A/N: Hey, there everybody! It's me, MBAV fan66! And I have the next all-new chapter of BOM! :D

Sorry, that it took me a little over 3 months to get this chapter out. As usual, I once again went overboard with all I wanted to be in this chapter. Thus, making it really long. Again. :/ *shrugs* But oh, well! I guess, I can't change that about myself, now can I?! *giggle* ;P It just means, more awesomeness for you all to read, then, I guess! ;D

Since MBAV takes place in Canada, I'm not entirely sure how foster care works there since I'm from the U.S.A. I tried looking it up, but wound up getting a bit confused about some things. Even a good buddy of mine on here (you know who you are) that I've been talking to, who lives in Canada, has given me some insight about it. But sadly, even they aren't so sure about the info they gave me, themselves. Since they never actually been in foster care or knew someone who has or has even considered becoming a foster parent themselves, before. The name of the organization that I (and my good buddy, who I shall not name in case they don't want me to) believe handles foster care type situations is called Children's Aid Society (CAS). But like I said, I'm not entirely sure if that's correct or not. According to my research, they only handle foster care in certain places in Canada and they aren't even tied to the government like the U.S. foster care system is (I think?). Instead, the Children's Aid Society (CAS) is actually considered to be a separate organization from all the other official human resource type government-funded organizations in Canada (and yet still get money from the government somehow, anyway, though). But just as I know very little about how the foster care system works over in Canada, I know very little about my own country's foster care system, as well. As I, too, have never had to deal with foster care, either. So, my knowledge is very limited on the subject and I apologize now for any mistakes or incorrect information that may appear about the subject in this chapter and in any future ones.

I also apologize if my timeline seems a bit off or rushed, as well. I suck at timelines and keeping things in a believable/orderly fashion, too. So, if my dates seem a bit rushed or I'm a bit off on Ethan's and Jesse's age in this and any of my other flashback chapters, then yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Anyway, now onto to some shout outs!:

Creative CutiePrincess D- Don't know if you've been reading or following along with this story or not, but I just want to say thank you for adding me to your favorite authors' list! Oh! And I'm not sure if I already gave you a shout out for this or not, but thanks for adding my story, "The Blood Moon Effect" to your favorite list, also! I greatly appreciate it! :D

healthyGlow- Thank you for adding this story to your favorite and follow lists! I really appreciate it! :D

charmedfan120- Awe! Thanks! I'm glad you loved it so much and that it touched you in such a way that it made you cry. That chapter really was a pretty emotional one, though. Wasn't it? ;) But things don't get any better for the Black brothers, though. You see. ;D And yeah, Amanda's adult life did really suck for her, huh? But you're right! Jesse and Ethan were the only two good things that came out of her short and miserable life, huh?! :D Getting to be a mother to those two was the best years and moments of her life! R.I.P Amanda Black. Beloved mother of two precious boys.

Sea Queen- Thank you for adding this story to your favorite and follow lists! Also, thank you for adding my other stories, "The Timid Wolf And The Spellmaster" and "The Origin Of Ethan Morgan" to those lists, as well! I very much appreciate it! :D

Midnight Louie Flamingo Fedora- Thank you for adding this story to your follow list! Also, thank you for adding my other stories, "The Origin Of Ethan Morgan" and "The Blood Moon Effect" to that list, as well! Oh! And for adding me to your follow author list, too! I appreciate it all, most happily! :D

batmanroc- Thank you for adding this story to your favorite and follow lists! I so do appreciate it! :D

jadams2- Thank you for adding this story to your favorite and follow lists! And for adding me to your favorite and follow lists as an author, too! I really appreciate it! :D

LynxCubPup- Awe! Thank you! I'm glad you loved the chapter AND the story, too! :D This story is a pretty emotional one, huh? Probably because of how much relatable real-world content is in it, that I'm sure many people out there can relate to in some way. Like me. I lost my dad when I was only in high school. Although, my situation was a bit different than what Jesse's was, I can still relate to him in some way or another when it comes to losing a parent in your teen years. So, because of relatable content in it, so far, of course, it'd touch people personally in some form or fashion rather. Which was what I'm going for while writing these flashback chapters of Jesse's and Ethan's (but mostly Jesse's) past. Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Lol! I hope you enjoy reading the next chapter of this emotional and (I hope) really great story of mine! ;D

Stretch Snodgrass- Yeah, a little bit. In this here chapter we'll learn more about his reasons for becoming a vampire. Although, seeing how weak and fail his mother was on her death bed and then watching her dying right in front of him, probably was a factor, too. Jesse's been through some pretty tough situation at an early age, that has left some emotional scars on him. In a way, too, probably seeing his mother like that in the hospital at so young is what caused Ethan's fear of needles. I mean, she would've had an IV needle in her arm or wrist somewhere, which he probably seen during all the times he was able to visit her. Which in turn caused him to somehow unconsciously associate medical needles with her very sickly appearance and death. But I'm probably thinking too much in the matter, as usual. Lol! :P But I'm glad you liked the chapter and I hope you'll like this, as well! :D

TiredOfBeingNice- Yes, indeed. It was sad bean hours, huh? *sniffle* And...I KNOW! RIGHT?! IF ONLY FATE WASN'T SO CRUEL TO THEIR HAPPY LITTLE FAMILY, TOGETHER! *starts bawling my eyes out, now* DX But I'm glad that you still enjoyed it, though! :D I'm not sure if this chapter will make you wanna sob or cry as much as the last one did, but it'll still tug at your heartstrings, though. As their hardships aren't over, yet. ;D

achromatix- You welcome! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it and could relate to it in some ways, as well! But things don't get any better for our two favorite Black siblings, though. Well...maybe they do get a teensy bit better for one of them, though. But not by much, though. You'll see! ;) So, hopefully, this chapter won't drudge up too many emotional scars for yah, as the other one did. *giggle* ;P Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :D

Celeste-Bunny93- Thank you for adding this story to your follow list! I very much appreciate it! :D

Lover of DoughNuts- Thank you for adding this story to your follow list! I really do appreciate it! :D

Tizzy20031- Not sure if you've been reading/following along with this story (or any of my other stories) or not in secret, but thank you for adding me to your follow list as an author! I appreciate it! :D

adrokablexfanficlover- Not sure if you've been reading/following along with this story (or any of my other stories) or not in secret, but thank you for adding me to your follow list as an author! It's much appreciated! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own My Babysitter's A Vampire or any it's characters. That right belongs to it's creators. All that I do own is this story, the plot, and any OCs that may appear.

Regular- in the present time frame/in non-flashback mode

Italics- flashback mode

Bold Italic- voiceover/someone (Jesse) in the present speaking while still in flashback mode

Underline Italics- words/sentences in flashback mode, that would normally be italicized if they weren't in flashback mode (example: thoughts or words with emphasis placed on them when read/said)

Finally, someone did speak. "Sorry, to hear that about your bio mom, E." spoke Benny remorsefully to his best friend with a sullen look on his face.

"Thanks, B." replied Ethan back sullenly but appreciatively, though. As he gave him a small smile, as well.

"And what about me, B? She was my mother, too." teased Jesse mockingly with a smug grin.

Benny just looked at the vampire with uncertainty and unease. He also hated how he called him by his nickname, too. It didn't sound right coming from his evil lips. If anything, hearing his childhood nickname being said by him only creeped him out more! Along with wanting to cringe, too, at the sound of it. "Uh...yeah. You, too. I suppose?" he said cautiously as if he didn't want to say it. Which he didn't. It's hard to feel sympathy for someone who's tried to kill them on numerous occasions.

Jesse smirked from satisfaction. "My! Aren't we so thoughtful!" mocked Jesse amusingly out of fake gratitude for the spellmaster's caring response. Making Benny only grit his teeth spitefully at him, as he glared at the vampire, too.

Ethan saw how Jesse was just toying with Benny out of fun. So, he decided to redirect his big brother's attention back onto him, again. Before things got out of hand.

"Hey, big brother?" said Ethan, gaining Jesse's attention now.

Jesse turned to look at him. "Yes, little bro?" he replied curiously.

"I have a question. About...my seer powers. Where do they come from exactly? From Mom's side of the family? Or from Dad's?" asked Ethan curiously.

The evil vampire gave Ethan's question some thought, first. Before finally giving his answer. "Honestly? I'm not really sure myself, actually." answered Jesse. "Neither Mom nor Dad ever showed any signs of being one, themselves. And I never met any of our grandparents before, either. Since they most likely died off before we were born or at least when I was just a baby, myself." he stated with a hand held up to his chin in a thoughtful manner.

Ethan was shocked to hear this. "So, where did my powers even come from then?!" he asked/wondered incredulously in surprise.

"Hmm..." thought Jesse deeply, as he came up with an answer. "From what I know about seers, is that...it's one of those rare powers that not every generation is born with. The power of a seer tends to skip many generations before ever resurfacing again in that bloodline. And when it does, not every person in that new generation will have it. Which probably explains why Ethan is a seer and I'm not. He was the lucky one to inherit the power, while unfortunately, I wasn't." he recalled from memory.

"And how do you know that?" questioned Sarah curiously, as she quirked a suspicious and questioning brow up at her ex.

"Yeah! Have you ever met another seer besides E, before or something?" added Rory in realization, as he agreed with Sarah's question.

"Don't be ridiculous! Ethan's the first and only seer I've ever met before!" replied Jesse nonchalantly, as he waved off their dirty little questioning looks towards him.

"Then how come you know so much about them, then? Huh?" wondered Rory.

"Rebecca." replied Jesse simply, before elaborating on his answer some more. "After finding out that vampires are real and Rebecca later on taking me in when I had no place else to go. I decided to learn more about what other kinds of supernatural beings there are in the world that exists. Like werewolves, witches, ghosts, fairies, demons. By hitting the books and studying up on all of them the best I could. You see, Rebecca loved to read. Whether it was fiction or nonfiction. It didn't matter to her. Anyway, along with her passion for books you can expect that she also had a pretty impressive book collection, as well. Or rather...a pretty impressive library, really." he explained, but that last part he said a bit hintingly as he smirked at them while slowly sending a glance towards his mansion behind him.

Everyone's eyes grew wide in realization, then. "What a minute! You're telling us that your mansion used to be Rebecca's?!" stated Benny incredulous in astonishment, as he said what everybody was thinking.

Jesse turned to look at them again, still smirking knowingly at them. "Yup!" was all he said to them. Probably, figuratively blowing the four teenagers' minds in the process, as well. "But I'll explain all that a bit later." he then said cooly to them in an amusing like manner. "Anyway, all my knowledge about seers and other things that are supernaturally related comes from reading those books. I never really met a seer in person before until that day at my party when Ethan tried to stop Sarah from taking a bite out of your little blonde idiot friend, over there." he explained (while subtly indicating in Rory's direction at the end) before rudely being cut off by a sudden defensive 'hey' being directed at him.

"Hey!" exclaimed Rory suddenly in offense at Jesse's mean comment about him.

But Jesse only ignored him and continued on with what he had to say. "The moment he touched her to hold her back, that's when I saw his eyes glow a white color. I instantly then remembered something I had read in one of Rebecca's books about seers. That when they experience a vision their eyes will glow a whitish color and that their visions typically happen through touch only. So, I knew right then and there that Ethan must've been a seer." explained Jesse.

"Of course...that was way before I had finally realized that he was really my baby bro, though. If I had known then, then I wouldn't have tried to kill him so many times, back then." said Jesse but with a look of regret on his face then, as he turned to face Ethan afterward.

Ethan could see the pure regret and guilt that his brother had on his face. Which made Ethan feel sorry for him. So, he went up to Jesse and gave him a comforting hug, like he always did for him every time he was upset about something when he was little.

"It's ok, Jess! I forgive you! You didn't know who I was at the time, just I never realized who you were, either." spoke Ethan sincerely to his big brother, while hugging him.

Jesse smiled genuinely at that, as he hugged his little brother back. Feeling the guilt and regret wash away from him. For once, it actually felt nice to be the one to be comforted by your sibling rather than the other way around, like it usually was.

"Thanks, little brother!" replied Jesse sincerely, feeling better about now. Which caused a smile to appear on Ethan's face, as well.

But as for Rory, Benny, and Sarah...they weren't so sure about how they felt about Ethan forgiving Jesse so easily like that, after what all he's done to them, though. Especially, to Ethan. They get that they are brothers and all, but...sometimes there are even things that are hard to forgive family members for, as well. And they all are pretty sure that trying to kill you on purpose, is definitely one of them! But...its Ethan's decision on who he forgives and who he doesn't forgive. So, there's not much else they could do about it.

"So...which side of the family did my seer powers come from then? Do you know, big brother?" asked Ethan curiously, as he took a step back after his and Jesse's little brotherly hug was over with.

