Jesus, I let this one slide for a while. But I'm really busy these days with work and life, also I found a bit of inspiration to write for another story, so sorry about that.

Guest: You do realize that in order for that to work, Mike would have to think that El has died as well, right? Otherwise, he'd still have symptoms even if she doesn't anymore.

Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters and I write for my own pleasure and that of the readers.

"I really don't know what to say." Dustin said, the rest of the guys still sitting in silence in Mike's basement.

"Yeah, that was..." Lucas sighed.

"Underwhelming." Mike shrugged.

"Yeah, that's the best word I can think of." Will nodded.

"I can't believe it." Dustin sighed too. "I had such high hopes, given the director..."

"Lets face it." Mike stood up and started pacing. "Star Trek Five, The Final Frontier sucked ass."

"It wasn't that bad." Will tried to see the silver lining.

"Alright, lets agree that it sucked ass compared to the other Star Trek movies." Mike suggested.

"Agreed." Dustin nodded, Lucas doing it too.

"Hey guys." El greeted them when she entered the basement, Max and Jennifer following her. "How was the movie?"

"Don't ask." Lucas grumbled.

"Oh, it must have been bad." Max laughed. "Normally, they'd jump around happy after they watched some nerdy movie."

"We do not do that." Lucas gasped.

"Yeah, when have we ever done that?" Will asked.

"Remember the Star Trek marathon movie night we had?" Max smirked at him. "You guys were pretty excited even after it."

"Yeah, who can forget their Wrath of Khan chants during the second movie." El giggled. "So, what made this movie so bad?"

"For one, the action sequences were kinda dull." Lucas said.

"And the story seemed... I don't know, not fully fleshed out." Dustin shrugged. "Imagine playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons and Mike leaves out some things out of the storytelling, and you just sit there and think to yourself how he arrived at this point."

"So, what's next for you then?" Max asked.

"I don't know, I think I could definitely use some cheering up." Lucas winked at her.

"Yeah, right." Max rolled her eyes.

"What is he talking about?" Jennifer asked.

"He wants sex." Max explained. "I should have waited before opening my legs for you."

"Hey, you initiated it." Lucas poked out his tongue.

"Her fault." Max pointed at El.

"Why mine?" El asked confused.

"You flouted your active sex life." Max argued.

"I did not!" El protested. "Not my fault that you couldn't stand the fact that me and Mike did it first."

"I still can't quite believe that among the guys in our class, it's parts of the nerd crew who got some first." Jennifer chuckled. "If the guys who consider themselves the cool guys knew about it, they'd blew a gasket."

"I wouldn't be concerned about that, more about that they would do to, you know, catch up with them." Will said.

"Are you saying some of our classmates would turn into rapists?" Mike asked.

"Somewhat." Will hesitates. "We know that some of them have girlfriends and these might not be ready for it yet but the guys could pressure them into it."

"Wow, that conversation turned dark fast." El remarked. "Weren't we making fun of the guys having gotten a bad movie?"

"Right." Max nodded and pointed to the guys. "Ha ha, a movie you had high hopes for sucked."

"Gee, thanks." Dustin huffed. "Just wait until you want to see a movie you're looking forward to and it sucks."

"Pff, good luck with that." Max scoffed.

"Lucas, what's Max's favorite movie or movies?" Dustin looked at his friend.

"How would I know." Lucas shrugged.

"You're kidding, right?" Max glared at him. "I told you."

"You did?" Lucas looked confused. "When?"

"A few weeks ago, when we were at Cas... at our secret hideout." Max told him.

"Did we just... um... finish?" Lucas hesitated, not wanting to say too much.

"For the love of god, I'm not stupid." Jennifer huffed. "Just say it, you guys had sex and from what I've heard, guys who finished are pretty beat and can't be talked to."

"True." Mike nodded.

"Agreed." Lucas did as well.

"What, for real?" Dustin looked at them. "You mean, when me and Jennifer... I mean, if we ever, you know, do it, I can look forward to being completely drained from the experience?"

"Don't worry, unless you become a jerk, it will happen." Jennifer grinned, dropping a kiss on his cheek.

