Author Note: It's not much but hopefully it will answer some of your questions that you didn't even know you had. It's been fun writing for you and I thank you over and again for your support. Without it I couldn't had done it. I don't think I will start any new Naruto fictions at this point. Well, I don't really have much more to say. Thanks for the reviews on the last chapter... there won't be a second epilogue on this story... hope that you will enjoy it nevertheless!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Parings: Sasuke x Naruto.

Read, Enjoy and Review.

The Unspoken Truth
By Monkan


The windows stood open and sunlight filled the room. The fresh air of summer had already filled it days earlier along with the smell of fresh flowers that decorated the table in a tall vase. The room was fairly furnished and it had a sense of home in it. In the middle of the floor laid a cat, no older than a year. Outside the window that leads to the backside of the house stretched a wide garden. It was very vivid and well taken care of.

Back inside the house, on the couch, rested a tall man with his dark hair tied in a ponytail at his neck. He laid outstretched on the soft padding with a large pillow behind his back and head. He was more like sitting up than lying down on the couch. His arm was wrapped around another man, not as old as him but still a man now. The blond haired man rested against the broad chest and sleep had taken over him.

Sasuke looked down at the man in his arms and took in the looks of the other. The blond hair was a bit longer than it had been when he was a teenager and he had grown taller too. The boy had grown up to be a good looking man with good qualities, despite their previous lives. Sasuke hadn't been sure in the beginning of their new life if it was right to deny Naruto a future. Finishing school, meting a girl, gets married and has a family. It was all those things that he couldn't have when they were together. At least not the 'meting a girl'. Despite his outward appearance and what he let on Sasuke was a rather jealous and possessive lover. There was no way he would give Naruto to another now.

Their lives were quiet and calm. Nothing like their previous ones where they had lived in fear of those around them finding out, about their pasts catching up to them and destroying what they had, it had all already passed. Here, far away from the closest town they were free to live as they wanted. No one would condemn them for their love and as the years passed their features would change and the memories about them would fade away. It had already been five years since they left the city. He could still remember it as if it was yesterday.

Five years ago when he was waiting for his sentence he had felt how a hand grabbed his arm and lead him away. He still didn't know how his rescuer had done it but somehow they had gotten out and away from the building and a few blocks away from it. He had never known the name of the man only saw his face. Almost an hour late they had met up with a woman whom Sasuke had recognized as Ito's woman. She didn't wear anymore of those flashy dresses and jewels or make-up. Without those she looked like any ordinary woman. He had been picked up by a car and before heading out here the car had taken a detour to pick up another person. He had been overjoyed that it was Naruto.

Naruto had been awake but weak so he had held him the whole journey, not that he wouldn't had done that anyway. It had felt like a great weight had been lifted from his heart as he held his lover in his arms. The true guilt had been so much stronger than he had felt and he hadn't known that he had been caught in a depression alongside with his guilt and everything else.

They never saw the woman or man again and he didn't know why they had done it. How they had gotten Naruto out of the hospital was another thing he didn't know but he hardly cared for his prayer had been heard and God had spared Naruto's life. Now however, when he thought back on the strange even he couldn't help but think that the man looked strangely like Naruto did now.

Sasuke shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. They didn't help him in anyway to think about now. He had everything he wanted in his arms and he would die before he let it go. It's really strange... how much you can change because of meeting a single person. He knew what it was like to be at the bottom of hate, despair, anger, sorrow and now... love.

As much as he wanted to forget the dark parts of his past he knew that he shouldn't for he wouldn't be whom he were now if he did. Even with Naruto's pain and sorrows, he too wouldn't be whom he was today if it wasn't for his past. But he wouldn't think about it now.

Naruto's hand that held onto Sasuke's shirt tightened its grip and he let out a yawn as he slowly woke up. His eyelids opened slowly and revealed clear blue eyes that still held onto sleep for a while longer.

Sasuke leaned down and softly kissed Naruto's lips.

"Good morning!" he said with a warm smile.

All thoughts about the past didn't matter anymore.

"Good morning." mumbled a still sleepy Naruto as he rubbed his eyes.

For we have the future to look forward to.

As the sunshine falls upon us,
We face tomorrow with new courage,
To have come to this point,
There is no turning back for us,

Even if we will meet dark times in the future,
I know that we will survive,
Even if we are torn apart it won't matter,

For I will be waiting for you.

In this warming sunshine,
That lights my life just as much as you do...