Jesse simply shrugged. "I'm not sure, honestly. All I can figure is that it must've come from somebody much earlier on in our family tree. As for who that person is exactly or from which branch of our tree it came from, Mom or Dad's? I haven't a clue." answered Jesse truthfully, giving his head a light dismissive shake at the end with a disappointed expression on his face, too.

Ethan also felt a bit disappointed, at not knowing where his seer abilities came from in his ancestry. But he didn't let it get him down too much, though. He sorta had a feeling that where they come from was a bit of a mystery, anyway. Especially, since ever finding out about being a seer, how he's yet to of ran into another one. But at least now Ethan knows that the power of a seer is what's considered a rare power to have in the supernatural community. So, of course, it'd be less likely that he'd ever run into another seer and he was ok with that, too.

"So, um...what happened next after your mom's funeral?" piped in Rory meekly, wanting to know what happened next. He had to admit...he was kinda intrigued by Jesse's and Ethan's background story. He didn't know why, but he just was.

Jesse glanced over at him and flashed the blonde a quick smirk after hearing the slight bit of intrigue in his voice. He then looked away from the blonde and frowned sadly at what he was about to tell them next.

"After that...Ethan and I were sent to foster care, since they didn't have any openings at the time in the local orphanage." replied Jesse.

"Why? Wasn't there anybody else who could take you in? Like that um...that one friendly neighbor of yours, Mrs. Alberta?!" asked Sarah somewhat surprisingly.

Jesse shook his head. "Nope. There wasn't." he answered her, sullenly. "Mom and Dad were the only children in their families. So, they had no siblings growing up, you see. And as for our grandparents? On Mom's side, her mother had already passed away long before I was ever born and as for her father, he did when I was just a baby. And as far as I know about our Dad's parents, they too had passed away before we were ever born, as well. Leaving us with no grandparents to ever get to know very well while growing up." explained Jesse disappointingly.

"What about Mrs. Alberta, like Sarah mentioned? Couldn't she have taken you guys in, instead?" wondered Benny curiously.

Again Jesse shook his head sadly. "She was just an old lady on a fixed income. No way could she afford to take in and care for two minors, full time in that small house of hers. Even if one of them was a teenager and was almost legally an adult. It would still be too much for the old woman to handle on her own, I'm afraid. All we would've been to her was a burden. And she's already done so much for us, too. So, foster care was the best solution." he explained glumly.

"Luckily, though, before shipping us off to our new home. The CAS worker was kind enough to let us back inside the house to go pack up some of our things. But only just the things that we could carry. Like clothes, shoes, hygiene products, and a few of Ethan's toys. Things like that. That could fit inside a suitcase or bag. Everything else would have to be left behind and would eventually be packed up by a moving company and sold off along with the rest of the stuff in the house. So, that the house could go back on the market, again." Jesse went on to explain, as he remembered that day.

Seventeen-year-old Jesse helped his little three-year-old brother, Ethan, with packing up some of his stuff in his room. Ethan was clearly not too happy about the idea of having to leave the only place he ever knew as home, to go live somewhere else. He didn't understand why they just couldn't continue to live here at home, like they used to.

"I don't wanna leave home, big brother!" complained little Ethan with an angry pout, as he stomped his foot and crossed his little arms out of frustration.

Jesse immediately stopped what he was doing and sighed out loud at his little brother's fit. He then gave the stubborn child a tired and disappointed look. "Look, Ethan. I know that isn't what you want and trust me. I don't either! But...we can't stay here, anymore. Not without an adult to live here with us, also. So...we have to leave, Ethan. Ok?" he calmly said to his little brother, as he tried to get him to be more accepting of it.

But Ethan still refused the idea of having to move out of his own home to go live with some stranger that they didn't even know. Instead, he remained there with his stubborn and unhappy stance. Refusing to budge even an inch. "I don't care!" spatted Ethan heatedly, this time turning his nose up at him stubbornly, afterward.

"But Ethan, we have to." replied Jesse patiently, as he tried to get him to listen.

"Why?!" asked Ethan rudely with attitude, as he looked at his older brother this time, angrily.

Jesse sighed again before giving his answer. "Because, little brother. It's the law. And everybody has to follow the law. Including, us." he patiently explained to him.

Ethan still kept his arms crossed and pouted unsatisfyingly at his big brother's reply. Not liking it one bit, but knew that he was right. He had to follow the law. Laws were like rules and Ethan knows everybody should always follow the rules. That's what his Mommy and big brother always told him, after all. Even if he didn't like some of the rules, though. But Ethan also hated being in trouble more. And he remembers his Mommy once telling him (after watching some cop show on tv, one time and he had asked what jail was) that bad people who don't follow the law wind up going to a really bad place called jail as punishment. So, he really didn't want to go to jail with all the bad people there.

"That law is stupid." grumbled Ethan unhappily, but his stand-offish posture then fell some as he resigned to the fact that he had no other choice but to do what the law said. Even if he didn't like it.

Jesse couldn't help but smile fondly at his little brother's reluctant acceptance in doing what was right. Jesse understood Ethan's reluctancy in not wanting to move out of their home because he didn't want to leave, either. If he could, he'd just file for emancipation to be declared as his own legal guardian in right and just stay here with his little brother as his legal guardian, instead. But he highly doubts that the court would give him legal guardianship over Ethan with him being emancipated and all, due to him still being 17. He was afraid that in the judge's eyes, he would still be considered too young to be responsible for the well-being of a child that young of age in his care. And thus, deny his attempt to become Ethan's legal guardian. So, that idea was a no go. Plus, no way was he going to be able to get a good enough job to be able to keep the house and still pay all the bills at the age of 17! All while, still trying to provide all of the other necessary things for himself and Ethan! Like food, clothes, hygiene products, toys for Ethan, any over the counter medications that they might need, and school supplies for when Ethan starts kindergarten next year. Most places only hire full-time employees if they're 18 years or older. Right now, at just 17 he'll only be able to get a part-time job. Especially, since he couldn't be a full-time employee, anyway because he still has his regular education to worry about, too.

The older sibling then casually walked over to the younger one's bed and took a seat on it. "Here. Come sit with me for a minute, Ethan. I think we deserve a little break anyway right about now. Don't you think?" suggested Jesse sweetly to his little brother, as he patted the place next to him on the bed.

Ethan continued to pout but did as his big brother asked of him and slowly trudged on over towards his bed. Filling the empty spot next to his big brother on it. Ethan just sat there still sulking about every anything.

"I don't want to go, big brother." stated Ethan sullenly. "I like it here. This is our home. And...it still feels like Mommy here's with us, too." he pouted sadly.

"I know, Ethan. It really does suck, huh? I don't wanna leave, either. I love this place as much as you do, but...we have to go. And you're right. It does still feel like Mom's here with us, doesn't it?" said Jesse sympathetically in a reassuring manner. "But I'll let you in on something that Mommy told me, right before her passing." he then said to little brother with a warm smile.

Ethan sat there and looked at him expectingly, waiting patiently for him to tell him. "Like what?" asked little Ethan meekly and curiously.

"That even though, she may not be here with us physically anymore...she'll still always be here with us in our hearts and memory, wherever we go. Smiling down on us and watching from Heaven." stated Jesse sincerely to his brother, while still smiling fondly at the child. "So, you see, little brother. Even if we're going to live somewhere else from now on, it'll still always feel like Mommy will be here with us because she's right here. In us, still. A place where she'll always live on at." he said comfortingly to Ethan, as he placed a hand over where his heart was.

Ethan looked at his big brother in amazement and wonder at his words, feeling better knowing that their mommy with never leave them and that she'll always live on in their hearts. He then hugged his big brother gratefully with a smile. Which made Jesse smile, too.

Then Ethan frowned a bit after ending the hug. "But I still miss her, though." he said sullenly.

Jesse frowned too for a brief moment, after hearing that. "I know, Ethan. I miss her, too." confessed Jesse sadly, too. But he soon perked right back up, again with a small confident and reassuring smile on his face. "And...that's ok. Because it just shows how much she meant to us and how much we still love her, too." he stated happily.

Ethan smiled, knowing he was right. But then his smile soon fell, again. As something else worried the poor kid. Jesse saw this and knew that something else must've been on Ethan's mind that bothered him.

"Hey, what's the matter now, little bro?" asked Jesse concernedly in a gentle and easy tone.

Ethan sat there in silence for a minute before finally telling him what's on his mind. "Foster care sounds scary, big brother. Can't we live somewhere else?" stated Ethan meekly with worry in his voice, as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously while looking down sadly.

"I'm afraid not, Ethan. We don't have anywhere else to go and being placed in foster care is our only option, it seems." answered Jesse sympathetically. "But hey! I'm sure we'll wind up in a good home, though! I mean...it is the government's job to make sure that we're placed in a good foster home, after all. With a kind and caring foster parent or family who'll look after us, as if we were their own." he said reassuringly then, with a kind and hopeful smile on his face.

But hearing that didn't bring much comfort to Ethan at all, as he was still worried about what's to come next for them, now. In fact, he got so scared that tears started to form in his eyes, as he felt like crying because he was so scared to think about it.

"But...what if they take you away from me, too, big brother?! I don't wanna lose you, too!" exclaimed Ethan desperately in fear, as he was on the verge of tears.

Now, Jesse knew the real reason why Ethan was so frightened of foster care. He was afraid of them being separated from one another. This was understandable considering he's lost one family member already and he didn't want to lose another one, so soon, either. He didn't want to be separated from Ethan, either. Jesse knew that siblings who wind up in foster care don't always get to go to the same foster home. He really hoped that wouldn't happen to them. But...he couldn't tell his little brother all of this because it would only frighten him more. So, instead, he told Ethan something a bit more hopeful, as he pulled the boy close to him, comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Ethan. I'm sure that won't happen to us." he said comfortingly to the boy.

Ethan moved to look up at his big brother, expectantly. "You think?" he said curiously, then.

Jesse smiled warmly at him. "Of course! I'm sure they can find us a foster home that will be willing to accept the both of us so that we don't have to be separated from each other. Especially, if we ask them to. I mean, there's no harm in asking, right?" stated Jesse positively with confidence in his voice.

Ethan briefly looked down for a minute with a doubtful expression on his face, as he thought about it. Then he looked back up at his big brother again and nodded with a smile. "Right!" agreed Ethan confidently, as well.

"Besides, even if we're separated we'll still be brothers! No matter where we are! And since I'll be 18 soon, I'll be old enough to search for you and then request for me to be your legal guardian and care for you from then on! That way, we can be together as a family, again! Just you and me, little brother!" declared Jesse happily, then.

"Really?!" asked Ethan eagerly in awe and wonder, as his brown eyes shone brightly in the light with hopefulness.

"Yup!" confirmed Jesse confidently with a nod and a smile. "You're my little brother, after all! And family always sticks together! I'd do anything for you, baby bro! Because you matter more to me than anything else in this world. We're all we have now and I'll never leave you, little brother. And...I promised our mother that I'd always look after you and protect you, no matter the cost. Nothing could ever keep me away from you, little brother. You mean the world to me." expressed Jesse wholeheartedly then, with kindness and fondness in each word he said, too.

Ethan believed his big brother's words and felt much better about having to go to foster care, now. He then hugged him. "I'm so glad that I get to have a big brother like you, Jesse!" stated Ethan gratefully. "I love you!" he then said fondly to Jesse, as he squeezed him a bit tighter.

This brought a smile to Jesse's face, then. As he felt all warm and tingly inside knowing just how much his little brother will always love him. He was glad to be a big brother to such a wonderful kid. "I love you, too, Ethan!" he said back, gratefully and lovingly.

The brothers hugged it out for a while longer before Jesse decided to end it. "Well, we better get back to work! Your bags won't pack themselves, you know!" declared Jesse suddenly in a friendly and lighthearted way.

"Ok, big brother! I'm on it!" exclaimed Ethan eagerly, as she hopped off his bed and stood up straight while giving his big bro a salute with a big smile on his face. "But only if you keep you helping me, that is!" he then beamed cheerfully, as he dropped his salute. "It's kinda hard to decide what to take and what not to take." confessed little Ethan bashfully then with a blush.

Jesse lightly chuckled then. "Alright, Ethan! I'll keep helping you! Come on!" he said kindly to the bashful boy, as he got up off Ethan's bed, as well. As Jesse was walking back over to the luggage bag he was packing earlier with some of Ethan's stuff, little Ethan came running up to him with a teddy bear in his hands.

"Wait! Don't forget about Mr. Stuffles, big brother!" called out Ethan alarmingly, as he ran over to him.

Jesse smiled. "Ah, yes! Mr. Stuffles! That's right! We mustn't forget about him!" realized Jesse surprisingly in a friendly easygoing manner. He knew how much Ethan loved that bear, after all. "For it would be a shame if dear Mr. Stuffles would be left behind! Now, wouldn't it?!" he declared genuinely to the boy, as he took the stuffed animal from him and safely packed him away inside one of the many bags they had laying around.

