Chapter 1 The sleeping sickness cure and true feelings are revealed

After the evil Lasombra is shot with a poison dart from the treasure of the green eye people the poison runs through his body causing him to fall over the cliff a second time after managing to climb back up the first time but this time Lasombra falls to his death. Sadly the treasure falls with him making Arnold and his friends wonder how in the world would they be able to cure not only Arnold's parents who Arnold thought were long gone would wake up from the sleeping sickness along with the rest of the green eye adults. Eduardo Arnold's parents best friend went back with them to the green eye village to tell the children of the green eye village who weren't affected by the sleeping sickness that the treasure was lost forever. Since none of the children of the green eye village spoke English Eduardo told the children in their native tongue, "I'm sorry but your village's treasure fell off the cliff when Lasombra tried to steal it back before falling to his death when the poison went through his entire body." After hearing that all of the village children including Arnold started crying their eyes out because the golden heart statue was the only way to cure the sleeping sickness at least so they thought. Helga Pataki Arnold's friend who has been in love with Arnold since they were in preschool but never showed it because she didn't want anybody to know and acted mean towards him did something nobody expected. "Wait I know this isn't the gold statue but it's gold plated and maybe this will work and cured the entire green eye village" Helga said as she offered her most prized treasure which was her locket with Arnold's picture inside of it.

When Arnold saw Helga's golden locket he said, "Let's give a try." The locket was placed in the center where the golden treasure would have been inside of a pillar and within a few seconds the cure for the sleeping sickness rained down on all of the adults including Arnold's parents curing everyone affected by it. One by one the adults started to wake up and the children were happy to see their parents again. As for Arnold's parents they were the last to wake up. After Arnold's parents Miles and Stella Shortman woke up they turned around, looked at their son and said, "Hey Arnold." When Arnold heard his parents call him he ran into their arms and cried happy tears as did his parents. "I can't believe it. I thought after all of these years you're still alive. Grandpa, Grandma and I thought that you two have died but I'm so glad you're alive" Arnold cried as he continued to hug his parents. "Our precious baby boy you've gotten so big. How many years have we been asleep?" Arnold's mom Stella asked. "Well according to Dad's journal which helped me find you two you guys left when I was one and I'm ten years old so it's been nine years" Arnold answered which shocked both of his parents. "Nine years! Are you serious?!" Arnold's dad Miles exclaimed as he and Stella both had shocked looks on their faces. "We missed so much of your life. We're so sorry." "It's ok dad. It's not yours or mom's fault. The sleeping sickness got to you both and you couldn't do anything about it. The most important thing is that we're together again and I'm taking you guys back home so we can be a family again" Arnold said to his parents which Stella and Miles were more than excited to do. "Arnold when we get back home we have a lot of catching up to do" Miles and Stella promised Arnold. After Arnold was done greeting his parents he found Helga trying to get her locket out the base because she wanted it back.

"Helga what are you doing?" Arnold asked as he approached Helga. "Um nothing I was just trying to get my locket out" answered Helga. Her locket eventually fell out and she put it away. "Helga all this time that we've known each other I never knew until now. Do you really love me?" Arnold questioned. "Yeah like I love a root canal" Helga answered in her hostile attitude not wanting to show her affectionate side. Arnold knew the truth about Helga's feelings for him and didn't believe her hostile act for one second as he took Helga by the hand and said, "Thank you Helga for everything. If it wasn't for you, your locket and the love you have for me I wouldn't be reunited with my parents.""You're welcome" Helga said to Arnold right before she and Arnold began to kiss which was cut short by Arnold's parents and best friend Gerald who were looking at them with smiles on their faces. "Come on you two love birds. Let's get back to the camp where our entire class is at. I'm sure they're worried about us" Gerald pointed out. "Wait a minute you kids came with your class?How is this possible?" Miles asked and Arnold told his parents about the fake contest he apparently won that was set up by the villain Lasombra who pretended to be their friend Eduardo.

Author's Note: I've always wanted to write a fanfiction based on Hey Arnold a popular cartoon that was on when I was a child. After seeing Hey Arnold The Jungle Movie a while back I wondered what it would be like if there was a fanfiction based on what happened after the events of the jungle movie. Then I got the idea for this story. This is what I have so far and I plan on writing more chapters to this story. Stay tune for my next update. Peace out from Princesspeach102!