.

"Distressed. He won't calm down until he meets you." She replied. "But him seeing you like this won't help that much. He'll be worried about his Mama."

"You really think I poached Gible and Eevee?" Cynthia asked, turning to Nurse Joy with watery silver eyes. Her cheeks were puffy and stained from tears, her expression showing exhaustion.

"I don't." Nurse Joy replied. "But Officer Jenny doesn't know that. You have to convince her otherwise."

"I don't know anymore." She mumbled. "I've already pleaded not guilty. When will I meet my trail?"

"As soon as you're well enough." The blonde forced herself in a sitting position at that, ignoring the sharp pain shooting inside her.

"I am now." Cynthia hid all the pain behind her neutral façade. "Can we hold the hearing tomorrow?" Nurse Joy nodded.

"If you're well enough, then yes." She nodded. "Now eat up. You'll need it tomorrow?" The blonde shook her head. "Cynthia, this childish anger won't get you anywhere." She chided. "You're purposely putting yourself in harm's way."

"What can get worse?" She muttered. "My lifelong goals will be stripped away most probably tomorrow. I'll be serving a lot of time in prison. What's worse than that?" Nurse Joy sighed and got up.

"I'll leave it here. Please eat it later on." She left the room later on. Cynthia sighed, pushing herself back in lying position.

"Arceus help me."

Nurse Joy left the room and saw Officer Jenny looking at Cynthia remorsefully. "You did this, didn't you?" She stated more than asked. "You accepted that bribe from Damien. You damned an innocent rookie trainer to this awful fate!"

"The hearing is tomorrow, am I right?" She questioned instead. Nurse Joy nodded. "See you then."

"Don't you feel the slightest remorse for this?!" Nurse Joy shouted. "How can you be so heartless?"

"Anything else?" Nurse Joy sighed and walked over to the lobby, not finding it in herself to argue with Jenny. 'All will be cleared tomorrow.' She turned to Cynthia. 'I'm sorry for all this. I really am. But I have to do this.'


Mismagius finished transforming, roaring at Leaf and Anpu. The brunette felt fear creep into her but shook it off. "Get ready guys." Her team all tensed. Anpu's ghosts got ready as well.

"You guys will pay!" Mismagius roared and large blades made of spectral energy spun towards them. Aegislash shifted to Defense Mode, erecting a Protect. The blades hit the green barrier,

Cutting through them.

"Dodge!" Anpu called out, jumping to the side and barely evading getting cut in two. Leaf ducked down, eyes wide. Anpu's ghosts all dove into the shadows, moving towards Mismagius.

Mismagius growled and dark tendrils dug into the ground, sending a wave of darkness towards Leaf and the others. Anpu's Ghosts were thrown out of the shadows, gasping at the damage it dealt.

"Ivysaur! Use Petal Dance!" Leaf called out. Ivysaur shook the flower on his back, large petals forming and being swung at the wave. They hit it, getting swallowed whole. "Dodge!"

The Pokémon hastily dispersed, managing to avoid the wave. Spearow squawked in anger and zoomed in on Mismagius, Quick Attack boosting him.

"Aside." Spearow felt an unknown energy grasp him and was thrown to the side. Frillish and Froslass appeared on either side, flinging a barrage of Water Pulses and Shadow Balls. Mismagius formed a dark barrier around her, absorbing the attacks easily, and sent it careening towards them.

Aegislash slashed at Mismagius only for the witch to retaliate easily with a large blade of fire and knock him back. The blade turned into fiery rope which surrounded the Ghost/Steel Type and closed in on him.

Ivysaur sent two of his vines towards Mismagius. Mismagius grinned and let it wrap around her, eyes shining with power. Ivysaur gasped as he felt energy get sucked out of him and was pulled towards the Ghost Mistress.

Poliwag unleashed a Water Gun which Mismagius chuckled at and froze it in midair. Butterfree flew silently behind her, fluttering her wings in a Bug Buzz.

Mismagius's hair lashed out, ensnarling the butterfly and slamming it hard into the ground. Butterfree cried out in pain as her hair began to strangle her, struggling.