"Yup! Mr. Stuffles would be very sad and lonely if we left him behind! So, he has to come!" cheered the boy happily then, with a big smile on his face.

Jesse gave a small giggle and continued to help Ethan pack up his things, after that. With little Ethan bounding around the room joyously, helping him.

Once Ethan and I finished packing our things, we went downstairs and saw that the movers were already here packing and loading everything up on their truck. The sight of seeing all of our home's beloved furniture and memories being packed up and taken out, saddened us a little bit. Knowing we'd never get to see any of it, again.

Ethan, of course, cried at the sight. So, the CAS worker had to help him bring out his things to the car while trying to soothe the poor kid, as well.

Little Ethan had broken down in tears at seeing their home all packed up, like that. He thought he could be brave about it like his big brother was, but he couldn't. It was just too heartbreaking to see all of the things that made their little home a home, being moved and shipped off to who knows where.

The CAS worker looked at the poor boy with pity. This was one of the hardest parts of her job. Seeing an innocent child cry over the fact they have to leave the only place they ever called home, forever.

"It's ok, sweetie! I know it's hard seeing the place like this, but everything is gonna be alright. You'll see." said the woman in a soothing tone, as she tried to comfort the poor child. But Ethan just kept on crying. The woman sighed, knowing she failed in making the poor kid feel better. "How about I carry this for you and we go on out to the car, hm?" she then suggests sweetly to Ethan, giving him a calm and reassuring smile after picking up the bag he was carrying.

Ethan sniffled a bit, as he tried to not cry anymore and gave a nod to the kind lady.

The CAS worker smiled at the boy's reply and then took his hand (while his other one was busy wiping tears from his eyes). "Let's go then. I'll come back for the other one, later." she then said to Ethan in a kind and gentle tone, as she led the young boy to the door. Eventually, exiting the house.

Me, on the other hand. I was about to follow along behind them, but decided to stay back for a minute longer to take in what was once our home, one last time.

As I did, that's when I found the photo I showed you moments ago. The last keepsake of ours left, of when we were still a family.

Jesse took one last glance around the living room. Seeing nothing but boxes full of trinkets and mementos that have all been packed inside them, littering the room everywhere. Some of the furniture had already been brought out to the truck out front that the movers were using. While there were still some things left unpacked scattered around, but he knew that soon they would be packed away, as well. It broke Jesse's heart to know that this place that once held so many fond memories for him, would soon be left as nothing but an empty shell of it's former self.

Jesse sighed dejectedly, then. "I guess, this is goodbye forever then, house. I'm gonna really miss you. I hope that the next family who moves into you takes real good care of you, like we did." he said dispiritedly to the house, as if it could hear him. Wishing his family home well, as he said his goodbyes to the place.

As he was about to leave, something then caught his eye laying on the floor. "What's that?" he questioned to himself curiously, as he went over to pick it up.

When he did, Jesse saw that it was a photo of him and Ethan together. "I remember this picture." he said to himself, as he smiled fondly at the picture. Remembering the day it was taken. One of the last few times they were happy together as a family before their mother had grown ill and had to be bedridden until her death.

"It must've fallen out from one of the boxes it was in." deduced Jesse thoughtfully, quietly to himself.

No way could he just...throw it away, like the movers were probably gonna do with it! It was a precious memory, after all! So, Jesse quickly slipped the photo away inside one of his bags, safely. He wanted something that would always remind him of those happier times with his family. Something that would...always remind him of her. Even though, she wasn't really in the picture. He still remembered, though, that she was the one who took the picture of them, in the first place. And he also wanted something that would remind him of his darling little brother and the bond they shared, as well. Should they wind up in different foster homes, that is. No way did he ever want to forget about the only other person left in his life that means the world to him.

I took that photo with me because I wanted something to remind of happier times and the bond we shared as brothers. To me, it was my new most prized possession and I would always hold onto it forever.

Lost in his thoughts, Jesse didn't notice that the CAS lady had come back inside the house to grab the rest of Ethan's things. Not until she spoke, that is.

"Oh! There you are, Jesse! Ethan's been asking for you in the car!" exclaimed the woman in surprise. Then her surprised expression changed into a confused one, as she looked at him perplexingly."Why are you still standing around in the living room for?" wondered the woman curiously.

"Oh! Um...I was just wanting to take the place in one last time before saying goodbye to it, is all!" replied Jesse startlingly, as he snapped out of his thoughts. Blushing a little, while rubbing the back of his head nervously from embarrassment. Gave the woman a small bashful smile then.

The CAS worker smiled warmly at him then. "It's ok, dear! I get it!" she said to him kindly. "Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I'll be out in the car with Ethan." informed the lady politely, as she went and got the rest of Ethan's stuff.

"That's ok! I'm all good to go, now!" chirped Jesse brightly to her, giving her a big cheery smile, as well. "Besides! My little brother needs me! I think I'm the only thing that's been helping him get through all of this, anyway." he then said genuinely to her, before picking up his things, again.

"Well...alright, dear. If you're sure, then." stated the CAS worker tentatively, but then smiled soon afterward. Deciding to take his word for it. With that, she then headed out of the door with Ethan's belongings, as Jesse followed suit with his right behind her. Leaving his and Ethan's family home for the final time.

Thankfully, though, when I had asked about whether or not if Ethan and I were going to be in different foster homes, the CAS worker had told no. That luckily they were able to find a home for us that would take both of us in. So, we wouldn't have to be separated from each other. Which made both Ethan and me very happy to know.

After a bit of driving, the CAS worker's car finally reached its destination. She pulled up in the driveway and parked her car there. She then popped the trunk of her car open, so that the boys could retrieve their things. After that, she walked them both up to the door and rung the doorbell.

It didn't take long before a large burly man with a beard opens the door, greeting them with a friendly smile on his face. The two adults then exchange greetings with one another.

"Hello! Mr. Marlow, I presume? I'm Mrs. Wickers. Nancy Wickers? I believe we spoke on the phone, yesterday about the arrival of your two new foster kids?" introduced the CAS worker politely to the man, as she held out a hand for him to shake.

The man accepted the handshake while smiling back at her nicely. "Ah, yes! That's right! Mrs. Wickers! It's nice to meet you!" recalled Mr. Marlow welcomingly. The man then looked over to where Ethan and Jesse were standing, giving them a friendly smile. "Hello, boys! You must be my new foster kids, eh?" he said to them sweetly.

But Ethan being the shy kid he was at times, quickly darted behind his big brother to hide from the man's view. For some reason, the large hairy-faced man seemed a bit scary looking to the poor kid. But then again, Ethan has always been shy around people he doesn't know very well. More so towards men than women. With women, it didn't take long before he warmed up to them and started to be open with himself around them. But with men, it just took a little bit longer for him to get used to being around and to begin to trust them more easily, then.

So, Jesse figured that was probably why Ethan reacted the way he did. In response to the man's friendly greeting to them, Jesse just looked up at the man with a friendly smile of his own. "Hello!" greeted Jesse politely to the man, for the both of them.

"Jesse, this is Mr. Bill Marlow. Your foster dad." informed Mr. Wickers politely to the eldest Black brother. "And Mr. Marlow, this is Jesse and Ethan Black. Your two new foster kids!" she then informed/introduced to Mr. Marlow.

"Well, it's nice to you, then!" stated Mr. Marlow genuinely to the Black brothers. "Let me, guess...you must be Jesse, huh?" he then said to the teenager before him.

"Yes, sir! That's correct!" replied Jesse in a gentlemanly manner, like he was taught to be by his mother. Giving the man a big cheery smile, as he shook hands firmly with the guy.

Then Mr. Marlow leaned down to Ethan's level with a big smile on his face, as he spoke to the slightly frighten/shy child hiding behind his big brother. "And that must make you little Ethan, then? Am I correct?" he asked the shy child sweetly.

Ethan, who had slightly peeked his head out from behind his big brother for a brief moment out of curiosity, then quickly pulled it back behind him again after the man spoke to him. Ethan didn't say a single word to the man, though. As he just hid behind his big brother timidly, while clinging to him for comfort and protection. Ethan didn't mean to be rude, as their mother also taught him to be polite to others, as well. But he just couldn't help it sometimes. Especially, when it came to meeting somebody new, like men.

But the man didn't let Ethan's shy/rude response get to him, though. Instead, he simply smiled at the shy boy. "A shy one, huh? Well, that's ok, Ethan! I completely understand!" he said sincerely to the youngest Black brother, in a kind and understanding manner.

"I'm sorry about him, Mr. Marlow. He's like this with every new person he meets. Especially, with men for some reason." apologized Jesse to the man.

"As I said, it's quite alright. It can be kinda scary for a kid his age sometimes when it comes to meeting a stranger who's a big burly and scary-looking guy, like myself, for the first time. But I'm sure once we get to know each other, in time, he'll begin to open up and come out of his shell around me." replied Mr. Marlow sincerely to Jesse with a smile. "Right, little man?" he then said to Ethan fondly.

Only Ethan didn't say a thing, again. Instead, he only gave a slow and bashful nod, as his reply. Which made the man smile.

"And please. You two can call me Bill, since you'll both, be living here from now on. So, there's no need to be all formal and stuff. Ok?" stated Mr. Marlow sincerely to the teen and his little kid brother.

Jesse gave a nod in response.

After that, they all went inside. Where Mrs. Wickers went over a few final details with Mr. Marlow about everything, as was part of her job's routine to do whenever dropping off the foster child or children to their new foster home, that is. It was something that all CAS workers had to do. Going over the guidelines and rules one last time before leaving the child or children there in the foster parent or parents' care.

Once that was done, Mr. Marlow then showed the boys up to their room. The two boys had to share a room, though, but that was ok. Jesse didn't mind sharing a room with his little brother at all. The room had everything that a regular bedroom would need. Like beds, a lamp, a dresser, a closet, a desk, and a nightstand for the lamp to set on. Although, the room was void of any kind of decorations, though. That would give the place at least some pop or personality to it. But Jesse just assumed that he left it like that for them to decorate and hang things up themselves with stuff that they like. So, Jesse didn't think much about the bland-looking room.

The beds were both side-by-side to one another, with just enough space between them for them to walk between and for the night table to fit at. The room wasn't too big, but it still had enough room in it for them do move around and do whatever, though.

After that, Mrs. Wickers said her goodbyes to the boys and wished them well before leaving. Then the Black brothers went back to their rooms to begin unpacking all of their belongings. While unpacking, Jesse smiled to himself thinking that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

And boy was I wrong.

After arriving at Mr. Marlow's place, it didn't take long before he started to show his true colors to us. The man was super strict and hardly allowed us to do anything. And wasn't like the kind of strictness you see in overprotective and loving parents, either. No. Instead, he was the ridiculously overbearing kind of strict parent. Not because he cared about us but rather because he could and was in charge of us. Which meant telling us what to do and expecting us to do it without arguing. Bill wasn't our foster parent. He was more like our warden and his house was our prison. All I was allowed to do was just go to school and then come straight home. That's it. He'd never allowed me the freedom to go out and do regular teenage things with my peers.

And if we happen to break any of his dumb rules, then we would be swiftly punished for it, too. And I'm not talking about being grounded, either. Instead, he would beat us for disobeying him. Even if what we did was an accident, he still didn't care. To him, it was still wrong and therefore deemed as punishable. And when he did issue a beating, he made damn sure that it was in a place that no one would notice, very well. Like on the torso. That way, it'd be covered up and hidden from view by your shirt. And if it was somewhere visible or if someone happened to notice the bruise left behind from the beating, then we were to lie about how we got it and instead come up with a simple and plausible explanation on how it got there. Something harmless and common that wouldn't cause alarm for an investigation on him. Something like...we fell while doing something.

Jesse showing up to school one day, with a bruise on his left eye after being "punished" by Bill the night before.


His teacher in his first class of the day, noticing the blackeye and then asks him about it. To which, Jesse momentarily stiffens, as a short flashback of how the blackeye came to be, comes across his vision.


A flashback of Bill punching him in the face as punishment for talking back to him when he asked him and Ethan to clean up their room. Even though, it wasn't all that dirty or messy, to begin with. Which was what Jesse had politely pointed out to the man. Which then led to the blackeye.


Snapping out of it quickly, Jesse lies and just tells her that it was from horseplaying around with his little brother and that his little brother had accidentally smacked him in the eye with something.

She blindly accepts the explanation without any suspicion and believes him before returning to teaching the class. Much to Jesse's relief and dismay.

And that's the excuse he gave all day at school whenever asked about his blackeye, while keeping the truth about how he really got it, to himself. Feeling nothing but self-loathing for that entire day, at how weak he is.