"Wow, from now on I'll be even more agitated, thinking that every night could be the night." Dustin groaned.

"To answer your question, it depends on your, lets say, efforts." Mike told him. "The climax part always drains you but how tired you are depends on how active you were and how long it took."

"What is... long?" Dustin looked apprehensive.

"In biology class, the teacher said that the average for a man is, what, twelve minutes?" Will looked around.

"I think so." Lucas nodded. "Some people do longer, some do shorter, sometimes it's how you're feeling on that day and how long ago the last times was."

"I don't follow." Dustin said.

"Try not masturbating for the next two weeks and then doing it. You'll be getting there quite quickly." Mike laughed.

"So, when exactly did our conversations turn from games and movies to sex?" Will chuckled.

"I think that happened at the end of last year, when these two did it first and then these two followed suit." Dustin pointed first to El and Mike and then to Lucas and Max.

"I wish back the time when we could sit down here and talk about the next Dungeons and Dragons campaign." Will sighed.

"If we were, these three wouldn't likely be here." Mike pointed to the girls.

"At least they wouldn't interfere with our game time." Will laughed.

"Want us to leave?" Max smirked.

"Nah." Mike shook his head and pulled El onto his lap. "You class up the joint too much. And I like it when my girl leaves her scent on the fabric."

"You two are so sickeningly cute." Max acted as if she was gagging.

"Hey, there's a reason I don't shower right after sex." El laughed, moving her butt left and right for a few times, grinding over Mike's lap and grabbing a metal ball to roll it over her hand in a training effort to use her powers without having to concentrate too hard.

"Ew, you don't shower afterwards?" Jennifer made a face.

"I do, just not right after." El corrected. "I want to bask in the afterglow for a bit. But as soon as the sweat gets cold, it becomes uncomfortable."

"And we're again talking about sex." Will sighed.

"Okay, lets be nice to Will and talk about how bad the movie was they so clamored to see." Max announced.

"Gee, thanks." Dustin said sarcastically. "I'd rather talk about school."

"Speaking of school, are you guys coming to the tryouts?" El asked around.

"Tryouts?" Lucas asked.

"I'm trying out for the school's track and field team next Wednesday and Thursday." El explained. "I was on my old school's team as well, so I thought it might be a good idea."

"Why two tryouts?" Lucas asked.

"They want to see if your performance is consistent." El told him. "Everyone can have a bad day or a really good day."

"Don't worry, if your performance is the same as in Chicago, you'll be a shoe-in." Will said.

"I'll also do a tryout." Jennifer said proudly.

"You will?" El asked. "Are we going to be competitors for a spot?"

"No, I'll be doing the cheerleader tryouts." Jennifer smiled.

"You want to be a cheerleader?" Dustin asked surprised. "Wow."

"Agreed." Lucas nodded.

"Alright, if she gets it, Dustin will be the most admired nerd in school." Mike laughed. "Dating a cheerleader."

"To be fair, you two are also pretty admired already." Jennifer said, pointing to him and Lucas. "You two are dating hot girls already."

"They don't even know El yet." Mike argued.

"Remember, Stacy and the others from, what you call the bitch squad, have seen her and you together." Jennifer laughed but shrieked in shock when the metal ball El was rolling suddenly crunched together.

"Is that bitch still lusting after my man?" El ground out.

"She hasn't said anything about it lately." Jennifer lifted her arms. "Not that I have spent much time with them lately, I've been more with you guys."

"Guys, when will we go to the movies for the second Ghostbusters movies?" Dustin asked around to stop El from exploding or worse, destroy the room.

"Next weekend?" Mike suggested.

"Yeah, it's about time." Lucas nodded. "It's hard not to read anything about it."

"What if the movie is as bad as that Star Trek movie you saw?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh god, that would be a tragedy." Dustin said.

They spent the rest of the evening talking, with Mike continuously massaging and caressing El to keep her calm and her thoughts away from Stacy.

Not that he would mind watching that particular cat fight.

