The Alien Boys Chapter three

Bringing back some craziness that is a 'The Boys' and Ben 10 crossover.


:Chapter Start:

Hero of the People Video-Green Arrow

The form of Green Arrow is shown as he stands in a dark room with light amounts of smoke. Suddenly behind the figure and Green Arrow fired several arrows in quick succession, triple the number of arrows needed on the moving targets, getting a bullseye in each target. Green Arrow the started to speak, "I have lost everything to evil, now I have the desire of to protect my city from corruption. I never miss."

News Report-Will Harange-Radio

It is a sad day today, another wolf in sheep's clothing was discovered today when member of the 'Hero of the People' contestant was caught after an attempted murder on fellow contest. The amply named, Green Arrow was caught attempting to kill Technomancer. Green Arrow was killed in his attempted escape while Technomancer was forced to retire due to the arrow piercing her spine, it is a sad day when a promising hero is taken from us to soon.

Road to Bellwood-Midday-almost to the road that leads to Bellwood Lake.

Kevin drives his car along the highway, while Ben naps in the passenger seat while Dani plays with several plastic straws staking them in Ben's mouth to see how many she could sneak in his mouth. Buttercup watches in amusement until Kevin turns off the radio and Buttercup asks, "What is wrong?"

Kevin looks in the rear view mirror with a laugh as they drove, Kevin says, "Well the Vengers are dropping even their recruits. We will need to find out what happened to them."

Buttercup nods before looking behind them to see Dexter's truck along with an old fashioned car behind them. Buttercup then feels Kevin turn down a road and asks, "I thought we were heading to Bellwood?"

Kevin smiles as Dani looks to Kevin and asks, "Wait are we going to see Ben's spaceship," that got Buttercup to raise an eyebrow.

Ben woke up and spat the Straws at Dani and says, "Yep," as he pulls out his Plumbers Badge and says, "Rook, we are on our way so open the door," with that they reached the Lake where the hanger doors to the Omni Explorer opened and the ramp extended for the three vehicles to enter.

Inside the Omni Explorer

Kevin parks his car inside the hanger, with Dexter's Junk Truck parked behind Kevin's car along with the disguised super car. Ben steps out and says to everyone as they stepped out their vehicles with Dani holding Ship. Buttercup looks around and asks, "So you just have an invisible space ship parked over a lake?"

Ben shrugs before he notices an old busted motorhome and smiles lightly. Kevin asks, "Isn't that junker that RV you travelled in during that summer?"

Ben lightly glares at Kevin before walking over to the RustBucket where he writes 'Clean me' on the back window with a nostalgic smile before going into the old vehicle and looks around at the dust covered interior before he went to the back and pulled out a cardboard box with his trophies from the old days before quickly heading back out in time to see Looma, Rook and Allen introduce themselves to everyone before everyone got into an elevator. They went up until they reached the main meeting room and everyone either took a black seat that changed into their style while to members that already have a seat took theirs. Once everyone was seated Ben speaks up, "Okay everyone welcome to the team and technically the Plumbers. Our job is to protect innocent life along capturing criminals. Unfortunately the 'Vengers' are the biggest threat to the universe at the moment. Rook if you would I always get sleepy for what everyone needs to know," With that Rook explained what is happening with Earth could mean the destruction of the Human race, depending on the civilisation that they would anger.

After Rook's explanation of everything, Kevin speaks, "Yeah basically the Vengers are criminals compared to the rest of the universe. Plus the Galactic Enforcers rules and guidelines would get them in trouble."

Rex asks, "So what do we need to do then?"

Ben smirks as he says, "Well our job will be to disrupt the Billions Group, from financing soldiers to subjugate Earth. From what we have found, there is too many coincidences relating to the Vengers suddenly protecting the world when their popularity was in the gutter after a popularity stunt failed miserable."

Dexter frowns before pulling out his computer and says, "This has happened every time the Vengers were not well received. Over the last ten years though at least once a year an invasion happens, every eleven months. That is a pattern." His German accent was really thick, his chair had shifted into a circuit board pattern.

Danny sitting on a black and white chair suddenly asks, "So when do we go to space?"

Buttercup sitting on a three colour chair of, pink, blue and green, simply says, "I doubt we will need to go to space to do what we need to do."