Gengar unleashed a barrage of Shadow Balls from all sides, trying to trap the witch. Mismagius froze all of the Shadow Balls in mid-air, letting them collapse on themselves.

The Ghost/Poison Type lunged forwards at the witch, slashing at her with Shadow Claw. Mismagius grabbed his hands with dark tendrils, trapping him and blasting him with a blast of raw energy.

"Guys!" Leaf called out in worry as her team suffered from Mismagius's strikes. She tightened her fist tightly, feeling the dust.

"She's too strong." Anpu gritted his teeth. "Frillish! Ice Beams back to back! Froslass, Mist! Aegislash, use Flash Cannon! Gengar, Dark Pulse!"

"Spearow! Aerial Ace! Free Butterfree! Ivysaur, use Petal Dance! Poliwag, distract her with Hypnosis!" She readied herself. Their teams did as their trainers commanded, moving in.

Mismagius blurred, the Ice Beams and Flash Cannon passing through her. Gengar's Dark Pulse and Ivysaur's Petal Dance met the same fate. Spearow zoomed behind her, determined to free his ensnarled friend. A fury of flaming whips met him and Spearow failed to dodge all of them.

Mist began to roll in, grabbing Mismagius's attention. She grinned and the Mist turned heavy suddenly, transforming into Smog. The other Pokémon all began to wheeze, feeling it hard to breathe. She noticed someone trying to control her and looked down.

Poliwag froze as the witch looked at him, her mere look sending tremors on his body. He was lifted in the air, struggling as dark vapors began to leave his body.

"Poliwag!" Leaf yelled out, returning her Tadpole Pokémon. Mismagius grinned and a barrage of Shadow Balls were fired towards the duo of trainers.

Aegislash flashed in front of them, switching into Defense Mode again and erecting a Protect. He grunted as they broke through his barrier and hit his shield, denting it heavily.

"Aegislash!" Anpu called out in alarm.

"Give me an opening." She told Anpu. "I'll get that witch!" Anpu nodded.

"Froslass! Ice Beam! Frillish, use Hydro Pump! Gengar, close in and Shadow Claw! Aegislash, stay close to Leaf." He muttered the last part.

"Spearow! Confuse her with Double Team! Try to free Butterfree! Ivysaur, use Petal Dance again!" Leaf waited for a few moments, letting the Pokémon execute their moves.

Then, she rushed at Mismagius. The witch flickered yet again, letting the moves pass through her. Spearow caught her attention and she easily identified the real one, hitting him with Fire Whip and slamming him down.

Gengar slid behind her, slashing. Mismagius flickered, his claws raking air, and she blasted Gengar bad with a Dark Pulse. The witch noticed Leaf approaching her and sent her hair forward.

Aegislash appeared before the brunette, slashing at the hair with Night Slash and cutting them. Leaf jumped on the Ghost/Steel Type, using him as a springboard and preparing to shove the dust on Mismagius.

Mismagius jumped into the shadows, zooming around and appearing behind Leaf. Leaf landed, finding her footing, but was unable to avoid her hair ensnarling her.

"Leaf!" Anpu called out in worry, rushing forwards himself. Mismagius shoved the limp Butterfree towards him, hitting him and knocking him down. Aegislash tried to free the brunette but was unable to, hitting the floor hard as gravity increased for him.

"Leave me!" Leaf shouted as her hair tightened around her, locking her arms and legs in one place. Mismagius looked her in the eye, Leaf's brown ones flickering into black.

Spearow shrieked, lunging in for his trainer. Mismagius unleashed a trio of fiery birds, hitting him and burning him heavily. Froslass and Frillish dove from the shadows, lunging at her for a close range Ice Beam and Water Pulse.

Mismagius sent a pulse of dark energy at them, blasting them away. Then, she grabbed the two and ensnarled them with her hair as well.

Ivysaur tried to save his trainer too but three large wolves made of fire engaged him. The Grass/Poison Type was forced to defend against them first.

"My daughter made a mistake keeping you alive." Mismagius spoke, enjoying the way Leaf struggled in her grip. "You don't know me girl. I'm way worse than Misdreavus. I can give you a fate far worse than what that League Trainer had to face."

