Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

WARNING- THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! Oh and this is a slash and this chapter is very f'ed up.


Chapter 14: Punishment


I walk into Snape's office, nervous and scared. Snape is sitting at his desk, scribbling away on parchment. He has a grin on his ugly face. My stomach turns.

"I'm here, P-Professor." I stutter. Snape looks up and his grin grows. He gets out of his overstuffed chair and walks up to me.

"From this point forward, you must call me 'Severus.' When you say 'Professor,' it makes me sound like a pedophile." He says. I grit my teeth. Things I bloody do to keep my family from knowing about Potter.

Snape takes off my tie and drops it to the floor. "I think this is gonna be better than last time, Draco." He coos. He unbuttons my shirt and smirks. "The lashes from last week are still present. You better be a good boy or your gonna gets some over crossing the older ones."

I look down at the floor. Ok let me think here; I'm in here with Blaize. Where gonna shag our brains out. The only reason where here is because Snape's room was closest. I glance up and shudder when my eyes meet Snape's. I mentally groan. I can't even lose myself in my thoughts.

Snape runs his hands on my chest. His hands land on my shoulders. He yanks my chin up and forcefully kisses me. I begin to gag. His spit is sour in my mouth. The next thing I know, I'm forced down onto my knees.

I look up at Snape. He takes off his cloak and then he un-does his trousers. He pushes them down and his erection stands out. I look away and I feel my dinner tossing in my stomach, threatening to come up. "S-Severus…" I start, sounding queasy.


"I don't feel good."

"You vomit and I will make it worse."

"Can I please go vomit?"


I grit my teeth. This sucks so much. He grabs a hand full of my hair. "Suck me off." He growls.

I open up my mouth and he shoves himself inside. I gag and he yanks hard on my hair. My eyes swell with tears, but I refuse to let them fall. Then I flash to Potter. Oh Merlin. I treated him the same way. I regret that now.

I suck on Severus' cock and he begins to jerk his hips. His pre-come begins to flow out. I try to ignore the taste but I just can't. I think about Potter. About how bad this must have been for him. I imagine it being Potter and that I'm giving him an 'I'm-so-sorry' blow-job. I swirl my tongue around the head, but when Snape groans, I'm pulled out of my thoughts. He yanks hard and comes into my mouth.

I yank away, my mouth full of come. "Swallow it, Draco." Snape demands.

I swallow it but less than 30 seconds later, I vomit onto the floor. I look up at Snape, scared now. He yanks me up by my hair. I swear if he yanks any longer or harder on my blond locks, he's gonna yank it out.

"What did u tell you boy?!" He hisses, still pulling.

"OW! STOP!" I cry.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?" He repeats, angrier.

"T-That if I vomit that I'm going to get it worse." I say. I couldn't help it! It wouldn't stay down!

He smirks. "Very smart but…" He says and in a flash of a second, I'm naked and chained to a wall. Severus comes up to me and a whip forms into his hands. My eyes widen. Oh Merlin. I remember that fucker. It hurt like a fucking bitch. "I'd say…15 lashes seems about right. What do you think, Draco?"

I just nod. What the hell could I say? '15 sounds good, but so does none.' Yeah, right! I'm not about to make this drag out any fucking longer.

Shape snaps it across my chest. I bite my lower. The tears spring back. I know that if I cry out, it will only fuel him and make it rougher. Sick bastard. I squeeze my eyes shut. He whips me again, this time close to my cock. He continues to strike me and I try to hold in my screams. By the tenth one, I just let it out.

"Mm, Draco. I love hearing you scream. It reminds me of when your father did it to me." He coos. He whips me a few more times and stops. I can feel blood all over me, even up by my lip. I guess I bit down too hard when I kept from screaming.

Snape comes up and licks the blood off of me. It's official. I like being the abuser rather than the abuse-ee. I hear Snape moan and I begin to sob. I hate being this fucking vulnerable to someone. I feel naked emotionally.

I feel the bonds on my wrists release me and I fall to the floor. I just lay on my back and let the tears stream out of my eyes. My whole body is shaking and I feel paralyzed.

"Get on your hands and knees."

I open my eyes and look up at the fucker. "No." I growl. Fuck this crap. This is fucking crazy!

"Fine. Let me get my parchment and wri-"

Before he could finished, I rolled over and stuck my arse out in the open for the fucker to take me. Like the little whore I am.

"I knew that would get you." He says.

I don't say anything. I just look down at the floor. I prepare myself for the worse pain ever. Snape shoves himself inside of me and I scream. My nails scrape against the cold stone floor. I feel his sick body lean over mine as he pounds inside of me. "So…Draco. Enjoying your…self?" He pants, his voice sickly sweet against my ear.

I shake my head. "Fuck you." I grumble.

"I think I'm fucking you, Draco. What more do you want?"

More tears stream down my face. I can feel blood running down my leg. I begin to sob into the floor. It's all I can do anymore.

I feel Snape come and I fall to the floor, covered in blood. I lay on my side. With my arse hurting, I can't lay on my back and with my chest all slashed up, I can't lay on my stomach.

Snape does a dressing spell. "Thanks for the romp." He says, evilly.

I ignore him. "Just…just go the bloody hell away." I sob. I feel so fucking dirty.

"Oh and just so YOU know, your plan backfired."

I look up at him. "What the…"

"Don't be a stupid wanker. Potter told me. After your first romp. Well, RAPE." He growls.

Potter told? POTTER FUCKING TOLD?! I begin to cry harder. After everything I got fucked over.

"How do you feel to get your own medicine?" Snape snarls. When I didn't answer, Snape walks out. I don't like revenge.

The End…For awhile…


Author's Note: IT'S OVER! I think I'm gonna cry. Do you seen now why I have to make a sequel? There's A LOT of unfinished business that needs to be done. Like why did Harry go to Snape? And what's Draco gonna do about Potter fucking him over? See! More shit has to be solved.

So I'm gonna talk about the chapter. Is this too fucked up? I almost re-wrote the ending. After I wrote it, I had nightmares. Like it really, really, REALLY messed with me. When your own creation disturbs you, then you gotta think like, 'Oh shit. I don't think I can show this to people.' But if it does, I'm truly sorry.

Well I'll see you all in the sequel. Later days!