Of course, I was the one who took all the beatings, anyway. Even the ones meant for Ethan. I didn't want that bastard to ever hurt him in that way. So, I would always gladly step in and convince Bill to punish me, instead, in Ethan's place. Which he had no problem doing, anyway. His beatings might've hurt like hell, at times, but...if it meant protecting my little brother from that kind of pain, then so be it. I'd gladly take a good beating in his place, any day. Besides...I was already use to it, anyway. After all the beatings I had gotten from our abusive drunk father in the past when I was a kid. Granted, it had been a long time since those beatings had happened, but I still remembered what to expect from them, though. And how to handle them, too.

Bill was yelling at Ethan for accidentally tracking mud into the house. Ethan stood there crying while his foster dad kept yelling at him for it.

Jesse then entered the room after hearing the yelling and crying. His eyes grew wide at the sight because he knew what was to come next for his little brother. So, he quickly rushed over to the two and begged and pleaded with the man to please not hurt Ethan. And instead, punish him in Ethan's place whenever he did something wrong.

Bill pondered this for a minute, before agreeing to Jesse's request. He then harshly commanded Ethan to go up to his room. Ethan quickly did as he was told to do, as he ran off up to his room in tears. Then Bill snapped his head in Jesse's direction with a very stern expression on his face.

Jesse just stood there, looking down at the floor meekly with a frown on his face. Waiting patiently to receive their foster dad's cruel punishment.

That's when he felt it. A harsh backhanded slap to the face that sent him to the floor. Then he felt a foot go ramming into his stomach, as Bill had just kicked him. The kick wasn't powerful enough to break anything thankfully, but it would leave a nasty bruise there, though.

Jesse laid there moaning in pain from his foster dad's punishment.

"Now, clean this mess up, you little punk!" ordered Bill aggressively, as he walked away.

After giving himself a few more seconds to recover, Jesse then slowly got up and made his way over to where the mop and bucket were stored. Wincing now and then from the slight bit of pain that still lingered in his side. He filled the bucket up with water and cleaning solution. Then he got to work on cleaning up the muddy mess his little brother had left on the floor, like he was told to do by Bill. Not once regretting his decision to take his little brother's place during punishment, from now on.

Not once did I ever allow that man to lay a single hand on my little brother. Bill was no better than our bastard of a father, in my opinion. All Bill cared about was getting his money from the government. The money that was supposed to be going towards taking care of me and Ethan, that is. Instead, of using it on us he mostly just spent the money on himself. Buying whatever he wanted, while hardly buying anything for Ethan and I. And the man was always rude to us, too. He didn't use the colorful words that I remember our father using when I was little, though. Instead, Bill used the more...milder ones. Like brat, runt, bastard, turds, twerp, and punk. Some of them were used more towards Ethan and some more towards me, as you can imagine.

"Dinner! Come and get it you little turds!" called out Bill rudely to his two foster kids.


"Ugh! Stop your wailing you little brat! It's just a little papercut! Suck it up, why don't ya!" stated/groaned Bill agitatedly in annoyance, as Ethan stood there holding his finger up while sobbing a little over getting a papercut on his finger.


"Alright, you little punk! Listen up! I'm heading out for a little while and I need you to look after your little brother while I'm gone. Got it?" informed Bill sternly to Jesse in a commanding like tone. Waiting for Jesse's confirmation to him, as he glared at the teen. Which, Jesse nodded a 'yes' to. "And I better not come back to find this place a mess, either! Or else it's your ass! Got it?!" he then warned the teenager very seriously like. Again, Jesse simply nodded obediently. "Excellent, then!" replied Bill, as he then proceeded to leave out the door. Leaving the eldest Black brother in charge for the time being, until he gets back.

He also hardly did any chores around the house, either. Instead, I wound up doing most of them. God! Living him was like living with Cinderella's wicked step-mother. Nothing ever pleased or satisfied him, hardly. Whatever I did wasn't good enough in his eyes. He rarely gave either one of us any praise or compliments for anything. It was all mostly insults or talking down to us as if we were trash or something. If it wasn't for that government check he got each month for being our foster dad then he probably would've cared less if we were dead or alive or had even gone missing. Bill was just another useless and pathetic excuse for a human being in this world. Like Richard was.

Bill giving Jesse his long list of chores to do for the day before heading off to work. "Now, I expect this place to be spotless before I return. Got it?" ordered Bill.

"Yes, sir." replied Jesse.


Jesse going around the house, doing his chores one-by-one at a time until he was finished.


Bill comes home and inspects Jesse's hard work. Throwing out a few snide and rude criticizing comments here-and-there about the work he's done. But nonetheless, seeming pleased with it, in the end before going off to do whatever without a single compliment to the teen for his work.

I don't even think Bill liked kids, anyway. A lot of times he would leave us there in the house alone with me in charge. And if we ever did go out in public anywhere, he'd put on this kind and friendly face, acting as if he was a good foster father. When in truth, he wasn't. He only pretended to be a good guy who cared about us, just for show, really. Behind closed doors, life was miserable for Ethan and I living under that man's roof. Nobody knew the truth about who he really was except for us. We saw his true colors come out every day at home or in private. While everyone else only saw his facade.

Now, I could've simply reported the bastard for his abuse to us, but honestly...what would that have accomplished, anyway? I actually did try and report his ass one time, but he found out about it which earned me a swift beating in the process for my disobedient action. Along with an order to never do it again or else next time he'll make it ten times more worse. So, I never dared to report his ass ever, again, after that. In fear of what he may do to me OR Ethan if I did.

Even when they did their monthly inspections, he would always threaten me and Ethan to stay quiet about everything that really went on there. The only time we could say something is unless the worker asked us a question about something. We also had to act as if everything was normal around the house. Like we were happy and all that crap. Which of course, was a bunch of bull, anyway.

I hated how people like him and my father can always get away with such cruel and terrible things, like this, and never once have to pay the price for their actions, too. I hated powerless it also made me feel, too. Knowing that there wasn't a thing that I could do, either, to stop them. Especially, when I was a teenager. It just seemed that...even though I was now older, that...I still wasn't strong enough to stand up to these dirtbags and put an end to their cruel treatment of the ones I loved and to myself, as well. Both Richard and Bill were grown men, whereas I wasn't yet. And no matter what I did, they would always be bigger and stronger than me. At least...until I reached adulthood and can train my body to become stronger over time, that is. But...I didn't want to wait that long to become stronger, though. I wanted to be able to stand up to Bill, now! And protect my little brother from his abuse before it's too late!

That's when my prayers to have the power to protect my little brother better, were answered it seemed...

It was getting dark out and Jesse was on his way home with a grocery bag in hand. Bill had sent him out to the store to go grab a few things for him because he didn't feel like going there himself. So, he sent Jesse out to do it, instead. But he refused to let Jesse borrow his car, though. Not that it mattered because he never taught Jesse how to drive, anyway. So instead, he had him go to the store on foot. The store wasn't all that far from where they lived (maybe about 6 or 7 blocks away), so it wasn't that bad of a walk to make. Especially, if he cuts through the park, that marked the halfway point between their house and the store, as a shortcut.

On his way home, Jesse was already about halfway home when he thought he heard something from behind him. At first, he paid it no mind. Thinking that maybe it was just a squirrel or cat somewhere scurrying about or something. So, he kept on walking.

But then he heard it again. This time he got that funny feeling as if being watched from somewhere and he didn't like it. Jesse nervously gulps but decided that it was best if he just kept going. So, he did. Only this time he picked up his pace a bit.

"No way, am I gonna be the victim of child abduction by some pervy sleazeball and wind up on one of those missing teen posters, days later!" thought Jesse to himself, frantically, as he walked quickly through the park.

He kept walking at a fast pace for a while until he thought he heard a noise. A noise that sounded like giggling. A female giggle, to be more precise. He founded it a bit odd that his mystery pursuer was a female, though. Usually, it was always guys who were the ones going around snatching up kids or teenagers off the streets for whatever dirty or illegal reason. Either way, Jesse didn't care! All he cared about right now was making it back home, safely! Though...Bill probably wouldn't have even cared if he had wound up going missing, only to turn up dead eventually. But his little brother sure as heck would care, though! And no way was he about to put Ethan back through all that grief and pain from losing a loved, again! Not so soon, at least! So, Jesse was determined to make it back to his little brother alive and well, for his sake.

Hearing rustling noises now, Jesse decided to pick up the pace a bit more as his heart pounded in his chest. Every now and then he could still hear the woman's voice laughing with amusement. The part of the park where he currently was at was really dark. When he looked behind him briefly, he thought he saw a shadow quickly moving off to the side to hide behind a tree. Jesse then immediately turned back around again and kept going.

When he looked back again, a couple of minutes later. That's when Jesse saw it. A pair of glowing blue eyes shining brightly in the darkness. He instantly froze in fear at the sight of them, as his pursuer finally had said something.

"Oh, come now, child. Don't stop on my behalf. Not when we were having to much fun." came a woman's voice from the shadows, as her glowing eyes stared at him hungrily. Her voice was soothing and yet very ominous-sounding at the same time. As if she was taunting him or something.

That's when Jesse lost it and took off running in fear for his life. He didn't know who's eyes even glowed that colored (or even glows, to begin with), but he sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to find out, though! When he took off he could hear the woman laughing with amusement and thrill, as if she was enjoying this or something.

She always loved to play with her food a bit. Something about how the fear and adrenaline make her prey's blood taste all the more sweeter to her. Or something like that, rather. I think she also got a kick out of the hunting part of it, too. You know...the 'thrill of the chase' and all that.

I don't blame her, though. I sometimes, too, enjoy a good chase for my food, as well. I just don't do it as much, as she did, though.

Jesse ran a good ways from where he was when the woman in the shadows had spoken to him at. He was almost out of the park when he suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. Dropping the bags he was carrying.

"Fuck!" cursed Jesse a bit angrily, but he knew that he didn't have time to dwell on his own clumsiness, though. He quickly scrambled to regather some of the grocery items that had fallen out of the bags. In his mind, Jesse was hoping that he was able to put plenty of distance between him and that scary lady who was after him. Enough distance, at least, that would allow him to make it back home before she was able to catch him, that is.

It only took him less than a minute to regather his items back again. Once he was done, Jesse stood up (with the bags on the ground still, but sitting upright this time) and took a quick wary glance around for the woman before then dusting the dirt off his pants after no sign of her.

Or so he thought.

"Mmm... Adrenaline always makes the blood taste so much better." whispered a sultry female voice suddenly in Jesse's ear from behind him. Causing the teen to stiffen from horror and his face to go pale with terror, as his mind was reeling with the thought of how she was able to catch up to him so quickly like that without making a single sound.

He then heard the woman take a long and slow whiff of his neck, as he could feel how close she was to his face. The woman savored the scent of Jesse's adrenaline-filled blood before a wicked and sinister grin then displayed itself across her lovely face.

"I'm sorry, little one. But I'm afraid our game must end here. For I am famished now and need to eat." she said apologetically in a taunting and sinister way, with that smug and evil grin on her face still. Although, Jesse wasn't sure at first,...he could've sworn that he had heard a bit of remorse and guilt in her voice, too, for what she's about to do. "I promise, to make your death as quick and painless as possible, though. So, take comfort in that, my boy." she then said to him in an almost comforting way.

But Jesse found no comfort in knowing that he was about to die at the hands of some crazy lady! With his mind now in a panic, Jesse was about to run for dear life, again. But before he could even take a single step, the woman behind him suddenly had him pressed up against a tree in the blink of an eye.

"What the fuck?! How is she even able to move that fast?!" wondered Jesse frantically in his mind, as he found his back against the trunk of the tree and his face now facing her directly. Now he could see her face perfectly, as the tree he was pinned to, was close enough to a streetlight, where it's light lit up the base of the tree, perfectly. His eyes were wide with fear and shock at what had just happened, as he trembled in terror as she held him firmly pinned against the tree by his upper arms. He then closed his eyes and looked away, as he knew what his fate was about to be. But he wasn't about to give up just yet, though! Not before pleading his case to the monster before him in one last-ditch effort in letting him live, that is!

"Please! Don't kill me!" begged Jesse desperately, as he refused to look her in the eye as he begged for his pathetic life. "I still have so much to live for! M-my little brother...he needs me, still! I'm all the family he's got left and I can't leave him all alone, now! I-if I die now then...it would absolutely crush him! So, please! Let me go! I promise to never tell a soul about what happened here, either, if you do!" pleaded Jesse honestly to the woman. Although, he had a funny feeling that his pitiful pleas to her only fell on deaf ears. Jesse knew that monsters never showed any mercy to their victims. So, why was he trying so hard to convince this one?!

After saying what would probably be his last words, Jesse's eyelids scrunched up even tighter as he fearfully awaited his gruesome fate. Accepting that this was where he was gonna die.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. Please...forgive me." thought Jesse hopelessly with regret.

But what came next confused and surprised the teen, though.

