A/N: Big thanks to villianbabe for your review of the last chapter.

A/N #2: This is the last chapter of 'The Winter Art Burglary' and i would greatly appreciate a review of the entire story as well as a review of the last chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Charlie's Angels or its characters.

XXX A New Year Dylan and Anthony

I flipped through my clothes, muttering that I had nothing to wear. After a few more minutes, I threw my hands up and groaned in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" Anthony said behind me.

"I don't have anything to wear for tonight," I said, turning to him.

Anthony just looked at me from where he was sitting on the bed next to Conner.

"Okay, okay, I'll look again," I said. I turned back to the closet. Finally, I spied a dress and I pulled it off it's hanger. I walked out of the closet and said to Anthony, "I'll be ready in a couple of minutes. Why don't you go get Conner's collar?"

Anthony nodded and then left the room, the dog following him.

I smoothed out the bottom of my dress and studied myself in the mirror.

The dress I had chosen had very thin spaghetti straps. It was a deep emerald color and it went down to my knees.

I then brushed my hair, sweeping it up into a bun and then I put two hair clips with emeralds and diamonds on either side of my head. I put on my makeup quickly and then pulled on a pair of high heeled shoes.

I left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen where Anthony was waiting for me. "Well," I said , standing in the doorway. "How do I look?"

Anthony's eyes trailed down my body, and he seemed to be speechless. Then he smiled and walked over to me. "Beautiful," he whispered, putting his arms around me.

I put my hands on his upper arms and looked at him. I saw there was a wicked glint in his eyes and I knew that he and I would not be getting out of bed at all the next day. I smiled at that and then accepted Anthony's kiss.

When he pulled back, he asked me, "Ready?"

"Just let me get my shawl," I said. I walked over to the entryway closet and got a black silk shawl. I draped it over my arm and then walked out to

Anthony's car.


Traffic on the 405 freeway was unusually light. And that fact that it was a holiday and there was so little traffic was very surprising.

Anthony had wanted to stay at home with Dylan tonight to ring in the new year. Catherine had called them two days after Christmas, though, to invite them to a party she and Adam were going to throw at the Getty.

Dylan had happily accepted the invitation, telling Anthony, "We can tell Cathy and Adam about our engagement."

He was still a little surprised that Dylan had agreed to marry him. Although as time went on, Anthony became more and more anxious to make Dylan his wife. Why he felt that way, he didn't have any idea.

Anthony's attention was forced back to the present as he drove off the freeway and to the museum.

They were allowed into the parking structure by the security guard, and

Anthony drove his car inside to the space next to Adam Ryder's car.


I got out of the car and waved to Catherine. "I can't believe we got here early," I called out.

Catherine laughed and then walked over to me. "Thanks for coming," she

said, giving me a quick hug. "Did you bring Conner?"

In response, I opened the backdoor of the car and allowed Conner to get


"Hello boy," Catherine said, scratching him behind the ears.

"We should get going Caty," Adam called.

"Right, let's go," Catherine said. She laced her arm through mine.

We set off towards the tram and I handed Conner's leash to Anthony. "So who'll be at the party?" I asked.

"Just my younger brother and sister and their kids," Adam answered.

"How many kids?" I asked.

"Only three," Adam said. "My sister Amelia, her husband Will and their

son Patrick. And my brother Allen, his wife Rebecca and their twin daughters Susan and Sara."

"That was why I asked you to bring Conner," Catherine said as we got onto the tram.

The tram started going up the hill, and I sat down with Catherine. "You're starting to show a little Cathy," I pointed out.

Catherine smiled serenely and then covered the small bump on her stomach with her hand. "Adam is getting excited about it," she said. "And what about you and Anthony?"
"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You didn't think I wouldn't noticed this Dylan?" Catherine asked, lifting my left hand and indicating my ring.

"I noticed that too," Adam said. "Congrats to both of you."

"Thanks," I said smiling.

"It's a beautiful ring," Catherine said. "Excellent choice Anthony."

Looking slightly embarrassed, Anthony smiled lightly and nodded.

Two hours after we got to the museum, Adam's brother and sister and their families arrived. It took a while for Adam to introduce all of them to me and Anthony. It was especially hard to introduce the kids, because as soon as they saw Conner, they immediately asked to play with him.

When that was over with, Catherine and Adam led the way through the courtyard into building two where we would be eating.

"Adam," Will Martin, his brother-in-law, said. "Please show us the paintings that were stolen before we eat."

"Oh sure," Adam said. He led his sister, brother and their spouses over to the stairs, leaving Catherine, Anthony and I with the kids.

"Come and sit down Cathy," I said, leading her over to a long table that had been set up.

"We need to keep an eye on those three," Catherine said, sinking into a


"Don't worry Auntie Catherine," Patrick Martin said from where he and his cousins were playing with Conner.

"How old are they?" I asked, sitting down across the table from Catherine.

"Patrick is eight and Susan and Sara are seven," Catherine answered. She then sighed and said, "I can't wait to fill the house with kids." She looked across the table at me and Anthony, who was sitting next to me. "Are you two going to ever have kids?" she asked.

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, but probably not. Seeing as both of us have the jobs that we have."

Catherine was about to respond when Adam and the others returned. They

all gathered around the table, bringing the kids over, and then dinner was served.

At a quarter to midnight, everyone went outside to the gardens. Adam had a small fireworks display set up for the kids to go off at twelve.

"I didn't get champagne," Adam said as he passed out plastic cups with apple cider to everyone. "Since Caty can't have any."

"Three minutes left of 2003," Allen Ryder said, looking at his watch.

"I'll be happy to say goodbye to this year," Catherine commented.

"Well there were some good things that happened Cathy," I reminded her.

"Very true Dylan," Catherine said smiling.

"Fifteen seconds!" Adam said. He then counted down the last seconds of

the year. "... Three, two, one!"


By twelve fifteen, he and Dylan were on the freeway, heading home.

Once midnight had struck, the fireworks went off, dazzling the children.

At that point, Anthony had kissed Dylan deeply and whispered, "Happy New Y-Year," when they had pulled apart.

"Let's get out of here as soon as we can," Dylan had whispered to him.

A few minutes later, they did just that, Dylan saying that she wasn't feeling too well and they had to leave.

Now as they were driving, Anthony looked at Dylan from the corner of his eye, admiring the way the green of her dress brought out her fiery hair.

"It will be nice to have some time off, but what are we supposed to do?" Dylan asked as they arrived at the house.

Anthony didn't answer, getting out of the car and letting Conner out from the back seat. He took the dog's leash and led him to the backyard, taking

off his collar and then he walked into the house.


I hung up my shawl and closed the closet door when I felt two hands on my arms, kisses being pressed on my neck. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you," I said to Anthony, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"Come on," Anthony whispered, taking my arm and leading me to our room.

A few hours later after we had made love, I was laying awake in bed, looking at my ring.

Anthony, who had been sleeping with his head on my chest, woke up and lifted his head to look at me. "What's wrong?" he asked, stroking my bare skin with one hand.

I smiled and shook my head, my eyes filling with tears. I could tell him that everything from this case had finally caught up with me. The emotions

from losing my father and gaining a sister. To the emotions I felt at being engaged to Anthony. All of them were inside me right then.

Wiping away the tears falling down my cheek, Anthony kissed my forehead. Then he whispered, "I love you Dylan, mon amour."

I turned to look at him and placed my hand on his cheek. We stayed like that for a while, until desire took over and I pulled him down to me.

We spent most of that morning and the afternoon, rediscovering each other's bodies and giving our souls to one another as we always did when we made love together.