"You can't." Leaf managed. Mismagius gave her a surprised look and noticed her necklace.

"That little thing?" Mismagius chuckled. Her eyes pulsed and the necklace broke, beads falling on the ground and rolling away. "You need to try a lot more."

"Now!" Leaf shouted. Mismagius looked around, finding nothing. Leaf shoved some of the dust in her mouth, spitting it in Mismagius's eye. The witch shrieked in pain, her grip easing on Leaf, and the brunette tried to capitalize on it.

She shoved the remaining dust into Mismagius's face, grinning at the way it burned against her skin. Mismagius shrieked in pain and distress, gasping in pain as her form began to shrink back.

"Now!" Leaf ordered. Gengar blasted Mismagius's back with the strongest Shadow Ball he could've made in the brief time Leaf had her occupied.

The brunette grabbed the hair and tugged at them, wincing as they cut into her. She pushed, trying to force her way out. Gengar reformed near her, cutting the hair with Shadow Claw and grabbing her.

Leaf was pulled a safe distance away from the gasping Mismagius near Anpu who immediately checked up on her. Leaf returned her Butterfree quickly, rolling her hands and wincing.

"It's just a bruise." She replied. There was an explosion above them. "I hope Ash's doing okay."


A Victreebal fell on him.

Mystic's eyes lit up and the Victreebal paused in the air, Skylar tackling him to the side with Quick Attack. Arbok hissed and lunged at them, Viper quickly engaging him.

"Ha!" Diana lunged at Ash, swinging her baton. Behind her, a Crobat and a hellhound lunged at his team. Ash ducked under it, the reflexes obtained from spending a month in Rock Tunnel helping.

Skylar swooped in for a Quick Wing against Crobat but the bat was very speedy, easily dodging her and counter attacking. Skylar shrieked and blurred into a dozen Pidgeotto.

Crobat let out a shriek, hurting her and exposing the real Skylar. He lunged at her, maw opening wide. Skylar shoved her steeled wing inside his mouth, letting him break his teeth against it.

Viper ducked and dodged the Arbok's quick attacks, too busy evading to try and fight back. Mystic used her ESP and froze the Arbok, allowing for a counter.

Viper slashed Arbok with Leaf Blades, wrapping her Vine Whip and turning in the air. She turned, pivoting the snake in the air and slamming him down. Mystic blasted him with Shadow Balls making the snake struggle.

Bulbasaur engaged the Victreebal, not quite used to such a fighting style. Victreebal threw Razor Leaves against him which he knocked off course with Vine Whip.

Victreebal lunged at him, mouth opened wide. Bulbasaur jumped out of the way, knowing the acid inside Victreebal was strong enough to melt him alive.

The Houndoom breathed one gout of fire upon another on Lairon, the Iron Armor Pokémon enduring all of them using Iron Defense. Lairon let out an ear splitting Metal Sound, deafening Houndoom and running forwards in an Iron Head. Houndoom recovered quickly enough, and jumped to the side to dodge it.

He unleashed another Flamethrower, one which Lairon blocked quickly using Stone Edge. A sharp rock jutted out, covering Lairon and enduring the Flamethrower.

"You and your team shall be sacrificed to Spiritomb!" Diana grinned, twirling her baton and swinging it at Ash. The Kantonian jumped back, dodging it sloppily. "Spiritomb shall be ours!" She stabbed his baton forward, hitting Ash in his stomach and shocking him.

"In your dreams." Ash retorted, ducking under another jab and swinging his jaw. Diana dodged it easily, kicking his side twice, and then knocking him off his feet with another well placed kick. "Viper!"

His Servine wrapped her vines around Diana's hand, holding it in place. Ash got up and punched Diana in the jaw, Viper pulling her baton out of her hand.

"Haunter! Shut it down!" Haunter held his arms up, shaking his head. "You can't?" Diana managed to free her hand courtesy of Arbok and tried to punch Ash.

Ash managed to duck in time, catching the baton Viper tossed him. "No one can prevent Spiritomb from waking!" Diana cackled. Ash swung his baton at Diana, almost hitting her and pulling back.