As he waited for death, Jesse was surprised that nothing happened to him. Instead, he felt the woman's grip on him ease up a little bit right before she spoke.

"I-I...I can't." she said softly, in a mix of shock and compassion in her voice.

This caused Jesse to look back at her, again. He had an incredulous and astonished expression on his face when he looked at her, too. Along with a bit of relief, as well.

The mysterious woman's stunned expression at him then became remorseful and sullen. "I can't do it. Not to you, at least. I just...can't." she said sympathetically to Jesse, as she shook her head disbelievingly. She then let go of Jesse's arms and took a couple of steps back from him.

Now, Jesse was even more confused by the woman's strange behavior. As he looked at her, she looked as if she was feeling a bit distraught or shameful about something. He knew that he shouldn't even care, right now. And instead should just take the chance he's been given now and runaway. But...he was curious about something. He wanted to know...why she's letting him go? Not when she was so deadset on killing him earlier, that is. He doubted that it was his plea for mercy into letting him live, was the reason. So...why let him go? And why did it look as if she's seen a ghost or something, too?

Feeling like he's probably gonna wind up regretting this later on, he asked her something. "H-how c-come?" asked Jesse curiously but also a bit nervously, as well. "Not that I'm looking to die or anything!" he then quickly said to her in fright, once he realized that his question probably came off as if he did wanted to die. Which he didn't!

"Because of your face. You look...exactly like him. Which is impossible." she said sadly to him, not meeting his eyes.

Now, Jesse's curiosity was piqued, as he didn't feel as threatened by the woman any longer. Getting the sense that for whatever reason, she wouldn't hurt him. Especially, since he reminds her of someone that she once knew. Whoever he was, he must've been really close to her for her to look so...sad about it.

"Like...who? If you don't mind me asking, that is?" replied Jesse curiously, but also with a sense of compassion and respect for the lady's current feelings, right now.

The woman then looked up at Jesse and shook her head 'no' as her way of saying that she didn't mind. She even had a weak but grateful smile on her face, too. As if she was grateful for him asking her that. He was a brave lad in her opinion. To stay and ask her such questions rather than running away screaming, like most would've done if ever given the chance. She respected that about him and so decided to oblige the young man by answering his question.

"Like my former lover named Horace Black." she answered. "But I know that you are not him because he died a very time ago." she then stated rather sullenly, as she went to go sit on a park bench not far from where they stood.

This shocked Jesse. Not because he looked exactly like her dead lover (whoever he is), but rather the guy's last name. His last name was also Black, who stunned Jesse because as far as he knew the only Blacks that he knew of were himself, Ethan, their mom, and their dad. And according to the CAS worker lady, they weren't able to find any other family members who could take them in. Although...the scary lady who just tried to kill him a minute ago, did say that he had died a long time ago. So, he was probably dead before they became orphans.

Still in shock, Jesse walked over to where the lady sat and took a seat right next to her. Just staring out into the open with a dumbfounded look on his face. The woman didn't notice it, however, as she sat there looking down somewhat sadly. They both sat there in silence for a minute before Jesse finally said something.

"Man...That is so weird. Mine and my little brother's last name is Black, too." he said astonishingly, as he voiced his thoughts out loud on accident.

The woman then turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Really?!" she exclaimed/asked in surprise. To which, Jesse simply nodded to, as his reply. Then the woman's expression took on a more thoughtful one. "Hmm...Then perhaps...you and your little brother are distant future relatives of Horace's, then? Which would explain the uncanny resemblance between you two." deduced the woman.

Again, Jesse was shocked. "What?!" yelled Jesse shockingly, as he almost fell off his seat after hearing that. "Just...how old are you even, lady?!" he then asked incredulously.

The woman simply giggled before replying. "Wouldn't you like to know." she said teasingly in a playful tone, as she gave him a flirty/amusing like wink. "I'm actually much older than I appear to be, really." she then said to him earnestly.

"As in...how much older, exactly?" wondered Jesse curiously, as he gave her this odd intriguing like look.

"About um...a few centuries, give or take." she answered simply, as if it wasn't a big thing. "I've been around long before this little town ever existed. Even before it was originally known as Black's Church, back in the day when I first came here."

This blew Jesse away, as his jaw dropped in shock.

The woman lightly laughed at seeing his reaction before continuing. "Before I ever came to Black's Church or what they now call Whitechapel, I used to roam the Earth. Going from place to place. Country to country. Just me and my group of friends who were like family to me. Looking for a place to belong and would accept us for what we are." she said.

"That's another thing. What are you, anyway? I know you're not human because no human can move that fast without being heard, at least." wondered Jesse. "Then you had these glowing blue eyes, which again, normal people don't have. And now they've stopped glowing!" he then pointed out abruptly, once he realized how her eyes were no glowing that glowing blue color anymore. He didn't know what color they are now, since it's still too dark out (even under a streetlight) to see them properly. "Also, too..." he trailed off in thought, as he calmed down, again. "If you're as old as you say you are...then how is that even possible? No one can live that long! Heck! It's practically considered a miracle just to make it to 100! So, how can anyone live for centuries and yet still look so young for their age, too?" questioned Jesse, looking at her with this confused expression on his face.

"You're right. I'm not human. In fact...I'm actually a vampire." replied the woman sincerely and honestly.

You can imagine how any rational person would react to hearing such a preposterous thing. Saying that they were a real vampire.

And my reaction was just that. Shocked but very skeptical about believing it without proof.

Jesse's brain practically exploded at hearing that! No way was she a vampire! They don't exist! Except for maybe in movies, books, and on tv, but not in real life! "A-a-a vampire?!" he stuttered out loud astonishingly to her. Which the woman simply nodded to with a polite and kind smile on her face. "You're lying! V-vampires aren't real!" he then blurted out incredulously to her, as he looked at her in shock.

The woman then smirked at him, finding his reaction amusing. She always loved the dumbfound look that people gave her once they find out what she is. Then, to prove her point that she was indeed a vampire, the woman hissed at him. Revealing a pair of sharp and dangerous looking fangs in her mouth, as her normal looking eyes were now that glowing blue color, again, that he saw earlier.

At that moment, when she showed me her vampire form. I reacted like most would have if they were in my shoes.

I freaked the hell out.

Jesse jumped in fright at the sight and practically almost fell off the bench they were on. "Oh, my god! You...you...YOU REALLY ARE A VAMPIRE!" shouted Jesse in shock and probably a bit of fear, as well. Thankfully, though, there wasn't anybody else around that heard him shouting it so loudly.

Jesse's sudden reaction caused the woman to then start bust up laughing with her fangs still out.

"Y-you're not gonna eat me, are you?!" asked Jesse then, in fear as he tried to scoot as far away from the dangerous creature (that he shared the same bench with) as he can, slightly cowering and trembling a bit.

The woman laughed even harder then, for another minute or two before finally calming down from her laughing high. When she looked at him, her fangs were gone and her eyes back to being normal, again, as she smiled at him.

"Relax! I already told you that I wasn't going to kill you. And I meant it." she said to him reassuringly in a kind and earnest tone.

Jesse looked at the woman and could tell that she was telling the truth. Believing her, he then relaxed as his body posture went back to normal, again. If anything, he was lost in his thoughts, as his mind was reeling after learning that vampires are actually real and not fiction like most people believed.

Once I calmed down and decided to believe her, she then began to open up to me about her past a bit. By telling me how Horace Black died and why me and him probably looked so similar, as well.

"Right. Because I look so much like your dead lover who died years ago." he recalled calmly, after recovering from the initial state of shock he was in earlier. He had looked down with a look of sympathy when he said it, too.

There was a bit of silence that fell between the two then, as the woman had a look of sadness on her face, as well. Looking down and giving a small nod, as if agreeing with what he said.

"Pardon the pun, but...you're a dead ringer of Horace, if I'm being honest. You two look so much alike that you could be twins, in fact." she said glumly. "But I know that's not possible because he's been dead since 1893." she stated with sadly with confidence.

"Are you...sure he died back then and didn't just fake his own death or something? Maybe he's still alive?!" suggested Jesse eagerly with hope, as he tried to lift the woman's spirit.

The woman simply turned to Jesse giving him a grateful smile for trying to make her feel better. "You think he was a vampire just like me because we were in love, don't you?" she asked him, to which he nodded a 'yes' to. "That's sweet of you." she said nicely to him, but then looked away from him with a frown. "But...no. I never turned him. I had planned on it, but I had wanted to wait until the moment felt right between us to do so. As in...the day we'd consummate our marriage together." she explained.

Jesse's eyes grew wide at that. "You mean...while you were on your honeymoon?!" he blurted out stupidly in shock.

This made the woman giggle. "Yes, but honeymoons back then were a bit different than they are today, my boy. Back then, some newlyweds did go on vacation to somewhere nice. But most others didn't. Instead, they usually just stayed home and enjoyed their first night together as newlyweds before having to go back out into the world again that morning. Especially, those who had very important jobs and no one to replace them while they're gone for that long. So, most just opted for a short, one-night honeymoon at home, instead." she explained sincerely. "Which was what Horace and I would've done if we were able to have our wedding, that is." she then said, growing sad again at the thought of how that never came to be.

"So, he died a human, then?" asked Jesse.

She nodded sadly again. "In a fire." she said before her gaze then turned a little cold looking, as she stared out in front of her at nothing. "After the townspeople had locked him AND my fellow vampires inside the local church before then setting ablaze to get rid of us all in one fell swoop." she said in a cold and distant voice, as the memory of that night still burned freshly in her mind. Even after so many years, now.

Jesse fell silent then. Not knowing what else to say. But the woman continued.

"People back then didn't care whether you were good or evil, no matter what kind of supernatural being you were. To them, they were all evil and unholy in their eyes and must be eliminated. No matter what. If you weren't human or if you practiced magic even, then you were considered evil and deserved to be burned alive and sent back to the depths of Hell from which you came. Or so they believed, anyway." she explained with bitterness in her voice.

At first, Jesse wondered why they had burned Horace along with the rest of her vampy friends, but then he realized that they probably assumed that he too was one of them. Since he hung out with them so much. He remembers learning all about that kind of stuff in his history classes growing up, at school. About how back in those days, many people (mainly women, though) were usually accused of being a witch and were then tied to a wooden pole before being gruesomely burned alive. Or in some cases, instead of burning them alive at the stake, they just hung them to death at the gallows. They called them...witch trials.

But this wasn't a witch trial. Rather more like a...vampire trial, instead. Only...minus the trial part, that is. But he sorta saw their reasoning in wanting to kill them, though. VAMPIRES EAT PEOPLE! At least...they drink their blood, that is. But most of the time they wind up killing their victims! Don't they? That's what they do in the movies, anyway. And the townspeople back then were probably tired of finding their loved ones mysteriously dead somewhere, all the time! Not too mention, living in fear because of it each day, as well!

Thinking about what was fact and what fiction when it came to vampires, started to give him a headache a bit. Along with the reason why the townspeople did what they did, as well. So, Jesse decided to change the subject. "Do you know why me and him look so much alike? Am I like...his reincarnation or something?" asked Jesse curiously, then.

The woman looked thoughtful, then. "Hmm...I suppose, in a way, you could be Horace's reincarnation? Or maybe even his doppelganger many years later?" pondered the woman carefully, before shaking her head. "But I think it's just genetics, though." she said more certain this time, as she smiled him.

"How so?" questioned Jesse curiously, with a raised brow.

"Before Horace met me, he had a wife and child. A son, to be exact." she answered.

"What happened to them?" he asked.

"After Horace met me, their marriage began to fall apart until she finally decided to leave him. She wound up divorcing him and then took their son and left town forever. He never really saw the boy, again, after that." she explained, with a slight bit of remorse in her voice. She always felt guilty about him never getting the chance to be a part of his son's life, ever again. Even when he did tell her that it wasn't her fault and that things just sometimes happen.

"Anyway, I believe that Horace's son eventually grew up and had a family of his own. Allowing the family name of Black to be carried on for many generations to come. All the way up until this generation's time, that is." she said to Jesse, giving him this fond and caring looking expression as she smiled at him. "You and your little brother are the next generation of Blacks in this day and age." she said earnestly to him.

Jesse didn't know how to feel about that. Knowing that he and Ethan were future descendants of Horace Black and his son! But a puzzling look came over him, as he still wondered why he looked so much like Horace, then. Not that he knew what the guy really looked like since he's never seen a picture of the guy before! But it still fascinated him for some reason, though.

"But how does being related practically makes us look like twins (according to you, that is) if we're from two completely different eras, then?" asked Jesse.

"My guess is that over time, certain genetic traits of Horace's were passed down from generation to generation. Until they reached you and were able to perfectly reconstruct themselves into making you look like an exact copy of him. But with a personality all of your own, that is." stated the woman, as gave her theory on why the look so much alike. "Although, I do see some small traces of Horace's own personality inherited within you, as well." she then joked playfully at him with a small giggle and a light nudge.

