I got the idea to write this after reading "Harry Samurai" by elvander72, and that author got their idea from reading "Roar of Kyoto's Wizarding Lion" by Slashfan2018. I really liked that fic even though there's only seven short chapters. There will be a lot of similarities in the first couple chapters. Enjoy!


In the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, three different schools have gathered together for the sake of unity between the three European Magical schools by reinstating the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Using an ancient artifact called the Goblet of Fire, students, after meeting the necessary age requirement, may put their name in the Goblet. Once the students have finished placing their name in said Goblet, it then chooses one student from each school by spitting out their name in a rush of red flames. Once chosen, the participants were subject to a binding magical contract in which they can not back out of the tournament.

For the Durmstang Institute for Magical Learning, the chosen Champion was Victor Krum.

For the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the chosen Champion was Fleur Isabelle Delacour.

And for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the chosen Champion was Cedric Diggory.

Ruckus applause has already been given for each Champion by their respective schools, and they each were already inside the Antechamber waiting to discuss what's expected of them.

When Dumbledore was about to dismiss everyone, the Goblet immediately spit out another name. As soon as he caught the paper and read what was on it, he seemed to look every year of his 114 years of age. He glanced at James and Lily Potter, both Professors at Hogwarts, before uttering out the name.

At once, the Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, cast a silencing charm around the teachers and Heads of each school.

"Speak up, Albus! What is the name?" James inquired. Usually one to respect the Headmaster without question, but due to certain events in the past, his and his wife's respect greatly diminished.

"It is not young Richard's name I assure you James, but-"

"What is the meaning of this ерунда (nonsense), Dumbledore! One champion for each school! This is the rule! I will not stand for you cheating your way to victory!" Igor Karkaroff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang exclaimed, while Olympe Maxime, the Headmistress of Beauxbatons, nodded her head furiously in agreement.

"This isn't a student in my school Igor. In fact, this person was widely believed to be dead for just under a decade, but the Goblet could not have spit his name out unless he was alive." Dumbledore stated.

James froze once he heard this, and Lily's hands started shaking while the barest of smiles tugged at the corners of her lips. All the clues being pieced together. Only one name could have caused Dumbledore to have such a strong reaction.


Right after Professor McGonagall casted the silencing charm, the Great Hall was filled with the murmuring of confused students. Clearly something was wrong when a fourth name was called, but what's the reason for the heated discussion taking place at the Head Table? It must involve the Potters somehow with how upset they look.

The majority of the Hogwarts students looked to Richard Lilian Potter, "The-Boy-Who-Lived", who is now wearing a smug smile. The black haired, hazel eyed boy spent a long time bragging about how he was going to be the Hogwarts Champion, even though he is underage.

"Obviously my name came out. I didn't even need to try to put my name in! The Goblet knew that as the-Boy-Who-Lived, I'm the best choice as Hogwarts Champion. They're just trying to figure out a way to break it to Pretty Boy Diggory that he should forfeit to save himself from being outshined by me." Richard bragged.

A small portion of his classmates agreed with him, but the rest of the school has grown sick and tired of his arrogance, including those in his own house. He started school with a large amount of fans and support, but after three years of hearing how he was better than everyone because he somehow vanquished Voldemort as a baby, people became annoyed by him.

Suddenly the silencing spell was cut off and Dumbledore spoke again.

"Through unknown forces, the Goblet has given us a fourth Champion. This champion is currently not attending any of schools participating, so we must find a way to track him down before the first task on the 24th of November."

"And just who is this mystery champion, Headmaster?!" One of the reporters present asked.

After taking a deep breath, Dumbledore's replied, "Harry Potter."

The silence was deafening in the Great Hall as everyone tried to process what had just been spoken.

The first person to came out of their shock was Richard, who promptly yelled, "What?!"


Everyone knew the story. Both the Light and the Dark families were appalled and disgusted by it.

The same night that Richard became the-Boy-Who-Lived, one Harrison James Potter became the Forgotten Heir.