"We can, and we will!" Ash retorted and began to swing the baton aggressively. Diana was forced on the defensive, ducking and dodging. Eventually, she found an opening and utilized it.

She grabbed Ash's arm, slamming her elbow into his face, and forced the baton out of his hand. Then, she grabbed the baton and slammed it into Ash repeatedly.

Her body froze as Mystic decided to assist her trainer, forcing her to drop her baton. Arbok lunged at her but Viper leapt in between and covered her teammate.

Ash swung at Diana, hitting her with all he got. Diana was unable to defend as Mystic kept her crippling grip on her, so she was forced to take it.

"All of this is your fault!" Ash shouted, punching her in the face repeatedly enough to draw blood. "All these deaths, agony!" Ash smashed the baton into her side, delivering a rapid shock. "All of this is your fault!"

Mystic was blasted with a Dark Pulse, something she didn't see coming for some reason. Diana felt the grip on her loosen and she ducked, punching Ash in the stomach and pulling him into a chokehold.

"You'll pay!" She growled, tightening her arm around his neck. "Your entire team will. The entire town will!" Ash bit on her arm making her wince and loosen up. Ash rammed his elbow into her stomach, pushing her off him and slamming the baton into her head.

Diana hit the floor like a sack of potatoes, unconscious and limp. Ash breathed deeply, looking over her. "It'll be you who's gonna pay for their actions. Not us."

He turned to his team. They were evenly matched, something he hadn't expected. Diana's team was already worn out, like their trainer, which helped his team gain an advantage. If they weren't… he would have a hard time beating them.

Ash hurried over to the keystone floating, trusting his team to keep the opponent engaged. "Any luck?" He asked Haunter. Haunter shook his head. Ash pulled out the pouch of dust he had obtained from May.

He dug his hand inside, pulling out some. "Think this'll work?" Haunter shrugged. "You go help the others. I'll figure this out." Haunter nodded and floated over to Bulbasaur. Ash took a deep breath and tossed the dust on the floating keystone.

The air stilled suddenly, everything seeming to stop. Ash grinned as the energy swirling around the keystone began to lose its stability. The keystone began to break, cracks forming in it.

"No!" Ash turned around and saw Diana already up. "I'm not going to allow you to do that!" Her voice turned demonic all of a sudden. "Lord Spiritomb requires a sacrifice!"

"I don't think anyone is going to volunteer for that!" Ash retorted. Diana pulled out a knife from her pocket, approaching him. "Haunter!" Diana turned the blade around and stabbed it in her chest, gasping as it pierced her. "No!"

Diana grinned, stumbling. "All hail Lord Spiritomb." Blood dripped out of her mouth and she fell down. Ash turned around and saw the energy stabilize, growing stronger by the second.

"Oh shit." Ash quickly shoved more of the dust on the keystone, a pained shriek haunting the entire town. Ash almost jumped as a ghoulish face formed within the energy, and he was blown off his feet and away from there.

"Oh no." Ash gasped, realizing what had just happened.

Spiritomb had woken up.


"How are you Gible?" Damien questioned, approaching his Dragon. Gible avoided his look, looking at the quarter they kept humans in. "Don't worry about your friend, she's just peachy."

Gible growled at him, warning him not to try to hurt Cynthia. "You can't even save yourself Gible, what can you do to help her?" He sneered. Gible growled angrily. "Look, I know we have gotten on the wrong foot and all but I'll like to set this straight."

"I'm going to release you." Gible looked at him with relief. "But on one condition. Fulfill that and you're getting your freedom. You can go live wherever your species live and rot I don't care only if you have fulfill this command."

Gible questioned him what it was, impatient to know. Damien grinned, knowing he was on the verge of obtaining Riolu.

"They'll be taking your statement tomorrow." He began. "I want you to say that Cynthia was poaching you and all that." Gible froze. "Do that and you're getting your freedom. Don't, and I'm gunning for you." He crouched down next to the Land Shark Pokémon. "We have a deal?"