Making the teen roll his eyes at her with an amused smile. Then his facial expression took on a more thoughtful look, as he thought about what she had said. "Now, that I think about it...that actually does make sense. Many kids do tend to take on certain facial features from their parents or grandparents. Sometimes even almost looking like twins, to a point. So, I guess the same thing is still possible to happen among family members who are decades if not centuries apart in age, as well." thought Jesse out loud, as what she said did seem plausible to him. He remembers learning something about certain genes and traits sometimes being passed down from parent to child in health class. As well, as how the newest generation can sometimes take on some of the characteristics of the ones who came before them, too. That he had learned in biology class when they were learning about genes and animal breeding one time.

"So, Horace Black was my great great great great grandfather, eh? Wow!" thought Jesse astonishingly. He didn't know what to think about that. Especially, since he's currently sitting here and talking to somebody who actually knew him all those years ago, too. As in...not just knowing who he was from books or research about the guy. But rather...they personally knew him, back when was still alive! Which was still pretty mind-boggling in of itself!

After that, the woman and I chatted for a while. She told me more things about her life, as well, as her relationship with Horace and what he was like. And in turn, I told her more about mine. As strange as it sounded, for some reason we just...clicked. Not romantically or anything like that, though. We just...got along really well, is all.

It felt nice being able to talk to someone and tell them all about the troubles and harsh realities I've had to face throughout my life. For years, I've done nothing but bottle up my feelings on all those painful subjects in my life. Never telling a soul about how I truly felt about them. Until now, that is. This mysterious woman who I barely knew was for some reason so easy to talk to. And I think the same could be said about her, as well.

I think she found solace in being able to finally open about her true feeling about all the painful events that have happened in her life with me, as well. Like I was easy for her to open up to and let everything out to, as well. I guess...you could say we were like...coping buddies or something.

Anyway, eventually, I realized the time and that I was late in getting back. I was about to go, knowing what probably awaited me at home once I did return when the mystery lady stopped me suddenly and gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse.

Jesse looked down at his watch and panicked, once he saw the time. "Oh, my god! Is it that late already?! Fuck! Bill's gonna kill me for being gone this late!" freaked Jesse in a panic. He knew that he should've been home already but he had lost track of time after talking and getting to know the vampire lady beside him! Jesse was sure he was gonna be in a world of hurt once he got home. He knew that Bill was going to beat the living crap out of him for being gone this long.

The woman looked at the panicking and frazzled teen in confusion, as he hurriedly got up and grabbed his grocery bags off the ground.

"I'm sorry, miss! But...I really have to be going, now! Thank you for letting me vent to you about my life's problems and all that! It was nice meeting and speaking with you! Bye!" rambled Jesse in a hurry, as he politely apologized to the lady on the bench for having to end their conversation so suddenly like that.

Right as Jesse was about the rush off, the woman then quickly stood up herself and called out to stop him. "Wait!" exclaimed the woman urgently.

Jesse turned to face the woman, then.

"I know what's probably going to happen when you do get home." she said. "Your foster dad is going to hurt you for being out so late, isn't he?" predicted the woman, but now with a remorseful look on her face.

Jesse was stunned at first but then looked down and nodded shamefully. Of course, she knew. That was one of the things he told her about his life. How he and his little brother are now living with an abusive jackass of a foster father, who's idea of punishment is beating the snot out of them. He also told her about the deal he made with their foster dad, about taking his little brother's punishments for him, instead. How he'd do anything to protect him from harm.

"After what all you told me about your life. I...feel sorry for you, Jesse." she said sympathetically to him. "Life has not been kind to you, at all. First, you're stuck in a household with an abusive father. Then, you lose the only good parent you had left in your life. Leaving you and your poor little brother orphans. And now...you're back to living with another abusive adult in your life." she stated sullenly with remorse. "But I do find your unwavering commitment in protecting your darling little brother from harm, very admirable and noble of you, though. It goes to show you just how much you truly care for him." she said fondly this time with a smile.

"Of course, I'd do anything to protect him. He's my little brother and I love him. He's the only good thing I have left in this world now, that brings me so much joy and happiness. I want him to grow up being happy and feeling like he's loved. Unlike me. Not that I didn't feel love or happiness when I was his age because I did, thanks to our mother. But...those horrible years I had to spend when our father was still around before Ethan was born, were... Well, they weren't the happiest of times for me back then. Nor did I ever feel loved at all, either. From our father, that is. Our mother made sure that was something her kids would never feel. Unwanted and unloved. And she always did, too. Never once did I ever feel unwanted or not loved whenever she was around. And...I want that for Ethan, too, now that she's no longer here to do that, anymore. So, it's my job as the big brother to make sure he continues to feel like that, all the time, too." replied Jesse sincerely, as he expressed his heart to the woman about how much his little brother means to him. "And if I'm being honest...he sorta gives me that same feeling right back, as well. Only I don't think he realizes it quite yet, though. But that's ok." smiled Jesse fondly. "Ethan's love for me as his big brother means more to me than you'll ever know."

The woman smiled back fondly at Jesse's words, knowing how true they are to him. "I know." she said sweetly to him, while smiling. But then her smile turned into a frown. "And I also know, how not being able to stand up to all the abusive men who were in your life, must make you feel, as well. Not being able to properly stand up and protect the ones you love from these awful men. It must make you feel...weak and powerless on the inside. Doesn't it?" she pointed out sympathetically to him.

Jesse was surprised for a minute by her assumption, but then looked down in shame, again. Knowing that she was right. He did always feel weak and powerless to stop these men from hurting the people he cares about most in this world.

He couldn't protect his mom from being hit or insulted by his father because he was too young to do anything. All he could do was just watch it happen or cry in secret up in his room at night.

And now, in the present. He's older than he was back then and is big enough to stop such violence from happening ever again. But...even now he's still too weak to do anything. He may be older now, but Bill is still a full-grown man. Whereas, he's still just a teenager. Bill has years on him when it comes to strength. If Jesse ever wanted to gain that kind of strength quickly, then he'd have to work out and lift weights or something every day to get that strong. He wasn't born being naturally strong and burly looking like some of the kids at his school were. Plus, most of them were athletes, too. Which meant they worked out regularly to stay that buff and strong looking, too. Along with their usual training and practices they have after school hours for any upcoming games. Jesse wasn't anything like those guys at his school. He didn't mind maybe watching them but he was no athlete. Not because he wasn't physically fit for it. But because playing sports just never interested him anyway, was all.

Although, right now he might be able to protect Ethan from the physical abuse that Bill dishes out to them as punishment. Jesse knew that that was only temporary, though. Sooner or later, there will come a time when he's not around to protect him from Bill's fury and that's always scared Jesse, too. Bill was never going to stop bullying and hurting them unless someone stronger than him, puts him in his place for it. But neither he nor his little brother was strong enough to do that. Ethan was just a little kid. As for himself? He wasn't physically strong enough to counter Bill's own physical strength. Not yet, at least. But he didn't want to waste the time and effort it would take in training his body to become that strong because by the time that it was...it'd probably be too late, then. He needed to be stronger now! Not later!

The woman could tell that she struck a nerve with him and that she was right by the lack of words coming from him at the moment. It saddened her for the young man to be feeling that way about himself. To hate yourself for feeling so weak and useless when the ones you love are counting on you. She wanted to help this young man, deeply. And the only way to do that was something that she rarely does anymore.

"Your lack of silence says it all. That I'm right." she said simply, giving a small sympathetic smile. "That's why...I want to help you, Jesse. By offering you the strength that you need so that you don't feel that way anymore. So, that you can properly protect your little brother from your foster dad and his abuse towards you two." explained the woman sincerely.

Jesse was a bit taken aback from what she just said to him. "H-how?!" he asked her in a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"By...turning you into a vampire." she answered.

"Y-y-you mean...l-l-like you?!" stuttered Jesse in shock.

The woman simply nodded to him as her reply. "Vampires are ten times stronger and faster than humans are. So, you'll easily be able to defend yourself against Bill or anybody else who wishes to harm you or your little brother. You'll also be able to heal much faster from any injuries you might sustain from receiving one of his beatings, as well. No matter how badly his beatings may leave you afterward. Your injuries will begin to heal themselves much faster than they would as a human. Meaning, you'd be able to bounce right back up again, in no time at all. As if it never happened. Even if he was to beat to death or close to it. We vampires can't be killed as easily as you humans can. We have far fewer weaknesses than humans do. So, being beat to death won't kill you. Instead, if anything it'll only knock you unconscious for a little while." she explained earnestly to him, as she explained some of the good things about being a vampire to him.

"But there are a few downsides to being a vampire, as well. Which is why I want you to be absolutely sure of your decision if you so choose to become one of us, Jesse." warned the woman very seriously.

"Like what?" asked Jesse.

"Well...some of them aren't all that bad. In fact, they are kinda minor compared to some of the other downfalls to being a vampire. Like, not having a reflection anymore or being able to show up on film anymore, as well. The sunlight now being a bit more irritating to deal with, but don't worry. Contrary to what you may see on tv or in the movies, real vampires don't burst into flames and instantly die upon contact with the sun. We're actually quite capable of handling the sun's rays like any other human in this world can. If anything, our skin and eyes are just more sensitive to it, is all. You'll just wind up maybe getting a little sunburn or two, while the sun might be a little too bright for your eyes to handle normally. Nothing too extreme, though. At least...nothing that a little sunblock and sunglasses can't handle, nowadays, that is." she explained, as she went over some of the minor bad things that vampires have to face. Giving a little reassuring smile as she said them.

But then her little smile faded into a sympathetic frown, as she prepared to tell him the more major downsides of being a vampire. "As for the major downsides to being a vampire...they are, having to live off the life force of others. Meaning...regular food can no longer satisfy your hunger anymore. Instead, the only thing that will is blood. More specifically...human blood." she said. "It is possible, though, to also live off the blood of animals, as well. But...nothing quite satisfies the hunger like human blood does. Probably, because vampires were originally designed to feast upon humans only, not animals. But some have found ways around that little fact, it seems. I guess...you would call them vegetarian vampires since they still drink blood. Just not human blood, that is. Much like regular vegetarians who don't eat meat, but still eat or drink other animal products, though. Like milk, eggs, and cheese." explained the woman, about the diet of vampires. Which almost everyone in the world knew about, practically. But she decided to cover it, anyway, for the teen.

"The other major downside of being a vampire is that we're also immortal." continued the woman, as she revealed more of the downsides to being a vampire.

"Immortal? I kinda already figured that one out, lady." commented/scoffed Jesse cockily, maybe sounding a bit rude when he said it, too.

The woman took no offense to his rude comment, though. Instead, she simply smirked fondly at his cockiness. Remembering how she forgot how cocky teenagers can be sometimes. Thinking that they're already grown up and already know everything about everything in life, when in fact they don't and still have a lot to learn about life.

"Yes, but...whatever age you were when turned will be the age you'll forever look like from then on." she explained to him.

"You mean...I'll be stuck looking like a 17-year-old for the rest of my life? Even if I'm really 80 years old?" questioned Jesse incredulously, not sure how he felt about being 17 forever if he decided to take her offer of becoming a vampire.

The woman nodded. "Yes." she said/confirmed. "I know how close you and your little brother are, but...tell me this young Jesse. Are you willing to live on forever as an immortal 17-year-old, while your darling little brother continues to age and grow up? Watching him as he lives a life of his own until his dying day on this Earth as an old man? Are you willing to live an eternity in this world without him in it, anymore?" questioned the woman curiously, but also very seriously, too.

"These are things that you must ask yourself before making such a life alternating decision, my dear lad. Being immortal may have it's perks at first, but over time it can be tiring and difficult to handle when the time comes that you have to leave your loved ones behind forever due to your everlasting youth. So, that no suspicious questions will arise among the humans who might know who you are but don't know anything about you secretly being a vampire. I've seen many who have taken these things very lightly into consideration when deciding to become a vampire. And in the end, they learn the hard way just how extremely hard it truly is to leave their old life behind when the time comes. They begin to fall into a depression and start questioning themselves heavily on whether or not they really did make the best decision in becoming a vampire. I've even seen it where their depression has gotten so bad over the centuries, that they decide to commit vampire suicide by staking themselves in the heart to be with their deceased loved ones, again. Not knowing that when you die as a vampire that your soul doesn't go to Heaven or Hell, but instead to Limbo. Many of us just don't have the heart to continue living on for an eternity without our loved ones there by our side. So, that's why they do it. To end their suffering and pain from the guilt they feel about having to leave them behind, knowing that'll someday die while they, themselves will keep on living without them. Forever." stated the woman wholeheartedly in a sad and sympathetic manner, as she thought about the vampires that she once knew, who had such a hard time in dealing with the immortal aspect of being a vampire.