Rex smirks on a rust red metal styled chair before saying, "Perhaps we should learn about our surroundings and everything so we are ready to take on the Vengers."

Ilana on a gold metal chair smiles and says, "Yes, and perhaps we can all exchange stories of everyone's pasts." Lance frowns still staring at the chair he was sitting on that turned into a blue metal style while Octus' had turned into a transparent chair. Ilana then says, "Perhaps after the tour of our new surroundings.

Looma smiles and says, "That would be delightful while Ben and I can cuddle," that got everyone that knows Looma properly to shake their heads while Looma continues, "After some foreplay that Humanity invented," where she shivered in anticipation.

Ben sighs before transforming into DiamondHead and lifting up the taller female Tetraman and says, "What did I say about mentioning Foreplay to strangers," before slapping Looma on her rear causing her to squirm in anticipation.

Dani gulps before asking, "Is that normal?"

Rook sighs and says, "Female Tetramans are what can be considered the dominate sex of their culture. Though the concept of Foreplay as she mentioned technically did not exist amongst the Ben and Loomas' wedding night that destroyed a castle made of Tetraman stone. In the words of Looma, 'He dominated me, until I could not work for a few says.' That tend to happen when two cultures meet."

Everyone besides Kevin appear uncomfortable until Kevin says, "Can we not talk about Ben's sex life. That being said," Kevin press a button on his Plumbers badge and says, "Bluka, Driba, Loola," he tauntingly says 'Loola' the same way the first two would before saying, "Get up here, we need to introduce the rest of the team."

With that the elevator to the side opened and three Galvin entered the room on a hover platform. The two male Galvin was arguing and fighting one another while the female Galvin rubs her face as they floated over to the table. Loola speaks, "Please can someone distract these two so that I can take a break," unfortunately that caused the two argue even louder.

Kevin smiles as he walks over to the floating platform and picks the two up and proceeded to walk away from the Platform and took the two arguing Galvin towards Dexter and Octus while saying, "Bluka, Dreba meet Dexter the Boy Genius, how about you two show him your lab so that he can learn about the tech in the Galaxy." Kevin hands the two Galvin to Dexter before they led Dexter, Octus and Rex to the labs while Ilana, Dani and Buttercup went with Loola, who gave them the tour. Rook went over to his security consoul in the room while Kevin, Lance and Allen were silent until Kevin asks, "Want to go look at the space fighters?"

Bobo spoke up, "Do they have some big guns on them?" Kevin laughs at that and leads them back to the hanger.

With LuckyGirl-That moment

Luckygirl flew with Tornado across the sky on Patrol for their lunch break between meetings and any interviews. They landed on a rooftop and Luckygirl sighs loudly before the two spoke to one another. Tornado frowns before saying, "I think joining the Vengers."

Luckygirl frowns before saying, "That is understandable, I would do the same but only Nemsis' knowledge and money can actually help my Grandfather. At least until I can contact," She sighs before saying, "It is really hard still being a hero when all this crap that I am dealing with."

Tornado snorts before saying, "Then let's just get this day over with," with that the two floated away from the building they were on before flying back to Billions Tower.

They arrived at the tower to see Billy sitting at his desk before going over the documents for the membership of the Vengers. Unfortunately Tornado and Luckygirl saw that their nude pictures where on the screens around the meeting room. Tornado used her power to shatter all the screens and was about to attack Billy when Mezuma got in front of her and pulled her into a hug that pinned the super powered woman.

LuckyGirl glares at Billy while shouting, "You are a sicko Billy," and quickly leaves the room while pulling out her phone and proceeded to call Captain Nemesis to get an idea of the rate his work has been with her grandpa.

With Ben-after 'cuddles'-three hours later

Ben was sitting on his bed without a shirt on while Looma was lying down with a blanket barely covering her body, her helmet horns bent at different angles then they were meant to be. Ben was going over some trophies from his past even going as far as finding his second hoverboard that replaced the one destroyed by Vilgax. Ben had to laugh at the old pocket watch he found and smirks at what he could do with some of this stuff. A pocket watch that can hypnotise anyone, a baseball, a broken piece of Animo's mutation gear and some old tech that Ben had collected before entering the null void. And finally a token from the video game that he activates revealing a katanna from the Sumo Slammers game that he kept along with the bow and paper tokens used in the game.

