Run to You


Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or the franchise, as it belongs to Steph Meyers

Run to You

Chapter 10

Bella took deep breaths as she stared at herself in the mirror, not really believing she was at this moment in her life. She was dressed in a simple yet pretty sundress—white with floral lace designs and spaghetti straps and a high-low skirt—with a makeup free face to show off her natural beauty. Her brown hair hung in waves, a braid going across the back of her head. She looked really simple, and yet so beautiful at the same time. Seeing herself now really put it in perspective that today was going to happen, that it was really happening. Her wedding day.

Turning away from the mirror to look at her small bridal party, Bella asked almost nervously, "How do I look?"

Leah, Emily, and Angela all looked at her before Emily said with a smile, "Beautiful."

Nodding in agreement, Leah said, "It's definitely very you, Swan. Or should I start calling you 'Black' now?"

"Not yet, but soon," Angela piped up. Looking back at her friend Angela said, "This is how I honestly envisioned you for your wedding, Bella."

Smiling, Bella looked down at herself and replied, "Me too." She looked down at her ring finger, now bare for the first time since becoming engaged before saying, "I can't believe I'm actually about to get married. I mean, it's the second time I'm about to be married, but this time it's really happening."

"And it's happening the way it should be," Angela said. "I've never seen you so happy before than since you and Jacob got engaged."

Leah scoffed. "Oh please, they got even more disgustingly cute the moment he got down on one knee."

Emily shook her head with a smile before glancing at the clock. Seeing the time she said, "Well, if we want to make it to the wedding, we need to leave now. Let's go, everyone."

The four women exited the Clearwater house where they all got ready, slipping on flipflops before leaving, seeing Seth waiting for them by the minivan that Quil thought was a good idea to purchase for some reason or another a few months prior. Smiling at the sight of the bride, Seth hugged her in greeting before asking, "Are you ready?"

Bella smiled back and answered, "Definitely."

Seth nodded and allowed for Bella and the rest of the girls to climb into the van with Leah riding shotgun before climbing into the driver's seat. Once all the doors were shut and everyone buckled in, Seth started the van and drove away from his home, headed for First Beach. As she sat there in the moving vehicle, listening to the other four occupants talk to each other, Bella thought back on the events that led her to where she was now, particularly on how she was finally set free from the Volturi, from the Cullens, and from Edward.

Two years ago, not long after breaking up with Edward and basically telling him to shove it, Bella had thought her life was finally back on track from the whirlwind chaos it had been since finding out what Edward and the Cullens were. Unfortunately, things were never easy for her concerning them. Edward hadn't taken the breakup well at all—an understatement considering how he really was—and had called Aro to alert him that she had backed out of her promise to the Volturi. In response, the Volturi had decided to pay them a surprise visit, a visit that almost ended in disaster.

Jacob and Bella had been lying together in post-coital bliss when she had received a very distressed call from Alice. Of course, she had ignored it until the vampire kept calling over and over until she finally answered it annoyed. The annoyance she had felt instantly went away when she heard Alice say that the Volturi were coming and that Edward had called them telling them about her broken promise. What made it worse was that they were arriving within the hour. Jacob, while Bella was freaking out, called up the Pack to meet at the Cullen house and they all quickly got there in time before the Volturi arrived. Before they had, Jacob had attempted to rough Edward up for his call while Bella ripped into Alice about waiting so long to tell her about the Volturi coming, especially after finding out she had had the vision of it happening the day before. Carlisle and Esme had tried to diffuse the situation while Rosalie looked on in slight amusement, and had managed to do so right when Aro and the others arrived. She could remember vividly the conversation that had taken place about their predicament.


"So, it seems as if young Bella is no longer marrying Edward," Aro said, completely skipping over any pleasantries. "Do I assume that to be correct in what Edward has told us, Carlisle?"

"It is an unfortunate reality Aro, but it is for a good reason," Carlisle replied.

"No reason is good enough to make our laws and what we say void, something I know you understand well, old friend." Aro then looked at Bella. "Tell me Bella, is what young Edward has told us true? Have you really decided to go back on your promise to us and no longer become a vampire?"

