A/N: Just a quick addressing of the reviews.

Some have said that Kratos would never have been hit by Cardin. That was just a wording error and it has been fixed.

Some have said Kratos isn't as Kratosy as he should be. That will be fixed in the new chapters.

Thank you for the reviews, it helps a lot!

Kratos looked to his left and saw a team of four standing there. On their faces he saw from astonishment down to jealousy. He didn't care much about their presence. In-fact, it would probably serve them to take note of some things. He'd began to walk back to his room, but as expected, the team started talking to him. The one with red hair spoke first "That was incredible! Ren, here, doesn't agree that you should've broken their legs."

Kratos grunted "In a real combat situation, if you have the opportunity to break their legs, take it. It renders them nearly useless." The one with the red hair turned to who he now knew as Ren "See?" Kratos noticed one dressed like a Spartan. Something he'd not seen in a long time. Before he could question it, however, he was interrupted by a team who he knew was one year above this one. "Mr. Kratos? There's a man here asking for you."

Kratos didn't care much anymore who it was who was waiting for him or who was even telling him this. He just grunted again and walked into the hall. Before he reached it, he heared an all too familiar voice. "Well, is he in there?" Kratos immediately knew who that was. If Atreus was with him, he would know too. He turned around and his suspicions were confirmed as he lay his eyes upon Brok and Sindri. Brok turned to look at him. "Well look who finally decided to show up." Kratos had an irritated look on his face "How did you get here?"

Sindri spoke up "We told you, us dwarves are very resourceful, and with you being our only customers until the desolation is over, we decided to help you." Both teams CFVY and CRDN stared at the dwarves before Brok looked over at them "The fuck are you lookin at?" Everyone averted their gaze except Kratos, his eyes still fixed on the dwarves. "Even the head doesn't know this place, how do you know of it?" Brok looked back at Kratos "Does it matter? If you quit your little interrogation, I can get to work on that axe." Sindri approached Kratos "And i can get to work on those blades."

Kratos grunted before throwing his axe to Brok and passing his blades to Sindri. He followed them into a wall that seemed solid, however, it was as if it almost didn't exist as they walked through it with ease. Brok held the axe over a blue flame before passing it back to Kratos. "That axe has been infused with the magic of this realm. It increases the effectiveness in this world, but it is useless in any other world, so don't expect the same results back in Midgard." Before he could properly inspect the axe, Sindri came back with his blades. "These have also been infused with the magic of this realm, i also took the time to clean it."

Kratos sheathed the blades and his axe "I shall test your 'improvements' in two days." They had forgotten that Mimir was still attached to Kratos' belt. "Hold on, if you can get here quite easily, would it be possible for you to construct a device that allows us to return to Midgard?"

Brok and Sindri quietly conversed with each other. Kratos folded his arms as he awaited a response. Before long, Brok turned to look at Kratos "Yeah, we can make that, 'shockingly', you'll need to get us this list of materials. We can't make something like that out of thin air." Kratos took the list that seemed to magically appear in Brok's hand and walked back through the door. He glanced at the list as Mimir spoke "Soon, brother, we'll be able to return to Midgard so we can find a way to use Tyr's temple to get to Jotunheim. I suspect the answer is in Tyr's vault."

Kratos grumbled "We need to find these ingredients first." The list showed a number of things. Four to be exact. Kratos had never heard of any of these ingredients except for oak wood, obviously.

He put the list away and walked outside to the edge of the cliff. This realm was so full of life, yet the forests were full of death. Before he walked back to Atreus, he heard a noise coming from below. Kratos looked down just in time to block an uppercut from Baldur.

Baldur jumped away. "Did you really think i wouldn't find you here? Out of all the places, you choose the biggest, most obvious places. It reminds me of Asgard, only more...pathetic."

Kratos took out his axe. The tip froze more violently now. "What do you want?" Baldur readied himself "What i want is to get back to Asgard, and i'm sure either the head, or the boy knows how."

Baldur lept forward, but Kratos buried his axe into his side. Baldur simply pushed it away and threw Kratos at Beacon. Kratos opened his shield and used it to absorb the force of the landing. He had landed next to one of the pillars, so he ripped it from the rest of the structure and swung it as soon as Baldur got close enough, sending him flying through the walls into one of the halls.

Kratos walked towards him at a steady pace. He knew Baldur would rush him again. His theory was confirmed when Baldur flew right into Kratos' shield. Kratos used this opportunity to smash Baldur's face into the ground and to begin punching him. Baldur eventually started laughing, blood all over him before he retaliated by kicking Kratos, then by picking up some of the ground and hitting him with it, sending Kratos crashimg into the halls of Beacon

By this point, many students had come to spectate, but the one student who attacked Baldur was swatted away with ease. Baldur lept at Kratos, smashing his fist into his shield. Kratos then pinned Baldur against the wall and punched him into it. Kratos used this opportunity to summon his axe. As Baldur crashed through the wall, Kratos swung at him, but the axe was swatted away.

Baldur swipped Kratos' legs and proceeded to beat him. Kratos was blocking almost all the punches, however, when Baldur prepared to hit him as hard as he could, Kratos rolled out of the way and grabbed Baldur. He then smashed his face into the floor a few times before proceeding to snap his neck. Baldur lay lifeless, however, Kratos threw him as far as possible to delay his return. Ozpin had told everyone to not interfere, and for good reason.

This showed that Kratos was perhaps more powerful than all of the fall maidens combined. The question was, how much was he holding back in his class?

Kratos summoned his axe again. He grunted as all his wounds healed quick enough to be visible. He then simply walked to his room, where Atreus was.

As he walked through the hall, he noticed how many students were staring at him. He understood their astonishment, however, he'd rather they didn't.

Before he entered, Ozpin approached him. "That was quite a show you put on for us, Mr. Kratos. Don't worry about the damage, it'll be repaired soon enough."

Kratos looked back at the hall. There were multiple holes in the walls, some caused by him summoning his axe. Windows had smashed from the sheer force of their blows and cracks ran across the ground.

Kratos looked back at Ozpin. "We are no longer safe here" Ozpin nodded grimly before saying "I'll be in touch" as Kratos shut the door behind him.