Kuvira's Redemption

Chapter 9

The snow covered walkway crunched with every step Korra took, as she made her way towards the Southern Water Tribe temple. She suspected that would be where her father was, Tonraq, who was appointed by the southern council a few years ago, as Chief of their nation. Korra climbed the stairs slowly, reminiscing on the memories that this place held.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Korra looked up, snapping from her memories.

"Dad!" She bounded towards Tonraq in a few quick steps, embracing him in the tightest hug she could muster. "It's so good to see you."

"It's great to see you too sweetie," he said, slowly releasing Korra from his arms, "your mother is going to be thrilled that you're here! "

"I actually already stopped by to see her, she sent me to get you for dinner."

"Perfect timing, I was just on my way out." Tonraq picked up his bag and slung it easily over his strong shoulder.

"What's in the bag?" Korra asked, as they started off towards her parents home.

"This is just some gear that I will be using on tomorrows expedition." Tonraq patted the bag with his unoccupied hand. "Two people went missing a few days ago, on their way to the portal. I've had a few guys out looking for them since, but nothing has come back. My group is going out there tomorrow morning to relieve them. I'm worried if they aren't found soon, they might not ever be. A huge snow storm hits tomorrow night."

"Do you know the people who went missing?"

"I don't. I guess it's some foreigners who are into traveling. They came here to see the portal, and use it to get back to Republic City"

"How do you know they're missing? What if they made it to the portal?" Korra asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Someone in Republic City called us, they were being expected and never made it." Tonraq sighed as he turned down the pathway that he lived on. "So we launched a full on missing persons investigation. We met with the hotel, got info on when they checked out, what they had seen or knew about the two missing. The stories matched up."

They stopped just before the front door of their new relocated house. Tonraq placed a hand on Korra's shoulder before continuing.

"Don't say anything to your mother. I don't want her to worry more than she needs to, I promise to tell her in the morning. Besides, Im planning on being home before nightfall, along with the two travelers, safe and sound." Tonraq gave Korra a strong smile, before swinging the front door open. "Senna, look who's joining us for dinner!"

Korra playfully rolled her eyes. He set down his stuff and stepped aside so Senna could give her another warm motherly hug. Korra watched as the two shared a quick kiss, and happily moved into the dining area. There was no doubt in her entire life that her parents loved each other. They always carried so much passion and patience for one another. She loved both of them very much, but Korra had always been closer with her father.

As the three enjoyed their water tribe grub, they filled Korra in on everything that has happened here since she left. Senna often asked Korra about the happenings back in Republic City, and the newest things going on for her. She shared as much as she could, without mentioning Kuvira.

Once they finished eating, Senna collected the empty bowls and took them to the kitchen. "So Korra, will you be staying here with us tonight? We have a bedroom all made up for you." Asked her father.

"Umm, I haven't decided yet, the people i've been traveling with have some rooms out in town." Korra fidgeted with the tablecloth.

"You didn't mention that you were traveling with someone, you should have invited them over for dinner, Im sure your mother wouldn't have minded cooking a little extra." Tonraq seemed to notice Korra's efforts to avoid eye contact. "What's wrong Korra? Is something the matter?"

"Nothing is wrong dad, I just… How did you know you wanted to be with mom?" Korra looked up from the tablecloth in question. Tonraq raised an eyebrow.

"Wasn't expecting that question, lets see…" He pondered for a second, "Well for starters I couldn't stop thinking about her. There had always been a physical attraction, after all, your mother is very beautiful, but once we kissed, it was over for me. I was totally swoon." He let out a light laugh. "Why the sudden interest?"

Korra sat for a moment, thinking about Kuvira. 'Well I definitely haven't been able to stop thinking about her… let alone how I felt when we kissed.'

"Whatever it is Korra, you can tell me." Her dad reassured.

"I haven't been completely honest with you and mom. Before I left Republic City, I decided to take on helping Kuvira. I've been traveling with her, and two of Chief Beifong's guards." She paused, trying to get a read on his feelings so far, but his expressions were unchanging, still full of reassurance. "My trip with Asami, it didn't go.. So well.. And then quickly after that I took on the task of watching Kuvira. Since the moment that we were blasted into the spirit world together, ive felt so many things for her… I just, I don't want to do the wrong thing."

"I'm sorry things didn't work out for you with Asami… As for Kuvira.." Tonraq rubbed the side of his face, "She has a complicated past. As of recently, she's done some not so great things.."

"I know, but she has also.." Korra began to argue, only to be cut off.