Bella, though nervous about being confronted by the Volturi once again, was still very pissed off at Edward for forcing them all into this situation. And her anger spurred her on to glare at said vampire before turning her glare towards Aro and answering, "Yes, it is. I refuse to marry Edward and won't be becoming a vampire." She then turned her glare back to Edward and continued saying, "And Edward I'm sure has neglected to tell you the reason as to why, other than the fact that I loath his sorry ass."

The Volturi had been surprised by her response, though Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri couldn't help but smirk. Marcus looked back and forth between Bella and Edward in interest, taking note of the fact that the bond between them was no longer there. He took even more interest at the bond between Bella and the tall young man she was standing with, taking note that the bond between them was much stronger than the bond Bella had ever had with Edward. In fact, it was the bond of a mate that he was seeing between them. In his soft voice he said, "She has a mate Aro, a true mate. And he's standing with her right now."

Finally taking note of Jacob, Aro asked, "And who might you be?"

Jacob held Bella's hand and answered, "Jacob."

"And who are you to Bella?"

"Her boyfriend, lover, mate; take one."

Caius, who had been observing Jacob and the Pack (all in human form) in silence for a while, took in their scents and his nose rose in disgust at the fowl stench. His red eyes narrowed for a moment before growling and hissing, "You're a werewolf." Turning his gaze to Bella he hissed, "You've left one of our kind to be with one of these wretched creatures. You've broken your promise for this filth."

Jacob and the Pack growled in response, though they weren't as incensed as Bella was in that moment. Taking a step forward Bella shouted, "Shut up, you asswipe!"

"Bella!" Edward cried in shock, the Cullens and Volturi even more so at Bella's bold cry.

Jacob, not at all surprised by Bella's rebuttal, stepped forward with her and responded, "We're not normal werewolves, leech. We're spirit wolves, protectors of our lands and people. We protect them from Cold Ones like you and are only barely civil with them because my great-grandfather and the doctor made a treaty to have peace, a treaty which shouldn't have been established in the first place."

Aro nodded in interest before saying, "Fascinating. And what pray tell makes you say that Bella is your mate and taking her away from Edward?"

"He messed with her mind and tricked her into hating me," Edward cut in, only to be cuffed in the head by Rosalie.

"The hell he did," Rosalie hissed.

Giving them a stern look, Aro said, "I want to hear from Jacob and Bella."

"We spirit wolves find our mates by way of Imprinting, and a few months ago I Imprinted on Bella before a battle with an army of newborns."

Jane glared at the Cullens before saying, "I knew you all didn't take out those newborns on your own."

"Anyway, Bella never knew about it because I wanted her to love me without the aid of the Imprint, and emotions were severely high that day."

"He was also injured and heavily medicated, so it's no surprise that he didn't think to tell me," Bella inputted. "But Edward did know about it, but never mentioned it so I would stay enthralled and dazzled by him, foolishly declaring a love for him that I no longer had but didn't realize until the planning of that stupid wedding."

Aro nodded. "I see. And Imprinting is simply finding your mate?"

"It's like, finding your life mate, your soul mate," Jacob replied.

Marcus nodded in agreement before saying, "I concur with the young lad. The bond between him and Bella is like nothing I've ever seen before. If there was ever anything between her and Edward, it no longer exists."

Caius snarled and said, "None of that matters, though. The girl is with a Child of the Moon and I refuse to allow such creatures to continue to exist. We eliminate these werewolves now."

"Caius, wait a moment," Aro said, but it was too late.

Caius charged towards Jacob, Felix, Demetri, and a few more of the guard going with him. Jacob pushed Bella behind him while Paul phased on the spot and met Caius head on, knocking the blond vampire on his back. The rest of the Pack phased as well, Jacob doing so only after Esme quickly took Bella from him. Before Bella knew it, an all-out brawl had erupted between the Volturi and the Pack; Marcus, Aro, and the twins didn't move at all while Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper joined the fray. Carlisle pleaded with Aro to call the guard and Caius off, saying that they could come to some sort of consensus. Bella could only look on in horror, especially when Caius had gotten Jacob in a chokehold and was about to tighten his grip, ready to crush his neck and kill him. Remembering how broken Jacob had looked the last time a vampire had gotten a hold of him, tears filled Bella's eyes and she screamed, "NO!"