Gible paused, deep in thought. On one hand, he was getting what he wanted from so long, freedom. He could be free from this evil trainer's grip and live a stress free life off in the caves his species delved in, but only if he damned the only person brave enough to take a stand for him.

Gible opened his eyes, feeling sunlight hit him. He opened his eyes and saw the same girl who he had briefly met looking at him sadly. She pulled him out, hugging him tightly.

The dragon felt… safe. Somehow, the girl's hug waved all of his worries away. Gible relaxed, feeling unconscious creep over him. Since he felt safe, there was no need to hunt for survival.

He knew the danger the Spearow around them possessed and how easy of a target he was. He knew he'll most probably be returned to Damien. He knew he'll most probably never see this girl again.

But the only thing he cared about was this girl and the way she made him feel safe.


"We have a deal?" Damien repeated his question. Gible looked up, unsure of his answer. "I keep my promises Gible. That's one of my most important qualities." Gible scoffed. "I would mind my tongue if I were you. Just cause I'm releasing you doesn't mean I can't hammer some sense into you."

Gible closed his eyes, sighing sadly. He was sorry. He really was.

There was nothing he wouldn't have done to be with that girl forever. She cared for him. She was willing to die for him! Yet here he was…

"I'm asking for the last time Gible," Damien was annoyed. "Do we have a deal or not?!"

Gible looked up, tearful eyes. Sorry girl.

The dragon nodded.


"She's down." Leaf muttered eyes on the struggling witch. "Let's go help Ash now!" Anpu nodded. The air stilled suddenly, giving Leaf a vague sense of déjà vu.

She understood why when Mismagius roared and her burns seemed to agonize her further. The trainers looked at the witch, feeling fear enter them as Mismagius began to change even more.

"Oh no." Leaf gasped. Anpu gritted his teeth, realizing that Mismagius wasn't out yet. "What do we do now?" She asked, turning to the Lavender Town resident.

"I don't know." He replied back worriedly.

"This isn't over!" Mismagius promised, eyes fixing on Leaf and promising revenge. "I won't rest until I kill every one of you!" Leaf's eyes widened suddenly.

She fell on her knees, grabbing her throat and gasping. Anpu quickly fell down next to her, looking at her worriedly. "You!" Anpu felt his body tighten against his will. His team all went at his defense, attacking Mismagius.

The witch unleashed a blade of darkness at Froslass, cutting through her Ice Beam and almost hitting her. Her eyes lit up and the blade turned into a net, ensnarling Frillish instead. The Water Pulse she had made fell on Gengar, enlarging and trapping him into a large bubble of water.

The large wolves all lost their form, turning into a ring of fire which surrounded Ivysaur. Spearow shrieked but was hit by a Fire Whip at least five dozen times and then smashed against a wall hard. He went limp unsurprisingly.

Froslass fired off a couple of Ice Beams which all paused in mid-air and turned into chilly blades. They were swung at Anpu while Froslass herself was surrounded by a net of intense flames. She tried to Shadow Sneak out but felt repelled.

Anpu shouted in pain as he was pushed against a wall harshly, the icy blades stabbing into him and pinning him against the wall. Mismagius pressed the blades deeper into him making Anpu shriek out.

"Now," She turned to Leaf who was struggling to breathe. The brunette was ensnarled tightly once again by Mismagius's hair, dragged in front of the witch. "You saw what Misdreavus did to your friend's Espeon?" Leaf didn't respond, trying to get out of her trap.

"I guess not." Her hair tightened making her prisoner gasp. "Let me give you a demo."

Leaf screamed.


Ash stared at the keystone as it stabilized, the energy being sucked in it and swirling on top of it. Ash remembered the Pokémon he had seen in his nightmare and shivered, feeling the sheer malicious aura of it roll over him and the entire tower. All of the Pokémon paused, turning to Spiritomb.

Spiritomb finished forming, consisting of the cracked keystone with purplish green gas swirling above the keystone making his face. Spiritomb, the Pokémon made of wicked 107 souls, something whose very existence was based off the other's suffering.

"That's a Spiritomb." Ash mumbled. Diana's Pokémon quickly fled the scene, not wanting to be near it. Spiritomb turned to them and they froze.

