Tales of the Falls





On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



What had it been? Hours? Days? Months? YEARS? Neither Tyrone or Pacifica could say...and they really couldn't care less...

At first...Pacifica glared at Tyrone across their Amber confines annoyed at him, clearly blaming him for this...while Tyrone just gave her a bewildered and confused look(not much else to do there, really).

But as time went on...no way to move or even blink...things changed...

Even the most ferocious of fires will eventually die out...and Pacifica's anger was no different. With nothing to do but stare...soon...she couldn't bring herself to care about the jerk that got her stuck in this sea of Amber...then as she mulled over her thoughts(again, not a whole lot of other options), she reluctantly admitted to herself that he seemed just as surprised by the whole thing and it probably wasn't his fault at all...then she stoped caring about the situation one way or the other...she was just so BORED!

So bored...she MADE herself fantasies about the naked boy in front of her(Once more, what else was there to do?)...and to her surprise...this actually wasn't that hard. At first glance the kid seemed scrawny, somewhat famine and a freakishly small cock...

But...when you took the time to look at him- REALLY look at him...he had the makings of a nice six pack growing in- well, more of a one and a half pack at this point. But it WAS coming in. And...he had other nice muscles growing in...again, not much now now, but they WERE getting somewhere...

And the more she thought about it..having a small cock...was it really that bad? I mean she couldn't really ju- (she blushed to herself, and stopped that thought mid-way) -Well, in any case...it was the only cock around, she was bored as heck, and it was either this or do a dead fly impression for the next century. So it became the centerpoint of all her sexual fantasies...

While on Tyrone's side, he spent the first part of their 'stay' here trying to figure out why this strange girl he never met before seemed to be glaring at him. Did she think this was his fault? Was his naked body so disgusting and shameful that she was just angered by it in general? Was she a zombie parasite that needed to make herself angry to feed her horse overlords?...okay that last one was ridiculous. But with the choice of either spend his time making up crazy conspiracy theory stories about her or spend the next eternity pretending to be fossil...well, what else could he do really?

At first he was embarrassed by being on full display for her to see...but after awhile...he stopped caring...what was the point of being embarrassed? They were both trapped forever in amber for crying out loud!

In fact...honestly the girl looked a bit uncomfortable in those clothes- well maybe that was just wishful thinking on his part but whatever. This was his story and he was rolling with it -while he felt great. Whatever this strange new type of Amber was...it was like he was floating in a bowl of warm jello. True, he couldn't move but it all felt so warm and soft against his skin...

He wondered if anyone would discover them? Would they be taken to a museum? Actually, this amber seemed to allow him to still breathe and not ever get hungry, thirsty or atrophy...did that mean he could wake up in a future world? True, he'd be naked in front of a bunch of strangers...but Tyrone found he couldn't care less...maybe he could pretend to be a naked neanderthal for a bit just to mess with them...

True...it would suck to be in a strange new world where everyone he knew was dead and gone...well, actually...that wasn't true was it? He hadn't known that world, Dipper had...he was just a clone. Dipper had a life, Dipper had Wendy...Tyrone...Tyrone was just going to die the next time he hit water...

...or maybe not...? He was stuck here until someone found him in the future, wasn't he? Maybe then he could find a way to cure his 'condition'?...yeah...Yeah! This might be a good thing! A new life, for a new person! And it wasn't as if he had to suffer through this alone...the girl was with him! If nothing else...they could be friends! Hey, why not?

That's when he noticed her eyes, instead of hate...they seemed..warm now...almost...friendly...

Tyrone would've smiled- if able -Yeah...they COULD be friends! Maybe he could convince her to shed her skin to reveal the sentient mung beans!

AND like that he was back to making up ludicrous conspiracy theories...


And so this went on...

Pacifica continued to make love to Tyrone the sex slave in her head...

And Tyrone continued to have a philosophical chat With Pacifica the teen robot who was secretly possessed by a demonic frog in HIS head...



For a moment neither Pacifica or Tyrone responded to the noise, both of them too deep in their respective fantasies...


Tyrone frowned...was it him...or did he feel...a breeze? On his rear?


And now he was falling...WAIT, FALLING!? Tyrone screamed...right before he hit the bottom of the very short crevice. Tyrone frantically looks around, he maybe drowsy but his brief time in gravity falls had given him important instincts...like something was nearby and ready to kill him...

Tyrone groans as he drags his body up, he's almost overwhelmed by all the sights! They were in an underground cavern! There were sleeping raptors nearby! Actual Dinosaurs! and the girl...

Tyrone panicked, the girl! rocks had fallen on their amber cocoon, breaking it. He'd been freed. But she was still asleep and mostly submerged. the raptors were asleep, but slowly getting awake.

Quickly, Tyrone began to pull the still very much drowsy and slumbering, fortunately she was mostly free at this point, but her clothes were complety caught in amber!

Hearing the raptors start to snort awake, Tyrone makes a decsion, whispers 'forgive me' to the blonde, gives her a good yank-


"Wha?" Asks a still groggy Pacifica as most of her clothes are ripped off. Tyrone grunts to himself, 'one more tug'...

Pacifica's eye's widen, "Wait no-


Goes her bra, and out goes her pads, revealing her flat chest-


Goes her corset, revealing her big, flabby belly!


Squeals the now completely naked Pacifica in Tyrone's arms, her secret shames now exposed...as well as everything else...

"PUT ME DOWN PERVERT!" She shouts!



Screamed Pacifica as Tyrone carried/ran the VERY heavy girl away from a pack of raptors...and deeper into the Jungle...



AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Go to my P,a,t,r,e,o,n account!

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