"How was Lucas's first Christmas?" Raj asked about a week after Christmas. Most of the group had made their own plans for the holidays and they were finally all back together for dinner that night.

"It was good. Penny's parents and brother flew out for a few days and we just hung out here while they were in town. Of course, they spoiled him rotten, but that didn't really surprise me. They brought a large suitcase just of gifts for him. They weren't all from them, some were from Penny's sister and grandparents," Leonard explained while watching his son play on the floor with some of his new toys.

"How many times have they been out here to see him?" Raj asked. "It seems like they're here every few months, which is a lot considering he's only six months old."

Penny stopped to count in her head. "I think they've been out here 3 times, including being here for his birth and Christmas, so not super often. My sister still lives in Nebraska, so they see my nephews all the time and Randall doesn't have kids. They just don't want to feel like they're missing out on seeing him grow up. We'll probably try to go to Nebraska in the spring so my grandparents can meet him."

"That's brave, flying with an infant. I can't imagine us trying to take Halley and Michael on a plane when they were that little. They're four and almost three now and that still sounds like a lot to handle," Bernadette shared.

"We don't have anything set in stone right now, but Lucas likes the baby carrier, so that will make it much easier to get through the airports and onto the plane. He's a pretty chill baby, so hopefully he'll be a good flyer," Penny pointed out. As she was starting to speak again, the door opened with Amy and Sheldon letting themselves in.

Filling their plates from the food spread across the coffee table, Amy and Sheldon settled into their regular spots on the couch. "Did you guys have good holidays?" Amy asked Howard and Bernadette.

Bernadette was taking care of their kids' plates, so Howard answered Amy's question. "It was hectic like always. Anytime all of Bernie's family gets together is crazy. With all of her siblings and nieces and nephews, it was a lot of people in her parents' very small house. The kids had fun with all of their cousins. The only time all of them are together is for the holidays. We see some of them throughout the year, but never all of them at once. How was Texas?"

"It was different. My sister and her kids have been staying with my mom since her marriage imploded. My mom loves having them there, but it's just weird seeing my sister living at home again," Sheldon shared between bites of food.

"How's Mary? I feel like we haven't seen her in forever," Penny asked.

"She's enjoying retirement. She might be coming out here in the spring, but definitely over the summer. She's thinking it will be a longer visit than just a few days when she's here next summer."

"That's great. We can't wait to see her again whenever she does make it back out here," Leonard shared.

Looking around the room, Sheldon set down his plate and shared a look with Amy. She nodded as she took his hand. "There's actually a reason my mom is planning a longer visit next summer." Seeing his friends were all looking at him now, Sheldon continued, "She's planning a longer visit to help Amy and I with her new grandkids. Amy's pregnant."

The group quickly surrounded the couple, hugging them and congratulating them. As the room slowly started to settle down, Bernadette started the questions. "First of all, how far along are you? When are you due? Secondly, grandkids? As in more than one?"

"I'm almost three months and I'm due the beginning of July, but with twins it will probably be earlier," explained Amy.

Penny stared across the room at her friends. "Why didn't you tell us sooner? Three months is a long time for you guys to not slip up and say something. I almost slipped so many times before we finally told you on the plane to the Nobel ceremony."

"Given Amy's age and the fact that she's carrying twins makes it a higher-risk pregnancy. There was a risk that she could lose one or both babies and we didn't want to make a huge deal out of everything until we were past the riskiest part of her pregnancy. There's still a risk, but its much lower now," shared Sheldon.

"Well, we're all happy for you. Let us know if you need anything," Leonard spoke on behalf of the group.