"... I was going to say, but you have a good judgment in character. If you think she's changed or wants to change, then you're probably right. That doesn't mean it will be easy, a lot of people will be against it, for more reasons than one, and they will try to get in your head and dictate the decisions you make. The truth is, no one is closer to the situation or her, than you are." He reached for his glass, taking a full swig of water, "If you remember, she did save my life, and tend to my wounds, against Zaheer, on the day you were poisoned. No one is ever completely bad, just like no one is ever completely good. If she has got some good left in her, I have no doubt that you will bring it out."

"Thanks dad… Don't tell mom, yet. Please?" Tonraq nodded in confirmation, "Anyway, I should get going, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"A long day tomorrow, why? What's that supposed to mean?" Senna inquired from the doorway of the dining room. Korra and Tonraq exchanged glances.

"Uhh hey mom, I am gonna get going, it's getting pretty late. Mom, dad, love you both." Korra gave them each a quick hug. "Thanks for dinner mom, it was delicious, and dad I'll see you before nightfall tomorrow, right?"

"Of course," Tonraq walked with Senna to the doorway, seeing Korra off as she headed towards downtown.

"I'll be back in a few hours, go ahead and settle in." Kuvira had overheard Korra telling Manchu, on her way out earlier this evening - after they reserved a room at the Crystal Ice Suites and Inn. According to the brochures at the check in desk, it was the best hotel in the Southern Water Tribe.

"Here is your room key, you'll be on the top floor, number 542. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask." The female concierge chimed.

"I would like to book one room as well, please." Manchu reached into his pocket, pulling out a few silver coins. "A single room with two double beds."

"Nope. No way. I'm not sharing a room with you tonight." Teo shook his head. He placed a few gold coins on the counter. "Do any of your suites have saunas or steam rooms?"

"Whoa there money bags. Where did those come from?" Manchu's eyes narrowed at the firebender.

"I've been holding onto them for awhile now." He shrugged his shoulders and gave his familiar smirk.

"Sir, we do have a sauna suite available, top floor as well." The concierge collected the coins and exchanged them for a metallic colored room key. "As always enjoy your stay."

After Teo left with his things, Kuvira waited with Manchu in the lobby while he paid for his own room. They stopped at his room on the third floor before continuing to the room Korra had reserved on the top floor.

The watertribe furniture was nice, a small sofa with a coffee table sat on one side of the room, opposite from but facing the queen bed, which was sandwiched between two nightstands with lamps. The thick fabric curtains that hung against the farthest wall were a deep shade of blue. They were clearly meant for keeping the intense cold from seeping through the window frames.

Kuvira admired the material, caressing it with her fingertips. She had stayed at countless hotels throughout the Earth Empire, during her time as the great uniter, but this was the first one in either of the water tribes. Before, she would only stay in the suites or nicest rooms available. Fancy appliances and first class service became a standard for her.

'Now it's a huge privilege just to sleep in a real bed.'

"Kuvira." She turned towards the doorway, where Manchu had addressed her. "I need to run into town to drop off a letter, will you be alright if I leave you here to settle in alone?"

"Yes, of course." She nodded, 'As well as getting some alone time.'

Once Manchu stepped out, Kuvira helped herself to a long hot shower, wrapping up in a soft bathrobe supplied by the hotel. She walked from the bathroom to the couch, picking up a Southern Times newspaper from the coffee table.

Kuvira skimmed through the content, not really looking for anything in particular. She stopped at the five day weather forecast. 'Great, a giant snow storm is rolling in tomorrow.' She flipped through a few more pages, until a headline caught her eye.


Southern Tribe authorities believe that Raal, 26, and Usan, 30, were on their way to the spirit portal when the couple decided to steer off path. The men now missing as of two days, where expected at an engineering convention being held at the Sato factory iad Rdoidlic Cityisio lkjei….'

Kuvira's eyes slowly began to close, losing the ability to focus on the words in front of her. The warm robe and soft couch cushioned her fall into a sweet and unexpected sleep.

"Hey." Kuvira opened her eyes. Korra sat on the coffee table in front of her, wrapped in a matching robe. "I think you fell asleep reading the paper." Korra smiled, "must have been a really interesting article you were on."

'Paper..' Her mind was still groggy, but slowly she began to piece together where she was and how she got there. She brushed a hand through her hair, 'I must have been asleep for a while because my hair is practically dry now.'

Korra placed a hand on Kuvira's exposed knee, catching her full attention. "I'll give you a second to wake up." Korra walked from the table to the small kitchen area near the door, "I thought I might of woke you when I took a shower, but you were really out. I made some tea, would you like some?"

"Sure." She called from the couch, but it came out more quietly than she expected. The watertribe woman carried over a small steaming cup, which Kuvira gently took. The warm liquid brought goosebumps to her skin as it touched her lips. "Thank you."