Her yell reverberated around them and to everyone's surprise, Caius and the rest of the Volturi guard all stopped attacking, their heads flying back as if something had knocked into them and causing them to stumble and fly back. Surprise was evident on the Volturi's faces, but Bella wasn't caring. Instead, she ran to stand in front of Jacob and cried, "I won't let you hurt him! I'd rather die before I let you hurt Jacob!"

She then turned her attention to Edward, angry tears standing in her eyes. "You see all the bullshit your actions have put us through? Has done to us? Is doing to us? This is all your fault!"

Edward looked at Bella painfully and said, "Bella love, I'm just taking the appropriate actions so we can be together again."

"Why don't you take the appropriate actions and go die? Get this through your thick skull, Edward: I don't love you anymore and never will. I. Don't. Want. You."

Edward seemed to have the wind knocked out of him at her declaration and he practically crumbled, only being caught by Emmett. Aro was surprised by Bella's harsh words to Edward, especially considering the last time he had seen her, she had been adamant about wanting to be with Edward, even dying for him. To see that supposed love now turned to hatred was interesting to say the least, especially considering she was no longer being dazzled by the young vampire. Looking back at Bella standing in front of Jacob, he deduced that her incapacitating his guard was due to her mental shield, something he wished he could use but knew it to be fruitless. After staring at the brunette for a moment longer, Aro made a decision and turned back to Carlisle.

"Carlisle, this is what will happen. Bella's promise to us is no longer valid, especially considering she is the mate to this young wolf." He took a look at Jacob, taking in how regal he looked and his massive size. "An Alpha's mate at that, it would seem. The wolves will be left alone to thrive as they will."

"Aro!" Caius yelled, only to be silenced by Aro.

"However, we will be taking Edward as recompense for all of this foolishness to serve the Volturi indefinitely. It seems to me that he is the common denominator in everything that has happened up to now. Not only that, but we will be taking Alice for her lie concerning Bella's future in becoming one of us, and she will serve us as well. And finally, you will return to Volterra with us to serve for the next century for allowing such absurdity to happen and continue. Your family can join us if they like, and you may leave once your sentence has been served. But as for Edward and Alice, their sentences stand for the rest of their immortal lives with Jane and Alec watching over them." Aro then turned to look at Bella. "And Bella, you are to never dabble in the world of the supernatural ever again. I know you have no choice concerning your mate, but outside of him and his fellow wolves, absolutely no more or there will be grave consequences for you and your wolf family."

Bella, who had been holding her breath the entire time Aro dished out the sentences, nodded and released the air she had held in. What Aro asked of her, she could definitely do. She had no plans whatsoever to deal with anymore supernatural that wasn't Jacob and the Pack.

Pleased with her agreement, Aro turned to look at the sulking and seething Caius before saying, "Stop your pouting, Caius. They seem to be harmless creatures unless provoked, just like you had done just now." He then turned to Alec. "Alec, if you please."

Alec nodded and released his power, instantly numbing Edward and Alice's senses despite their protests, and thus allowing Felix and Demetri to grab hold of them. Well, Demetri would have with Alice has Jasper not picked her up first and growled in his face, silently telling him to back off. Esme looked up at Carlisle and took hold of his hand, she silently making the decision to join Carlisle in Volterra, just as Jasper obviously was going to with Alice.

Seeing things had settled and their work there was done, Aro looked at Bella once more before saying, "Goodbye, Isabella. May you enjoy the rest of your miserable human existence."

With that, he, the rest of the Volturi, Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice, and Jasper all left never to be seen again. Bella let out a sigh of relief before turning and hugging Jacob's wolfy neck, burying her face in his soft fur as she heard him rumble in relief. Finally, finally, they were safe and could go on with their lives.

(End Flashback…)

Rosalie and Emmett had left Forks, though said 'goodbye' to Bella before doing so, as well as putting the Cullen mansion up for sale. Ever since that day, life had been good to Bella and now it was about to get better. Pretty soon the van stopped and she and her bridal party were climbing out of the van and walking along the sands of First Beach towards the wedding. Stopping by a basket, they all deposited their flipflops into it before getting in line to walk down the aisle to the alter barefoot, toes buried in the sand. As music played and Leah and Seth walked down the aisle, followed by Emily and Sam, and then Angela by herself as she was Bella's maid of honor, Bella walked up to Charlie who was waiting with a smile on his face.