Ben smiles at the stuff as Looma shifts in the bed before looking at Ben's back and asks, "What is wrong beloved?"

Ben chuckles before saying, "Nothing Looma, just reminiscing over some past victories, the RustBucket held this box of my trophies. Like this pocket watch," he shows the golden pocket watch and says, "This here was used by an enemy who hypnotised people into doing whatever he wanted. Used it on me to control some of my alien forms to steal heavy equipment, That was a fun weekend messing with him when he lost control of me."

Looma asks, "So you could make me do whatever you wanted?" as she pulls him back so that Ben's head was resting between her breasts.

Ben snorts and says, "Like I need a pocket watch to do that," he turns his head to the side and kisses Looma's chest causing her to shiver while Ben says, "I think I am more than enough," before raising a hand to Looma's breast and pinches her nipple and with a slight twist Looma moans in Orgasmic bliss as she falls back on the bed without Ben. Ben asks, "You okay Looma?" Looma moans lightly as she drifts off to sleep.

Ben stands and puts his shirt on before walking out his room and into, Buttercup, Dani, Ilana and Loola walked through the hall and sees Ben holding a box. Loola shakes her head before asking, "What is in the box?"

"Trophies," Ben answered before saying, "Try to avoid waking Looma, she is taking a nap from the cuddles."

Dani steps back and turns invisible to take a peak before quickly coming back with a slight nose bleed. Buttercup shakes her head and asks, "Look is there anywhere I can go to break some stuff without getting in trouble?"

Ben smirks and says, "Well there is the Simulation Room, that is where I am heading," Buttercup nods with a light smirk.

Buttercup simply says, "Well I need to break something." The two goes towards the elevator while Loola walks with Ilana to see her room, while Dani turned invisible and went into Ben's room again, only to get caught.

Simulation room

Ben walks into the Simulation room with Buttercup and into the centre of the room, where a holographic terminal appeared before he starts typing and speaking, "Basically this room has everything you need to train properly, basically Galvin tech with solid light generators with data uploaded to so you can fight any species in the universe, also some custom made simulations."

Buttercup frowns before asking, "So could you set it so I can fight you one on one?"

Ben smirks before transforming into DiamondHead and saying, "Bring it," and gets ready for a fight. The room glowed white as Buttercup and DiamondHead were lifted a third of the height of the room was a well lit cave. Buttercup looks around in shock at the detail as DiamondHead spoke, "Hard light reduces the size of the room to protect against damage," he then made a bring it gesture with his hand before Buttercup sped forward with a fist raised to punch him in the face only for DiamondHead to lean out the way while his right fist grows to the size of a medicine ball and punch Buttercup in the side knocking her over.

Buttercup hits the wall with a stagger before she raised her fists and says, "That was a bit hard for a spar, don't you think?"

DiamondHead snorts, "Aren't you the one who is invulnerable? Besides why should I hold back? I don't intend to kill anyone but those we fight may not feel the same way," Buttercup speeds forward intending to surprise him only for DiamondHead to side step and chop her down to the ground. DiamondHead speaks, "Besides between the two of us, you need the practice."

Buttercup growls before trying to kick DiamondHead's feet out from under him, only to dodge and extend his fist towards Buttercup who rolled out the way quickly. Buttercup then glares at DiamondHead with her green heat vision, only for the crystalline alien's hand to create a mirror that reflected the beams back at Buttercup who rolled out the way of the beam. Buttercup flew straight at DiamondHead at full speed only for the two to stop when Dani phased into the room in a panic and shouting, "Help me!"

Buttercup frowns before asking, "What happened?"

"I got curious and couldn't control myself," Dani answered as Looma wearing her armour, apparently getting dressed a bit too quickly and without her helmet.

Looma locks eyes on Dani and says, "You are going to finish what you started!" and sped over to Dani who was frozen in shock as Looma caught her and took quickly rushed out the room in a huff.

Buttercup frowns before asking, "What just happened?"

DiamondHead sighs before turning back into Ben and says, "Well the last time Looma was like this was when a 'friend' of ours decided to mess with her only to get seduced in return."

Buttercup ask, "Aren't you dating Looma?"

Ben chuckles and says, "Normal Female Tetramand Females have their own male filled harems. Looma instead got me and any females that strike her fancy."