"Great job, Jane." Coach Bayer told her, after Jane crossed the finish line. "That's just two seconds away from the school record! And a lot better than the yesterday's tryout. Whatever you did between then and now, do it again."

"Thanks." El panted hard. "Does that mean I'm in?"

"Oh, you're so in." Bayer laughed. "I'll have you run in every track and field race and if you get your sprint time up a bit more, you're even in the sprint team."

"Great!" El did a little jump, still trying to catch her breath.

"Listen Jane, your boyfriend is Mike Wheeler, right?" the coach asked.

"Yes." El nodded. "Why?"

"Could you talk to him?" Bayer implored her. "I tried getting him on the swim team after I heard about how much he swims but he turned me down."

"I can try." El shrugged and turned towards the stance, seeing Mike and the boys sitting on the stands, looking at her. "MIKE!"

"Yeah?" Mike shouted back.

"COME DOWN HERE!" she waved him forward, Mike getting up and walking to the stairs.

"I thought of you talking to him during the day but this is okay." Bayer laughed.

"What's going on?" Mike asked when he had reached them.

"He asked me to ask you why you refuse to join the swim team." El pointed at the man.

"Because, coach, as I told you before, I don't swim fast, I only swim a lot." Mike told him and her. "I'm not remotely fast enough to swim competitively."

"Did you really swim for three hours once?"

"Yes, though I didn't know it was that long when I did it." Mike shrugged. "I simply swim until I feel tired and then I start counting the laps to see how many I can do extra."

"Still, there's a meet next month in Monticello and one of the swimming events is a marathon swim in Lake Shafer."

"And how much distance is that?" El asked.

"It's open." Bayer explained. "They put up to buoys, anchor a few boats between them to simulate a barrier and the contestants simply swim rounds until they give up."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Mike wanted to know.

"There's always a boat accompanying each swimmer." the coach told them. "Every school only nominates one swimmer for that event anyway."

"Wouldn't the boat's motors impede the swimmers behind them?" Mike wondered.

"No boat is behind the swimmers, only next to them, about ten feet away."

"I don't know." Mike sighed.

"Mike, if you accept, you can come to the meet and we can share a room." El giggled.

"Ah, no, you wouldn't." the coach laughed. "School policy."

"Aw." El moped.

"Still, think about it." Bayer told him. "Because if you what you really can swim for three hours, then that would be a guaranteed gold medal for our school."

"Alright, I'll think about it." Mike assented.

"Coach, are we done for today?" El asked.

"Yes, you can leave now if you want." Bayer nodded. "First training is next Monday after school."

"Bye, coach." El waved and took Mike's hand, leading him away towards the changing rooms. "Mike, you need to come with us. Remember, if you don't, we both could end up on the floor with bad headaches."

"Crap, you're right." Mike realized. "Okay, I'll join the swim team for that event. But we really should try to get out of this predicament, there won't always be all the different teams in the various events."

"You're right." El nodded, even though she enjoyed the perks of being forced to stay close to Mike as much as possible. "Oh, by the way, the coach said that we need to have more sex."

"Eh, what?" Mike looked at her confused. "Why would he say something like that to you?"

"Well, he didn't exactly say THAT." El giggled. "He said that my time has improved greatly compared to yesterday and that I should do more of whatever I did between the two tryouts."

"I see." Mike smiled, remembering their wild romp in the basement the evening before, which had been fueled in part by Mike's determination to give her a good time after the disappointment of the tryouts before.

"Can't wait to tell my dad." El giggled.

"Jesus, don't tell him that!" Mike gasped. "He's grumpy enough already and every time he sees us coming out of your room, he glares at me."

"I meant telling him that I got onto the team." El laughed. "But come on, he doesn't know that we have sex in my room, does he?"

"He knows." Mike nodded. "A few days ago, when we came out of your room and your hair was disheveled, I thought he was gonna shoot me where I stood."

"He's a big teddy bear." she grinned. "And don't worry, I wouldn't let him shoot you."

"He's the police chief, he can make me disappear in so many different ways." Mike shuddered.

"Stop complaining and come take a shower with me." she winked and dragged him towards the women's changing rooms.