In a soft voice she said, "Hi dad."

Charlie smiled down at his daughter and said, "You look beautiful, kiddo. Are you ready for me to walk you down the aisle?"

"I think you're more excited about it than I am."

Charlie chuckled and turned to Sue—who he was now dating himself—and allowed the woman to place a crown of flowers on Bella's head, as well as hand her a bouquet of wild flowers. Once she was set with those, he proudly escorted his daughter down the aisle to the man that was like his son.

As they walked down the aisle, family and friends seated on chairs and watching her, Bella's chocolate eyes were firmly on Jacob's form, taking in his khaki pants, white button up shirt with the first two buttons undone, and the flower crown settled on his head as well with Embry by his side as best man. She looked at his bright smile, how his brown eyes shone with unadulterated love as he gazed at her approaching form. It wasn't long before they reached the alter where the old officiate was waiting, and Charlie gave Bella a kiss on her cheek before taking a seat next to Renee who had made it for the wedding of their only child.

Handing her bouquet to Angela, Bella turned to Jacob and took his hands in hers before saying almost breathlessly, "Hi."

"Hey honey," Jacob replied softly. "You look beautiful."

Bella blushed and ducked her head before looking back up at him with a bright grin on her face. The officiate smiled at the young couple and asked, "Are you two ready for the beginning of the rest of your lives together?"

Jacob turned to look back at Bella and asked, "Ready honey?"

Nodding with a smile on her face, Bella replied surely, "Ready."

The reception was a lively affair, everyone celebrating the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Black. Bella had had her first dance with Jacob, as well as had a turn with every member of the Pack sans Leah, as well as Charlie and even Billy. There had been a moment of embarrassment when Renee had told Jacob she expected grandchildren nine months from now, but other than that everything had been great. And when Bella had tossed the bouquet, it had landed in Leah's hands who looked utterly stunned to have been the one to catch it.

While everyone was still celebrating at the reception, Jacob and Bella had snuck away back to First Beach and were now seated on their log, their flower crowns deposited in the sand. Bella looked at the gold band she had placed on Jacob's finger before turning to look back at the one on her own finger. On it was Jacob's mother's ring, Sarah's ring. He had used it to propose and had only taken it back briefly to use it again in their wedding ceremony. It was such a beautiful simplistic ring, a gold band with three pink flowers engraved on it, tiny diamonds on the center of each flower. It was such a lovely ring and Bella felt honored that Jacob wanted her to wear it.

Still looking down at her ring, Bella said, "I can't believe that we're married."

Jacob wrapped his arm around his new wife and pulled her into his side, placing a kiss on her head before saying, "Believe it, Bells. It really happened and I can finally call you my wife."

"After everything that we've been through to get to this point, I don't think a better outcome could have happened."

Chuckling, Jacob nodded in agreement and gently pulled Bella onto his lap. Pressing his lips against hers in a sweet kiss, he asked, "And no regrets, right?"

Shaking her head, Bella answered, "Never. If I had to do everything all over again, I now know that I will always run to you, no matter what. You are the only one for me, Jacob Black. I am yours and you are mine, and I love you until the end of time and even after."

Jacob grinned and kissed Bella deeply and passionately before pulling away and replying, "And I love you just the same, honey. Always have and always will."

Bella grinned and wrapped her arms around Jacob's neck in a hug, kissing him once more before lying her head over onto his shoulder. Yes, it had taken a while for Bella to find her way back to Jacob, but once she had she had run straight to him. He was her happiness, her heart, her life, and he was the happily ever after she would always have. She loved him with all of her heart and soul, and nothing and no one could and would ever change that.

Author's Note: This is the end of Run to You. Thank you to all that have read and reviewed this story and staying tuned to it as it went on. Your feedback has been very much appreciated and I'm gad that you all stayed for it from beginning to end and hope you all thoroughly enjoyed this small story of Jacob and Bella. Again, thank you all so much and I hope you stay tuned for whatever is to come next. XOXO, SehunsBae37.