Buttercup blushes before asking, "So Looma is?"

"Probably having Dani finish what she accidently started," Ben answered before clicking his fingers removing the cave simulation and asks, "I should check on the brainiacs, before they argue the ship to self destruct. Want to come."

A blushing Buttercup simply says, "Sure," before the two walk out the room and into another elevator that takes them to the secondary hanger that was repurposed for a science room. Buttercup noticed that Dex was using the equipment while Rex was holding the heavier items he was fusing together and making it work in tandem. Buttercup walked over while seeing the one known as Octus was commenting on Dexter's work, while the Galvan science team were arguing on how to install a sticker that did nothing but change the colour of a panel. Buttercup asks, "What is their problem?" pointing at the two Galvan.

Ben smirks and says, "Well those two I guess have a sibling rivalry since they were two tadpols chasing after the Loola around the pond. Though it has been a problem considering that they were given to us when they blew up the first thinkers lab during a demonstration to children for a basic history lesson."

Buttercup frowns before asking, "So they pawned them off on you?"

"Pretty Much," Ben admits before saying, "But they are decent if you don't let them near any Galvan tech. I take care of that," while gesturing to his watch. Ben then walks over to Dexter and asks, "So what are you building?"

Dexter simply says, "I am modifying my exo skeletal armour with the Alien tech that your scientists that they did not need."

Ben raised an eyebrow as he looks at the equipment before suddenly saying, "BLUKAGE! DREBA! Why do you have Looma's stuff that Dexter is currently using on his suit?"

Dexter frowns before saying, "My appologies, I did not think that these were part of another project."

Ben waves him off and says, "Just don't ask what they are for. Anyway," Ben walks over to what appears to be 3D printer and says, "This is a molecular assembly design or select a item you need and disperse some matter into the shute and it will convert the matter into the item in question," he selects one item on the list before pulling out what appeared to be an alien diamond and they watched as a simple geared clock was made and working enough to tell the time after ten minutes. Ben simply says, "This thing can also build a bunch of stuff, like replacement weapons and ships, or just straight up clothes," gesturing to the damaged Lab coat and tattered gear Rex was wearing. Ben then focused one the gear that Dexter was working on and asks, "How are you with car repair?" Dexter raised an eyebrow as he followed Ben to the main hanger.

With LuckyGirl-In flight-over Bellwood-next day

LuckyGirl flew quickly towards the edge of Bellwood, she needed to get away from Billions Tower, before she killed someone, or more specifically a boy that was stuck at the start of puberty. Gwen needed to calm down her fluctuating energy. LuckyGirl landed inside an alley where she transformed into her human form as she started walking towards her Aunt and Uncle's home. She walked along the path next to a home with a purple and gold muscle car had been parked along with a really upgraded home before reaching a small home where she knocks on the front door as an elderly man stepped out his home wearing an apron and a bucket of soapy water.

The door to the home answered revealing a man with greying brown hair and wearing a plumbing's belt. Gwen smiles lightly and says, "Hey Uncle Carl."

The man gave her a tired smile and says, "Come on in, would you like a coffee?"

Gwen nods before saying, "Yeah, I haven't been doing well with work."

Carl frowns before asking, "What did they do know?"

"They changed my schedule without my consent and have been making life difficult," Gwen admitted as she takes a seat on a chair facing some pictures of her cousin Ben, before he went 'missing' in the null void. Gwen simply says, "The only reason I stay is because of what they are doing for Grandpa Max."

Carl tenses before asking with restraint, "How is he?"

"Still mentally broken," Gwen admitted as Carl handed her a cup of coffee. Gwen looks at the pictures and says, "I miss him, he would have probably done something dumb but he would have done the right thing in the process."

Carl frowns before saying, "Well we will never know, Max made sure of it."

Gwen frowns before saying, "He did everything that he could to find Ben, then something attacked him and only he knows what," she finishes her coffee before saying, "Uncle Carl, you should really visit Grandpa Max."

Carl sighs and says, "I am sorry but I can't even look at him. The two of you came home early and told us what happened was like getting a knife stabbed in our hearts. Susan still hates him and her drinking problem has gotten worst."

Gwen sighs before asking, "Where is she now?"