"Whoa, El, I can't go in there." Mike stopped her with his larger size.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby." El rolled her eyes and opened the door, revealing several more girls in various stages of undress who began screaming when they saw Mike.

"See, I told you." he groaned and quickly took a large step to the left to get out of the line of sight.

"Alright, I understand what you're saying." El chuckled and pressed a kiss on his lips. "See you later, after I pulled those tight gym shorts down and taken a shower, completely naked."

"You're so mean." Mike glared at her, trying to prevent his erection by not picturing what El just described.

"You love it." she grinned and stepped into the room. "Sorry girls, that was my fault and..."

Any more words were silenced by the door shutting and Mike walked off the field, back up the stands where his friends sat. They watched as more girls exited the changing area, wearing miniskirts and carrying pompoms, indicating either cheerleader tryouts or practice. Mike leaned back and watched a bit, impressed by the agility of some of them and how high they could throw their smaller colleagues.

"Already ogling other girls, are we?" El's voice surprised him.

"Nah, never." Mike played innocent.

"YOU GO GIRL!" Dustin shouted.

"Is that Jennifer?" El asked, seeing the blond on the field.

"Yep." Dustin said proudly. "Look at my girl. Look how... bendy she is."

"Dustin, Dustin." El laughed.

"Beginning to admire the physical appearance of her?" Mike winked.

"Beginning?" Dustin smirked at him. "I've admired her looks even before we got together. It's just that we don't jump into bed yet like you guys did or Lumax."

"Lumax?" El looked at Dustin.

"Lucas and Max." Dustin shrugged. "Shorthand."

"So, what do you have for us then?" Mike chuckled. "Jike? Mane?

"Mileven of course." Dustin looked at Mike.

"That's..." El started but thought about it. "Hey, that sounds really nice."

"I concur." Mike nodded and pressed his lips against El's. "Maybe we should call you El in school when others are around and when people ask, we can tell them the cover story with your middle name, so they're not wondering about the moniker."

"Yeah, we can do that." Dustin nodded.

"Where are Lucas and Max, by the way?" El asked, looking around. "Didn't Max say she wanted to come here too?"

"We were on our way, then Lucas said something to Max that Max apparently didn't quite like, given her facial expression and then she dragged him off towards Will's old house." Dustin told them.

"Ah, so they apparently did fix Will's old fort in the woods to use as a love shack." Mike laughed.

"Dustin, isn't Jennifer a bit young to be a cheerleader?" El asked, seeing his girlfriend work on the field.

"No, there are cheerleading groups where the members began with training as young as four years old." Dustin shook his head. "But I think our school gives out uniforms with differently colored parts to denote age."

"Why?" Mike asked.

"From what I heard, and I have no idea if true, they had to do that when football players began seducing those young girls." Dustin explained. "Also, and again, don't know if true, in another school, they had cheerleaders as young as twelve and a nineteen year old senior got one drunk and had sex with her."

"Why would a girl that's twelve years old be in high school as a cheerleader?" El wondered.

"There are combined schools that have students from all ages." Mike told her. "Like ours. We really just go to a different part of the building now."

"That's true." El had to admit. "Then again, I never went to that part of the school."

"Well, you're in this one now." he rubbed her back.

"I have to go." El looked at her watch. "Dad said he wanted me to move some stuff in the house."

"Getting your new bed today?" Mike grinned.

"Oh yeah." El rocked in joy. "I can't wait until we christen it."

"Ew, really?" Dustin made a sour face. "That's your only thought? About when to have sex in it?"

"What else is a bed good for?" El shrugged.

"Sleep?" Dustin smirked at her.

"Meh, I did that on leaves and grass when I hid in the forest, I even slept on a tree a few times." El waved him off. "But the thought of having sex on those... I doubt it would be pleasant."

"Unbelievable." Dustin shook his head. "Get out of here."

"By Dustin." El grinned and gave him a hug before leaving him alone.

"Want me to come with you to help?" Mike asked as they walked to their bikes, both unlocking the locks that had secured them to the rack.