"This is why I'm telling you all of this, Jesse. I want you to be absolutely sure that you feel as if you can handle being a vampire, along with all the many burdens that come along with being one, as well. I might be a bloodthirsty monster of the night, but I'm also a compassionate person, as well. You're a young man who still has his whole life ahead of him to live as a human. I don't want you to agree to this so carelessly, only to then later on regret it after realizing just how hard being a vampire can be on one's psyche. Because once you're a vampire there's no turning back after that, I'm afraid." she stated earnestly, as she made her point about the harsh reality that some vampires tend to face, after so long of being one.

I thought about what she had said very carefully and had taken her warnings to me very seriously, too. At first, I wasn't so sure if I could handle such stressful burdens on me, as time went by if I did choose to go through with it. Knowing that someday...I would have to eventually leave behind the only family I had in this world. I wasn't sure if I could do something like that to you, Ethan. I knew that if I was to suddenly just up and leave one day, never to be seen again. That...it would break your heart more than it would mine, probably. And I could never do that to you. I knew that our bond as brothers was a strong one and...having to sever that bond? It would be impossible to deal with. At least, for me, it would've been. I'd probably would've wound up like those other vampires that she mentioned, who couldn't handle the pain of leaving their loved ones behind forever. And wind up going mad or falling into a deep state of depression. Only to eventually wind up killing myself after centuries of not being able to have you my life anymore because you've since long passed from this Earth. Thinking that...if I was to end it all now then...I'd get to be with you and Mom in Heaven. Even if the end result wouldn't be the case that I desired, since I'd wind up in Limbo rather than Heaven with you two.

But then I got to thinking about all the positive things that would happen if I was to accept her offer of becoming a vampire, then. Like...how much stronger and powerful I'd be. How I'll finally have the strength to be able to fight back and to be able to protect you from anyone who means you harm or is a potential threat to you. Like our foster father, Bill. So, that you could grow up then without all that meaningless fear in your life, to live happily. Surrounded only by people who'd love and respect you. Like me and Mom did. The more I thought about how that reality could someday come true if I was a vampire, the more I had convinced myself that I could handle all negative things about being one.

I would never feel powerless ever again. And for the first in my life, instead of me being afraid of all those cruel and terrible people out there, it'd be THEM who's afraid of me, this time. So, how could I refuse such a glorious offer like that, hm? To be given the chance to strike fear into them for once. Especially, if they ever dared to hurt my sweet little brother, too.

Jesse thought about his decision very carefully.

"Hmm...Not only would I no longer be weak when it comes to fighting back, but...I'll have the power to be able to protect Ethan a lot more better, as well. Like a good big brother should. I'd be his...invicible vampire bodyguard or protector, then!" thought Jesse, as the idea of being a vampire grew on him some more.

He didn't care about what would happen to himself in the future after being one for centuries. All that truly mattered to Jesse was that his little brother was safe and would grow up living a happy life. That's all he ever really wanted in life. And if becoming a vampire will help him achieve that goal then so be it! Damn the futuristic consequences to come! Nothing means more to him than Ethan does!

"So, young man...what's your decision gonna be?" asked the woman, breaking Jesse from his thoughts.

Jesse looked up at her with a serious look on his face, as he gave his reply. "I'll do it." he said. "Turn me into a vampire."

The woman looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? Because there's no going back once I do, remember?" she asked politely, one last time.

Jesse nodded confidently at her question. "I am." he said confidently. "Becoming a vampire will help me be able to keep my little brother safe from abusive jerks, like our foster father, a lot better than I can now, as a human. All I care about is keeping him safe and to see that he grows up happy and healthy. So, I'm positive about my decision." he stated determinedly and proudly to her.

The woman smiled at him sweetly, admiring how thoughtful and caring he is towards his little brother. And how he'll do anything for him, too. Even if it means becoming a creature of the night that feasts upon the blood of others. So, that he may better protect him from harmful people.

"Before you turn me, though. I want to know...why are you giving me the choice, anyway?" asked Jesse suddenly.

The woman was a bit taken back from his question but then smiled at him. "I guess...because you remind of Horace in so many ways, is why. Not just in looks, either. But in personality, as well. Which caused me to want to take pity on you after hearing about the struggles in life that you had to face at such a young age up until now, I suppose. I can tell that you're good lad, Jesse. Despite all the terrible things that have been dealt your way in life, so far. And I admire that about you, too." she said sincerely to him.

Jesse smiled at that, as he felt his cheeks become slightly warmer from blushing.

"Before I turn you, there are a few more things you need to know first." declared the woman.

"Like what?" he asked curiously, with his head slightly tilted to the side. He didn't know what else there was left to tell him about before she turned him. Hadn't she told him all the ups and downs of being one, already?

"After I bite you and your transformation from a human to a vampire is complete, you won't fully be one of us until you drink human blood for the first time." answered the woman.

Now, Jesse was even more confused. "If I won't be a full vampire right away, then...what will I be?" he asked curiously.

"A fledgling." she said simply with a warm smile.

"A...fledgling? What the heck is that?" wondered Jesse perplexingly.

The woman giggled at his reaction. "A fledgling is what we call a baby vampire, who hasn't yet had their first taste of human blood, yet." she answered. "Fledgling vampires will still have some of the traits and qualities that a full vampire has. Only...not all of them, though. Like being able to fly. That's something that only full vampires can do." explained the woman, earning a confused and intrigued look from Jesse. "There are other differences between fledglings and full vampires, but you'll find that out later." she said to him. "Now, are you ready?" she then asked him.

Jesse placed the bags he was holding back down onto the ground again. Then he stood back up straight with his fists clenched at sides. He looked at her with a determined look on his face. "Yes! I am!" he replied, giving a nod. "Let's do this, already!" he said anxiously, though a bit nervous, as well. But he wasn't about to let his nerves deter him from his decision in the end. This was his chance to become a stronger person. Someone who can protect his little brother from any harm that dared come his way. And Jesse wasn't about to squander it, either!

"Very well, then." replied the woman.

She then began to move towards Jesse, as he stood strong and ready for what's to come. She stopped only inches away from the brave teen, as she looked him dead in the eye first. At first, her gaze was very serious looking but then soften a little to an apologetic one.

"I'm not gonna lie. This is going to hurt. A lot. The transformation process is a painful one and for that, I apologize in advance for the agonizing pain you're about to endure once my venom enters your bloodstream." warned the woman sympathetically before letting her eyes glow and her fangs come out. She then proceeded to move ever closer towards his neck, slowly.

Jesse then squeezed his eyes shut tight with anticipation, as he waited for the bite to come. His heart pounding in his chest, once again.

Then...the bite came. Along with the vampiress's venom flooding into his veins.

The feeling of fangs in his neck didn't last long, though. As the woman then pulled out about a minute later after biting him. Licking the blood off her teeth and mouth, she took a step back and watched as Jesse dropped to the ground in pure agony. Twisting and turning about in pain, as he moaned and groaned. Sometimes moving at blinding speed as he rolled about on the ground, crying out in pain.

The pain from the bite itself was nothing compared to the pain he was feeling right now from the venom making it's way throughout his bloodstream, though. Not even all the beatings he's had to endure from Bill or even his dad as a kid matched the excruciating pain that he was currently in, right now. The transformation process from a human into a vampire was a BITCH!

But the pain soon began to fade away as the transformation had reached it's conclusion point, after about 3 or 4 minutes. Jesse laid there breathing heavily from exhaustion for a while, as his body recovered from the immense strain it was under during his transformation into a vampire. Once he thought he was good, though, Jesse then carefully got up from the ground to stand.

"So, how do you feel?" asked the woman with a smirk on her face.

"I feel...," he said uncertainly at first, as he thought about it. Then he smiled before replying. "Great!" he exclaimed happily. "Better than great, actually! I feel amazing!"

The woman giggled amusingly at that. "Well, of course! You usually do once the transformation is over with." she commented. "Now, that you're a fledgling. You have 28 days to drink human blood to become a full vampire. But don't worry. I won't push you into doing it if you're not ready, yet. But you will have to drink it eventually before those 28 days are up, though." informed the woman.

"What'll happen if I don't?" asked Jesse.

"Then you'll die." she answered simply with a grim look on her face. "Those who are fledglings are stuck between the living and being truly undead. Which is why fledglings can't do everything a full vampire can do. It's like...your last tie to being mortal. Once you drink human blood, though, it severs that final connection between the two worlds. And you'll wind up fully transitioning on over to the world of the undead, thus finally becoming immortal. But if you don't by the time the 28 days are up then...your mortal body dies. Meaning you'll truly be dead, then." she explained grimly.

Jesse visibly swallowed in fear at the thought of that. He didn't give up his life as a human for the life of a vampire only to then turn around and die 28 days later if he didn't drink human blood right away! He wasn't ready to die, just yet! But...he also knew that he wasn't quite ready to drink human blood, just yet, either. Doing something like that takes time, to build up enough courage in wanting to do something that most people find gross and disgusting. Even if blood probably was alluring to vampires and tasted delicious to their tastebuds. It was just something that he had to psych himself up into doing, was the problem! He still had human morals, after all!

But Jesse was glad that the woman wouldn't push him into doing it, just yet. Also, he still had 28 days left before he had to, anyway. So, for now, he was pretty content with living life as a fledgling vampire.

"But...if I'm not ready yet, then...how will I survive without drinking human blood? Won't I just be starving myself until I do?" asked Jesse curiously.

"Yes, but that's only if you don't drink any blood at all. There are a couple of ways of being able to get around satisfying the hunger without consuming a single drop of human blood, though." replied the woman.

"Like what?" wondered Jesse.

"One way is the method I told you about earlier, that vegetarian vampires like to go with. Which is drinking only animal blood. The other method is one that vegan vampires (vampires who don't want to go with either blood choice because they don't like harming innocent living creatures for their blood) like to do. Which is drinking this fake blood stuff called blood substitute, that's suppose to satisfy the hungry the same way real blood does. The only downside to drinking the stuff that I've heard of, is that it tastes kinda nasty and disgusting, though. But it does get the job, nonetheless." she said in a carefree like manner, as she listed off his other choices of sustenance. Giving a small shrug at the end.

"Blood substitute? I never heard of that, before?" replied Jesse perplexingly.

"Yeah, it was another blood alternative created for us vampires back in 1928 by some witch, apparently. Who then began to not only start selling the stuff to us vampires, but also wound up teaching future generations of young witches on how to make it, too. And so on. It's really just a potion or a nonmagical cocktail of a potion, that mimics the same nutrients and oxygen that real blood contains in it. It may taste different from the real deal, but it's enough to fool our bodies into thinking it is, though. So, away goes the bloodlust while we still keep on kickin' without worry." she explained. "If do decide to go that route for blood then don't worry. I know someone in town who knows how to make the stuff. So, I can easily get you some if you need it."

Jesse just slowly nodded then, as he was still unsure which kind of blood he wanted to live off of, right now. Probably, both animal blood and the blood substitute since he figured there would be times when he's not able to go out and hunt for animals to feed upon when he gets hungry. Like when he's in school and a craving might hit. So, having the blood substitute on hand would be helpful in situations like that. Even if it is supposed to taste disgusting, though. Which is why he'll only drink it as a last resort if he's unable to go and grab some innocent little woodland creature to feast upon.

One thing Jesse did know for sure was that he didn't want to drink human blood, just yet. He wanted to wait as long as he can until his 28 days were just about up. Then he'd do it and become a full vampire. Hopefully, by then he'll have enough courage to actually do it. Especially, since it'd be do-or-die time for him at that very moment. After that, then maybe he'll being to feel differently about drinking human blood. But until then, it was the vegetarian diet for him. He just hoped he was able to keep his hunger in check whenever he was around Ethan, though. Hurting him would be the most terrible and absolute worst thing that he could ever do in his life! His worst nightmare, actually! He'd probably go through the rest of his immortal life hating and loathing himself for it, too! So, he had to do his best in keeping his hunger in check when around him.

"By the way, young fledgling. You might find it a bit hard at times to keep a certain pesky emotion in check, most of the time. And that emotion is anger. Vampire emotions can be hard to control at first, but in time you'll eventually learn how to keep them under control more better. We feel things at a slightly more higher level than most humans do. So, our emotions tend to be a little bit stronger than theirs. But that's nothing a little meditation and deep breathing exercises can't fix." informed the woman simply to the newbie vampire.

"Man...it sure does sound like there's a lot to learn about being a vampire, huh?" commented Jesse thoughtfully.

"There is." nodded the woman. "But don't worry. I'll help you every step of the way, dear. As your mentor." she said sweetly to him then, with a kind smile. "Just meet me at my place every day after school is over with. I'll be there."

"But I don't know where you live?" pointed out Jesse in confusion.