Ash flinched, wishing he had never seen or heard the scene. Spiritomb gruesomely tore the Arbok, Houndoom, Crobat, and Victreebal apart, relishing in their screams and torment.

The wide crack on his keystone healed up, sealing up. Ash looked at the four Pokémon's remains, feeling the urge to retch. "You" Ash turned to look at Spiritomb. "Lavender Town's Savior."

Pressure increased on the floor, making Ash and his team feel uncomfortable. "You Shall Perish!" Spiritomb formed a Shadow Ball and tossed it towards Ash.

Ash felt his life flash by as the ball hit him, sent flying back. From being born to this point, Ash closed his eyes, hitting the ground and laying down.

His team screamed in worry, flocking over him and ignoring Spiritomb. Blood trickled down Ash's lips, body cold. Mystic turned to Spiritomb, pure murder in her eyes.

Her fur stood up, a pink glow around her. She shrieked, energy pouring off her. A God or an ordinary person, nobody hurt her Ash and got away.

She stepped forwards, daring Spiritomb to attack her. Viper looked at Ash's limp body with a sad look and then turned to Spiritomb. Overgrow reached new heights, her aura radiating pure power. She stepped besides Mystic, eyes glowing green.

Haunter grabbed Ash's body and dragged it off in a corner, feeling sorrow overcome him. He turned to Spiritomb and growled, feeling his tolerance point reach its limit. That damned creature was the reason of their misery! He'll pay it back with interest!

Haunter stepped forwards and stood on the other side of Mystic, snarling at Spiritomb. The entity of evil looked at him in surprise. Haunter turned to Mystic and Viper, telling them that Spiritomb isn't at even a quarter of his strength and he was at most thrice the strength of Mismagius.

Bulbasaur, Lairon and Skylar stepped besides them, wanting a piece of Spiritomb too. Skylar didn't have any fancy aura or anything around her, but the look on her face was enough. Nobody will hurt her dear Ashy! No one!

Bulbasaur managed to activate his Overgrow as well, a green glow around him. He wouldn't allow another person he held dear to leave him! Spiritomb will have to pay!

Lairon growled, irritated at the fact that Ash was actually helping him grow stronger but someone had to rip that from him too. Spiritomb had pissed him off, and Lairon was going to make good use of it.

Spiritomb looked at them with amused eyes, looking at the unconscious Ash. It was clear he wasn't dead yet since Spiritomb didn't feel his soul entering him. He'll make sure once he finished up with these five first.

"Your Doom Awaits."


"I saw Misdreavus having her way with that Espeon." Mismagius grinned, enjoying the pained expression on Leaf. "Oh the screams she let out." Leaf felt her body being pressed beyond its limits. "I taught her well."

"You'll die." Leaf hissed. "Just like her- Ah!" Leaf gasped as her hair tightened around her, so tight that her bones threatened to snap. Mismagius pulled her closer, so close she could feel Leaf's breathe.

"I can smell your fear Leaf." Mismagius replied. "Oh, Lord Spiritomb's finally awake." She looked up. "Your friend Ash has failed, just like you."

"He'll take down your lord alright," Leaf vowed. "We're not failing." She hissed right in her face. Mismagius frowned at her attitude and tendrils formed out of her back.

"It seems like I have to teach you a lesson." The tendrils approached her making Leaf's eyes widen. "You're going to be in so much pain Leaf. I promise that."

She meant that.


The next chapter will wind up this arc! We had two arcs in the same chapter, one being the Lavender Town Arc and the other being Gible's Arc. Hope you guys are enjoying the longer chapters!

Review what you think of this chapter! It'll help me improve the writing!

Response to Reviews:

UltimateCCC: True.

Mark Andrew: I've been writing before 2014 actually. You found me near 2016 give or take some months. And don't worry, sunny chapters will be there as well! Ash and Cynthia are going to meet soon, I'll give you that much. And I had these chapters written from a long time ago. Just didn't want to upload them due to demotivation. A lot of plans are being laid out, and a lot of them are being acted upon too. Trust me, Conqueror is going to be one hell of a ride!