"Wait a second." El stopped her bike after they had been riding for less than half a mile.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked, almost having slammed into her back because her sudden stop.

"Come on." she grinned and began moving again, this time into a different direction.

"Where are we going?" he wanted to know.

"I wanna know how they fixed Will's old fort." El said.

"Uh, honey, they might still be there." Mike cautioned.

"If they are, we can leave again." El shrugged. "But I doubt it, Dustin said they went there over an hour ago and I know for a fact that Lucas doesn't have the endurance to do it that long."

"How?" Mike wondered.

"Me an Max have talked and compared you and him." El told him bluntly.

"For real?" Mike groaned.

"Calm down, my love." El grinned. "I can assure you that Max is very jealous because Lucas doesn't measure up to you."

"Uh... okay." Mike said, both horrified that El and Max would talk about this but also proud of himself. "Still, it's weird to hear that you do that."

"Oh, come on, have you and Lucas never compared me and Max?" El scoffed.

"No, actually." Mike shook his head. "Not that Max would beat you in any category in my eyes."

"Flatterer." El grinned. "She does have bigger breasts than me."

"Which I really don't care about." Mike told her and she knew he was telling the truth given how he had, in some very memorable nights, essentially worshiped every part of her body.

It took them almost twenty minutes to reach the area in the woods behind the old Byers home, using a small detour as to not go there directly in case their friends were in fact still there. They leaned their bikes against a tree, Mike locking them together and they went the rest of the way on foot, the ground hard from the heat and lack of precipitation.

"There it is." El said quietly, seeing the ramshackle fort in the small clearing, though a large tree branch was in the process of growing above it.

"Looks better." Mike had to admit, seeing clean, hole-less foil covering the openings, blankets underneath them to block the sight from the clearing.

"Didn't it have a lot of holes in it as well?" El wondered, seeing fresh wood covering parts of the structure.

"Wow, they really went all out." Mike was impressed.

"Lets get closer." El said. "I wanna see how they reworked the inside."

"What if they're still in there?" Mike asked.

"Wasn't there a small window on the side?" El looked at him and got up. "Come on."

"Did you hear that?" Mike whispered after they had walked around the structure, keeping away from the entrance.

"Yes, like a grunting." El nodded,

"I said, tongue out!" they could hear Max's voice.

"Please, I can't do anymore." Lucas's pleading followed it.

"What the hell is she doing to him?" Mike whispered.

"Come on, you said you wanted to beat Mike in at least one thing." Max said as Mike and El got to the point where they could see the other two properly.

"Oh, poor Lucas." El chuckled quietly, seeing him on his back with naked Max's crotch hovering over his head.

"But my tongue is tired and you haven't let me come yet." Lucas complained.

"Shut up, stick out your tongue and shove it into my pussy!" Max ordered and pushed herself down, muffling any reply Lucas could have given.

"We should leave." Mike whispered to El and she nodded, though it made her quite aroused seeing and especially hearing this, her mind filling with the images of herself with Mike doing similar things.

"Right." El agreed, given that she still had to get home to get her new bed into the house. "I really want to do what they're doing."

"We already did that." Mike looked at her confused.

"I wanna do it now." she whined. "Stupid new bed."

"Well, if we hadn't come here, we wouldn't be this horny." Mike chuckled. "Though I really hope Max and Lucas don't find out about us watching them."

"Why, are you afraid of Lucas?" El grinned as Mike unlocked their bikes again.

"No, of Max." Mike chuckled. "She can be very scary."

"Don't worry, I'd protect you." she giggled.

"Okay, now we are Lucy and Lance." Mike laughed. "The little woman protects the big man."

"Little woman?" she glared at him with a smile.

"Well, you are just reaching my shoulders." Mike shrugged innocently. "And I know, you could throw me across a room."

"And don't you forget it." she poked out her tongue and accelerated, turning her head to shout. "Race you to my house. First to get there gets to be on top!"

"Either way, I win." he muttered and accelerated too, though acting as if he had trouble keeping up.

Okay, done with this one. Sorry again for the long delay but work and an infrequent lack of inspiration can be a pretty big hindrance.

Review please :)