"Sleeping, after drinking three bottles of wine last night," Carl admitted before saying, "You should head home now, Susan will be up soon."

Gwen nods before saying, "Yeah, I need to visit my parents now anyway," she was down cast as Carl nods sadly with her as he goes with her to the door as Gwen hugs her uncle goodbye and proceeds to head to the alley near the home. When she was alone she transformed her clothes so that they are black before she transformed into LuckyGirl and took flight at high speed, and missing a blue and black blur arrived before transforming into Ben.

Ben started walking along the path that Gwen had gone and walked past the elderly man washing his car and smirks when he says, "Hey mister Bowman," that got mister Bowman to look at Ben with suspicion before he drops his sponge in shock realising who this is. Ben walked up to the door to his parents' home and says, "Well time to face the music," and knocks on the door.

Carl opens the door with a frown and says, "Sorry, we are not interested in purchasing or following a religion."

Ben laughs lightly and says, "Do I look like a doorsales man?"

Carl got angry and was going to punch Ben's smirking face only to notice Ben's green eyes and Carl's eyes widened and asks, "Ben?"

"Hey Dad," Ben says before Carl suddenly pulled him into a hug that Ben returned.

Mister Bowman suddenly shouts, "Just stay away from my CAR!"

Ben laughs before saying, "Don't worry Mister Bowman, I won't be here that long," Ben pulled Carl into the home and says, "Is mom home," only to receive silence.

Carl was silent until he asks, "What happened to you Ben? M-Dad said that you were stuck in the Null Void."

Ben laughs lightly before answering, "Yeah, that was a long five years," Carl's eyes widened before Ben laughs louder and says, "Plus Ten years of travelling through Space, without knowing where we were going," Carl's eyes was shocked. Ben smiles and says, "Vilgax tried to leave the Null Void, Kevin and I caught wind of and stopped him. End result was that Kevin and I got out along with part of Vilgax," Ben chuckles and says, "The problem was that we were on a ship in orbit and when we tried to fly Vilgax's warship home. Good thing I got my license to fly spaceships after the crash into the mountains on the Tetramand Homeworld."

Carl blinks before asking, "I want to know. Why did Dad send you to the Null Void?"

Ben shakes his head and says, "Actually he was sending a warlord and a mutated teenager into another Dimension, I just got cocky and didn't know Grandpa's plan. Can't complain though I met Looma and some other friends."

"Dad said that the Null Void is a prison," Carl begins before saying, "How could you survive in a place like that?"

Ben smirks and says, "Grandpa Max never told you about the Omnitrix? Well it is an alien watch that lets me transform into different alien species," his story was interrupted by a groan from a dishevelled blond woman with wrinkles around her eyes.

Susan Tennyson, Ben's mother, walked into the lounge and asks, "Where is the coffee Carl?" completely ignoring Ben.

Carl looks at Susan and says, "Susan we have a guest," pointing at Ben.

Susan shakes her head and says, "Then tell them to leave so that I can pour myself a glass of wine."

Ben chuckled and says, "Well I was kind of hoping that you two could take a day off to meet Looma, Mum." Susan looked pointedly at Ben with a frown before her eyes widen and she fainted, Ben suddenly transform suddenly into a plant and catched Susan before she could safely lower her to the ground without injury. Ben transformed back into himself and says, "That was Wildvine, one of the Plant Forms I can take."

Carl asks, "Who is Looma?"

"My wife," Ben's answer was met with Carl also feinting. Ben chuckled as he walked over to the two and lifted them onto the couch and had them sitting next to each other before walking over to the kitchen and looked into the fridge and spotted some left over take out and some fruits and vegetables. Ben grabs an apple and takes a bite as he leans on the wall next to the door leading to the kitchen. Eventually the two shifted before looking at one another and both quickly looked to the chair that Ben had been sitting in. The result was the two sighing sadly before Ben simply saying, "Over here." The two parents turned quickly to Ben, who says, "Maybe you should get dressed Mom, Looma is excited to see you mom, she has wanted to see you for the last ten years."

Susan stands shakingly before she begins to cry and rushes to hug her long lost son. Susan cries into Ben's chest while shouting, "Where have you been?!"

"Space," Ben answers before saying, "Mom you should get dressed, we are going for a trip to Bellwood Lake, let you meet Looma."

