Fate: Sword Hero


A New World?

I was dying.

I was on a cold deserted mountain with wounds that would ones from The Fifth Holy Grail War to shame. I was covered in blood from head to toe, whether it be mine or the ones that tried to slay me. I had been found to be dabbling in the forbidden magecraft known as a Reality Marble. is one that centres around the materialization and projection of one's inner world onto reality following the Thaumaturgical Theory World Egg. Originally, it was an ability that daemons have as their Alien Common Sense, but some people such as The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors and the greatest of magi like Solomon have made this ability available to use through a long time. It was a magecraft that was so close to the 3rd True Magic: Heaven's Feel, that it wasn't even funny. A reality marble at its core was the materialization of one's true inner inner self, that is the soul onto the world. It was a magecraft so inhumane that only 6 humans had ever achieved it and all had one thing in common. They had died at an early age because they had such radical personalities that it could not be considered human. Now finding a somewhat sane user of a reality marble was like hitting a jackpot that was a lucky draw ticket on which was another entry slip that would let you enter a lottery and then only would you get a real jackpot. Case in point; Myself. As soon as I had been found out, I was immediately 'awarded' a Sealing Designation of the highest order. I had to run away from my family and my loved ones so as to not to put them in harm's way.

I was overrun with several magi and executors. I had to fend off they alone with me killing over 400 people. I did not like it but it had to be done because if I was captured there was a high chance I would lead to a pathway to Akasha and should an evil person gain access to True Magic, the consequences would be disastrous

As I lay there, my disheveled form was covered by the Holy Shroud Of George, a powerful magic artefact, a majestic white cape with golden linings which was now stained red. It was originally Saint George's Shroud which had attained some of the defensive properties of Ascalon: The Blessed Sword By Which Force is Slain. It protected me against major injuries but it was clear that I was dead no matter what.

Inside of me, Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia was using all its power to try and heal my injuries. Avalon by itself was a Divine Mystery on par with True Magic. It was THE Ultimate Defence Noble Phantasm. Most of those conditions were reserved for its original owner but I was an exception. The effect was lower for me though but still potent enough. Still it mattered not. I was as good as dead. But still there one last question that lingered in my mind.

'Have I become a Hero, Kiritsugu?'

With that the man known as Emiya Shirou died.




Or did he?

Where was he?

A Ritual Circle lay below his feet. A golden and majestic sword in his hand. He saw men wearing cassocks, who he presumed were priest stare at him. Then the priest in the centre stepped forward and said

"Welcome Four Heroes. Please save our world"

Author's Note:

Well, this going to amazing. I feel this project, amongst all, has the most potential.

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Thank you for reading.