"Yes, well...it's not hard to find, really. I live in the part of town where all the big and fancy homes are at." she said nicely to him.

"You mean the part of town where all the mansions and estates are?!" exclaimed Jesse astonishingly/incredulously in amazement.

The woman chuckled amusingly with a smile at his response but nodded her head as a 'yes' as her reply. "Here. I'll write it down for you, so it'll be easier to remember." she said to him kindly, right before zooming off across the street to a woman who was walking by.

Jesse watched as the two interacted with one another, though it was a bit strange. As the random lady on the sidewalk was just staring blankly at the friendly vampire lady (who's eyes were now glowing blue) he'd been talking to. From where he was at, he shouldn't have been able to hear them very well at the distance he was at, but he could. Thanks to his now newly heighten hearing as a vampire. It was as if they were standing right in front of him speaking, actually.

He heard the vampire lady ask the other lady if she had a pen and piece of paper in her purse that she could borrow, real quick. To which, the other lady simply nodded to in a dazed and trace like manner. Then the lady reached into her purse and handed it to the vampire lady. The vampire lady then quickly scribbled something down on the little notepad that the other lady handed her, before then giving it (and the pen) back to her after tearing the piece she wrote on, off the pad. Keeping the little sheet of paper that she wrote on for herself, though. The other lady took the pen and mini notepad back and placed them back into her purse in the same trace like state as before. After that, Jesse heard the vampire lady tell the other lady thank you and that she'll now forget that this had ever happened. Then the vampire lady zoomed right on back to where he was at, as he watched the other lady look around in confusion for a brief second or two before continuing on her walk, again. As if nothing ever happened.

When I saw her glamouring that random woman, I thought it was the most amazing and awesome thing I ever saw before. Instantly, making me want to learn how to do it, too.

Jesse turned to look at the vampire lady in awe. "Holy, cow! How what did you just do to her?!" he asked her incredulously.

"Oh. That? It was nothing, really. It's called glamouring. Something that much older vampires can do, actually. Like myself. It's totally harmless and whatnot and comes in super handy when you want someone to do something without forcing them to. Or if you want them to forget something they saw or to get them to easily reveal something to you that they wouldn't otherwise. It's a neat trick to know." explained the woman simply, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Will I be able to do that eventually?!" asked Jesse eagerly with excitement laced in his tone.

"Yes. You will." giggled the woman. "In a few hundred years or so." she then said to him earnestly in a lighthearted manner.

"Awe. You mean I have to that long before I'm able to the tracing thing?" complained Jesse disappointingly now.

The woman laughed again but nodded. "I'm afraid so. Like I said before, it's something that only the more older and experienced vampires can do." she said to him honestly in a kind tone. "But...I have heard of a few vampires being able to do it at a much earlier age, though. Perhaps, you might be one of those who can learn to glamour in their early years of being a vampire?" pondered the lady out loud, as she thought about it. "But I'll have to test you to see, though. You think you're up for that, kid?" she then said to/asked Jesse sincerely, giving him a warm smile.

"Of course, I am! Glamouring looks awesome and cool!" exclaimed Jesse excitedly.

"It is." she said simply with a smile. "But for a vampire as young as yourself, it'll be a lot of hard work to learn, though. Are you sure you want me to start teaching how glamor already?" she stated.

"Bring it on! I can handle hard work and if it's part of being a vampire, then I'm in!" replied Jesse confidently with a look of determination on his face.

"Very well, then!" giggled the woman fondly. She then handed him the piece of paper that had her address on it. "Here. This is my address. Come here every day, after school is over with, for your lessons. I'll be there waiting for you." she then explained, as he took the paper from her.

Jesse nodded and placed the paper in his pant pocket. "Oh, wait! I normally pick up my little brother from pre-school on my way home after school, since Bill is still at work then and doesn't get home until about an hour later. So, I can't go right after school, I'm afraid." remembered Jesse with a bit of disappointment laced in his voice.

"That's quite alright, dear. You can just come on by for your daily vampire training when your foster dad gets home, then. If that works for you, though?" replied the woman kindly.

Jesse gave a nod to say that it would. Making the woman smile graciously, then.

"Now, I'm sure you still must be needing to get on home, now. And should your foster dad ask where you've been, then simply just tell him that you ran into a kind old lady who needed help. Then tell him, that after helping her she had offered you a job to help out around her house for a few hours each day after school. Doing small chores that she can no longer do anymore around the house. I'm sure he won't question it, too much. But if he does, then let me know. I can always just glamor him into buying the excuse and letting you do it." she then said to the teen, as she told him the excuse and lie to use when explaining everything to his strict and abusive foster dad.

Jesse nodded that he understood. Causing the woman to then smile at him.

"Well, then. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow hopefully, then. For your first lesson in being a vampire. It was nice meeting you, young Jesse. Until then, fare thee well, my young lad." she then said politely and graciously to him. Giving him a small little curtsy at the end before turning and walking away.

Jesse stood there in wonderment as he watched her walk away for about a few seconds before then realizing something about their entire conversation together. "Hey! Wait!" he called out to the woman from he stood. The woman stopped at the sound of his voice and turned around to face him. "I never I got your name?" he then said to her, once she turned around to look at him.

The woman simply smiled at him before saying, "It's Rebecca. Rebecca Vaile."

She then zoomed off into the night, after giving the young fledgling vampire her name.

"After that, I went returned home with the groceries and as expected, Bill was furious with me for taking so long. Which then led to me getting beat over it. But this time, though, the injuries and pain that I got from it didn't stick around for long. Thanks for me being a vampire now. The injuries and pain instantly healed up and went away within an hour." concluded Jesse, as he finished telling Rory, Sarah, Ethan, and Benny how he met Rebecca and how he became a vampire, too.

"Didn't your foster father ever notice how quickly you seemed to of recovered after one of his um...punishments?" wondered/asked Rory curiously.

"Nope. The dumb bastard was too stupid to ever notice my quick recovery skills. Like, I said before. He didn't even care about me or Ethan's well being or health. So, of course, he would never actually pay attention or tend our wounds if we ever got hurt. At least, not to the minor ones, that is. If it was something serious that required a hospital for treatment or care, then yeah. He'd care, alright. You can't hide broken bones or a deep cut that'll require stitches from people, then." replied Jesse, sounding a little bitter near the end.

"Anyway, I gave the old man the story that Rebecca had told me to give him. Thankfully, he bought it without a second thought. The big dummy." commented Jesse pridefully in a smug way, as he murmured the last the part with a smirk. "It also helped, too, that after my first week's lesson Rebecca had given fifty dollars to make the lie more believable to the guy. Ten for every day that I supposedly 'helped' her out on." he explained, placing air quotes around the word 'helped' when he said it. "I guess, you can call it my weekly allowance from her. I tried to tell her that she didn't have to actually give me any money each week to make it more believable, but she insisted on it. Saying that it was better safe than sorry and that it's not like she doesn't actually have the money to spare each week, either. She then told me to think of it as an investment towards my future, since I was 17 and a junior in high school. So, I did." he added nonchalantly, giving a little shrug at the end. "I saved most of the money she would give me, but a lot of the times I would spend it, too. More so on Ethan than on myself, though."

"So, you kept seeing Rebecca for lessons on how to be a vampire, after she turned you?" asked Sarah, wanting to be sure.

Jesse crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at her. "Yes! What part of her being my mentor and giving me money each week, don't you understand, Sarah?! Sheesh!" he remarked snidely to her, which only made her want to hiss at him in offense at is rude reply to her.

When Sarah hissed at Jesse, the vampire in front of her stepped in her way again. "Easy there, fangs. Jesse gave us strict orders to keep you and your little friends from getting too close and interfering with his plan." stated the vampire seriously to her, as he blocked her path.

"Plan?" repeated Sarah questioningly with a confused and puzzling expression on her face. "What plan?" she then asked, but more towards Jesse than the vampire goon, who was keeping her at bay and from getting any closer to where Jesse and Ethan stood.

Jesse only turned and looked at her with a devilish and smug grin, but said nothing to her about it is that he's possibly planning. Sarah didn't like it, though. She knew that when he was secretive about his plans that whatever they may be usually aren't good. And she had a funny feeling that his latest plan centered around Ethan in some way, too. Why else would he be so hellbent on reuniting with his little brother and going to such extremes to do it, too?! Sarah didn't care that Ethan was Jesse's little brother. All she cared about was Ethan and she wasn't about to let Jesse use their brotherly connection against him somehow, just to hurt him, either!

"I don't know what your plan is, Jesse. But I'm not about to let you hurt Ethan! Even if he is your little brother! I don't care! I'll do whatever it takes to protect him from you!" declared Sarah boldly with confidence and determination in her voice.

"Yeah! Us, too! Right, B?" agreed Rory with the same confidence and determination as she had.

Benny didn't say anything, but he also had the same look on him, too, as he simply nodded in agreement with his two vampire friends. Ethan was his best friend and he wasn't about to let some fanged bad apple from Ethan's real family get in the way of that! Ethan always had his back, whether he wanted Ethan to or not! And the same goes for him! He'll always have Ethan's back, whether he likes it or not! Cause that's the power of the Bromigos and their almighty bromance! Ok. So, maybe he should rethink that last part a bit... But other than that, they truly were bro-migos, though! And he guessed that Rory was included in that category, too. Whether he really wanted to admit it or not. Rory has been there for both him and Ethan ever since they were kids. Just...his friendship with Ethan is much longer than the one with Rory, though. Considering he met Ethan a few years before Rory ever came into their lives. But still, though. The dumb blonde vampire was still one of his best friends, though (just not as close of a best friend, like Ethan is, that is). So, in retrospect, they were the 3 Bromigos! And it was ride or die when it came to the 3 Bromigos!

Ethan smiled, not knowing what to say after Sarah's brave towards his brother and knowing that his friends were always there by his side, looking out for him. But his heart fluttered more at Sarah, though. He always thought she looked sexy and hot whenever she was being all brave and confident and protective over something. It made him wanna go up to her and just...kiss the living hell out of her! But...now wasn't the time for that. Right now, he had his big brother and whatever dastardly scheme he's plotting now, to deal with.

As much as Ethan didn't want to his friends get hurt by Jesse, he also didn't want to see Jesse get hurt, either. Even though, he knows that his big brother may not be the kind-hearted person he once was, anymore. Ethan could still feel that brotherly bond they had shared all those years ago before his memories were blocked. He knew that the big brother that he loved and always looked up to was still in there somewhere. And he hoped that maybe the close brotherly bond that they still shared will bring that Jesse out, again. So, of course, he didn't want to see his big brother get hurt. If anything...he wanted to help him find his way back to being who used to be. Someone that was kind, sweet, thoughtful, and compassionate towards others.

Jesse was always there for him as a kid and now he was going to be there for him. So, hopefully, he can persuade Jesse into giving up on whatever evil idea he has planned, now. Before it's too late.

A/N: That's it for this chapter, my peeps! :D

Sorry, if the ending is a little less dramatic than the last few ones have been, lately. I couldn't figure out a proper way to make it sound all ominous and cliffhanger like, like I have been doing. Sooo, I just decided to say F-it and end it here for now! ;D I hope you guys still liked it, though! If so, then please let me know! I'd loved to hear from yah! :D

Also, too. I'm sorry if things seemed a bit repetitive in the chapter or in the story overall. I'm always forgetting what all I've already said earlier on in chapters. Lol! So, please excuse any past, current, or future content that may be or is repetitive. *bows apologetically to show my sincerity* Man. I've been doing a lot of apologizing in my author notes for this chapter, huh? *giggle* ;P

Anyway, it seems as if past Jesse has found his way right back into an abusive home situation, again, after his mother's death. Huh? Only this time, it's worst because now little Ethan is there to experience it with him, unlike last time. Last time, Ethan wasn't even born yet, but now he is. Although, I guess it's good that the abusive jerk in their lives now isn't their father. So, I guess that takes away some of the hurt, though. But still, though. This was something that Jesse had hoped that his little brother would never have to experience and go through at such a young age as he did. At least, Jesse's been a kickass big brother, though! By taking any beatings meant for Ethan upon himself, solely, from Bill, though! Just to spare Ethan from the physical and emotional pain that comes from being abused by someone who he thought was suppose to at least love and care for him. Not that, little Ethan was stupid, either. I'm sure he still knew what all went on whenever he knew that his big brother was being "punished" by Bill over something. Especially, if it was for something he did. And I'm sure, too, that he even saw some of the bruises and marks left behind from those "punishments", as well. Which probably made little Ethan secretly feel guilty about it, too.

Ok. That's enough rambling from me. I could probably say more about what all happened in this here chapter, but I won't. I don't want to make this author note anymore longer than it already is. Lol! :P So, with that! I bid you all farewell until the next chapter! Until then, be safe and I'll be seeing you all around! Bye! ;D