Susan steps away from Ben and asks, "Who is Looma?"

The answer came from Carl, "Ben's wife," his slow answer surprised Susan into silence.

Ben smiles and says, "You two should get dressed, I am going to speak to Mister Bowman," the two went out the door. Ben walked over to mister Bowman who froze while cleaning his car. Ben asks, "Do you still have the Ben Ledger?"

Bowman sighs and says, "Yeah, though now I should organise another book right?"

Ben revealed his Plumbers Badge and says, "Don't worry, I have job now," before he reached into his coat while asking, "How much did I owe you?"

Bowman simply says, "Look before you vanished you owed me three thousand dollars in property damage to my car and," Bowman's anger was paused when Ben handed him twenty crystal rectangle coins with a symbol on the face. Bowman asks, "How do you have Tatenite?"

Ben smirks and says, "Dude I have been off planet for the last couple years, travelling across the universe you need to do some odd jobs to get back to Earth. Cargo delivery, the selling cargo, confiscating gear and selling it from criminals. You know basically the Han Solo and Space Policing dream, most kids have when they are ten. Oh, can I order in some Pyronite Wax? The misses used the last of it a couple months back."

Bowman paused from counting his 'money' when his head shot up to look at Ben before asking, "Your married?" his eyes wide before asking, "Does she at least keep you from destroying my car?"

"Nope," Ben answered before saying, "She is a Tetraman and she is destructive. So to ensure that you don't have a heart attack from her being related to me."

Bowman sighs lightly before saying, "Thank You," Ben then pulls out a couple glass cylinders filled with a red crystal like substance.

Ben says, "Element X, figured you would be running low," Bowman accepted the cylinders with a smile as Susan and Carl stepped out their house and locked the door and proceeded to walk over. Ben says to the two, "You will need to drive, I left my car in the shop," he jokes as Carl and Susan gets in Carl's car and Ben says to Bowman and says, "Later Mister Bowman oh and don't mention this to Gwen I want this to be a surprise," Bowman gives him a thumbs up as Ben winks. Ben walks over to the car and says, "Bellwood Lake, and step on it," Carl rolls his eyes before driving the car out of the drive way.

Bellwood Cemetary-Half Hour Later

LuckyGirl landed in an alley near the cemetery and walked over to a flower stand and purchased some flowers and then walked into the cemetery, quietly as she walks to the private mausoleums and walked into the hall before reaching a specific wall with two people, Frank and Natalie Tennyson. Gwen wipes a tear from her eye as she placed the flowers in each flower stand for the two graves. Gwen was silent as she visited the graves of her parents, both empty from the plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean during their Anniversary Holiday. The end result was that terrorist attacked the plane and it crashed in the ocean.

Gwen takes a deep breath when she hears tapping of a foot behind her, Gwen suddenly turned around and transformed into LuckyGirl with her fists raised. Where she sees Homelander leaning on a wall with her arms crossed and tapping his elbow with his hand. Homelander looks bored before he focused on LuckyGirl and says, "No continue, we can talk when you are done, visiting these graves."

LuckyGirl glares at HomeLander and asks, "What do you want?" ready to deck him.

Homelander raised his hands in surrender and says, "Nothing naughty, just thought that I would meet with my future teammate."

LuckyGirl growls and says, "We can't be seen together until after the contest."

Homelander chuckled before saying, "Yeah but if we were together when a crime happened you can't really complain."

LuckyGirl glares at Homelander before saying, "Go home," before she drew a circle in the air and walked through the portal she just made.

Homelander frowns before saying, "Well I look forward to having you in my arms," his grin was lecherous before he flew through the roof of the building quickly damaging the roof that partially collapsed as he flew away. Only for LuckyGirl to have teleported to a janitor's closet in the building. LuckyGirl glares at the hole before walking away from the cemetery.

Outside the Omni Explorer-Two hours later

Carl Tennyson's car drove along the road leading to the Lake when Carl suddenly asks, "Why are we meeting your wife at the lake? And not at home."

"I am introducing you to her in my home," Ben admitted as he pulled out his badge and speaks into it, "Rook we are here," in response the main hanger door opened and the ramp extended. Ben simply says, "Looma doesn't actually know I am doing this, so if she expects you to fight her to the death or something just say that is not how you bound with human mothers," Susan was confused as Ben directed Carl into the ship.

