Crowley was absolutely shaking when Aziraphale returned to him, discorporated but otherwise well, with directions to go to the Tadfield Airbase. Everything had went down so fast. One minute he was mourning the loss of his best friend and the next he was helping to stop the end of the world. It was emotional to say the least. He was happy with the way things turned out, really he was, but just hours earlier he had thought he had lost was hard to jump back from that. After the apocalypse-that-wasn't everything had settled almost back to normal. The world wasn't ending, their respective offices were leaving them alone for now, and Aziraphale was alive and well. Crowley should be happy, and he supposed he was, really, but he had thought he'd lost Aziraphale forever. He was still in shock and his mind was reeling with the thoughts that Aziraphale could've died without ever knowing Crowley's feelings for him. Though he was sure that his feelings were known by now and Aziraphale was simply ignoring them out of politeness because he didn't feel the same, Crowley would regret it forever if something happened to the angel and he hadn't made his feelings clear. And with the way Heaven and Hell were feeling toward them it was very possible that something would happen eventually. So Crowley decided that, after their dinner at the Ritz, he would confess. He would pour out 6000 years of yearning and love and hope for the best. It was possible this would destroy everything, and he couldn't bare the thought of losing Aziraphale twice, but he also couldn't stand to have his feelings stay unknown. He hoped that, if nothing else, Aziraphale would feel flattered by his love, take pity on his soul, and continue to stay in his life. Luck had taken his side in Armageddon, maybe it would take his side tonight too?

The dinner was delicious and the talk was pleasant. After they were finished Crowley miracled away the bill and they left the restaurant. Crowley was a mess of emotions, but he pushed on.

"Lift home, angel?" Crowley asked.

"Ah, yes, thank you," Aziraphale responded and they got in the car.

Crowley started the Bentley and, like always, Queen began to play softly in the background. "Love of my life, you've hurt me. You've broken my heart and now you leave me. Love of my life can't you see? Bri-" Crowley turned his car off immediately. It had a habit of broadcasting his emotions and while it was true that Aziraphale was the love of his life and that he was still hurting from when he left Crowley didn't need the Bentley to declare it. He definitely didn't need Aziraphale to hear it. He had to tell him himself.

"Angel…" he began, not really knowing where to begin.

"Yes dear?"

"I need to tell you something and it's very important so I need you to listen."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I-" Crowley choked. There were so many things he could say, so many emotions running through him. He felt the pulse he didn't need to have thrumming through his veins and almost thought he was going to vomit. "I-I..."

Aziraphale reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. "It's alright, Crowley, just breathe. What are you trying to tell me?"

"You're my best friend," he blurted.

"And you are mine."

"I'm glad, I am, but I have to know: is that all we'll ever be?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that I love and I hate our friendship. It's wonderful because you're a part of it, but I'm selfish. Maybe it's the demon in me, but I can't help but want more. I want to be closer, want you to fall-"

The hand that was on his shoulder was gone in an instant. "Fall?"

"No! No, not like that. Never like that. I would never want that for you. You're an angel, Aziraphale, it's who you are. What I meant was..." Crowley took off his glasses, his voice turning almost into a whisper as he spoke again. "I meant I wish you would fall... in love with me."

"Oh," Aziraphale softened, "oh Crowley."

"I know as a being of love you're supposed to care for everyone, equally, but I keep hoping that your love for me will be different because you're different to me. You're so wonderful and I've been in love with you for so long, I just...I need to know if you feel even remotely like I do because, because sometimes you give me this look, this smile, and I've been wondering for years if you could feel the same as I do. I know I'm a demon, Aziraphale, but I love you so, so much and it's probably my imagination but sometimes I think you like me too. If I'm wrong just give the word and I'll never bring this up again, I'll keep my distance, and we can forget about this whole thing. But if I'm right, satan, if I'm right, Aziraphale then I need you to tell me, because I almost lost you today. I was so terrified and miserable; it was worse than taking a bath in holy water." Crowley wiped away the tears that were beginning to form and looked at Aziraphale desperately for a sign, for something.

He was enveloped in an awkward hug, their positions not letting them get quite the right angles, but it felt like a lifeline to Crowley all the same. One that he hooked onto with dear life. Aziraphale began to rub soothing circles in his back.

"I'm here now Crowley; I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. And you are, different that is. I've liked you for as long as I've known you, truly, but when you saved my books in that burning church that's when I knew, knew that it was more. Knew that it was love." He leaned back to look Crowley in the eyes. "I love you, more than I ought to really, but I wouldn't change it for a thing. I don't care that you're a demon- it's one of the things I love about you. And when I said I wouldn't leave with you it wasn't because I don't love you, it was because I do. I love our dinners at the Ritz, our terrifying rides in your car, everything, and I didn't want to lose that. I thought of you immediately when I got discorporated. I wondered what you would think, if you were okay, if you were off in the stars. I never wanted to see you so distraught, especially over me." Aziraphale pressed his forehead against the demon's. "I'm okay, love, I promise. We're okay. More than okay now, I would think, so please don't cry."

"You're watering up just as much as me," Crowley sniffled.

Aziraphale laughed lightly as he wiped at Crowley's eyes with the pads of his thumbs. "They're happy tears, love." He kissed the demon's forehead and whispered, "I love you Crowley, and I intend to spend the rest of our lives showing you just how fervently I do. You don't have to keep your distance anymore."

Then he leaned in and kissed Crowley softly on the mouth. It was the first day of the rest of their lives and that kiss, they both decided instantaneously, would be the first of many to come.