For two years, Harry has been almost completely ignored by his parents. Lily did occasionally speak to him and payed a bit of attention. Thankfully, the Potter house elves were taught how to speak proper English, so they were able to educate as well as raise their young heir. Sirius Black also visited him whenever he could get away from his duties as Lord Black, so Harry didn't lack too much human contact.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore felt that the Child of Prophesy needed to have the full attention of both his parents in order to meet his full potential. So using his patented grandfatherly smile and tone of voice, as well as the eye twinkles, he convinced James and Lily that Harry needed to be in hiding for his safety. There are a plethora of Death Eaters and Voldemort supporters who hasn't been arrested and will most likely kill one of their children out of revenge. Since Harry barely showed any accidental magic, it's clear that he has a very low amount of magic, and it would be safer if Dumbledore took him.

Without their knowledge, Dumbledore took Harry to the Dursley residence. With just a small note attached to his blanket, Dumbledore left him on the doorstep and walked away after ringing the bell. He believed Harry would be safe here, because, even though he knew the Dursleys didn't like magic, what family would harm a young child?

Unknown to everyone but Lily Potter, Petunia Dursley had a deep hatred and jealousy toward her sister for being able to do magic. Unfortunately for Harry, he was now the target for her hatred. She married a man who hated unnatural things, and both took turns beating the "freakishness" out of him, in which they included their son Dudley. Family bonding at it's finest.

Not long after Harry's exodus from the Potter home, Lily fell pregnant again. Emilia Jane Potter was born a little after Harry turned seven and Richard turned four. Her safety wasn't a concern, nor did they even consider it threatened. Her birth practically erased any memories of their firstborn.

Then the Hogwarts letters were dispatched in 1988. Professor McGonagall found it strange that Harry Potter's letter didn't get sent out, but stayed on her desk, but she didn't dwell on it, and decided to hand deliver it to the Potter family.

When she presented the letter, no address, just a name, she was surprised to see James' eyes widen and skin pale, and Lily hands shaking furiously while her eyes were tearing up. They had forgotten about their eldest child.

After living a life of fame through their son, the-Boy-Who-Lived, they had completely disregarded Harry after giving him to Dumbledore, who convinced them that it was for Harry's safety that he took him away, but didn't say anything when Emilia was born.

Bulldozing her way through Hogwarts, and stampeding straight into the Headmaster's office, Lily "Tiger Lily" Potter demanded the startled Headmaster to tell her where her child was.

To her sheer horror, Dumbledore explained that he sent him to live with the Dursleys. After exploding at him and describing the amount of hatred Petunia had for her that will without a doubt be transferred to her child, Dumbledore paled considerably.

In a rush, they all floo'd to the Dursley residence.

Petunia became very frightened when she answered the door and saw Dumbledore. Lily barged in with James and Dumbledore right behind her berating her sister with questions of the whereabouts of her son. The fear turned into pride when she told them of how they killed him and through him off a deserted cliff in a foreign country, no longer having to deal with any freakishness happening in her normal home with her family.

Petunia's fear returned tenfold when Lily's frantic anger turned into a deathly calm, something their mother did when her fury reached an entirely new level.

She turned and looked Dumbledore directly in his eyes, pouring all of her hate into her eyes but keeping a stoic face.

This frightened the old wizard quite a bit, while also making him feel shame in blindly believing that family wouldn't harm family.

What followed afterwards was the immediate arrest of the Dursleys while Dudley was sent to a home for delinquent boys, since Lily adamantly refused to take in the boy.

The media coverage explaining the whole story was shocking enough to make it to international news. Both Light and Dark families treasured their heirs and heiresses. For a parent to be irresponsible enough to cause the death of one is unheard of.

While Richard still retained his celebrity status as the-Boy-Who-Lived, his parents became infamous and were now known as the-Parents-Who-Forgot. Nothing really could be done to them legally, since they are the Lord and Lady of an Ancient and Noble house, and Magical Britain is really biased towards Noble houses, but they lost public support and several friends because of their terrible decision.

Dumbledore himself faced a lot of backlash.

He was stripped of his title as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards with haste immediately after the scandal broke out. He was able to retain his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot due to this being the first black mark he's ever received, but he had to call almost all of his favors in order to keep his Headmaster position. The wizarding people had several doubts about letting him run a school full of children.

The hype died down over the years. The Potters became respected professors, while Dumbledore gained back a majority of his support.

Though it was said that Lily Potter hasn't properly smiled since the day she found out the fate of her child. Not until Harry's name came out of the Goblet.