Carl drove the car into the hanger where he sees Dexter, Rex, Vance and Octus repairing the RustBucket. Carl asks, "Is Dad here?"

"No, the plumbers lost contact with him about three years ago during when I was talking to him," Ben admitted.

Carl answers, "He is at the medical recovery centre at the other end of Bellwood, Billy Billions has been paying for his medical recovery but there has been no change to his broken mental state."

Ben frowns before saying, "Thank you," they all stepped out the car when Looma comes flying into the Hanger with Buttercup pinned in her arms and the two crash along the hanger and rolls on the ground and fighting a battle of dominance. Until looma and Buttercup manages to both sucker punch the other in the face and knocking them back across the hanger floor. Ben sighs before shouting, "Looma, can you ease up on sparing my mother wants to meet you."

Looma and Buttercup look at Susan with Looma frozen on the spot, Susan stepped over to Buttercup and says, "Hello you must be Looma. I must say that my son has chosen a beautiful woman to be his wife." Ben covered his mouth when he laughs at this while Buttercup was silent and confused as Susan continues to introduce herself.

Looma on the other hand recovered quickly before punching Buttercup out the way. Looma recovers and says, "Hello, Mother, I am Princess Looma of the Redwinds. It is a pleasure to finally meet you," she suddenly hugs Susan with her oversized arms and was now as confused as Buttercup while Ben finally releases the laughter that he was concealing.

Buttercup rubbed her jaw and walks over to Ben with a glare as Ben asks, "So why weren't you using the simulation room?"

Buttercup simply answers, "Looma apparently broke Dani and she is still asleep in your room. Which brings up the question, what did you do to her?"

Ben sighs and says, "Looma had me tied to the side and forced to watch as she let Dani play with her. With and without Dani using her ghost powers," Ben then frowns before saying, "Though Looma tried to insist I participate, Dani did not want me near her. Cannot blame her Looma is allot of woman." By the end of Ben's explaination Carl simply bows to his son with amusment while Buttercup shakes her head.

Buttercup sighs before saying, "Looma said if I beat her in battle she would tell me what she did."

Ben snorts in humour before saying, "Actually she would have probably done the same to you. She is attracted to power and frankly I lucked out being the first to do it in under a minute. Taught her humility in defeat and then some things in the bedroom."

That unfortunately was probably the worst thing to say as Susan heard him, and got out of Looma's arms and proceeded to grab his ear and pulls him to the side while asking, "Did you take advantage of this lovely girl?"

Ben was about to answer that before pausing and thinking on it before saying, "Technically the laws of marriage on Looma's homeworld requires the groom to have beaten and defeat the bride, with a customary waiting period of three years," only for Ben to get tugged to the side more as he continues, "Seriously Looma was engaged to Kevin and then I fought her when her father mentioned destroying Earth and I offered to have the wedding on the day."

Looma stepped forward and says, "He is correct mother, he won my hand fairly in combat and has shown me amazing human customs. Plus he is really gifted with his hands and lips and," she was gushing like a schoolgirl before saying, "And the fact that he is strong enough to fight a group of Tetramands at once is a bonus."

Susan frowns before asking, "Wait, perhaps I should speak with Looma about this."

Ben shrugs while Looma, Susan and Buttercup leaves quickly while Ben and Carl walked over to the RustBucket where they discussed with Dexter and everyone was working.

With Rook and Kevin-That moment-Nemesis Tower

Kevin and Rook wearing an ID mask while both wore a pair of work overalls as they walked into the server rooms of Nemesis Towers. They walked through the building quickly where they were mostly ignored, as they were not considered a threat at this point of time. They entered the back-up server room. Rook simply asks, "I still don't understand why we did not just uses the computer systems on the ship to infiltrate the server."

Kevin chuckled as he pulled out his own Plumber Badge and says, "Simple," he pulls out a chip and says, "Whenever they back up their servers we will get everything they have, whenever the next back up happens," Kevin connects the badge before suddenly saying, "Or we access everything that Nemisis has on the Vengers' and can review it when we are done," he closed up the panel and the two proceeded to escape. Only they were seen and added to the file of most wanted 'criminals.'

:END of Chapter Three:

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter so don't hate the writer for messing around with characters.