"Kuvira?" Korra said in low sultry tone that made her heart skip a beat. The avatar sat down in front of her once more, her bright blue eyes holding her own. She wanted to respond, but was left speechless as Korra began loosening the sash that held her robe wrapped around her body.

Kuvira's attention bounced between her working hands and her unwavering gaze. For as many times as she imagined and dreamt of a similar situation happening, she felt completely and utterly stunned.

Korra's robe covered her body loosely, being held in place by nothing more than her lack of movement now. The avatar leaned forward, placing one hand on each of Kuvira's strong thighs, pushing her own robe higher and higher towards her core.

Heat began to build between her legs with every inch that she reached. Kuvira leaned slowly towards Korra's embracing lips. Once connected, they parted and moved together in unison, allowing each others tongue to dance back and forth between their open mouths.

The feelings that swelled in Kuvira's chest was like nothing she had ever felt towards someone else before. With every touch from Korra's hands, and movement of her lips, it sent her spiraling deeper into a frenzy of desire and want.

'Holy shit. Is this what it's supposed to feel like?'

"Kuvira.." Kiss. "Come with.." Kiss. "Me.." Korra strained to say between the push and the pull of their lips. Korra grabbed one of Kuvira's hands and began leading her towards the bed.

"Korra I.." She wanted to tell her that she's never done this before, and that she was quite frankly a little nervous. 'I can fight the avatar and conquer the Earth Empire no sweat but sleeping with a woman makes me clam up? Get it together Kuvira.'

"Hey," Korra wrapped her arms around Kuvira's waist, pulling her body up against her own, giving her a gentle and passionate kiss, that made her knees feel weak. "We don't have to do anything else," She smiled, blushing deeply at the same time. "I just really needed to kiss you, I couldn't stop thinking about it since Zoafu."

'She thought about it the entire time too?'

Kuvira couldn't believe this was happening. "I thought you were upset about that, until last night you hadn't really talked to me much, I was so worried it was me, that I went to far…"

"I know, I'm sorry that I pulled back so much." Korra pulled her robe closed tightly as she folded her arms and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "I let some things that Suyin said get to me."

'I fucking knew it was her!'

"What did she say to you?" Kuvira snapped, "I knew it was her. Fuck." She clenched her fists with anger.

"It doesn't matter what she said Kuvira, really it was my fault." Kuvira wanted to stay mad, wanted to add this to the list of everything Su has done to her, but she didn't want Korra to think that the frustration and irritation was directed at her. She could tell the avatar really was taking the blame for it. "I shouldn't have let someone else influence or change my emotions about something, or in this case, someone. I can see that now. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner." Korra looked at her with the most sincere expression she had ever seen.

'And im an idiot.' She shook her head, and relaxed her hands. 'Korra, the Avatar, and woman that I haven't been able to stop thinking about, actually expresses genuine care and interest in me, in a way that I only thought was possible in my fantasies after everything horrible I've done…. And I let something Suyin said get in the way of that?'

"Its fine, really. You don't need to be sorry. I understand why you feel the need to be.. Cautious. With me." Kuvira looked at her with water laced eyes. 'Damnit.'

"Come lay with me?" Korra reached her hand outward, asking for her to take it. Seconds seemed like minutes, as Kuvira battled with her thoughts. An overwhelming feeling of need to push away, and stay away, not only for the safety of her own emotions, but for Korra's wellbeing as well, seemed to keep her just out of the avatars reach.

"Korra.. I.."

Kuvira remembered how she felt when Korra visited her in prison. The way she felt in her bedroom at Air Temple Island. Countless hours she thought about her while working on the domes in Zoafu. The complete reassurance their first kiss brought. Everything flooded over her.

'Who am I trying to fool. I couldn't pull away even if I wanted to.'

She reached forward and took her hand, walking slowly towards the bed. Korra pulled back the covers and slid under them, scooting to the side to make room as she climbed in next to her. Once settled, Korra wrapped an arm across her midsection, snuggling up to and laying on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Kuvira tilled her face down to look at Korra.

"For not being there when the Earth Nation needed me. When you needed me." Kuvira's heart felt like it was under intense pressure. She had been so selfish before, seeing only what she wanted to see, doing only what she deemed right, at the expense of everyone else. "Everything would have been different, for you, and me."

Kuivra tilted Korras face upward to meet her own, sealing her lips in a kiss. Just like the previous times, it sent her spiraling into a need for more.

I know its been awhile since I last posted. I've had some trouble writing lately, I can't seem to get it. Whatever "it" is. Things aren't as heated as i'd like them to be, it may or may not be due to the fact that im not entirely sure what i'm doing haha. As my first story, I hope that I can progress. Hanging in there. (like the cat posters).